Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


Session 25 - Dragons and Daelkyr (or "CR 20? Phffttt!")

Even as thoughts of "ohcrapohcrapI'mgoingtodieohcrap" run through the adventurers' minds, the dragon breathes, blasting them with a cone of incredibly cold air. Even though all of them are protected by a spell to resist energy (cold), the targets feel the icy breath chill them to the bone, weakening muscles and draining vitality. Most of them, that is. Six, timing it just right, manages to spin around and pull his magical cloak over his head, leaving him untouched by the blast. More surprisingly, for the others, Dala - near the edge of the blast, drops and rolls under it, leaving her unscathed as well*.

A split second after it breathes, the dragon lets go and drops off the ceiling. Rather than crashing to the floor forty feet below, he drops slowly, evidently benefiting from a featherfall effect. As he does so, he flaps his huge wings, driving himself closer to the group. In barely a couple of seconds, he lands next to them, fangs and claws at the ready. As he lands, Tyrass roars, sending shivers running up the spines of the adventurers. Aided by the aura of courage that Gareth radiates, most of them shake off the effects, but Six and Corven succumb, feeling their hands tremble, fear taking the edge off their skill. They, do however, stand their ground.

Even if they had actually seen a live dragon before, Tyrass would be a singular sight. The dragon is a huge creature, fully forty feet long from nosetip to tail. A large frill crowns his head and runs down his neck. His body is mainly gray, made up of blotches of different shades. Small streaks of pure silver are visible in between. His eyes are silver too, with a darker silver eyeball, but they are cloudy, with red veins forming webbing over each eye. Small sores cover his body, with a few that are 2-3 feet across, all of them red and oozing. The most noticeable thing about Tyrass is a large dark-blue tattoo covering his chest section, depicting the serpent around the gem that the Angels have seen before. One of the claws gleams, a large golden ring encircling it.

Not that anyone stops to appreciate the sight. Nameless, who already has the disk from Ghyrra in his hand, steps back and casts a spell, trying to dispel any protections Tyrass may have. He realizes he has had at least some success, as he feels the disk grow warm and realizes that it now stores the power of a spell of the second valence.**

Six and Luna leap forward together. Six's spiked chain, enchanted by Corven against dragons, bites into the Tyrass' shoulder, ripping a two-foot long gash in it and drawing a snarl that mixes both pain and surprise. Luna rears up to her full height of ten feet bites and claws at Tyrass' right leg, leaving large gashes. She tries to grab hold and bring him down, but even with her bulk the huge dragon is much too big.

Gareth is only a moment behind the other two, but his action is not as offensive, though it is more aesthetic. He takes a step forward and then breaks into a jig, leaping and capering in the same place***. The look of shock on his face is replaced by frustration and anger. "The Flame help me!" he cries, as he desperately tries to tear the boots off his feet, still making fancy moves while doing so. For a moment, even the dragon pauses and looks confused at the sight.

Dala, meanwhile, has pulled a scroll from her pack and used it to heal the bulk of Arrok's wounds. As she does, the gnome charges forward, coming up on the dragon's flank. He strikes with his diminutive shortsword, only to see it bounce off a scale as big as his head.

As Arrok is charging, Dala backs up to the wall. Next to her is Corven, who is quickly infusing his wand for extra power and muttering, "I am a wizard! I am a wizard! I really hope I am a wizard!"

Luckily for him and for Nameless, even with Gareth temporarily out of the fight, Six, Luna and Arrok are keeping Tyrass busy - that is, giving him more immediate targets. The dragon lashes out at his enemies in a flurry of bite, claws, wing and tail. Luna is the worst hit, the dragon seizing her in his claws and rending**** her between them, laying her entire side open. Arrok is almost taken off his feet by a slap of the tail. Six is wounded too, but the protections from Corven keep out much of the damage he would otherwise have taken. The dragon does, however, seize him in its mouth and lift him off the ground.

Ignoring the pain, Six calls out in Giant, "Tyrass - if you kill us, we can't tell you about the prophecy!" To his surprise and that of the others, the dragon actually tries to answer. As it does so, its grip loosens and he slips out. Tyrass glares down and replies in Giant, "Fools! I know of the Prophecy! I will kill you all!"

"In that case...", shrugs Six, swinging back with his chain to again wound the dragon. Luna follows suit, continuing to claw and bite despite the blood streaming down her body.

From behind them Nameless, who is continuing to back up, casts another spell. A thick bank of solid fog appears around much of the dragon's body, clearly limiting its movement. As it appears, an aggrieved, "Hey!!!" rings out from within it, from Arrok, who is within the area.

"Don't worry, Arrok," shouts Nameless, "It'll protect you." Within the fog, Arrok swears to himself in Gnome and stabs at the dragon's leg. This time, partly to his surprise, and apparently the dragon's, he inflicts a shallow wound.

Gareth, having managed to throw off the boots, now moves in with Kizmet in hand. The paladin yells to Dala as he goes, "Healing! We need more healing!" And I need not to be fighting a huge dragon in my socks!

Dala complies, pulling another scroll from her bag. She hurriedly pronounces the words of the spell and all of the group feel some of their wounds close. "That's the only one of that kind I have!" she yells.

Corven says quickly, "I've got another in my haversack," but realizes offense is better now. He triggers his wand, sending two scorching rays at the dragon. One fails to penetrate its resistance to magic but the other gets through, burning into one of the large sores.

Tyrass screams in rage and pain and explodes into an even more violent flurry of attacks. Luna, in her already weakened state, collapses in a pool of blood, while Six is wounded again, more of his protections being stripped away. To the later amusement of the group, from within the fog Arrok shouts, "Missed me!" as the dragon's tail swishes by his head. He follows with a cry of "Gotcha!" as he manages to stab the dragon again.

Outside the fog, Six lands another blow. Gareth, having reached the dragon's side, calls upon the Flame to aid him and smites the dragon. Kizmet kindles in his hands and bites deep into the dragon's side, slashing a huge wound, followed by another one as he smites again.

As Tyrass screams, Nameless yells, "That's it!" and casts another spell, hurling an acid orb. To his surprise and disgust, it splashes harmlessly on the dragon's neck. Acid immunity? Bloody hell!*****

Corven is more effective, another scorching ray getting through the dragon's resistance, as he backs around to the side. Dala, previously near him, hurries forward towards the fight with another scroll in hand. She uses it on Luna. Though she remains grievously wounded, the druid muzzily opens her eyes. Looking up at the dragon slashing at her allies, she snarls and slowly backs away, knowing that she is in no shape to attack physically.

Tyrass is too busy to notice her revival, focusing on the enemies that are continuing to wound him. He seizes Six with both claws, rending him as he did Luna previously. With his protection having been stripped away by its previous attacks, Six has his entire chest section ripped open and drops******, unconscious and leaking fluid.

Gareth is no luckier. The dragon bites down on him viciously and lifts him up, before dropping him again. Badly wounded, Gareth tries to keep his feet but stumbles. As he hits the ground, he looks up to see a wing slam down. He too drops unconscious, bleeding from his mouth.*******

The one lucky person, as evidenced by his cheery, "Missed me - again!" is Arrok, wherever he is within the fog. That doesn't reassure Nameless much, as he sees Six and Gareth lying there, with Luna literally out on her feet. He casts again, sending a fireball to explode against Tyrass' side.

The dragon screams at the fiery attack, and the scream is extended as Luna brings down a flame strike right in the middle of its back. Scales and flesh burn away under the magical onslaught. Tyrass totters, his huge body covered in blood and burnt flesh.

Seeing the opportunity, Corven takes careful aim and fires. To his horror, one ray misses completely and another fails to have any effect.

The dragon, seeing Nameless and Luna as the biggest threats, and unable to reach both of them due to distance and the solid fog takes another breath. And then he exhales, sending a cloud of paralyzation gas washing over them.

Dala, who has just healed Luna again, goes completely rigid, paralyzed immediately. Unknown to Tyrass, however, Nameless is wearing the Ring of Adaptation from the treasure room and Luna has cast a freedom of movement on herself earlier. As Tyrass sags with pain and weakness, expecting to see his enemies paralyzed, the druid-bear comes charging out of the cloud of gas.

Luna lunges forward, seizing the dragon's chest with her claws and biting deep into the base of his throat. Her teeth sink deep into a huge sore, ripping through diseased and weakened skin and flesh. She literally rips away an entire side of Tyrass' throat. The dragon screams and convulses, knocking her away as he collapses in an ever-expanding pool of blood and pus.

"Hey! What happened out there? This thing just fell over!" shouts Arrok from inside the fog. Nameless replies, "It's down and looks dead, but I'm about to make sure," calls back Nameless, preparing to cast a summon spell. Time to turn you into paste!

As he is about to cast, Tyrass reopens his eyes. After his initial shock, Nameless notices that they are now clear of the red webbing previously covering them. Painfully, Tyrass gasps in Draconic, "Wait!" Luna, who has backed off and been spitting and trying to get the taste of dragon pus out of her mouth, looks around in surprise.

"What did it say?" asks Nameless, hand still raised to complete his spell. Corven, who is coming closer carefully with wand raised, says, "It said 'Wait'."

Tyrass continues speaking, seeming to address the group rather than any one of them, pausing intermittently to gasp in pain. "Thank you. You have freed me ... as I knew you would, even within my madness. But now you - and your Khorvaire - are in danger. I, Tyrass, was the last guardian and the Key is bound to me."

As he is speaking, Luna notices that the tattoo on its chest is beginning to break apart, like a sand dune being blown away by the wind. She waves a paw to indicate it to the others.

Tyrass coughs up a gout of blood and then continues, "Your actions will spark the future." The phrase reminds Corven (and Nameless, as Corven translates) of Flamewind's prophecy - Where present and future spark, where light is turned to dark, to the ghost of the city where the past awaits.

They do not have time to discuss that, as the dying dragon continues. "You must get there before the Bound One gets free. It is weaker for the moment, much weaker, but it is still beyond your power. Use the Key and it will keep it bound, if you have the will. And guard the other Key, from those who will want its power."

Again, he pauses to cough up more blood. Luna steps - or rather, shambles - forward and raises a paw to touch the dragon, calling up a healing spell. The spell simply fizzles. Tyrass gazes at her for a moment, and then says painfully, "It is too late. I am dead already."

He then adds, "You will need my blood. Put some on your skin. All of you. At least one must drink it, so that you can speak to the guardians. Take my ring too. Go now. Down the stairs outside. Always head down."

"What Key?" says Luna, but unfortunately, this only emerges as a series of growls. Corven, however, asks the question at the same time.

As he speaks, there is a tremor beneath the adventurers' feet. The dragon arches its half-severed neck and takes a panicky breath, groaning at the pain, "It is trying to escape! Go now! GO! Remember that the prophecy is..."

Then there is a pregnant pause and the dragon's head falls. This time, it is clearly dead. The last remnant of the tattoo fades from its chest.

Luna, Corven and Arrok, who has cautiously emerged from the solid fog, quickly revive Gareth and Six. Dala too soon emerges from her paralysis. As they begin healing their severe wounds, Corven quickly explains to everyone what the dragon said.

"If the Bound One is what I'm thinking," says Nameless, "We need to get there - fast!" With that, he walks over to the dragon and, with some straining, removes its ring. He then takes two handfuls of blood and cakes his face and arms with it. Then he pulls out a spoon, dips it in the blood, and swallows it.

"What the - ?!" begins Gareth, when Corven adds that the dragon said they need to. Everyone does so, though with significantly less relish than Nameless. Luna, her snout wrinkled in disgust, also laps a little blood in case someone else needs to have done so. She feels a slight tingle but no other noticeable effect.

Six, who is at the doorway now, says, "Giant-sized steps leading up and down. This'll take a while."

As another tremor underlines the words, Nameless says, "We need to get downstairs fast. Luna!" The druid, who has been pulling out a couple of the dragon's teeth as souvenirs, ambles over. Nameless reaches out and casts a spell on her, causing her to expand till she is nearly twenty feet long. "There!" says the mage in satisfaction. "Transport!"

Everyone quickly climbs onto the huge bear, including Gareth, who has been trying to work out what kind of armor the dragonhide would make, and she heads out and down the stairs. As she goes, the others quickly discuss what they have learned and what it might mean. Corven, Six, Gareth and Nameless especially discuss the details of Flamewind's prophecy, noting that the phrases "Where present and future spark" and "to the ghost of the city where the past awaits" clearly relates to their current situation, as seems to be "Dragon's wings". The primary question they have is what this Key is. Flamewind said, "The sword is the key, but the key is not the sword," but they are not sure what it means.

"If it means I'm going to give up my sword, I'm going to be really unhappy!" comments Gareth, praying inwardly that it won't be required.

While they are speaking, Luna descends a couple of levels, passing large landings, where other tunnels and chambers lead off. As she goes, she can feel more small rumbles in the stone, which seem to grow stronger as she descends.

The stairs finally end in front of a large archway with double stone doors. After a quick check by Corven and Six, Luna shoves them open, revealing a tunnel beyond ending in a similar archway and door. It is featureless except for small crystals set into the sides and ceiling, which emit a dim light. Nameless throws a copper crown down the tunnel but there is no response. The group heads in.

As they near the far end, panels open in the walls and two large metal figures step through. They are evidently iron golems, though these look more lithe and less blocky than most. They raise their arms, revealing large blades affixed to their fingers, but make no other move. Nameless opens his mouth to speak and feels a tingle (minty-fresh, which turns his stomach). Small sparks appear as he speaks. He has barely finished a word before the golems step back into the receptacles they came from.

"Come with us!" says Nameless firmly, but the only response is as the panels slide down. "Okay," he says, "Guess not!"

Luna shoves open the door and steps into the chamber beyond. This one is cylindrical, or presumably so, since the adventurers cannot see all of it. It is sixty feet high and presumably a hundred feet across, but there is a cylindrical wall of mist from ceiling to floor about ten feet in. It resembles the one around the island (and, to the Cyrans, the one around the Mournland). There are continual flame torches around the walls, and the adventurers see their light palpably streaming into the mist and being converted into darkness.

"Where light is turned to dark?" asks Corven rhetorically, as Luna enters. A moment later, a huge rumble shakes the entire room, actually knocking Luna off her feet. Luckily, those on her manage to either land on theirs or roll away before the huge bear can land on them. As she regains her feet with a growl, Nameless says, "This is it, all right!"

After a few seconds casting protective spells, the group enters the mist together. It is impossible to see through, even with Gareth's darkvision, so they hold hands (or paw). The mist is only about five feet thick and the group emerges into the central area at once.

Inside the mist is a 70 ft wide open space, in the center of which is a dimensional seal, which looks just like the one that the Angels saw when they met Gurr'khan. There are only two things different about it. One is that there is what looks like a two-foot long dragonshard lying near the middle of it. This one has been carved into a cylinder with pointed ends, and is decorated with sigils like the dimensional seal. The sigils on the shard are glowing, as they are on the seal. Though it is half-hidden, the adventurers can see that the shard has a picture of the serpent/dragonshard symbol on it. The other different thing about this seal is a thick amber column of light, which rises from the center of it to the ceiling.

While the others see only a dimensional seal, a dragonshard and a beam of light, the sight triggers another of Nameless' memories:

He is lying spreadeagled on just such a seal, naked from the chest up. He is not alone. He can see others like him - five more. He knows that he knows them, that they are comrades of his, but right now he cannot recall their names. The six of them have been laid out in a rough pattern, with each one's right hand tied to the left foot of the next person. His hands and feet feel raw, as if they have been tied for a long time.

Behind and above him, someone says, "Let it begin!" Nameless - or the person he is in the memory - twists painfully and looks up at the figures standing just outside the dimensional seal. All of them are hooded and cloaked, the hoods hiding their features. A couple wear large symbols on their chests, which he recognizes as the symbol of the Dragon Below. One, who stands in the middle, holds up a large, strangely shaped dragonshard. The Nameless having the memory recognizes it now as exactly the same as the one lying on the seal.

As he watches, the dragonshard glows with an amber light, which then sends beams arcing to strike him and his companions. Instantly there is a sharp pain and an insistent, relentless pulling sensation, as it begins to drain his vitality. He gasps at the sensation and tries to fight it. His companions scream and convulse. He sees the beams leading to them pulse and begin to grow, as they thrash around. The one leading to him grows only slightly wider, as he continues to fight the sensation with all that he has.

Noticing it, one of the robed men steps forward. He kicks Nameless brutally in the face, instantly sending blood flowing into his eyes, and snarls, "Fool! You cannot fight it!" His hood falls away at the effort and Nameless sees a pallid, bony face, topped by two utterly insane eyes.

Behind him, Nameless sees the large dragonshard glowing bright amber now and it sends forth a larger beam, this one made of multiple smaller interweaving ones, to strike the center of the dimensional seal. Immediately, the draining sensation gets stronger, and he feels a huge weight pressing him to the seal. The symbols on the seal begin to glow. He cannot look up any more, but his last look makes him certain that his companions are unconscious or dead. Still, he continues to fight the draining effect.

Suddenly, a blast of energy erupts beside him, but whether from the seal or from something to the seal, he does not know. There is a sharp, cracking sound and he hears screams of terror from the men standing above him. Suddenly, he hears a voice in his head. It says ...

And the memory fades away. But it leaves Nameless with some knowledge. He realizes somehow that the dragonshard is what the dragon Tyrass called the Key. As the name says, it is a Key to both close and open a dimensional seal. He realizes that he has to get to it and use it (somehow, he knows that he will be able to), by asking his companions to give it their life energy. When the Key has enough, he can use it to drive the Bound One back into its prison and seal it. He also knows (just as Tyrass said) that the Bound One will be temporarily weak after it is released, which is the only opportunity his companions will have to keep it busy while he uses the Key on it.

Nameless opens his mouth to tell his companions what they need to do, and in barely an instant, the amber column grows thin and winks out. What it leaves behind is a tall, thin, gray figure. The creature resembles a tall human in shape, but its body is made up of unvariegated gray flesh. If that were not enough, there is a long tentacles where each arm should be. The head is a smooth gray ovoid, with no facial features.

This time it is Six who has a memory, recalling the invisible gray figure he had seen in the mirror in the dolgrims' lair months ago, in the Cogs of Sharn. The creature raises its head and two large pupil-less eyes appear in the face. The Angels, except for Luna, recognize these eyes too, as similar to the one they had seen in that mirror before it exploded.

There is no time for discussing these revelations - or coincidences. As the creature gazes at them, the adventurers feel an awesome will bending theirs down before it. It is not even malevolent so much as completely and utterly alien. As they gaze at it, momentarily unable to act in any way, they get a tiny glimpse of its perspective. For a second, they see the entire planet of Eberron as it might look from space, its continents as large patches of green and brown swimming in a blue ocean, the cold white of the Frostfell at one end, the gleaming ring of Siberys circling it.

But they are not alone in the void watching the planet. There are other creatures around them, creatures of no earthly shape or intent, whose existence and thought processes are completely and utterly alien to theirs. To them, Eberron is only a subject to be shaped and twisted to their desire, not because of anger or hate, but simply because they can. As their thoughts brush against those of the adventurers, they feel their mental faculties recoiling in horror.

Physically, the adventurers are still present in the chamber, and on some tiny level they are aware that the creature in front of them is changing. Its face develops features like that of a handsome human, but there is something slightly malformed about it. Its tentacles turn into arms tipped with long claws. The flesh all over its body bulges and contorts, transforming into armor, with a long toothed whip growing from one arm.

While the others feel the daelkyr insinuating its reality into theirs and holding them immobile, Corven manages to break away with a massive mental effort. Unsurprisingly, Nameless (whose reality is a little bigger than theirs anyway) does so too, his hands moving in the motions of a spell even as Corven lurches away, pulling out his wand.

A pseudonatural bison appears next to the daelkyr and hurls itself forward, slamming into its shoulder. Having already seen a confused dragon today, the group now gets to see a slightly confused daelkyr. And a concerned-sounding pseudonatural bison, whose somewhat despondent "MOOO!" could probably translate into, "I am never going to live this down back in Xoriat!"

Nameless, not pausing to appreciate the irony of attacking a daelkyr with a pseudonatural creature, zooms forward under the effects of a fly spell he fortuitously cast just outside the mist. I'm actually rushing towards a daelkyr, he thinks to himself in a mix of wonder and fear, tinged with mild amusement. As he reaches it, passing around the bison, the daelkyr lashes out with its whip, laying open his shoulder. As it does so, all of the others in the chamber feel the mental pressure disappear. They are in control of their faculties again, though each of them is left with a pounding headache.

Ignoring the pain, Nameless grabs the dragonshard. The daelkyr growls, "No! That is mine!" and strikes again, but its haste and the attacking bison throws it off. With a snarl of frustration it smacks the bison away with the whip. By now, the still-growing whip has a claw at the tip, which instantly drains some of the bison's vitality. The daelkyr lashes back, this time catching Nameless' chest. The alienist immediately feels part of his intellect drain away.

He is, however, already in full retreat, flying backwards as fast as he can. As he reaches the mist, twenty feet above the ground, he feels the Key grow warm in his grasp. He senses that it is dimly sentient in its own way, not as an actual living creature is, but more like an object that is both aware of and interested in the purpose for its creation. As he holds it up, thin beams of amber light shoot out to hit him and all of his companions (as well as Dala and Arrok).

"Give me all the energy you can!" yells Nameless. "It's our only chance!"

With no time for discussion, his companions respond promptly, giving up as much as they can and actually remain on their feet********. As they do, the beams of light widen appreciably for a moment and then wink out. It is replaced by a thicker beam, made of thinner interlacing rays, which shoots out of the Key and hits the daelkyr full in the chest.

It staggers for a moment, but regains its feet. "Now!" shouts Nameless. "Hit it while it's weak!"

The next few seconds are utter mayhem, as the weakened but desperate adventurers charge in with a series of very timely attacks. Corven possibly saves a couple of lives, managing to target the whip with a blast of his wand that reduces it to ashes. The daelkyr promptly begins to grow another one, but that takes time which it doesn't have. Six, moving into position beside the bison, manages to wrap his chain around its leg and pull it off its feet, allowing the bison to batter it again. Arrok rushes it from the other side. Gareth and Luna, both slower to react, move in behind the others.

Though the daelkyr does not seem badly hurt by the attacks, the amber beam (which continues to shine on it and grows brighter) clearly keeps it somewhat off-balance. Those close to it can see that the armor on its body and even certain parts of its form do not seem to be completely there, with gaps where nothing seems to exist. Even so, it seems to be gradually gathering its strength and it rises again, a wave of force emanating from it that shoves its attackers back.

Gareth is about to charge it when he feels an unmistakable empathic command from Kizmet. He has a sudden memory of his father standing over him at the Battle of Grace, facing the demon that had just wounded Gareth, raising a shining Kizmet over his head. He gets a very strong urge that he should do the same.

Getting as close to the daelkyr as possible, Gareth raises the sword above his head. "In the memory of Byron d'Deneith!" he cries, calling on the Silver Flame to aid him. As he does so, Kizmet begins to shimmer, the glow spreading quickly to cover the room. A brighter circle shines out to encase the daelkyr. The creature stumbles and those nearby see streams of gray begin to float from it to the sword. What are presumably wounds appear on it, strips simply disappearing from its body.

The daelkyr snarls and then says something in the tongue-twisting syllables of its native language, which only Nameless understands. Nobody else has time to see, but the mage looks confused, since what he thinks it says is - "Fool! You cannot consume me, and no fiend can stand against me." A second later, Gareth goes flying backwards twenty feet as if hit by a giant fist. He collapses unconscious on the ground, the glow fading instantly from Kizmet. Dala, whom Gareth lands next to, promptly heals the paladin back to consciousness. He immediately realizes that not only does he not feel any empathic commands from Kizmet, but the sword is as dull as a simple weapon in his hands. Kizmet is now non-magical.

Meanwhile, almost as an afterthought, the daelkyr cuts down the bison and then disappears, only to reappear next to the mist on the far side of the room. The adventurers charge after it. Six, the first to reach it, sees that the wounds left by whatever it is Kizmet did have not healed, and as he strikes it with his chain, part of the daelkyr's leg actually crumbles to powder under the blow. It, however, remains upright and cuts down Six with the now regrown whip.

Nameless, who has been struggling to control the Key and cast a spell, finally manages to cast one, summoning three more bison. These shove the daelkyr towards the seal, the sigils on which are now glowing brightly. The beam from the Key too seems to be pulling it backwards. Corven hits it with another scorching ray, further wounding it. Gareth hits it with a blast of positive energy, which it ignores. Luna - unable to reach the fight - summons a unicorn. The unicorn appears and with a loud neigh, hurls itself forward. Its horn smashes into the back of the daelkyr, propelling it forward onto the seal.

Instantly, the amber beam that the group had seen upon entering emerges from the seal's center. The beams from the Key give one final jerk, pulling the daelkyr into the beam. There is a momentary flash of light and a loud rumble - and the beam winks out. All it leaves behind is a foot-wide hole. There is no sign of the daelkyr. As the adventurers look around, unsure whether it's gone, the Key flies out of Nameless' hand. It flashes through the air till it reaches the seal and drops down, slotting itself into the hole, which shuts tight around it. There is another rumble and a flash from the seal's sigils. They begin to dim a moment later and the wall of mist disappears

Nameless flies down to join the weak and weary group, while Corven hurries to revive Six. "Holy crap!" says Arrok succinctly, "Is it gone?"

"I believe it has been locked away again," says Nameless. As he speaks, a receptacle opens in the wall on the far side, a now-familiar amber light shining through. Nameless flies across to find another dragonshard, just like the first. It quivers as he nears and when he touches it, nestles comfortably in his grasp. "This must be the second Key."

As he is speaking, there is another huge rumble, this one throwing a number of the adventurers off their feet. The sound of tortured and protesting stone fills their ears as a crack appears in the floor next to the dimensional seal and runs across to, and up, the wall.

"Crap!" says Arrok again. "We need to get out."

Nameless flies back, carrying the dragonshard, while the rest pile onto Luna's back. The enlarged brown bear hurries out the doorway and through the corridor beyond, the sounds of more cracking stone accompanying her. As they pass through, the two golems appear again.

Nameless turns and yells, "Follow us!" There is no response and the golems simply stand and watch, even as a chunk of stone comes off the ceiling of the corridor and bounces off one.

Luna shoves through the door and bounds up the stairs as fast as she can go, the others desperately holding onto clumps of her long hair, which elicits a growl or two (trans: "Watch those hands!"). They hurry past the other landings, Nameless gazing sadly down them as they go and wondering what arcane secrets lie concealed within. More cracks appear as they go, with the sound of falling stone (and the sight of a couple of falling lumps) accompanying them and growing louder.

Emerging onto the landing near the treasure vaults, Luna skids and turns right, haring through the chamber with the dead dragon. Gareth gives an anguished groan - " I wanted some dragonhide, dammit!" - but everyone ignores him as Luna shoves open the secret door and leaps up the stairs.

She is halfway to the top when there is the largest rumble that the group has heard so far. They look up to see the huge spiderweb of cracks that covers the ceiling - and see it give way. The entire top half of the giant palace collapses on them.

A few seconds later, all that is left in the area is a mountain of broken stone. The wounded and bleeding adventurers find themselves pinned painfully under rubble and nearly choked with dust. Six, having managed to evade the worst of the damage, asks, "Can anyone get us out?"

Nameless begins, "I don't think ...", but is interrupted by an amber glow. It emanates from the dragonshard still gripped in his hand. As the adventurers watch, the glow quickly changes into a small bubble of light, which begins to expand. As it does, it slowly but inexorably pushes the rubble around it out of the way. The adventurers, however, pass smoothly through the surface of the bubble.

Within moments, it grows to envelop Nameless and then the others. "Are you doing that?" asks Corven curiously, as he lands on the curved surface inside the bubble, having a huge rock lifted off his legs.

"No," says Nameless, carefully examining the dragonshard, "It's some sort of defensive mechanism." He taps the bubble, which now is impervious to him from the inside, and says, "It's a variation on a resilient sphere, I think."

"Whatever it is, I'm not complaining!" says Arrok, as he begins to revive an unconscious Dala.

When the bubble has completely encompassed the group, it begins to rise slowly, rubble sliding out of its path. As it moves, those inside can hear more loud rumbles in the area around them. Eventually, a couple of minutes later, the globe breaks into the open, revealing a scene of complete devastation.

The giant city is in a state of even greater ruin than before, most of the buildings having fallen apart under the reverberations. Huge splits and crevasses run through the city like the world's largest spiderweb, quickly expanding and swallowing more of the city. Nobody has much interest in them right now, since they have a more impressive sight in view, just over a mile away. The nearby mountain is missing its entire top half and the lower part is covered in lava, huge plumes of smoke covering the sky.

Luna, now back in shifter form, stares in fascination and says slowly, "D-a-m-n!" After a second, she adds, "I think we might have lost the porters."

As they are watching, the globe floats higher and higher, till it is a good two hundred feet above the ground. This gives the group a perfect view of the increasing devastation around them. It is quickly clear that this is not just a really powerful earthquake-cum-volcanic eruption. Huge explosions begin to occur all over the island, as if things underground were erupting, sending up puffs of earth and clouds of smoke. Clearly magical effects begin to appear in exponentially larger numbers. What seem to be huge fireballs explode here and there, with lightning lashing back and forth or leaping from the earth to the sky. A huge bank of clouds appears within moments, accompanied by thunderclaps that almost deafen the hearers. Black, acidic rain pours down, accompanied by a fusillade of lightning bolts, and a shower of hailstones.

Corven looks at the other spellcasters. "Storm of vengeance?!" Both Nameless and Luna nod silently and go back to watching the outside.

Beneath them, the city and the island continues to break apart, the crevasses growing wider and deeper. At one point, some of them think they see something colossal (much larger than the dragon) twisting and turning deep below in one of the crevasses, but then the falling debris covers it. Over the next fifteen minutes, the majority of the city is either destroyed or simply subsides into the ground.

Finally, there are a few moments of relative silence. "You think it's over?" asks Gareth.

"No," says Six, pointing towards the mountain. As the others turn to look where he is pointing, the entire mountain is simply vaporized in a blast of brilliant light. Six, who is facing right towards it, has his mechanical eyes seared and rendered blind immediately, as does Dala, while the others manage to shield themselves just in time. The blast explodes outwards, enveloping the globe with the adventurers in searing light. Luckily for them, the bubble seems impervious to the effects.

A few seconds later, light fades away, to reveal that the mountain is missing, with a huge mushroom-shaped cloud in its place. The island as a whole is almost denuded of vegetation, only charred husks and ashes left in the aftermath of the blast. But the final effect is yet to come. As the adventurers watch in awe, the island literally crumbles apart beneath them. It gradually subsides into the ocean around it, leaving behind only small barren islands to form presumably the world's quickest-formed archipelago, where a hundred mile wide island was less than an hour ago. A huge tidal wave rushes away into the distance as a sign of the island's passing, while the mushroom cloud still marks where its central mountain last stood.

As the blast passes, the bubble slowly descends to the surface of the small island below. Once it settles on the rocky surface, it disappears, leaving them standing on the ground. The adventurers stare around at the area and each other, before Nameless sums up what just happened. "I think we can scratch that idea for having our own special vacation spot!"

The group gets to spend the next 15 days waiting for the ship to return to fetch them, exploring the area, discussing what happened and what the future holds, examining the magic items they recovered, and generally keeping themselves occupied as best they can. Luckily, both Six and Dala recover their vision in around a day, so they can help with all of the activities.

Experimentation and the use of multiple identify spells reveals what the various magic items are. While many are similar to (though all stronger) magic items that the Angels possess and others are at least ones they have heard of, some are new to them. The three especially interesting ones are the warforged harness, the wand and the staff. The harness is designed to boost the strength and toughness of a warforged, with the linked boots allowing movement under difficult circumstances. There is also a self-destruct mechanism if the wearer is slain, as the group already knows. Corven manages to disable the last and also to remove the boots from the rest of the harness, on Six's request.

The wand, once per day, lets the user access a cubical (2 ft on a side) storage space that exists extradimensionally. After some discussion, the group lets Corven retain it. He temporarily uses it to store his homunculus, which has thus far been traveling in the bag of holding that Ghyrra had loaned the group (which Nameless takes, since it seems that Ghyrra will not be needing it returned).

The staff is even more idiosyncratic and perfect for the group's unexpected situation. Once a day, when placed upright and activated, it grows into a twenty-foot tall sapling, which forms an opaque sphere around it that provides protection from the elements. The sapling also appears with a number of berries (which work as a goodberry spell), one apple (which replicates a vigor) and one tangerine (with the effects of a combined remove disease and neutralize poison), which wither away if not eaten within a minute of plucking.

The most important magic item, of course, is the dragonshard. Nameless first studies it with a detect magic, learning that it not only gives of strong auras of every magical school, but also has overwhelming auras of divination and abjuration. While he is studying it, Gareth is nearby using a detect magic on Kizmet, which has regained its magical powers a day after the explosion. Gareth suddenly notices that not only does he not detect anything from the dragonshard (about thirty feet away), but Nameless and his magical items do not detect as magical either. He points this out and, after some experimentation, the group learns that the shard not only cannot be detected as magical from more than ten feet away, but also prevents anything within five feet of it from detecting as magical either.

The Angels learn is that it is designed as a key to work with dimensional locks, being able to both lock them more tightly and to open them. It is, however, dependent on life energy from living creatures. Evidently creatures that provide it energy (assuming they survive) are bonded to it in some way. These discoveries are as dependent on supposition and what they have seen as on the identify spell, which provides little real information about it.

As far as being bonded to the shard is concerned, each of the adventurers discovers in a day's time that he or she has developed a small deep blue tattoo on the chest. So too have Dala and Arrok. The tattoos detect faintly of magic too, with moderate auras of divination, enchantment and abjuration. The Angels have varying amounts of suspicion where these tattoos are concerned, with Six being especially uncomfortable.

The group discusses what to do with the dragonshard and how to keep it safe. Nameless is especially proprietary about it, carrying it around strapped to his chest. Corven raises the question of whether it would be safer in an extradimensional space but Nameless says that might be risky. Gareth is especially uncomfortable about Nameless' ability to use the shard (when he asks about it, the mage says only, "I know what I know") and his interest in it.

The paladin, however, has other issues to distract him. He asks Nameless what the daelkyr said to him after he used Kizmet on it and Nameless translates, saying that it called Gareth a fiend. The others also ask about the sword and Gareth relates how his father owned it before him and the story of the Battle of Grace, where he gained the sword and his paladinhood. After that, he spends a lot of his time praying and attempting to commune with the sword, mostly to no avail. All he achieves is feelings of satisfaction and relief from the sword, and nothing else.

The group also spends some time exploring the remnants of the island in the ocean below them, or rather Nameless, Luna and Six do. Nameless finds a number of useful spells in the necklace of the phantom library to aid there, while Six's lack of a need to breathe and Luna's ability to turn into a fish allows all three to spend significant time underwater. They discover that the island has actually subsided to the ocean floor half a mile below and that it still retains the misty barrier around it, which now covers it like a shell. This causes some problems for them but they do eventually manage to penetrate it. Though most of the island and the city is now undifferentiated rubble, they do manage to recover a few relics that Dala says will be valuable to Kidro. Strangely, they encounter almost no dead bodies (none have floated to the surface either), whether of animals or elves or giants, almost as if they had been completely wiped out of existence.

Nameless spends some time talking to both Dala and Arrok, impressing upon them the importance of not letting anyone know about the dragonshard. He explains that they've already seen what kind of devastation it could cause and that many dangerous individuals and groups would be interested in it. Dala agrees and promises to not mention it in the detailed description of the expedition that she has been making. She says that he will simply mention the battle against the daelkyr and the following cataclysm, without any reference to a second dragonshard being recovered. Arrok is not particularly interested in the dragonshard and is instead concerned about what this whole bonding issue means. Nameless says that he will investigate and let both of them know what he finds out. He also tells them that if they ever need help, they should contact him and he will aid them in whatever way they can. Both Arrok and Dala thank him and comment that, in view of what they've already experienced with the Angels and seen of their prowess, they are very appreciative of the offer.

Corven, who has been especially interested in the similarities between the cataclysm and what he knows of the Day of Mourning, makes copious notes about whatever the others tell him about the island's remnants and accompanies them on a couple of occasions. Nameless points out to him too that he should be careful about whom he shares that information with. Corven says that he definitely will be wary, but finding out about the source of the Day of Mourning is something that is very important to him (as well as to most Cyrans), so this may be an important event to that end. He promises to be careful to not endanger the group in any way through his investigations.

Lastly, the group travels, via magic and Luna ferrying people over in wildshape, from island to island until they reach the edge of the new archipelago. Figuring that they are at the approximate point where they expect the ship to show up, they make camp and continue with their various activities.

During the morning of the 23rd, Luna changes into an eagle and flies some distance out to sea. After an hour or two of soaring high in the sky, she spots an approaching wind galleon. Flying down, she finds it to be the Sea Sprite, and lands next to the helm, transforming back into her shifter form and startling captain Sovelon. She quickly tells him that they "blew up the island but are safe", which confuses him even further. However, he steers the ship in the direction she indicates and soon reaches the little island where the group is.

After the group is ferried to the ship on one of its boats, Sovelon has a huge number of questions for them. Arrok deals with him while the others depart to some comfortable berths, and the ship heads for Stormreach. The gnome soon rejoins the others to say that apparently Stormreach was hit by the storm surge created by the explosion of the island (as Six had surmised), but it did no real damage due to having dissipated over the five hundred mile distance.

The wind galleon makes good time, reaching Stormreach early the next day. The group thanks captain Sovelon and embarks. Arrok has his own place to stay and leaves, saying he will meet the others at the inn. The rest head to the Bloody Giant and get themselves rooms. Dala says that they will be leaving for Sharn in two days and departs to send a message to Kidro from the Sivis station. Gareth accompanies her. At the station he finds a letter from his family that arrived three weeks ago, the day that they left for the island. There is also a shorter one from Lalia that arrived around the same time.

When he returns to the inn, the Angels have a protracted discussion about what sources they can safely utilize to learn more about the Key. Nameless and Gareth get into one of their usual disagreements, with Gareth wanting to consult the Archierophant and Nameless wishing to show it to Trillia, with neither of them really trusting the other's choice. As a compromise, Nameless suggests that they contact the Gatekeeper druids in Sharn. Since the Gatekeepers were the ones who created the dimensional seals that block the connection of Xoriat to Eberron, they should be the best people to talk to about something that apparently works with the seals. Both Corven and Six support his idea, and Gareth agrees. Interestingly, Luna is the one who seems least interested in dealing with the druids. When asked why she isn't expressing an opinion about the matter, she finally admits that she's not that keen on the other druids because they "keep asking me to do stuff for them!" She does, however, say that she thinks they're the best option mentioned thus far.

With that decision made, Gareth and Nameless then find another subject for disagreement, namely the fact that Nameless is walking around with the Key strapped to his chest. Gareth thinks this is an incredibly unsafe way of transporting the Key, not to mention being openly uncomfortable about Nameless having such control over it. Nameless argues that the Key is safer with him than with anyone else and (presumably made a little cocky by having survived a dragon and a daelkyr) that any fool who tries to take it from a mage of his power might as well be committing suicide. This disagreement spirals, as ever, into accusations about each other's reliability and trustworthiness.

With the argument showing no real sign of being resolved, the others cut it short by saying that they're off to get something to eat. The squabbling pair grudgingly end their fighting and follow suit.

* As I told John, who was expressing the opinion that the NPCs would be toast in the 1st rd - "Never doubt my NPC's skills!"
** Nameless, crucially, managed to dispel a Mage Armor, Shield and a Resist Energy (fire) spell, without which the dragon would have had an AC of 39 (effectively unhittable for the PCs) and fire resistance 20.
*** Gareth picked the one cursed item in the room to try on. I let him use 2 action pts to get them off.
**** Took her exactly to -10. To quote John: "Rend? It has REND?!" (Which was followed moments later in the fight by Avi: “Action points? Your dragon has ACTION POINTS?!”)
***** One piece of info the PCs' Knowledge checks didn't give them.
****** Went to -20+
******* Exactly -10 too
******** I had the players, without discussion, each write on a sheet of paper how many hit pts they were willing to give up. Other than Six, who retained 10, every PC (and Dala and Arrok) gave up all except 1 hp, which would have effectively killed them if their Bear's Endurance spells ran out. Very impressive - and crucial.

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Written by AviLazar:

Session 25 - March 4, 2006

We walk through the cavern, and enter a room only to see a Silver Dragon as it is about to breath heavily upon us a blast of cold. Most of us are able to make it OK from the blast and we quickly jump into battle. After a few moments I notice the dragon has some lesions on it. I start to run up to fight and my boots take control; I start to dance – only to realize my boots are cursed with Otto's Irresistible Dance! I drop to the floor, and through grace of the Silver Flame am able to remove the boots. This wastes valuable time, and the rest of the group is in their grove. Nameless casts his area spells, but catches Arrok – on purpose – inside the sphere. Note: I need to speak to Nameless about sacrificing group members for his plots. While it turned out OK in this instance, it is not OK to sacrifice group members. The ends do not justify the means. The dragon begins to radiate her fear power, which I am – through the grace of the Silver Flame – immune to. My convictions, and courage inspire the group and help those near me, though Six and Corven are terrified – and rightfully so.

Six tries to talk to the dragon – why I do not know, but even with my skill in diplomacy, I do not try such a tactic – as I think it would be a waste. The dragon responds and tells us she will kill us.

Finally, after removing the boots I am able to get up, I charge the dragon and call upon the power of the Silver flame to smite her causing some serious wounds in two hits. While hurting the Tyrass, it also draws her attention. She bites down on me and after I fall, she slams me with one of her wings – winking me out of consciousness.

I wake up later, to find the dragon dead and Nameless bathing in it's blood – drinking as deeply as possible. He shouts to us "Bathe in the blood" and I do so, but I do not drink it. Nameless has a crazed look in his eye, and this worries me – especially considering what he likes to delve into. The ground starts to shake, and the group runs down a corridor. We encounter two iron golems along the way, but Nameless is able to control them – probably due to the drinking of the Tyrass's blood. We then climb onto Luna, who is in dragon form and she bounds off taking us faster then we could normally run.

The group mentions the dragon said "The sword is the key, but the key is not the sword." Everyone looks at me, and then at Kizmet. I tell them it was a good thing we went and rescued Kizmet, though I worry if I will have to sacrifice Kizmet to stop this menace. We finally reach our destination.

We prepare ourselves for what will have to be a huge battle – and luckily we do. There is a mist in front of us, and my dark vision cannot penetrate it. We hold onto each other and walk through – but only a short walk. What we see is a large chamber, and in the center of it is a dimensional seal. This is similar to one we have seen in our earlier exploits – when we met the druid Gurr'khan. On the seal lays a two foot long dragon shard and a column of light.

We then feel this imposing presence on our heads, and we get a view of Eberron from high above the sky. We see creatures next to us – and they stare at Eberron and we realize they shape Eberron to their will. It is a strange sight, and I think this information will be valuable to the church.

Nameless summons his bison and there is some grin on his face – I am not sure why, but it looks like he is chuckling to himself. Then, Nameless does something very uncharacteristic of him – and I later find out it was due to some vision – he flies towards the dragon shard to grab it, putting himself in harms way of the Dalkyr that just materialized – though not fully. After he grabs it, he flies back and tells us that we need to sacrifice our health for the dragon shard to work. I sacrifice everything I have, short of dropping me unconscious.

A beam of light shoots from the dragon shard and hits that daelkyr in the chest. The creature looks injured and I step into action. Corven destroys the tail of the daelkyr, removing a great threat. Six trips the creature, while the Bison continue their assault. I charge up ahead and raise Kizmet to strike at it, when a vision enters my head.

I am at the Battle of Grace, looking through the eyes of my father. I know this, because I can feel Kizmet in my hands, and I can see my limp body a few feet away. I feel anguish at the falling of my son, and then a sensation pervades my body – Kizmet is giving me a command. I raise Kizmet to the sky and an intense shimmering field surrounds me and the demon – the demon is banished.

Instead of swinging Kizmet onto the creature, I hold it up and a shimmering light appears. The same as before, the field engulfs the daelkyr and the creature's skin starts to flake away. Then the daelkyr says something odd, something I do not learn until later due to the nature of the language. It calls me a fiend. I am not sure why it would call me that – but I do not think it was lying – as it has no need to lie. I also do not think it was incorrect. I then get slammed by the daelkyr by a wave of force and I hit the wall – unconscious. A moment later, Dala stands next to me healing me – the first thing on my mind is the lack of sentience from Kizmet, in addition to that – all of it's previous power – I do not sense it. This seems to happen often, but not having time to dwell on some issue I stand up and try and exorcise it hoping to stun it for a moment. Unfortunately, there is no effect on the creature. The group continues to pound it, with more bison being summoned. Everyone begins working on trying to get the daelkr into the seal and as he gets close the seal absorbs him.

The dragon shard, all of a sudden, leaves Nameless and is placed into the dimensional seal, firmly in place and hopefully keeping what is there locked up. The ground begins to shake, and Nameless spies another Dragon shard. He grabs it, holding onto it tightly. We mount up on Luna and get out of there as soon as possible. We charge the way up as the mountain starts to collapse on our heads.

A few moments later we all rouse up, realizing we are stuck under a mountain of rubble – probably going to die here. We can still hear rumbling in the distance, and then the dragon shard starts to glow and a sphere of some kind emerges – growing ever so, encompassing all of us and moving the rocks out of the way. The dragon shard flies up, taking us to safety and as we are in the air we can see the mass destruction. Nameless, Luna and Corven mumble the words "storm of vengeance" There is a huge flash of light, and as we turn around we can see the entire area was vaporized, and the island just sank. We land on a barron piece of rock, what could arguably be called an island.

We spend the next few days identifying the items we found and splitting them up. I got the ring I tried on earlier – Nameless finally agreeing with me. He is more happy about this decision because he can then use his poisonous spells without having to worry if I will get hindered by them. Luna, Six, and Nameless delve into the water to look for anything they can find, and only do find some mundane artifacts which we give to Dala.

Nameless straps the dragon shard to his wait, which given his size – a two foot long piece looks odd. He says he will hold onto the shard and we should keep it a secret. We start to argue. I tell him that he is not going to hold onto it- none of us are. We are simply not equipped to be a safe house for this device – which we have no idea what it is capable of. For fifteen days we argue, while the rest of the group contemplates suicide or drowning Nameless and I.

Finally the boat arrives, and we start making our way back to Stormreach. I receive a couple of letters from my mother, and grandmother as well as a letter from Lalia. I write back to them. We prepare to head back to Sharn – and I am looking forward to getting there.


Session 26 - Back to Sharn (or "He killed whom?")

Gareth Byron Deneith - Human Pal3/Clr2/Exorcist of the Silver Flame3
Korm'akhan - Orc Drd7/Hexer1 (replacing Corven)
Luna - Shifter Drd8
Mithral 6 of 6 - Warforged Ftr2/Scout4/Extreme Explorer2
Nameless - Human Wiz6/Alienist2

Dala returns soon to say that she has sent off a letter to Kidro and expects that they will receive a reply the next day. She also brings the group the second part of their payment, as well as news about things that have been going on in the month and a half that the expedition has been gone. Six also goes and gets some copies of the Korranberg Chronicle to supplement her information.

Sharn has apparently been suffering from an epidemic, which began very shortly after the group. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people fell ill, with perhaps scores dying. It seems that the problem was with the water supply, which is also why the fish in Sharn Bay had been dying and becoming sparse (the Angels had heard of this before they left) for a few weeks before the disease hit. Luckily, the epidemic seems to be dying down now.

They also hear that Merrix d'Cannith has made a controversial offer to the warforged in Sharn, promising that House Cannith will find jobs for any of them who come to work for it and, if possible, buy out the contracts that many signed immediately after the War, which effectively function as indentured servitude in the Cogs. Merrix apparently addressed the Sharn city council about it, and the council has neither ratified the offer nor have they enacted any legislation against it (which translates to a tacit acceptance). People have had reactions ranging from seeing it as a very humanitarian offer to one that is intended to allow House Cannith to build up a warforged army. People with the latter belief claim that an ongoing fact-finding expedition into the Mournland, organized by Merrix with the aid of Morgrave University and Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn of New Cyre, is only intended to further increase Cannith power.

Of less interest to the group is the news of the Race of Eight Winds, the primary annual sporting spectacle in Sharn, having taken place. Dala, on the other hand, is quite excited, the person she bet on having won her a nice sum.

In news from other parts of Khorvaire, Queen Aurala has agreed to meet King Boranel in Wroat to further develop ties between Aundair and Breland. In a more unusual diplomatic move, Boranel has signed a treaty with Droaam for the latter to provide aquatic troops to defend Brelish ships, which have recently suffered from attacks by sahuagin and other creatures. "Oh, great!" says Gareth at this piece of news. "Now we'll have sea trolls along officially!"

An equally controversial move is Aundair's decision to ask the Church of the Silver Flame to help with a sudden increase in lycanthropic activity in western Aundair. These new lycanthropes are apparently of the 'horrid' variety that some of the druidic faiths breed and some Aundairans accuse the Eldeen Reachers of sending them into Aundair. The Church - and Thrane - have accepted and are sending priests and templars into Aundair to investigate. Nameless says to Luna, "And here we go with another purge!"

Karrnath, on the other hand, seems less interested in building bridges with its erstwhile enemies. The Academy of Magical Warfare has opened in Rekkenmark, to a huge uproar in other countries (and from moderates in Karrnath), who claim that it is tantamount to an open preparation for war. Karrnathi representatives, naturally, claim that this Academy is simply a matter of self-defense. Gareth isn't surprised at this news, since he has already read about it in the letters from his family.

An unintended piece of support to their claim has emerged from the Mror Holds. For the last few months, House Lyrandar has been working with the Mror clans on a project to build a large tunnel right through the southern mountains, which would make trade between Karrnath, the Mror Holds and the Lhazaar Principalities much easier. A few weeks ago, those working on the tunnel broke through into a huge cavern leading to the depths of Khyber. This cavern promptly disgorged thousands of aberrations, which slaughtered the workers and are now causing significant destruction in the southern Holds, with some having entered eastern Karrnath. In the aftermath of the event, Dulkan of Valshar'rak, the primary planner for the tunnel, was revealed to be a Cultist of the Dragon Below and fled his home in Fairhaven. An embarrassed House Lyrandar has announced a significant reward for information about his whereabouts, while the Mror clans have announced an even larger reward for anyone who can close the cavern. While reading about this story, Nameless remembers something he had seen months ago in Sharn. In a chamber occupied by a group of dolgrims and dolgaunts, he had read scrawls on the wall about a hoped-for attack on the surface world, with references to a tunnel leading from light into dark and releasing the darkness. Not having bothered to translate it for his companions then, he doesn't bring it up now.

Besides the news from mainland Khorvaire, the Angels also hear from people in Stormreach about recent events here, such as a small tidal wave hitting the area a couple weeks ago (presumably the one created by the destruction of the island), a sahuagin tribe killing a kraken which was attacking a ship just entering the northernmost Straits of Shargon, and an announcement by House Vadalis of plans to set up hunting expeditions for wealthy clients to Xen'drik.

After checking all the news and wrapping up supper, the group slowly heads up to their rooms. While they are doing so, Nameless receives a sending from Trillia, which says, "Trillia here. How are you? Busy with research. Attempting new spell for detecting Xoriat denizens and creations. Finally achieved valences of fifth power. Any news?"

Nameless quickly replies, "Congratulations. We fought dragon and daelkyr. Gained insights. Prophecy follows us. Will need to consult you. Need dragonshard info, but secrecy paramount importance."

Before retiring, the group discusses what to do with the Key, which they decide is too cumbersome - and risky - to carry around as Nameless has been. They eventually decide to keep it in the Hidden Chest that Corven's wand opens. They activate the wand, place it in there and close it. With no evident effects to the action, they head to bed. Other than Six, who goes back to his usual night-time crafting.

Around six hours or so after they put the Key into the extradimensional space, Six notices a strange throbbing (but no pain) where the tattoo on his chest is, along with a very strong desire to be close to the Key. Going to wake his companions, he finds that all of them have awoken with the same effect. Corven tries to open the Hidden Chest, but unfortunately, it is not yet accessible. With no real choice, the Angels go back to bed. Despite the discomfort from the throbbing, they do manage to fall asleep.

When they wake from uncomfortable sleep, the throbbing sensation is stronger. This time Corven manages to activate the wand and they quickly remove the Shard. Immediately, the feeling of wanting to be near the Key fades away, and the throbbing does so slowly. Nameless tries putting the Key in his magical haversack, which is also an extradimensional space, and the effect begins again. He quickly removes it and the group discusses what to do. They eventually decide to get a case for the Key and carry it around, later getting one for each of them so that it is difficult for someone to locate and take from them.

Shortly after they awake, Arrok stops by to say that he experienced the same feeling as they did at night. Not wanting to wake them in the middle of the night, he put up with it till the morning and came to the inn. Naturally, he is not happy about this development and asks the group to let him know as soon as they work out what all of this means.

While he is there, Nameless receives another sending from Trillia, this one sounding very curious about what he said, especially the daelkyr. He explains as much as he can in 25 words and reiterates the need for secrecy.

When Arrok leaves, Dala goes with him. She returns with Kidro's reply. She says that once they are back in Sharn, Kidro and she will take care of cataloguing the items that they recovered. While the Angels can retain the magical items they have, Kidro should get to see them, though she doubts he will want any. Lastly, within a couple of days of their return, they will have to talk to people at Morgrave University about the expedition, which is also probably where the story will get into the papers.

The rest of the day is spent in making plans and doing some shopping in Stormreach. Gareth writes and sends off letters to his family through the Sivis station. The Angels also experiment a little more with the Key and work out that it is exactly six hours of time in an extradimensional space that triggers the throbbing and strange desire. They also notice that their tattoos are very slightly larger.

Early the next morning, the group embarks on the ship back to Sharn. It is the Wave's Bounty, the same ship they came to Xen'drik on, and the captain Syrina d'Lyrandar and her first mate Bly are there to welcome them. Even the reclusive Aereni artificer Daelan makes a quick appearance and then disappears below decks again. Arrok accompanies the group to the ship and takes his leave, saying that he will meet them in Sharn in a week or so, after he has dealt with some work that he needs to.

The ship pulls away within an hour and heads north. The adventurers settle back into their shipboard routines. To their partial surprise, the voyage is completely uneventful, or at least uneventful when it comes to creatures trying to (a) board the ship, (b) eat them, (c) both of the above. There are, however, a couple of interesting experiences along the way.

Four days into the voyage, Gareth has a strange dream...

He finds himself floating in the middle of a featureless expanse, surrounded by gray mist, which resembles what he saw around the island. Some distance in front of him floats Nameless, facing away at an angle. In front of Nameless floats the Key. He reaches forward to grasp it. The Key flares with amber light, which fades quickly. Nameless pulls the shard towards him, doing so in small jerks, as if it were resisting in some way. Finally, he pulls it to his chest. As he does so, he steps back as if something knocked him backwards, but he remains upright, the Key still held where it is.

Then he seems to realize that Gareth is there and turns slowly to face him. When he does, Gareth sees that his eyes are completely white, with no variation between pupil and eyeball. They remind him of the eyes of the daelkyr.

And then Gareth wakes up.

The same night, Nameless is having a remarkably similar dream. In his case...

He too finds himself floating in the middle of a featureless expanse, surrounded by gray mist, which resembles what he saw around the island. In front of him floats the Key, and equidistant from it on the opposite side, is a daelkyr. It doesn't speak, but it reaches up with its right hand and grasps the dragonshard, even as Nameless does so. The Key flares with amber light, which fades quickly. The daelkyr pulls on the shard but Nameless' grasp is firm. After a second or two, he pulls the shard closer to himself. The daelkyr's expression doesn't change and it says nothing, but he can feel its anger and frustration. It raises its left hand and Nameless hear the hiss of its whip. The whip lashes out, hitting him on the chest, but it bounces off as if he were made of adamantine. Nameless pulls the shard a little closer. This time, a scowl crosses the daelkyr's face. Its brow furrows in concentration and he feels it attempting to insinuate its will into his. Again, Nameless feels it fail. This time, the daelkyr actually shudders and its form begins to dissipate. So does its grip on the shard and Nameless pulls it closer. As the shard touches his chest, the fading daelkyr lunges forward. As it does so, it changes form, its humanoid shape turning into that of a small dart-like tentacle. The tentacle strikes Nameless square on the forehead, knocking him back a step or two. This time, there is a sharp pain. There is a piercing sensation and he can actually feel the tentacle slide through his forehead into his head. Then the pain fades away. The daelkyr is completely gone and Nameless has the Key safe in his grasp, held tight against his chest.

That's when he gets the feeling that someone is watching him. Nameless turns to see a humanoid form half-hidden by the mist. The mist begins to part and then ... he awakes.

The next morning, Gareth tells everyone, including Nameless, what he dreamt of. Nameless also explains what it was that he saw. The Angels discuss what it could mean, especially the fact that each was in the other's dreams (which does lead to some ribbing from the others). Gareth theorizes that the daelkyr is still trying to control Nameless. Nameless thinks that might be possible but confidently says that it won't succeed. He also says that he should know more once he has been able to spend some time with Trillia, who has been using sendings daily to learn more about the group's discoveries. Nameless also mentions that they might want to talk to Havakhad, since his people know about the quori and the plane of dreams.

In general, the Angels spend a fair amount of time discussing what they will do once back in Sharn. Corven tells the others that he is going to talk to people at the Cyran embassy about what they discovered (he promises not to mention the Key they have) and if possible, head back to the remnants of the island to study its relationship with what happened in Cyre to create the Mournland. This is something that is personally important to him and it is his first priority. He says that he will stay in contact with the rest of the group and thanks all of them for their aid in the time he has spent with them.

The only other thing of note as far as the voyage is concerned is that the tattoos continue to grow, until they are nearly four inches in diameter, before stopping. The fact that they have apparently stopped growing only mildly reassures the adventurers, none of whom is happy with their unforeseen venture into body art. Six, with his hat of disguise, manages to keep the one on his chest hidden, but is not any happier about them than the others.

Meanwhile... a dark room somewhere, lit only by a solitary torch, shadows swirl around a large desk. The room is sparse, with little furniture except for the desk, three comfortable chairs around it, and a series of large bookshelves, which stretch from floor to ceiling.

A cloaked figure lounges at the desk, the shadows making his form indistinct, his digits tapping idly on the wood in front of him, rhythmically repeating the same pattern, over and over and over. The woman sitting across from him leans forward and asks, "And you are sure that they will return?"

The reply is deep and calm, but with an undertone of amusement. "Yes. They are already on the way."

"Very well. But does it really matter? Why them?"

"Because they will be perfect for our ... for my purposes. There are many other adventurers in Khorvaire, but these are uniquely suited to the work I have in mind. Much more uniquely than most. Believe me, I've looked."

The woman doesn't sound convinced. "What makes them that perfect? That prophecy?"

The other person laughs derisively. "Pah! Prophecies are for fools. We can make or mar them as we please."

The woman shrugs and says, "If you say so. But what if they will not perform as you wish?"

There is a pause and then a short chuckle, rife with anticipation of forthcoming amusement. "Oh, they will perform all right. And if it isn't exactly what I have in mind then I will find another way to use them ... or break them. A tool is always useful, even if sometimes only to hone another tool on."

Eleven days after it left Stormreach, and forty-eight days after the expedition left Sharn, the Wave's Bounty pulls into the docks of Grayflood. Six looks up at the cliffs and, above them, the towers of Sharn. With a shake of his head, he says, "Giants, dragons and daelkyr, I can take. But this place is the one that worries me."

With wry grins, the others join him in making ready to disembark. The process, as usual, is longer than they'd like. The group has to work through all the various groups checking on customs issues, identification, etc. Even though Dala takes care of most of the paperwork and there are a couple of people from Kidro waiting to help the group, it takes them the better part of an hour to be done. Once they are, Dala takes her leave of the Angels, asking them to stop by Kidro's shop in the evening.

After a short discussion, the Angels decide to visit Trillia first, so that Nameless can introduce them to her. They take one of the few skycoaches that comes to the Docks and head to Deathsgate. Trillia's house is a tower apartment a short distance from the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. It is unremarkable on the outside, other than having the Guild's sigil to indicate a member lives there. When Nameless knocks, the door is opened by a middle-aged man, whom he greets as Glauster.

He looks a little surprised at the number of people standing outside, but says that the lady has been expecting them and invites the group in. The inside of the apartment doesn't look much like a mage's abode, except for the odd arcane item, as well as a couple of slightly tentacular statues to indicate her interests. Glauster leads the group to a comfortable sitting room and leaves them there.

A couple of minutes later, Trillia enters to greet them. She is a pleasant-looking woman who looks to be in her early thirties, with bright green eyes and short blonde hair, a single streak of black running down the middle. Trillia wears comfortable robes as many of the middle-class wear, which again give no indication of her occupation.

She greets Nameless warmly and follows suit to the others, as he makes the introductions. "I've heard a good deal about all of you," she says, adding with a broad smile to Gareth, "Especially you!"

Settling down comfortably, she asks the group to expand on their experiences, which she already has some idea of due to the sendings to Nameless. He provides a quite detailed coverage, with the others chipping as needed. Trillia asks a number of questions, seeming most interested about the Key. Nameless shows it to her and she asks whether the group would mind if she took some time to study it. Nobody disagrees, though Gareth adds that he would prefer it if at least a couple of them are present throughout. Trillia says she has no problem with that.

After hearing the entire story, Trillia admits that she has never heard of an item such as the Key. She has also not heard of dimensional seals in Xen'drik either, but says that it makes sense that the dragons would be involved with it, since supposedly it was a dragon called Vvaraak who trained the Gatekeeper druids, and they are the ones who created the dimensional seals. Nameless says that the group is planning to consult the Gatekeepers in Sharn and asks what she thinks. Trillia says she thinks it is a good idea, since the Gatekeepers are unlikely to spread the information around, which she warns the group to be careful of. After all, they have the first evidence that she has heard of a daelkyr being present in (or rather, near) Xen'drik, and there are more than a few individuals and groups who will be interested in that information.

At this point, Gareth mentions that he also wants to talk to the Archierophant about the Key, which promptly turns into another argument with Nameless. Trillia seems amused by the interaction between the two, simply watching until it begins to turn into a shouting match. Then she cuts in to say that the one downside with letting Ythana Morr (who she only knows by reputation) know is that she answers to the institution and hierarchy of the Church of the Silver Flame, so she has less freedom to act as she wishes than someone like Trillia has. Gareth agrees but says that the resources of the Church, which are significantly higher than that of either Trillia or the Gatekeepers, are worth tapping into. Corven then suggests that perhaps Gareth could simply wait for a couple of days, while Trillia studies the Key, before letting Ythana know. Gareth agrees, with the caveat that there should be complete disclosure of anything that is discovered about the Key, and that Nameless, who has been reticent to share his knowledge about using it, should do so too.

Nameless agrees and, for the first time, expands on what happened with his use of the Key. He says, "Actually, I don't really know how I activated it. When I saw it I knew what it was, and I knew I would be able to use it, though I didn't know how. And when I touched it, I immediately knew how to activate it. It's not so much conscious knowledge as if it was something I knew and could do automatically, like whistling a tune without thinking about it. Even now, I couldn't activate it by choice."

After hearing that explanation, Trillia wonders aloud if the ability has something to do with the dreams Nameless has had. Nameless suddenly suggests that she try the new spell she has developed on him. She looks slightly surprised but then does so. After some seconds of concentration, she says, "Interesting! Unless I am doing something wrong, you are apparently an aberration. A powerful one."

Nameless doesn't look particularly surprised, though this sets off another discussion of what it means. Gareth wonder aloud if the contact with the daelkyr and/or the close contact with the Key is changing Nameless in some way. Trillia confirms that Nameless is the only person in the group who appears as an aberration to her spell. With no real explanation at this point, she promises to study the issue further and see what she can discover.

Trillia then asks the group to join her for lunch, which they agree to do. During the meal they find her to be a witty and pleasant conversationalist. Gareth, to his partial surprise, finds her actually agreeing with him in a couple of places where Nameless and he disagree, though she does also tease him with a couple of off-color jokes about paladins. One of the primary topics of discussion is the Angels' apparent bond with the Key. Having heard about their reactions to having the Key separated from them by an extradimensional space, Trillia opines that it seems akin to a geas of some kind, compelling them to stay near and protect the Key. None of the Angels seem happy about the idea, especially Luna and Six.

Once they are done eating, the group prepares to leave. Nameless asks Trillia if it will be all right for him to stay at her place temporarily, and she says that would be fine. Gareth suggests that it would be safer to have at least one person with Nameless, so Six offers to stay, which Trillia also accepts.

After leaving Trillia's home, the group heads to Central Plateau and Carosten Park. Walking into the park, they head for the edge of the plateau, where the small stone building called the Gatehouse is located. When Six knocks on the door, it is opened by the half-orc druid Surr'kal. He looks surprised and says, "I didn't know that you were in town. Come in." As the Angels follow him through the small antechamber, a couple of them notice that he gives Luna a bit of a frosty look. They quickly discover the reason.

Surr'kal leads them into a small sitting room, already occupied by the shifter Teln and another figure. This one is a large and heavily muscled half-orc, with a scarred and remarkably ugly visage. He wears no armor and has on a long hooded robe, worn over clothing with tribal markings on it. He also carries an unusual-looking sword strapped to his back. Surr'kal introduces him as Korm'akhan, a druid who came to Sharn a little over a month ago. Luna and he recognize each other, having spent some time together nearly five years ago. Korm'akhan says that he saw Luna's former mentor, Gathaan, in the Eldeen Reaches nearly a few months ago, where he was tending a Gatekeeper observatory.

Once Luna and Korm'akhan have finished talking, Surr'kal says, "We could have used your help here recently. Remember the Children of Winter I had said were in the city?" He bestows another look on Luna and adds, "Whom I had asked you to check on?" Luna bristles a bit, thinking of commenting that they have a number of calls on their time and don't take orders, but restrains herself.

Surr'kal goes on to explain that the two Children of Winter had apparently created a lair in the Depths and found access to Sharn's water purification chambers. They had been poisoning the water supply with a disease-causing agent, and this was the origin of the recent epidemic. Korm'akhan and the other druids had been helping aid the sick in the poorer areas with magical and mundane healing, when they had met two members of the Church of the Silver Flame (a paladin named Cedric and a templar called Magnus) who were doing the same. The Angels immediately recognize Cedric and Magnus as the pair they had met in the Bloody Giant inn at Stormreach.

Korm'akhan, two druids who had come to Sharn with him, Cedric and Magnus managed to track the Children of Winter (a human druid and a shifter warrior) to their lair. After a mighty battle, during which the other two druids and Magnus were slain, they forced the severely wounded Children of Winter to flee. Korm'akhan and Cedric destroyed the poison-creating apparatus and returned to the surface. Thanks to their efforts, the epidemic is now apparently over, though there are still many sick people who will take time to recover. Having caught them up with the news, Surr'kal asks what they can do for the adventurers, though his tone of voice indicates that he might not be too inclined towards helping them in any way.

The tone changes quickly as the Angels relate some of their recent adventures, which occurs with constant interrupting questions such as "You killed a dragon?" or "You fought a DAELKYR?!" Once the Angels are done and have shown them the Key, Surr'kal says that this is one of the most fascinating stories he has ever heard. He also admits that he does not know about anything like the Key. After all, he points out, the dimensional seals that keep Xoriat at bay or the daelkyr prisoner were constructed 9,000 years ago. However, some of the greater loremasters among the Gatekeepers might know, and he promises to try to contact some of those outside Sharn. When he hears that the Angels have spoken to Trillia and she will be studying the Key, Surr'kal asks if he could join her. Nameless says that he doubts she would mind.

The Angels especially mention the issue of their bond with the Key as something they are concerned about. Teln suggests that since Nameless was able to activate it before, perhaps he could try to use it and remove the bond. Surr'kal looks a little skeptical but Nameless agrees to try. Corven volunteers as a test subject, saying that he is planning to travel back to the island (or its remnants) and study the phenomenon of the mist around it, and that becomes significantly difficult with the bond.

Nameless takes the dragonshard in his hands, and as he thinks of removing the bond, once again he seems to know exactly how to activate it. A thick amber beam shoots out to hit Corven in the chest and he feels a draining sensation. To the surprise of everyone present, the beam then splits into two, half of it breaking off to hit Korm'akhan in the chest. The big orc looks surprised as he feels the same sensation. Nameless, though surprised too, continues to concentrate on removing Corven's bond. The amber beams pulse and both Corven and Korm'akahan turn ashen with the strain as the draining sensation intensifies to an incredible degree, making each feel as if he were dying.

The beams suddenly wink off, with both of them almost collapsing from weakness when they do. Quick investigation reveals that the tattoo has disappeared from Corven's chest and reappeared on Korm'akhan's (though smaller, like it had originally been on Corven and the others).

"Well, that was ... unexpected," says Nameless succinctly.

"And painful," says Corven, wiping away sweat from his brow with a shaking hand. "It almost killed me!"* Korm'akhan, who looks even grayer than he originally did, rumbles, "Me too!"**

Surr'kal hurriedly says, "I do not think we should try that again! Or at least not right now."

Everyone agrees. Nameless adding that when he used the Key, he got the impression that the bonds can only be transferred to another random person within range (though he's not sure what that range is). Korm'akhan is naturally curious about what this bond entails for him and Nameless explains what they know. Even though Corven uses a couple of infusions to partly heal Korm'akhan and himself, the big orc agrees that they shouldn't try to remove his new bond yet, especially since they don't know whom it would attach itself to.

When the Angels are taking their leave, Surr'kal asks if they'd be willing to take Korm'akhan with them as added security for the Key. Corven points out that he will be leaving soon*** and the group could use another healer and Teln comments that Korm'akhan is a mighty warrior. The big orc says that he would be happy to accompany the group for the time being and the Angels agree.

The group heads towards Menthis Plateau, exchanging information with Korm'akhan as they go. He says that he is trained in a rare branch of druidic ability, lacking Luna's ability to change shape into an actual animal, though he can change his form slightly to gain some natural abilities. He also claims to be a berserker.

Gareth is especially interested in his unusually shaped sword, which is made of a dark gray metal. Korm'akhan says, "It was forged from the heart of a fallen star."

The group reaches Kidro's shop, Window on Yesterday, to find both Dala and him present. Kidro is very pleased to see them and, after being introduced to Korm'akhan, asks them to tell him everything that happened, even though Dala has already gone over it.

Kidro listens with rapt attention to them, asking every once in a while, "And the island blew up?"

After they are done, he asks if he could examine the magical items they found. Once he has done so, he says they can keep them and that he will get them a record of legal acquisition, which they will need to retain and use them. Kidro also says that they will need a letter of marque if they want to sell them, and in that case he might be interested.

Kidro also tells the Angels that there will be a meeting at Morgrave University two days later, on the 10th, where some of the recovered artifacts will be displayed and they will be expected to talk about their expedition. He says that there will be reporters from the Korranberg Chronicle and the Sharn Inquisitive present, and opines that they will be on the front page of each newspaper once their story is told.

Lastly, Kidro provides the adventurers with the last third of their payment via a Kundarak banknote worth 5000 galifars. When he does, Nameless asks Kidro if he knows if the people who were lost on the expedition have families. Kidro says that he is taking care of it by selling some of the minor magical items that the group turned over to Dala and thanks him for his concern.

Six pokes Gareth in the ribs and says, "Shouldn't you be the one caring about that?" but Gareth doesn't bother to respond.

When the group is leaving, Dala says that she will see them out. When they are outside, she asks if there has been anything strange with the Key. When Nameless asks why, she says that there was a message from Arrok waiting for her at home, which he had sent via the Sivis station the day after they left. It said that his tattoo became warm and began throbbing the day they left with the Key and he got this weird feeling that he should get close to it, just as he (and they) had felt when the Key was in the Hidden Chest.

Arrok tried to ignore it but soon began to feel extremely ill. According to the message, he was taking a ship to Sharn early the next day, and he wanted them to make sure not to go anywhere or do anything with the Key. Dala asks where the group's accommodations are, since Arrok will presumably be there the next day and she can bring him to them.

This sets off another discussion, since various members of the group want to stay in different places. Finally, they decide that Nameless and Six will put up temporarily with Trillia. Gareth decides to go to the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame, while Corven says he figures the Esoteric Order of Aureon will be as safe as can be. Korm'akhan says that he would be more comfortable staying at Carosten Park with the other druids and Luna decides to do the same. With that decided, the Angels take their leave of Dala and split up, heading in the various directions they want.

When Gareth goes to the Cathedral, he finds (to his mild surprise) Bodo still there, studying at the school run by the Cathedral and now working there as a novice. The reason is quickly explained, since Bodo seems quite excited about the Silver Flame now, mainly because there are all these "cool stories about smiting bad guys" that he's heard and he believes that if he sticks it out long enough he'll eventually learn to use weapons and maybe get armor and a sword. Plus, he says, the food's quite good.

The next morning, Gareth has a not-so-welcome visitor in the shape of Flan. He says that Killian has been expecting the Angels back and told him that they returned the previous day. Killian asks if the group can come by and meet him that evening, since he has some news and a proposition for them. Gareth says that he will tell the others and tentatively accepts.

Shortly after Flan leaves, Dala stops by with Arrok, who reached Sharn only an hour ago. They accompany Gareth to Trillia's home, where they speak to Nameless, Six and her. Arrok says that he is fine now, the sickness having disappeared a day after he took ship from Stormreach. The tattoo still had a mild warmth to it until he got to within a couple hour's sail from Sharn. He asks them if they have any explanation for it, saying that this is a serious problem for him and they need to help him get rid of this link to the Key.

Nameless explains that they may be able to remove it, but it would be very dangerous and would only attach itself to someone else. Trillia reiterates her original theory about the geas, saying that the effects Arrok suffered sound a lot like what one could expect from the spell. She also says that perhaps after studying the Key they may be able to find another way to break the bond.

Arrok doesn't seem very reassured, but sees that he has no real option besides patience. He says that he will be staying in Middle Dura and will see them at Morgrave University the next day. Dala and he then leave.

Once they are gone, Gareth tells the others (including Luna and Korm'akhan, who have stopped in by then) about the offer from Killian. Some of the others aren't keen on it, especially Six, but they agree to go along. So does Corven, who arrives a little later. The group then disperses again.

Gareth stops off at the Deneith enclave, where he finds Lalia very happy to see him back in town. She invites him to join her for an early lunch, during which he tells her about everything that happened on the trip (but omits anything about the Key). Lalia seems to find the story fascinating, saying that it'll probably be all over the newspapers after the talk at Morgrave University. As for herself, she says that she has been doing fine and has mostly been in the city in the interim. Tasra is fine too and both of them may be involved in a case shortly, since there's a possibility that some people are planning to sabotage the meeting between Queen Aurala of Aundair and King Boranel in Wroat. That's usually the kind of thing handled by the Citadel (the elite Brelish forces answering directly to the King, which also have an outpost in Sharn), but they may bring House Deneith in, just in case. She also inquires about Gareth's immediate and future plans, asking if he will he be in the city for long and whether he is planning to join the enclave after all?

Gareth replies that he does plan to be in the city for a while now and is interested in joining the enclave. He also offers any help he can about King Boranel and Queen Aurala. Lalia laughs at the latter offer, saying that even though she trusts him, the chances of a Karrnathi paladin being included in security issues for the King of Breland and the Queen of Aundair is only slightly more likely than Sharn being leased to Thrane. She does, however, promise to speak to people at the enclave about Gareth's interest in joining. She then takes her leave, since she is busy with the job that she mentioned.

After leaving her, Gareth goes to the High Hope district in Middle Northedge, where he finds Coldflame Keep, the local Silver Flame temple. There he meets Cedric as well as the elderly priest Mazin Tana, who is quite happy to see him. There are only a couple of acolytes, a crippled scribe and eight templars occupying the temple, which was clearly built to house maybe ten times the number and looks like it has fallen on bad times.

Cedric confirms that is the case, saying that the Cathedral doesn't send as much money in the direction of the Keep as it could. Gareth and he discuss their recent experiences (during which Cedric mentions fighting the Children of Winter by Korm'akhan's side) while helping care for the remaining patients from the epidemic. The older paladin is very interested in the group's activities. Gareth asks Cedric and Mazin if either of them know about someone who might be an expert on outsiders, especially daelkyr, but that's only an area of partial interest for Cedric and Mazin has no expertise in it. Mazin says that there's nobody specialized in that kind of subject among the Silver Flame worshippers he knows of, not even the Archierophant, and suggests Gareth contact one of the local mage guilds. They both invite Gareth to stop by any time.

While leaving the Keep, Gareth notices a strange sight some distance away. There is a thick 12 foot tall densewood pillar in the middle of an open space, which has an old gnome sitting on the top. She seems to be quite comfortable, sitting and chatting with people passing below, and evidently well-known, from the number of people who greet her as they go.

Curious, Gareth goes over and greets her. She responds in kind and, during the following conversation, he learns that her name is Daca and she is a worshipper of Boldrei who has been living on top of the pillar for the last 120 years, keeping an eye on the community around her. While standing below her, Gareth feels a sense of calm and peacefulness that he has not elsewhere.

Nameless, meanwhile, has been helping Trillia study the Key. This primarily consists of casting spells on it and finding that they have no effect. She also tries her detect aberrations spell on him and has the same result as earlier.

Six, having spent some time with the two of them, finally gets bored and decides to take a walk around the city, as he often does. While he does so, he stops to buy a new bow that matches his enhanced strength and also checks on the House Cannith offer that he heard of in Stormreach. The opinions are as varied as he had both heard and expected.

Corven visits the Cyran embassy and meets with Tyrala. She is happy to see him back and curious about his absence for so long. He relates some of what happened on the trip and, as he expected, she is especially interested in his news about the similarity between the mist around the island and what he saw around the Mournland. When Corven expresses an interest in leading an expedition back there, she says that she doesn't really have the authority or funds to immediately make that a reality, but she suggests that he visit New Cyre and speak to Prince Oargev himself. Someone of Corven's abilities would be an asset to New Cyre even if he were not now the official head of his house. Corven tentatively agrees, asking her to contact Prince Oargev and let him know what he says.

Luna and Korm'akhan mainly remain in Carosten Park sharing stories of their experiences and engaging in some sparring practice. Luna, as is becoming her habit, also spends some time in eagle form, flying around and through the towers of the city.

All of them meet at Trillia's home in the evening, before heading down to Firelight and the Lucky Nines casino. On the way, Korm'akhan asks about this person they are going to meet and gets a number of opprobrious comments from the various Angels, with a minor defense from Gareth, based on their lacking proof of Killian's guilt.

At the casino, they meet Killian at the same table as usual. After having been introduced to Korm'akhan, he is simultaneously jocular and sarcastic as ever, but is quickly cut off by Six, who says that he needs to get to the point about why they are there before they walk out.

Killian then says that he has both news and a proposition. The news is about the gang war that had just erupted when the Angels left town, sparked by their attack on the Daask payroll. Killian says that the Boromars clearly had the best of it, inflicting heavy losses, destroying whatever gains Daask had made in lower and middle Sharn and forcing them back into the Cogs. With the difficulty of attacking Daask in their lair, they were unable to drive Daask out of Sharn, but seriously weakened them. "Now if people like you," says Killian with a mock-admonishing manner, "Had been there to take a hand, maybe they could have been broken and driven out completely."

"Not our business," says Six. "Is that your proposition?"

Killian looks a trifle irritated but says, "Yes. Would you be interested in helping drive Daask out?"

Six immediately says, "No" and the others agree, though Gareth suggests they consider the offer. Killian says that he's a little disappointed, but the Angels should let him know if they change their minds.

Then he quickly changes tack, talking about their trip and how much he's looking forward to reading their talk at Morgrave University. Suddenly, he says, "By the way, I hope you are taking care of that Key."

Though somewhat surprised his knowledge of it, all of the Angels try to hide their reaction. In fact, nobody even responds to it. Six says that he's had enough, rises and leaves, quickly followed by Luna and then the others, leaving Gareth the only one at the table with Killian. The gnome tries to get some information about of the paladin but fails to do so and Gareth takes his leave a couple minutes after the others did.

He finds them waiting for him in the entrance hall, where Nameless asks if he decided to do any work for Killian, since then he'll be working alone. Gareth replied that he didn't and the group departs, splitting up shortly afterwards.

The next morning, they reconvene at Morgrave University. Before doing so, for reasons of security, they place the Key in Nameless' bag of holding, figuring that they will remove it as soon as they can, long before it can be a problem for them. The talk is in a large hall in the Dezina Museum of Antiquities. Dala and Kidro are already present, with Arrok expected soon. The reporters from the two newspapers are also there, with the KC one being Flim Turen, the Angels having told Dala to ask specifically for him in view of their previous interaction with him. There are also a large number of professors, students, antiquarians and generally interested people.

Shortly after they arrive, it is time to start and the Angels take their places. As they are doing so, the sphinx Flamewind walks in. She waves genially at the group and sits expectantly at the rear of the room. One of the professors present introduces Kidro. He, in turn, does a quick introduction of the people involved and talks a little about the planning for the expedition, before handing over to Dala. She does the majority of the talking, with a few comments from the Angels when asked.

Once Dala is done, Kidro opens the floor for questions. As they had been warned, there are a lot of queries, especially about the island exploding. A couple of people 'politely' raise the issue of whether this is a neat way to avoid proving that the expedition actually happened, but Kidro quickly unveils the display of a number of the recovered artifacts. The questions then become a lot more general, at least a few having to do with the issue of the daelkyr, which the majority of the people present only know as a type of planar creature, and that too because they are at the University.

After nearly an hour of questions, Kidro announces that the talk is over, promising that more information will be provided through the University and all of the artifacts will soon be on display. The meeting breaks up, with some people leaving and others coming up to talk to Kidro, Dala and the adventurers. Among them is Flamewind, who walks up to say that she's happy to see them all alive and back. Nameless tells her that they did manage to fulfill her prophecy, as she would have noted from their story. Flamewind smiles and says that he might be overestimating how complete it is, inviting them to join her some time to discuss the subject and perhaps answer some questions she might have.

As Nameless is agreeing, he is politely interrupted by a serious-looking gnome, who has just entered the hall along with four guards in City Watch uniforms. He says, "Are you the mage known as ... um, Nameless, belonging to the Guild of Starlight and Shadows?"

Nameless says, "Yes, I am. Is there a problem?"

"I need to speak to you privately, please."

A little suspicious, considering their current situation with the Key, Nameless says, "I would prefer to have my companions present."

"This cannot wait," says the gnome insistently. "Please come with me."

While the others are distracted with other people, Six notices the discussion and comes over. Nameless says, "Just my companion Six, then?"

The gnome hesitates for a moment and then says, "Very well. Please - come this way."

Nameless and Six accompany the gnome out of the hall and he leads them into the nearest unoccupied room, which is a large classroom. Once they enter, he gestures and two of the guards close and stand in front of the door.

"So, what is this about?" asks Nameless.

The gnome looks up, quickly produces a wand (which he has evidently been holding concealed within his sleeve), and points it at Nameless. In a significantly more formal voice, he says, "Nameless - I arrest you for the crime of murder. Will you come quietly?"

Even as Six goes "What?!", Nameless - though surprised - calmly asks, "Whom am I supposed to have murdered?"

"Arrok Doone."

"When was I supposed to have killed Arrok?" asks Nameless.

"Around 7 pm last night."

Six and Nameless exchange glances, and Six says, "That's when we left Trillia's place last night." Nameless turns to the gnome and says, "I have half a dozen witnesses who were with me at the time. In fact, they are outside right now. Can I call them?"

"No. We'd prefer to keep this as private as possible. Please come with me. If your friends were with you, their testimony should help your case. I should say, however, that there were also a large number of witnesses to the murder."

"And that's proof in a city full of changelings and spellcasters?" says Nameless sarcastically.

The gnome's expression gets a little grimmer and he says firmly, "Be that as it may, please come with me. Now."

Nameless and Six spend a few seconds trying to persuade the gnome to let them inform the other Angels, to no avail. Six decides on another method and begins to shout loudly, "This is an outrage! You cannot treat us like this!"

In the hall outside, Korm'akhan has been standing silently and watching the people mill around and talk. Despite the various voices around him, his keen ears hear Six's raised voice. "I think your friend is in trouble," he tells Luna, who is nearby. Both of them gesture at Gareth and Corven, who are talking to Dala and a professor nearby.

The four of them head down the corridor and knock on the door, before Gareth tries to open it. The guards inside promptly try to hold it closed. "Hey - what's going on in there?" asks Gareth.

"Nameless is being arrested for murder," calls Six.

"What?" says Gareth, shoving the door, which opens slightly before the guards push it closed. "This is Watch business! Please wait outside!" calls the gnome, which everyone ignores.

Korm'akhan joins Gareth and with his added bulk and strength, the two guards are easily shoved out of the way, allowing the four adventurers (and Dala, who has followed them) to troop in. The guards look helplessly at the gnome, who looks disgusted but says nothing to them.

The next couple of minutes are spent in explanations, with the gnome trying in vain to get the group moving. The other adventurers all vouch for Nameless' whereabouts, and the gnome only says that their testimony will be noted at the Watch House. Gareth asks for identification, and the gnome displays the insignia of the Blackened Book (the branch of the Sharn Watch focused on magical crimes) and identifies himself as Warden Hasal Dalian.

Finally, after the situation has been explained to the others, Nameless agrees to go along with Hasal. The next problem occurs as he goes to hand his bag of holding (which holds the Key) to Six.

"Excuse me," says Hasal, "But I need to take all of your equipment into custody, in case they're germane to the investigation."

Nameless shakes his head and says, "I'm sorry, but the items in here are not mine. They belong to the group."

"That's fine. If they aren't relevant they'll be handed over. Please give it to him." Hasal indicates one of the guards.

This promptly leads to another disagreement, with the Angels continuing to argue that the items in the bag belong to them and not to Nameless and are irrelevant to the case. The only result, of course, is to clearly make Hasal more and more curious about what the bag contains.

It doesn't help, either, when Six says that they've had enough interactions with people who they don't trust. "What if you just take the bag and teleport away? We know many people who can do that!" Hasal's response to that is to raise an eyebrow and comment drily that Six must be mixing with more powerful mages than most in Sharn, in that case.

The adventurers vainly try a number of methods to persuade Hasal to let them retain the bag. Nameless even finds himself in the unusual position of asking, "Don't you trust the word of a paladin of the Silver Flame?" when Gareth vouches for him and the contents of the bag. Due to the situation, nobody finds they might otherwise. Hasal responds, "I respect your position, which is why I'm glad you're not the accused. If you were, however, you'd be treated as anyone else. As will your testimony."

It's quite obvious that they are at an impasse. Nameless and the others refuse to hand over the bag and Hasal refuses to let Nameless hand the contents over to someone else. Hasal also, of course, lacks the manpower to take Nameless by force with the others present, and is apparently aware of that, having said that he has checked on the group at the Clifftop Adventurers Guild and on Nameless at the Guild of Starlight and Shadows.

Finally, Nameless suggests the compromise of getting Lalia d'Deneith to vouch for the group and possibly carry the bag for them. Hasal agrees that the Angels can send someone to contact her, but also sends off one of the guards at the same time, to inform the Watch House of the situation. Luna is the one to go and she leaves the building, transforms into an eagle and flies north. As she does, she sees the guard leave too and hurry off.

* Took 10 pts of Con damage during the process, dropping him to 4 Con and 15 hit pts
** As above
*** Korm'akhan is Corven's player's new PC


Handled via email between sessions:

Nameless says, "Officer - while we are waiting, if you could be so kind as to describe to me how I am supposed to have murdered Arrok? I am most eager to learn how I am supposed to have done this. Please spare no details. I am interested to see if I can figure out why I was stupid enough to murder him in front of so many witnesses."

Hasal gives Nameless a dirty look and then turns to look at the people already in the room, with many more of the curious onlookers. He looks at the two guards blocking the entrance and says loudly, so that everyone outside can hear, "Clear the area outside." Then, raising his voice, he says even more loudly, addressing those outside, "This is official Watch business. Please leave now, for your own safety."

The two guards look warily at the number of you in the room and then exit. You can see and hear them firmly persuading people to leave, who grudgingly do so. Flamewind, who has padded down the corridor to look into the room, looks past them at your group and smiles. "It seems like excitement dogs you in more ways than one. Once you are free, drop in on me." She turns and leaves. Dala, who had quickly entered the room when Gareth and Korm'akhan did, calls to the concerned (and confused) looking Kidro that she will see him later and that she's sure the problem will quickly be resolved.

Once the corridor is clear, the guards return and - at the Warden's order - shut the door. Once they have done so, he says, "I cannot share too many details, since they may matter to our determination of your innocence, but I can say that Arrok Doone was killed by a series of magical spells," he grins mirthlessly and adds, "in a particularly cowardly manner. The first of them rendered him too weak to resist and the next two killed him, as well as destroying substantial property in the inn. Apparently he knew his murderer, since he was speaking to him in the inn's common room when he attacked."

He shifts in his seat, continuing to keep the wand pointed at Nameless, and adds, throwing a look at the bag. "Frankly, I would have considered that you might be innocent, if it were not for your refusal to hand over whatever is in there, even if it means hindering a member of the Watch in his work. Now, innocent or not, I can promise that you will see the inside of a cell today. And we will find out what you are hiding."

Gareth puts in, "Speaking with someone does not imply familiarity with them. I speak with store vendors all the time. I speak with people on the street about the virtues of the Silver Flame - at no point does any of that imply that I know them or they know me. When you ask directions to get to some place, does that imply you know the person you are speaking with? I didn't think so. Also, in this day and age with changelings and spells of illusion - do you think it is that hard for someone who wants to frame Nameless? Nameless, who happens to be well known in many circles is a prime target for fraud."

"As for the evidence of the bag, I can assure you it has no relevance to this matter, and the bag and its contents are private. They also do not belong to Nameless - he is just an interim bearer. As for witnesses, you have all of the people in this room - people in good standing with the law, and have served the community in a positive manner - such as the incident with Zokar - who are witness to Nameless being in our presence during the time of murder. There will be no jail time for my client, who is innocent - and I might add - is cooperating with this farce of legal proceedings. The evidence, at best, is worthless."

Nameless also adds, ""Ah, I am disappointed to hear this, I had expected more from whom ever is trying to frame me. The person who murdered Arrok was shockingly sloppy to have killed him in this fashion. Since necromancy is a barred school of magic to me and thus I am incapable of having cast Ray of Enfeeblement to drain him of his strength. Though I am uncertain as to how one would prove this to a non-mage. My mentor Trillia Lelleir may be able to enlighten you further on this score However, I do have some bad news for you on this score. It does indicate that whom ever did frame me is likely considerably more powerful than I am. Since Arrok was no weakling, it would likely take someone significantly more powerful than I am to have drained him with a single spell. Was he rendered unable to move at all or was he simply trapped by the weight of his equipment? That information may help you narrow down the list of candidates."

"I am aware of how suspicious my behavior with regards to the bag is and I apologize for all the hassles we are putting you through on this score. Unfortunately, proving my innocence in this matter is not my highest consideration in this matter and the items in the bag are not mine to surrender. It is highly likely that the whole point of this exercise officer, is in fact to separate me from the items I was carrying. I would recommend in particular, that you place especially close guard on the necklace that I was wearing. If we are very lucky then that is all they are seeking. In any case I would expect at least one attempt to steal something."

"One further point I would make is that we are all just returned from an extremely hazardous expedition to Xen'drik. Of which Arrok was one of the few survivors. We can fill you in on the details, but if I had wished for Arrok to die, it would have been simplicity itself to have had him perish on that expedition. Despite our best efforts, all too many did."

The gnome gives Gareth a look and says, "You may be a paladin of the Flame, but you talk like a lawyer. And as someone who knows the law, you know that any of his possessions - private or otherwise - are possibly evidence, and that he doesn't really have a legal choice in the matter. In refusing to hand that bag over and accompany me to the Watch House, he's down for resisting arrest and obstructing an officer of the law. Which, frankly, all of you are too now. Witnesses or no, murder means a trial and jail time before the trial. Your testimony would be really helpful during the trial, but it doesn't change the fact that he's currently under arrest."

He pauses and then adds, "As for the person who killed Arrok, he apparently walked into the common room and was greeted by him, before they took a seat at the table, where they began to talk. Or so a few people verified. As for framing your friend here, I think you're either overestimating his importance - or you have other secrets to reveal. While people at the Guild of Starlight and Shadows said that Nameless is a powerful mage, and I know you have appeared in the Chronicle, I'd hardly call him a great target for fraud."

When Nameless comments further on the frame-up, the gnome perks up. "Interesting! Arrok was actually affected by a ray of enfeeblement first, and since all I said was that he was rendered too weak to resist, I wonder how you knew that was what I was talking of. As you would know, there are other ways to weaken a target. As for the question of necromantic magic and whether you can use it or not, even to a non-mage you'd only have your word to prove it." He smirks and adds, "Or were you planning to prove that you cannot cast such spells by not casting them?"

Nameless' following comments about the bag and someone wanting his items do seem to intrigue him. "What the heck are you people carrying that you're so paranoid about it? Especially to the point where holding on to that bag is worth more than proving your innocence? Or that necklace? Since I'd offered to let all of you accompany me, it's not like that's something you should really worry about since you'd be there to protect it from thieves, as well as me and my men. Unless you're going to say that you think I'm here to steal all your special things too." He gives Six a dirty look and says, "Since you think I'm about to grab it and teleport out of here. Do you know how few people can do that?"

Dala, who's been standing quietly and digesting all of the above, says at this point, "Be that as it may, Warden Dalian - we do have some reasons for being worried, which we cannot share. Personally, I would have warned you that this is probably a frame-up intended to obtain some of our valuables, handed over the bag and accompanied you in a group. But since that's not an option any more, I hope you won't hold our caution against us. Arrok was a friend of mine and I definitely want his killer caught."

The gnome looks only slightly mollified at her speech and says, "Call me Hasal. And if you want the killer caught, you'd help with our inquiries rather than wasting my time here. Dagger take you - do you think this changes anything? Unless your friend is one of these great teleporters, she's never going to make it back here before one of my superiors arrives. And when that happens, I'm going to have to take you," he nods at Nameless, "in - bag, necklace and all. Unless you decide to resist arrest with violence, of course, in which case you're going to be in a lot deeper a pile of :):):):) than you already are."

Hasal scowls and adds, "Just remember - I am an officer of the law, representing the city of Sharn and the nation of Breland. I am fully empowered to use any magical means in the carrying out of my duty, and I will fulfill them, whatever the risk to myself." The wand in his hand twitches, as if to underline his statement. From the looks on the faces of the three guards in the room, they're not as keen on the idea of having to take your entire group down.

Gareth replies diplomatically, while trying to look directly but non-offensively at Hasal, "I sound like a lawyer because I study the law. I like to keep informed of these things, especially when situations may arise and I need to be familiar. I am aware of our legal rights, and your legal rights."

Looking a bit sympathetically towards the gnome, he continues. "We are not trying to impede your investigation, we are not trying to resist arrest. I am a paladin of the flame, a blood member of the Deneith enclave, and soon to be an active member. Personally I have no desire to jeopardize any of those claims, I also have no desire to start a war with Sharn - which while it may cause the death of me and my friends, would surely cause a lot of collateral damage for Sharn."

Pausing for a second, to help emphasize the point, he adds, "We have helped Sharn in many ways - some we can lay claim to, and some we will never lay claim to - just because it endangers innocents. The reason we cannot turn the contents of this bag to you are simple - the contents do not belong to any of us in this group" Raising a hand to silence any protest, "It is not stolen, but I cannot explain further. We cannot give you these contents, not for this investigation or any investigation. If this means you will hold us in contempt - well c'est la vie. I would hope that you wait until Sentinel Marshall Lalia Deneith shows up. She will be able to disarm the entire situation. If you can't, I understand, but please bear no ill-will towards us, for we do what we have to do - not what we want to do. Just please note, and I must emphasize - not through any threat from us - this association with us has put your life, as well as the lives of everyone in this room in grave danger. In the case of my group, it has increased our chances of being murdered. Please bear with us and if your watch commander shows up, convince him that we have no desire to hinder an investigation. On my word as a paladin of the Silver Flame I swear this. In the end, you might even ask us to find this killer for you - especially if he is powerful enough to kill Arrok."

Hasal listens quietly to what Gareth says and it does seem to improve his attitude a bit. In fact, he does seem a little amused by part of what he hears. He laughs and says, "Start a war with Sharn? You folks are really funny. What do you think you are - the Karrnathi army?" The laughter, however, is more friendly than earlier.

When he stops, he leans forward and says, "Listen - I can see, unless you're all really good at faking things, that you seem to think you're doing what you need to. But you have to understand my position too. Whether you want to hinder an investigation or not, you're doing so. I'm not supposed to be sitting here and talking to you right now. The only reason I'm doing so is because I'm trying as hard as I can to avoid having to use force. All of your fascination with that bag and its contents doesn't change the fact that I do need to take it - and everything else on you, Nameless - into custody. And while I'd be happy to have Lalia d'Deneith carry it, she too will have to hand it and the contents over when we get to the Watch House. She doesn't have jurisdiction here, and even if she did, I doubt she'd try to change the laws for you."

He seems to think for a moment, and then says, "I'm asking you politely one more time to hand it over and accompany me. All of you will be along to protect whatever the hell it is you want to, and so will myself and my guards. If people are after you and whatever you're carrying, and if that's the reason why Arrok Doone was murdered, then you're in just as much danger here as accompanying me, so that shouldn't change anything. The only reason you could possibly have for not handing this over and accompanying me is because you think I'm personally trying to take whatever it is away from you. Is that what you think?"

Gareth replies, "I appreciate all that you can do for us. While I definitely understand your position, please understand ours. I know the Watch is not concerned with our affairs, other than this murder investigation, but they are of concern to us. As innocent citizens, for our affairs to be destroyed would be also an injustice and we just ask for a little bit of patience. We will even help find who the real murderer is. I am willing to wager Arrok was killed because he was an associate of ours, but how anyone in Sharn knew this - since Arrok just arrived is beyond me. There is only one person, that I know of, who always seems to know what this group is doing - but I do not know why he would want Arrok - a complete stranger to this land - dead." Pausing for a moment, "That is neither here nor now. If you can at least wait until Sentinel Marshal Lalia d'Deneith arrives, that would make things a bit easier for us. We do carry valuable objects, and we are wary about those - but we carry things that we must retain - not because of any form of greed, but for safety sake."

Hasal shrugs and says, "Like I said, I'm willing to wait for the Sentinel Marshal, but I had to let the Watch House know, so it may be out of my hands shortly."

"As for Arrok, he's not really a stranger here, though he generally stays in Stormreach, I believe. Since he came here by ship, it presumably took some planning and maybe he let someone - or more than one - here know he was on the way. And even if he didn't, it's not that difficult - and doesn't take that long - to get information across from Stormreach to Sharn. And we're talking about at least one pretty proficient spellcaster here, after all." He looks speculatively at Nameless as he speaks.

Dala interrupts and says, "If it helps, thought we did not know Arrok would be coming here when he left Stormreach, he sent me a message through Sivis here to say he left the next day."

Hasal scratches his chin and says, "Thanks. Somebody could have got hold of that message, and maybe there's more we don't know of yet."

After a few seconds of thought, he asks, "And who is this person who you said knows what this group is doing? He might have no connection with this murder, but one never knows."

Gareth responds politely, "Thank you for at least giving us the time that you can. What Dala says is true - we did not know Arrok was on his way until he had already left. I am not sure if I understand what you said - has Arrok been here before? As far as I knew he has never been to Sharn - but then I have not known him long. He fought by my side, but we did not have time to get personal. This person, as we know him, I will not mention his name in the presence of your other soldiers. That will be something left to those who will question us privately."

Pausing for a second, he adds, "You and your organization may never be able to find him. Once this nonsense about it being Nameless who committed the murder, we will be happy to find him for you."

Hasal gives Gareth a long look and then says, "Has anyone told you that you people are a little paranoid? And about things other than being part of a murder investigation - and, whether it is your intent or not, obstructing an officer of the law - which does tend to be the primary focus for most people in your situations. Still, we all know you adventurer-types tend to be a little ... unhinged. As for finding this person who you're so reluctant to name, I think you might be a little surprised at your resources. Still, assuming you all end up in jail for hindering an investigation - which is possible - perhaps helping us would be one way for you to show your good faith. Once we're done with this nonsense, as you term it." His tone of voice says that he didn't appreciate the 'nonsense' comment, though he doesn't sound too offended.

Hasal continues, "As for Arrok, according to our information, he lived in Stormreach, having moved there years ago, but used to visit Sharn on and off. Many people at the inn knew him." As he says this, Dala corroborates with a nod of her head and a "Yes."

Hasal doesn't respond but continues, "The fact that Nameless isn't a Brelish citizen, as is true for many of you, does also affect this investigation. Even if Nameless is innocent, for the time being we have a case where an non-Brelander has killed a Brelish citizen. Be glad I got here first and not the Guardians of the Gate. Though - considering the delay you have caused me - that may not be the case much longer."

Realizing the slight, Gareth says, "No offense was meant, my apologies. I am just frustrated at this. You are doing your job, and being very diplomatic as well as showing great concern for people you do not even know. You are correct, we are a bit paranoid - but we have dealt with many things - including assassins - on top of the 'normal' denizens of dread such as dragons, daelkyr, vampires, and that doesn't even cover the scum of the earth - other humanoids who show no respect for the good of the world."

"I did not know that about Arrok. I thought he was a complete stranger to Sharn. Maybe someone here, who knew him, wanted him dead and figured we were good scapegoats. At the very least, it is causing you to spend time with us as opposed to searching for the murderer(s)."

Feeling a bit of a twinge when Hasal mentions the difference of rights from a natural born citizen to a foreigner, Gareth continues, "Will our testimony - all of our testimony - not be enough to corroborate his whereabouts last night?"

Hasal waves away the apology with a "No problem," though that belies his earlier tone of voice. He says, "Yes, I heard that you'd have some interesting tales to tell about your expedition to Xen'drik. Pity I couldn't attend." He grins and adds, "I was too busy getting ready to arrest Nameless."

When Gareth brings up the possibility of some enemy of Arrok's killing him, Hasal says, "Perhaps, but even that person would have to be someone with a fair amount of knowledge about you, in order to - even temporarily - fool him into thinking that he was Nameless."

"As for your testimony, since it seems that so many of you were with him at the time, it should suffice. Foreigner or no, you still have your rights under the Code of Galifar. At the trial you'll be standing on an Eye of Aureon and there will be other checks in place to ensure that you are unlikely to all be able to lie on Nameless' behalf, even with magical aid. Remember, this isn't the first time we've had magic used to try and frame someone. If you have been framed, Nameless, we'll find out soon enough."

Meanwhile, Luna flies straight for the Dragon Towers area, where the dragonmarked houses have their enclaves. Luckily that's among the closest sections of Central Plateau to where she starts from. Even so, it's a good mile away, but her speed as an eagle eats up the distance quickly. Though she has to slow down to make her way through the towers to the Deneith enclave, it's still only a little over five minutes before she gets there.

Luna quickly lands in the area before the doorway to the Deneith enclave, startling a number of the people passing in and out. The guards move to stop her, but they lower their weapons when she explains that she's there to meet Lalia and has been sent by Gareth. They let her in but she quickly discovers that Lalia is away, as is Tasra, on some job for the enclave. The receptionist says that he can check to see if someone knows where one of them might be.

Luna realizes that doing so, then tracking Lalia down and taking her to Morgrave University will take a long while, assuming she is even able to do so. She flies back to let the others know.

She reaches Morgrave University and arrives outside the entrance to the building they were in perhaps twenty minutes after she left. As she arrives and before she can change form, Luna sees a group of five people heading into the building.

Three of them are wearing Watch uniforms and breastplates, as well as carrying halberds, as were the guards who accompanied the gnome trying to arrest Nameless. One is the guard who left. Beside them is a middle-aged man with long hair tied back in a ponytail and a neat beard. He wears no armor or obvious weapons other than a dagger at his belt, and as Luna sees him, is putting away a wand. Next to him is a serious-looking dwarf, dressed in well-crafted plate mail, which bears the symbols of Breland and Sharn. He has a flail in his right hand and is carrying a tower shield that is actually taller than him.

The dwarf seems to be arguing with the wand-user. Luna hears him say, "Damn it, Balan! I'm telling you - we should have brought more men. If they're resisting arrest, what's to stop them attacking us or trying to flee?"

The human replies calmly, "They haven't attacked Hasal or his men, have they? Let's just see what is going on." Then he enters the building, followed by the grumbling dwarf and the guards.

Luna considers a distraction such as setting something nearby on fire or perhaps even summoning a pack of dire badgers or the like. Considering that she is in the middle of a heavily populated campus, as well as the fact that her companions might not want a violent response - or at least not right now - she reluctantly gives up the option of flame and mayhem. Instead, she quickly flies down and towards the window to the room her friends are in.

Inside the room, the conversation/argument has mostly died down, when everyone is momentarily startled by an eagle flying in the window and landing on the floor. The startled guards raise their weapons, while Hasal jerks back in his seat. The eagle quickly changes form, enlarging and growing into the shape of Luna.

"Humph!" says Hasal, a disgusted expression on his face, whether for the guards (whom he motions to lower their weapons), the adventurers, or himself. "I should have remembered that your friend here is a druid. Well? What about Lalia d'Deneith? Has she decided to leave you holding the bag?"

Luna explains that unfortunately Lalia was not available, since she was on a job for the enclave, as was her sister.

She is just completing her explanation when there is a knock on the door, followed by a voice asking, "Hasal?"

Hasal calls, "Yes, we're in here." As the guards are opening the door, he says, "That's Warden Balan Cord. He's one of my superiors. You can explain the problem to him." He sounds relieved.

The door opens to reveal a middle-aged man with long hair tied back in a ponytail and a neat beard. He wears no armor or obvious weapons other than a dagger at his belt. His cloak has the sigil of the Blackened Book on it. Next to him is a glum-looking dwarf, dressed in well-crafted plate mail, which bears the symbols of Breland and Sharn. He has a flail in his right hand and is carrying a tower shield that is actually taller than him. Behind them are another three men in the armor of the Watch, carrying halberds, one of whom is the man sent to the Watch House.

They troop into the room, which is now beginning to get significantly crowded, with the six adventurers, Dala, Hasal, the two new arrivals, and the six guards. As they enter, the dwarf begins, "What the bloody hell is goi...", but is cut off by the bearded man. "Please, Kestran," he says, causing the dwarf to subside into a glowering silence.

The bearded man continues, speaking in a friendly manner, "Greetings. I am Warden Balan Cord of the Blackened Book. This," he indicates the dwarf, "is Lieutenant Kestran Dal, of the Guardians of the Gate."

"I believe there is some ... problem here?"

Hasal quickly replies, "These people say that they were all with Nameless at the time of the murder. I told them that they could give their testimony at the Watch House but he," pointing at Nameless, "Wouldn't hand over his belongings before we left. Or rather, that bag. There's something in there that they won't hand over. They seem to think this was all a setup to get whatever it is."

He looks a little apologetic as he ends with, "I figured I should try to let you know, rather than trying to use force."

The dwarf looks like he's about to say something but is forestalled by Balan, who says, "Good choice," and then addresses all of you.

"You must understand our situation here. We are in the midst of a murder investigation, and one that involves a former Cyran killing a Brelander in front of a crowd of people. While it may be the frame-up you claim it is, the situation is still a sensitive one. The fact that your refusal to comply with Hasal's directions means that you are effectively aiding and abetting Nameless in resisting arrest doesn't help matters. I ask you, Nameless, with all due politeness, please hand over the bag and your other possessions. I promise that whatever you have of value will be kept safe and handed over to you or your companions as soon as possible."

Balan is obviously a trained speaker, and he's clearly trying to be as diplomatic and persuasive as can be.

Nameless says, "I apologize for the trouble we have caused you and your men over this issue. I simply wish to have my companions accompany us and that at least one of us stay with the bag at all times."

"This is for the sake of your men as much as anything else. It is not that we question the honesty or reliability of your men, but that if my fears are correct and someone is after the bag and its contents. Then your men are likely to prove insufficiently powerful to protect it. Someone with a substantial amount of magical power, has gone to a fair amount of effort to frame me for the murder of someone I have no reason to kill and can easily prove I did not. It is unlikely that they did so simply to inconvenience me and that they are prepared to overcome whatever your normal protections and defenses are."

Before Balan can reply, Kestran breaks in. "Listen, you - this isn't your decision to make! Just because Hasal didn't have the balls to [there's an indignant "Hey!" from the gnome at this point] drag your ass to..."

Balan, looking significantly pained, reaches out and puts a hand on Kestran's shoulder. "Please," he says, politely but firmly, "Let me handle this."

Kestran rounds on Balan. "You know the Guardians have jurisdiction here, Balan. He's a Cyran and this is a case involving foreign criminals. This is our job."

Balan holds the angry dwarf's gaze for a long moment and then says, this time less politely and more firmly, "Magical crime. The Blackened Book. That's all I need to know. And you don't have the resources to deal with this kind of situation. If you have problems with that, take it up with the court."

He turns back to Nameless, leaving a fuming Kestran, and says politely (pointedly more than he just was to Kestran), "I have absolutely no problem with your friends accompanying us, especially since their testimony will eventually be important. Similarly, they can be present while we check the bag and the rest of your belongings. If we find nothing that seems germane to the case, we will hand the items over to them."

He continues, addressing all of the room almost as if speaking before a jury, "At this moment, we have only the testimony of your friends that you were with them at the time of the murder. Until that is verified, I do have to take all necessary precautions, especially since you are apparently a very competent mage. Obviously I cannot allow you to travel in public with us while you have access to any magical and other dangerous items. If you believe we may be attacked along the way, the items should be no less safe with me, since all of you will be along to protect it, as will my men and I."

"Would you kindly hand over the bag to me then, if I allow all of you to accompany us?"

Korm'akhan speaks up, addressing Balan "My name is Korm'akhan, and I speak for the Gatekeeper druids. I only met these people two days ago, so I cannot speak of their characters. But I can speak of the contents of the bag. Their concerns about it falling into the wrong hands are legitimate."

"I am not connected to them or to you. I am neutral. So I will watch over the bag, here and inside your headquarters, if you will allow it."

Balan looks at Hasal, who shrugs and says, "I don't know him. He wasn't in the records I checked."

Balan looks back at Korm'akhan. "You are free to accompany us and keep an eye on the bag, both on the way and at our headquarters, if you so wish and if you [he looks at Nameless] and your companions don't mind."

"Now if you'd hand the bag over and allow Hasal to check the rest of your equipment, we can be on our way."

Gareth, who has been keeping silent and trying to process everything, says, "I understand your concerns but we also have concerns. If you trust us to walk with you - fully armed - then why would it be an issue if we hold onto the bag? We are not attempting to resist any arrest, and we are all going to work to clear our friend's name - but the circumstances of this murder are very suspect. The only thing that can be linked to Nameless is that someone who looks like him committed this crime and that the person using the crime cast a spell that Nameless is not able to cast under any circumstances. Given the free range of illusion spells, changelings, and the like - we only ask for this one leniency. We want this murderer killed as he killed a companion of ours - but our fallen companion would agree with us if he were here to speak of it."

Pausing after his speech, he asks, "What say you? We can end this quickly - Nameless will not have hold any equipment, I will hold the bag. I swear an oath as a Paladin of the Silver Flame that we are not trying to deceive you."

Kestran immediately breaks in, "Silver Flame, Schmilver Flame! Just because yo..."

This time Balan snaps, "Kestran!" He quickly turns to Gareth and says, "There is a difference between allowing all of you to accompany us peacefully and allowing you to keep possession of possibly incriminating items. They would be easy to dispose of on the way, which it would be difficult for you to do in front of all of us here." He raises a hand and says, "Not that I'm saying you would, of course, but I'm just explaining why we need to take precautions. I must also admit that your vehement refusal to hand over the bag makes me a little suspicious. Let me emphasize that you are all being extended extraordinary levels of courtesy here. I hope you appreciate that."

Balan pauses and then says, "In view of your position as a member of the Church [he ignores some muttering from Kestran at this point], I'll let you carry the bag. All I ask is that you let me look at the bag's contents here, so that I will know on our arrival at the Watch House if anything has been removed."

Balan steps toward Nameless, with Kestran promptly keeping step with him. Perhaps coincidentally, Balan takes a step to the side as he does so, keeping himself partly between Kestran and Nameless. Balan then extends a hand. "May I?"

Ignoring Kestran, and listening to Balan, Gareth says, "That is acceptable with us, Balan. We appreciate everything you are doing for us. You have my sincere thanks."

"You're welcome," says Balan. "I prefer to deal with issues such as these amicably, if possible." He grins and says, "The fact that I know a little something about your group's abilities, of course, has nothing to do with that decision."

With that little bit of levity, and ignoring the accompanying snort of disgust from Kestran, he turns to Nameless and reaches for the bag.

Email interchange ends here


Session 27 - A Walk in the Park (or "How Big a Wolf?")

Korm, who has been holding onto the bag, places it on the table between Nameless and Hasal and (with Nameless' agreement) removes the items from it. Among them is the Key, which is wrapped in a cloth, and which Balan asks him to unwrap.

Once all the items are on the table, Balan asks Hasal to check them for magic, which he does. The gnome studies the items carefully and begins to say, "Well, none of them are magica...", when he stops and furrows his brow. Some of the adventurers exchange glances, realizing what he has probably discovered.

Sure enough, Hasal looks carefully at those of them near the table and then around at the others in the room. Then he tells Balan, sounding a little puzzled, "Try a detect magic yourself."

"Something wrong?" asks Balan, even as he casts the spell.

"Just check the items and tell me what you see."

"Hmm - none of them appear magical, just as you were saying." And then Balan too realizes what Hasal has discovered. Not only do none of the items appear magical but none of the people around the table detect as magical either, despite the equipment they carry. And as they look around the room, they realize that the spells are working, since others in the room do detect appropriately.

"So," says Balan, looking at Nameless, "What's going on here?"

Nameless provides a quick explanation of the Key blocking some divinations, without going into any further details. Balan asks about its origin and is told that they found it on the island. Korm replaces it in the bag to prove what Nameless just said and Hasal and Balan check over the remaining items.

Naturally, they have a few more questions, but Nameless emphasizes that it would be better to discuss these privately. Despite Kestran's evident and loudly expressed displeasure, Balan - who is clearly very curious about this news - agrees. He asks Nameless to hand over his spell component pouch and all magical items to Hasal, which the alienist does.

Once he has, Balan comments that something else on him detects as magical, indicating the center of his chest. Nameless reveals the tattoo, and the others comment that they have them too, when Hasal points out that the others have similar auras. Balan, who comments on the fact that the tattoo has the same symbol as on the dragonshard, asks about the tattoo and Nameless emphasizes that this too should be discussed in private.

After considering it for a few seconds, Balan decides that they should return to the Watch House. He says that now that they know exactly what is in the bag, they will know if anything is missing when they get there, and there is nothing there that they currently believe would be germane to the investigation.

With that, the now quite large group exits from the room. And are promptly accosted around the first turn by Flim Turen, with a barrage of questions about whether they're all being arrested, why they are, what the Blackened Book wants with them, why the Guardians of the Gate are involved, and so on.

Balan, who evidently knows him, fobs him off politely but firmly with the promise that he'll be told if there is any important news. All he says is that the Angels are required for an investigation and that's all. Flim tries directly questioning the adventurers or Kestran (who looks like he might brain the gnome), to no avail. He settles for promising to talk to the Angels later, especially their spokesperson Luna. Which leads to Gareth threatening (jokingly - probably) to gag her if she talks to Flim without the others and Luna to respond with a threat to sit on him as a bear.

After leaving Flim behind, the group emerges from the building. Naturally, they draw a fair amount of attention from the students, professors and other people moving around the campus. Once they are outside the grounds of Morgrave University, Balan leads them to the nearest tower stairs leading down.

The group descends to Middle Menthis and the Warden Towers district, which is clearly dedicated to the city Watch. Men in uniform move around the area, several of them greeting Balan and Hasal as they pass by. A large group of Watch members are practicing combat drills nearby on a field consisting of a huge platform linked to four towers. As Balan leads the Angels towards the central garrison building, he tells them that the Blackened Book has its headquarters here, which is why he arrived at the University so soon after Hasal sent the guard to fetch him.

Once they reach the garrison building, Balan leads the group through the halls and corridors within to a large door that bears the sigil of the Blackened Book. The guards there salute and quickly let the group through into a large central chamber. Balan gives a couple of orders and dismisses most of the guards. Hasal too leaves.

Balan leads them into a large office, occupied by a couple of clerks and more guards. Here, Nameless is asked for his statement about his activities at the time of the murder, while two of his companions (Luna and Six) are simultaneously taken into separate rooms and have their statements recorded too.

After that, Balan asks about the Key and the tattoo. Nameless reiterates that he would like to discuss these in front of as few people as possible, causing Kestran (who has been grumbling and complaining throughout the procedures) to snap and grab him by his shirt, hauling his face down and yelling, "That's not your bloody choice! Just answer the damn questions, you murdering bastard!" Nameless restrains himself and settles for fixing the dwarf with an unnerving stare, which he seems a little too irate to notice.

At which point Balan pointedly asks Kestran to let Nameless go and then asks the two guards present to escort him out, telling him that the Guardians of the Gate will be informed if their services are relevant here. A now even more incensed and protesting Kestran departs, swearing that this isn't over. Balan sends the remaining guards with him and dismisses the clerk as well.

Once he is alone with the group, Balan becomes much less formal than before and (after commenting on the joys of working with Kestran, whom he describes as "actually mental enough to think he's doing the right thing") begins to ask a number of questions. The Angels answer a lot of them telling him a little about the dragonshard, which they basically claim to have discovered on the island and know little about, and the tattoos, which they claim appeared on them after the battle with the daelkyr (which Balan apparently knows a little about).

An unknown reason for Balan's interest in the tattoo is revealed when Hasal returns to confirm what Balan sent him to find out. Arrok had a patch of skin removed from his chest, exactly where the tattoo would have been on him. Along with that information, Balan gives the group more details of the murder. It occurred at an inn (The Gray Goose) in Overlook, where Arrok was staying. He had just come down to the common room when the person impersonating Nameless entered. They greeted each other and took a side table, where they spoke for a couple of minutes before Nameless cast a ray of enfeeblement, which weakened Arrok too much for him to move. The mage then fired a lightning bolt at point blank range, almost killing Arrok and damaging tables and furniture, though none of the patrons (who were fleeing as soon as the spellcasting began) were hurt. He finished Arrok off with a volley of magic missiles, before picking his corpse up and leaving. As he left, he turned invisible. Arrok's body was found later, stripped naked and dumped, three towers away. Besides the missing skin, the only other noticeable thing about the body was the marks of what seemed to be a set of large claws on the shoulder.

Nameless comments that illusion spells like invisibility are also among those he cannot cast and then asks if they have any information what the two spoke of. Balan says that a serving girl had served them. Though she couldn't recall much, she said Arrok was asking the other if his research had found anything.

Balan checks about the people who knew about the dragonshard and the tattoos, and the Angels confirm that it's effectively those of them in the room with him. Though a couple of others (namely Trillia, Surr'kal and Teln) know about the dragonshard, none of them knew Arrok.

Balan also asks about the individual that some of them had mentioned as possibly involved with the murder or knowing about it. The Angels tell him what they can about Killian, whom he doesn't recognize by name or description. They confirm that they had been in the Lucky Nines casino to meet him. Nameless opines that he doesn't think the murder was his doing, since it seems much too overt, and says that they have some evidence that powerful people are aware of their activities.

After covering every helpful topic that they could think of, Balan tells the group that while he believes Nameless is innocent, they will have to continue the investigation and check with people at the casino and elsewhere who can corroborate Nameless' whereabouts. And, whatever information they gather, the case will have to go to trial, in anywhere from 2-6 days. During that period, Nameless will have to remain in custody, since the Blackened Book cannot afford to let a powerful mage who is a murder suspect wander the city, especially in view of his position as a foreigner. Balan adds that the Guardians of the Gate will probably try to have more of an involvement in the case, but he doubts they will succeed.

Nameless has no objections to the incarceration, but asks if at least his companions can take the bag of holding. Balan agrees, saying that he has no indication that anything contained within, including the dragonshard, is relevant to the case.

Before the Angels take their leave, Balan asks them to stop by the next morning, since he may be able to come up with something to expedite Nameless' release. They agree to do so and leave. Six suggests that they return to Morgrave University and speak to Flamewind, as he has been wanting to do. The others agree and head up there with him.

Once they reach Upper Menthis, Dala takes her leave, saying that she needs to meet Kidro and tell him a little about what has happened, though she promises to not reveal any of the information she has been keeping secret. Gareth asks if it's safe for her to be off alone, but she says that she has far too many things to do to be able to spend all her time under their protection. She promises to be careful and leaves. Corven says that he needs to leave too, since he has to meet Tyrala at the Cyran embassy. The others head towards Morgrave.

Nameless, meanwhile, is escorted to a small prison area. The route is along a couple of corridors covered in wardings and glyphs, which Balan has to allow Nameless and his guards to pass through. The cellblock consists of only three cells, all of them more comfortable than in a standard city jail. Balan explains that - while he is sure Nameless will do nothing silly in view of his accommodating behavior thus far - the cellblock is warded against teleportation magic and if someone tries to use it to enter or exit, he will be shunted through a number of the protective spells in the corridor outside. He also apologizes for the inconvenience of the stay here but Nameless assures him that he has known worse and understands that Balan has no other choice. Before leaving, Balan says that he will be back in the evening to speak to Nameless, both about whatever he discovers and about some options he has in mind.

Once he is gone, Nameless settles down to an engrossing, if slightly one-sided, conversation with his pet rock, Edgar.

The others make a quick stop at the Commons, a large open-air plaza where dozens of vendors in food carts offer cuisine from around Khorvaire. Since most of the customers are students, the adventurers attract some attention, with a few people claiming that they had seen them on previous visits or during the talk that morning. The Angels chat about their past and make sure to provide noncommital answers to most of the questions about their current and future plans.

Afterwards, they travel to Lareth Hall and ascend to the top of the dome, where Flamewind has her chambers. The gynosphinx is home and invites them in. The adventurers settle down, availing of the fact that her chambers are both luxurious and seem primarily designed for a human occupant (other than for things like the giant scratching post).

After being introduced to Korm'akhan, Flamewind asks where Nameless and Corven are. Six explains what happened with Nameless but says it's not a problem. Then they begin discussing the adventurers' experiences on the island and Flamewind's prophecy. She says that, from their description, obviously they have experienced certain aspects of it, but she is not sure when the other aspects will come into play. Though she has no control over her visions and only limited understanding of what they show, her experience shows that they generally take a long time to be completed.

Six also shows her his tattoo and says that they all developed these after the battle with the daelkyr. He asks if she recognizes the symbol. Flamewind says that the serpent portion is one she knows as connected to the dragons of Argonessen and the other part is either a gem or a dragonshard. She also says that she hasn't seen the pair in combination before.

Six then asks if Flamewind knows about any way to contact the dragons or anyone who can do so, which sends Flamewind into a laughing fit. She says that she's never been asked that question before, though she did have a prophecy that involved a certain group of people traveling to Argonessen. And they didn't return.

Six explains that he believes the dragons have some connection with what has happened to them, and he has read in the library at Morgrave University that certain scholars believe some dragons involve themselves with the affairs of Khorvaire in disguise. Considering that their experiences will be all over the Korranberg Chronicle soon, it's possible that they will draw the attention of such creatures, and he asks Flamewind to let him know if she learns anything about it. She says she'll do so, though she warns that it's quite possible a lot of other people, not all of them friendly, will also become very interested in the Angels once the news is out.

Flamewind also asks if the group minds her studying the tattoos magically. The adventurers agree and she concentrates for a few seconds, before staring fixedly at Six's tattoo. Then she says, "Interesting. I just used the equivalent of the spell your people call analyze dweomer, which is one of the more powerful divinations, and I can detect absolutely no function to the tattoo." She looks at a couple of others and has the same response.

Korm then thinks of something. He turns his back, produces the Key from the bag, and says, "Try it again." A clearly puzzled Flamewind complies and says she has the same result. "What was that about?" she asks. Korm replaces the Key and turns around, saying, "I just thought of something that might produce a result. Apparently not."

After a little more discussion, the group takes their leave of Flamewind, with a promise from both sides to contact the other if they learn something that might be of use or interest.

They then head to Carosten Park, where they find Teln sitting outside the locked door of the Gatehouse. He says that Surr'kal is away arranging for a message to be sent to someone who can help with their questions. The Angels let him know what has happened, which worries Teln a lot. He is heading back to lower Northedge, where he normally lives, but suggests that they all stay in Carosten Park.

Luna, Korm and Six decide to do so, but Gareth says he will stay at Coldflame Keep with Cedric and Mazin Tana. He travels to Northedge with Teln, who leaves Gareth eventually to head down to the Stoneyard district, where the shifter tends the parks and orchards. Gareth heads to the Keep, where he finds both Cedric and Mazin. When he tells them what has happened to Nameless, they both offer to help in any way they can, but there is little they can do.

The other three visit Deathsgate to let Trillia know what has happened to Nameless. She seems more amused than worried about him, and says that though she doesn't know Balan Cord personally, she has heard that he is a reliable and conscientious officer. Trillia tells the three that they are welcome to stay the night if they want, but they say their accommodations are taken care of and leave. By the time they are back at Carosten Park, night is falling.

Nameless, at approximately the same time, is visited by Balan again. He says that their investigations are proceeding and he has a fair amount of information corroborating Nameless' presence elsewhere at the time of the murder. Of course, as he has said before, this doesn't change the fact that the case needs to go to trial or that Nameless needs to stay in custody, but it makes him even more willing than before to trust Nameless and the Angels.

Balan then asks Nameless, "By the way, are you and your companions currently involved in any work for anybody, or expecting to be?"

"Not right now. Why?"

"I may have a proposition for you. If you are interested in helping us - and I mean not just the Blackened Book but the Watch in general - with some investigation or other way, that would allow me to let you free. And depending on your degree of success, it might make the authorities in Sharn look with some favor on your group, which is always helpful."

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Let me think about it and let you know tomorrow, once all your companions are back."

With that, Balan departs, leaving Nameless to his thoughts.

Next morning, the rest of the adventurers arrive at the garrison building. They are clearly expected and are soon sitting in a comfortable meeting room, where they are joined by Balan and Nameless. The Warden sends the guards outside and shuts the door behind them.

Resuming his seat, he tells the group that Trillia has corroborated that they departed from her house at the time they'd mentioned. A few people at the Lucky Nines casino have also confirmed that they were there and speaking to Killian. The gnome was not there at the time.

"In that case," says Six, "We know one thing. His ass isn't actually attached to that seat."

Balan looks a little confused and Six explains that they've never seen Killian anywhere other than at the same table. Gareth also mentions that as far as they know his name isn't Killian, but all they know is that the first syllable is "Thur".

Balan asks how they know and Six relates a little about Killian mimicking the appearance of Kylyman d'Sivis. He also mentions that Killian wasn't actually pretending to be Kylyman and that Kylyman both knew him and didn't seem to actually be upset about it.

Balan says, "Yes - the Sivis gnomes have a strange idea of games and competition. Anyway, if I do find anything important about this Killian or 'Thur ... whatever', especially if he's involved with the case in any way, I'll let you know."

Balan then goes on to tell the others about the offer he made to Nameless and that he has a couple of options in mind. One involves gladiatorial combat in Sharn, which is illegal but has a strong underground presence. There is one called the Burning Ring in Lower Menthis that the Watch is especially interested in shutting down. It is difficult to pin down since it appears at various locations and, or so Balan believes, the owners have links with the Menthis branch of the Watch. The Blackened Book has recently got involved since they believe that magical combats have been added to the list. There has also supposedly been a rise in fatalities.

The job is for the Angels to find out about the Burning Ring and preferably have at least one of them actually scheduled to fight in it, since they could inform Balan magically about the location as the fights were actually taking place.

Another job has to do with the Sharn drug trade. The costliest and most dangerous drug on the street (or below it, since it's usually available in the shadow markets of the Cogs) is called dragon's blood, and is solely sold by the Daask gang, who seem to have the secrets of its manufacture. Balan says he has information that it is transported into Sharn in some other form and then converted to the actual drug. He needs a significant amount of the drug, both to test this theory and to try to create an antidote.

This particular job, therefore, will involve the adventurers traveling into the Cogs, attacking a location where Balan believes they can find quantities of dragon's blood (both in its final form and in the original version), and returning to him with it.

The last job is also the most nebulous of all. Balan says that the King's Citadel, the organization that functions as the eyes, ears and oftentimes sword of King Boranel, might be interested in their services. Considering the secretive nature of the organization, Balan cannot say anything about the job, since he frankly doesn't know what it is.

What he does know is that if the Angels make the Citadel happy with their work, they will have made their future activities and life in Breland much easier. He warns them, however, that if the group does choose to accept the Citadel assignment, there will be no backing out after they have received the details of the job. So they should be very certain before they accept it.

The Angels then proceed to discuss the choices. Corven tells the others that he is going to be leaving them and heading to New Cyre later that day, so he doesn't take part in the discussion. Despite the lack of detailed information, most of the Angels prefer the Citadel job. Ironically Luna, the only Brelish citizen in the group, is the most skeptical about it, saying that getting involved with "the bloody Secret Service" is all she needs now! However, she agrees to go along with what the others decide. Korm, who knows little about the Citadel, is slightly skeptical too but says that Surr'kal asked him to keep an eye on and protect the others, and if that means working for the Citadel, then so be it.

Six asks Gareth whether his personal code will cause any problems for them, if it conflicts with what they are asked to do. Gareth tells Balan that Six has a point and says that he'd like Balan to inform the Citadel that he won't do anything that offends his personal code. Balan says that he doesn't think it'll be a problem, but they can bring that up themselves before getting any details of the job.

He produces an envelope that is addressed to Captain Talleon Haliar Tonan and sealed with the mark of the Blackened Book. Balan hands it over to Nameless and tells him that he should present it at the Citadel in Ambassador Towers, the building housing the main city jail as well as the headquarters of the King's Citadel in Sharn. The group should be there at 10 am the next day.

With that, Balan tells Nameless that he is free to go. As long as the case remains under investigation, none of the group should leave Sharn. It's quite likely, in fact, that the Guardians of the Gate have their names and descriptions out to all areas of egress from the city. Corven is a little concerned at the news and asks if he might have trouble, and Balan suggests that he get extra documentation from the Cyran embassy.

The Angels then depart and head back to Central Plateau. There, Corven leaves the others to make preparations for his journey. He says that he's planning to arrange an expedition to the island (or its remnants) as soon as possible, but it's likely to take months. He also says that he will most likely be in New Cyre throughout the time that he isn't in Sharn and asks them to contact him via the Sivis station there if they learn anything that might help him in his quest to learn more about the creation of the Mournland or if they need his help in any way.

After he leaves, the others ascend to Carosten Park. There, they walk to the Gatehouse, where they find the door open and Surr'kal and Teln inside. Surr'kal welcomes them in, saying that Teln had told him what happened and that he's relieved to see Nameless free.

He also says that he contacted a trusted traveler heading west from near the city, who will contact Gurr'khan and ask him to visit. Gurr'khan prefers not to visit the city, but with his ability to travel huge distances via plants, he will be able to do so as soon as he gets the news. And he is probably the best option in Breland for both finding and bringing one of the greater loremasters from the Shadow Marches or the Eldeen Reaches. It will, however, take well over a week for the message to reach him.

The Angels then begin to tell him a little about their experiences since they last met him, when they are interrupted by the sound of multiple screams from some distance outside the cottage, quickly followed by growling. Loud growling.

The adventurers, as well as Teln and Surr'kal, rush out. The source of the sounds is obvious. About a hundred or so feet from the cottage are four animals of immense size. Two are badgers, but each of them is fully ten feet long. And they are dwarfed by the other animals, two wolves which stand ten feet tall at the shoulder and stretch nearly twenty feet in length. The large dire bat flying above them is similarly dwarfed, while the burly shifter standing behind them is almost invisible in comparison. The animals are mauling an unfortunate family, who had presumably been enjoying the sights of the park only moments ago.

As soon the Angels emerge, the dire bat flies towards them, screeching something as it goes. As if in response, one wolf and badger charge at them, though the other two continue to chew on the now dead family. The shifter too races forward at preternatural speed, his already feral expression turning more bestial. As he comes he roars aloud and large claws emerge from his fingers. Leaping through the air, he buries them deep in the pelt of Luna, who is the closest to him and already in bear form. She roars in anger and pain and claws back.

One of the last to emerge from the Gatehouse, Korm draws his unusual sword and then swears in orc as he recognizes the assailant. "It's the Children of Winter I fought!" Throwing a quick look at the dire bat, he yells, "That must be the other one. Spread out!"

Before the others can comply, the bat screeches again and a thicket of thorny branches erupts from the ground around Korm and the others, holding most of them securely in place. The druids Surr'kal and Teln are able to pass smoothly through the branches as if they didn't exist, as is Luna, who ignores the fact that the her hindquarters are within the thicket. Korm, though he lacks their ability, simply shoves his way through the branches, ignoring the scratches they leave. Gareth is unable to do the same, but his heavy armor protects him from the thorns. Having emerged, Korm speaks an arcane word and hurls his sword at the dire bat. The sword zooms like an arrow at the creature, but at the last moment the bat swerves away and the sword flies back to Korm's hand.

Six, who is outside the area of the wall of thorns when it appears, has problems of his own. The huge wolf looms over him and bites down into his shoulder, pulling him off his feet. Surr'kal, having emerged from the far side of the wall, is attacked by the badger, which forces him to retreat back into the thorns and use them as a shield. Luna is already badly wounded by the immensely powerful shifter, and even though she manages to inflict deep wounds of her own, they seem to have less effect on her clearly berserk opponent. Teln heals her somewhat, but blood still streams down her fur.

The other two animals, having disposed of their victims, also head towards the fight, while the druid in bat form above brings down bolts of lightning. Just as things are looking very dire*, Nameless takes a hand. Ignoring the scratches from the thorns, he drops a dispel magic on the area outside, catching two of the animals and Luna's opponent. Though no change is apparent to two of them, the wolf that tripped Six promptly shrinks to a smaller size (albeit one nearly ten feet in length), with a comical look of lupine surprise. Nameless follows up by conjuring up a bank of solid fog centred on the bat, causing it to disappear from view with an angry squawk. He then follows up by dimension dooring out of the wall, with a relieved Gareth in tow.

With the bat no longer bringing spells down on them, the adventurers begin to inflict substantial damage to their enemies. Six badly wounds the dire wolf and cuts it down with Gareth's aid. The creature is clearly summoned, since it disappears as soon as it drops. As does the dire badger that is quickly brought down by Six and Gareth, along with the three pseudonatural bison Nameless summons.

Korm, on the other side of the fight, has badly wounded the dire badger that attacked Surr'kal, when he is bowled off his feet by the charge of the remaining huge wolf. Lying on the ground, with the two animals looming over him, Korm taps into the roots of his orcish heritage and his unusual training. His movements blur, as he speaks the words of a spell to cure some of his wounds and then rolls over, lashing out with desperate speed as his muscles swell with berserker strength. A mighty blow lays the badger's throat open and it disappears as it falls. Even as the wolf lays his side open, Korm strikes back from the ground and brings it down by neatly removing one of its legs.

By the time the dire bat manages to emerge from the solid fog (barely avoiding two more bats that Surr'kal has summoned) and reaches a position from which it can bring down another lightning bolt, Nameless has summoned a pair of pseudonatural hippogriffs and commanded them to grapple it. The dire bat manages to bring down a flame strike on Nameless, which the alienist dodges the brunt of, before being grabbed by a hippogriff. Which, at Nameless command, drops from the air nearly sixty feet up, bringing the bat down with it. Two of the bison promptly rush over and attempt to stamp on it.

Luna, meanwhile, has somehow managed to stay on her feet despite the wounds inflicted on her. Seeing her tottering, Gareth rushes up and touches her with Kizmet, causing the sword to bestow its healing on her and closing the majority of her wounds. Seeing his enemy being healed, the shifter screams in fury. He swings with all his strength, jamming both handfuls of claws into Luna's neck, ripping her throat open and dropping her in a pool of blood.** The shifter howls in triumph as she drops.

But even as Luna falls, a bloody Korm rises on the other side of her enemy with sword swinging. It bites deep, severing the spine and almost cutting the shifter in half.***

Even as he falls, the dire bat (some of whose wounds close even though he appears to have cast no spell) somehow manages to drag itself out of the hippogriff's grasp, its magical protections protecting it from the efforts of the attacking bison. It flaps into the air as fast as it can and heads away. Nameless promptly summons a griffon, which tries vainly to grab it, as do Surr'kal's bats.

Korm, turning from the body of the shifter, concentrates for a moment and large wings sprout from his shoulder blades****. He leaps into the air, racing after the fleeing druid. The hippogriffs, slower and more awkward than the bats, also rise clumsily from the ground and wing after it. Unfortunately, the fleeing druid still has a couple of tricks left. A sleet storm appears right behind it, blinding and slowing down its enemies, allowing it to build up enough speed to escape.

Realizing that chasing is futile, Korm flaps his way back to rejoin the others. Gareth, having just revived Luna before she could bleed to death, looks up at an exclamation from Six, who has been examining the dead shifter.

"Hey - it's not a guy. She's a woman!"

Nameless looks down at the figure and says, "How can you tell? Look at those muscles. And the sideburns!"

Gareth takes a look at the expression on the face of Luna, who has just turned back into a shaky-looking - and now irritated-looking - shifter and quickly adds, "We should check on the other people they attacked. Right now."

* Animal growthed and dire, to be precise
** Gareth got her to 40 hp and I rolled a crit, that unfortunately took her to 2 hp. Since she was still on her feet the shifter took the follow-up attack, taking Luna straight to -17.
*** Korm got three confirmed crits in the space of three rounds. Made a big difference to the fight.
**** We're using the UA variant of Aspects of Nature (modified) for Korm'akhan, to set him apart from Luna.


Written by AviLazar:

Session 27 - April 9, 2006

We had just completed assisting in the speech at Morgrave University, giving an account of our adventure to the mysterious island, though we left certain things blank. We received some looks of admiration, but I think most thought this was some farce or that we were all insane. Given the circumstances of our expedition, and some of the things that happened, I wouldn’t mind if everyone blew us off as insane.

We are outside of the presentation hall when an officer of the watch asks to speak with Nameless in private, and without the rest of the group. Given that we know what Nameless is carrying, the Dragon Shard, we insist that at least one party member join Nameless or we are not going anywhere. While this is not a good start to any kind of meeting with the Watch, there are certain things we must protect. Nameless and Six go inside. And a few minutes later, trouble bellows in the voice of Six “This is an outrage! You cannot treat us like this!” Korm’akhan turns to us and lets us know he heard something, we head towards the room and while standing outside the door. We knock on the door as I proceed to open it, but it is held firm by two people on the opposite side. Realizing this is not good I shout demanding answers – what I hear Six say is not good, “Nameless is being arrested for murder.”

Korm’akhan helps me open the door, shoving the two guards aside and the entire group enters a very small room. I keep myself at the ready, I do not want to fight members of the watch – they are just doing their job – but there is a greater good which I need to keep in mind.

We spend the next bit of time, maybe twenty or so minutes arguing with this gnome named Hasal. Trying to recall the little bit of law that I studied I do realize that Hasal is being really nice to us. Maybe because of our connections or the fact we are known as adventurers who can cause a lot of damage – I don’t know, and at the moment I do not care.

We do finally agree to join Hasal and go to the Watch House for the questioning, but then Hasal demands that Nameless remove all of his equipment and hand it over. Nameless begins to do so reluctantly, but stops at the bag of holding – which holds the Dragon shard. We try to explain to Hasal that Nameless does not own the bag, it is something he is just holding for the party. Hasal refuses and we are at an impasse. Hasal, at this time, refocuses his magical wand at Nameless. I am not sure what it is, but it is probably something powerful and harmful – though I think Hasal realizes he is not in a good position right now. If this ends in a fight, which I hope it doesn’t, then at least this battle will mean that Hasal and his fellow Watch members are dead.

And then, I am shocked by Nameless – something I previously thought not possible, he says “Don’t you trust the word of a paladin of the Silver Flame?” For all the arguments we have had in the past, and even times where Nameless has said that a paladins word means little, he then invokes my life’s work to support honesty? While I have no objection, as he said nothing wrong, I wonder what this implies for the future. Hasal, however, only says that he is thankful – because I am a paladin – that he is not arresting me. While the Silver Flame is not in power in Sharn, it would present many problems to Sharn – politically – if they arrested a Paladin of the Silver Flame. Would it be something the Church would sanction a war because of – that is possible – I would certainly go to war to protect a fellow brother – but luckily we are not at issues with that.

Nameless then suggests that we get Lalia to help by carrying the bag for us. Hasal is in agreement with this and we send Luna out, in eagle form, to get Lalia. While waiting we discuss what happens the night of Arrok’s murder – describing our relationship with our fallen comrade. I notice through the course of conversation that every time one of the group members speak they seem to offend Hasal and I remember they can be as diplomatic as a starving boar. I cut in, and use my best diplomatic tactics to get my message across to Hasal. I inform him that we are trying to work with him, but as adventurers who delve into powerful things there are greater concerns – concerns which could harm the life of everyone in Sharn – if not the world. I also inform him that while we do not wish a fight, if we do fight – a war with Sharn would arise. Hasal takes this as a joke, and laughs – while I do not see this as a funny situation – I accept it since it helps reduce the burden a bit.

As we continue to discuss things Luna returns, but with news that Lalia and Tasra are not available. Just as that happens, there is a knock on the door and another Warden - by the name of Balan Cord a Warden of the Blackened Book– comes in. He is Hasal’s boss. In addition to Balan, another person walks in with him – a dwarf, and then three more men who carry halberds. The dwarf, who we find out is named Kestran Dal of the Guardians of the Gate, immediately begins in a flurry of insults only to be cut-off by Balan – who seems to be in charge of the group.

We then speak with Balan and Kestran, the former being more diplomatic and we go back over the issues we discussed before. At least, Balan has a bit more authority then Hasal does and so we are able to get slightly better results. We finally come to an agreement that Balan will inspect the contents of the bag in the room and then I would carry the bag back to the watch house.

Balan does inspect the contents, and does a detect magic – he is confused with the results of his spell. None of the items detect as magic and neither does anyone standing next to the item. Balan then has Hasal cast a detect magic and Hasal says that Balan radiates as magic dead. When they see the results Balan starts to question us and we inform him that we are not sure of everything that is going on and that we cannot comment on what we do know other then the shard blocks some divinations. We give a little more information – that we found the shard on the island we destroyed – which again raises some eyebrows. Nameless then asks that we speak about this in private. With that, we pack the bag up and head towards the watch house.

When the shard goes into the bag, the Detect magic spell picks up the tattoos on our chests. We again reiterate our need to speak about this in private and Balan agrees. We walk the street, our very large group, and head to the Warden Towers district – luckily without any incident. Once inside Luna and Six are escorted to different rooms for questioning, while the rest of us join Nameless in a private room. Nameless asks that we have some privacy and Kestran grabs Nameless pulling him down and demanding that he does as told. Balan – again – commands Kestran to relax – which he does only barely. The room is cleared out with the exception of Balan and the remainder of our group.

We describe to Balan a bit of what we know – not everything – but what we think is relevant enough for him to know. Hasal comes back and lets us know that Arrok had a patch of skin removed from his chest – right about where the tattoo would have been located. This is disconcerting for us as someone not only knows about the tattoo, and its significance, but they know who bears these marks.

Balan tells us, in greater detail, what happened to Arrok and Nameless comments that in addition to Necromancy, Illusion is also a banned school for him – and this killer of Arrok utilized a necromancy spell and an illusion spell.

After the meeting Balan tells us that Nameless will have to remain in the watch house for then next two to six days. Nameless asks if the group can take possession of the bag and Balan agrees to those terms. We take the items and leave.

We then make our way out of the Watch’s building and head to see Flamewind, a gynosphinx who has proved a valuable resource. NOTE: Flamewind is one person who we have not checked out her background too much. While I may be growing overly paranoid, she could very well be the leak we have been worried about.

We have our meeting with her, Six leading the discussion as he is most familiar with her. She gives us some vague information, but nothing that we didn’t already surmise. We do learn, however, that the tattoos provide no function – at least as far as Flamewind can tell when she utilizes the Analyze Dweomer spell – a powerful spell. After the meeting we walk over to Carosten Park, but since we do not find Surr’kal the group decides to turn in for the night. While the rest of the group decides to stay in the park I make my way to Coldflame Keep where I speak with Cedric and Mazin tana. I also help provide any healing and comforting that I can. It is a rare that I get to help people in this fashion, and it is definitely comforting knowing that I can do some good – even without violence.

The following morning I make my way back to the Watch House where I meet the rest of the group. We go in to visit Nameless, and I have to say it is kind of funny seeing him there – alone in his cell. I have thought I would see Nameless many ways – in total control of a situation, fleeing a situation, or just dead because of a situation – but I never thought I would see him locked up – especially knowing his abilities to escape when needed.

We discuss a bit more about what happened on the night of Arok’s murder. I am sure it is more to see if our stories change – a tactic that is often utilized to capture a liar. Balan then informs us of a simpler way for us to be done with this legal business and that is if we were to accept a mission for the government. He offers us three jobs, and we take what sounds to be the one he thought we would not choose – and that is to work for the Citadel. To work for the secret service of the King is a great honor, and a chance to do something really important. We discuss our options and then Corven informs us that he will be taking his leave since he wants to do some more research into the island – particularly to find out how it may relate to the Day of Mourning. Note: I am saddened to see Corven leave. I was closest with him, both as a family relation and as a companion. I hope everything goes well for him.

Once we have agreed to work with the Citadel, we leave (with Nameless) the Watch House and proceed to Carosten Park. We meet with Surr’kal and he lets us know that while it will take time, Gurr’khan will be able to come to Sharn to help us with the issues with the dragonshard and the daelkyr issue. In the middle of our conversation we are interrupted by some noise and screaming outside. We exit the tent where we see four enormous animals attacking innocents. Korm then shouts something about the “Children of Winter” as we head into battle.

The battle begins, and the Children of winter cast a Wall of Thorns which prevents me from moving. As such, I spend the time casting spells to increase my combat ability, while Nameless thinks of a way to get me free. The rest of the group goes into battle, and as soon as Nameless Dimension Door’s with me I walk up to a dire wolf and hack at it – helping Six finish it off. Then we walk towards another animal, a dire badger, and cut it down as Nameless brings in his pseudo natural bison to assist. I notice, just then, that Luna is bleeding very badly – wobbeling in her animal form. I touch her with the tip of Kizmet, healing her critical wounds. Just then, one of the Children of Winter strikes Luna, and due the to graces of the Silver Flame she is spared death.

The Child of Winter flies off, and Korm tries following him for a bit before he returns saying he cannot catch up with the shifter.

We examine the remains of the dead.


Session 28 - The King's Citadel (or "Gnomes! Why Does it Have to be Gnomes?")

The Angels, Surr'kal and Teln go check on those who'd been attacked by the summoned creatures. They find it was a family consisting of the parents and two young children, all of whom are dead (and in a couple of cases, partly eaten). While they are checking the corpses, they are approached a couple of scared-looking people who emerge from behind nearby bushes and one who descends awkwardly from the branches of a tree.

These individuals had apparently hidden themselves when the creatures appeared and need some reassurance that they won't return (especially the man who has a large yellow stain running down his pants). They explain that they were walking through the park when a tall man (who fits the description of the druid named Cainan, whom Korm had fought earlier) and the shifter had come hurrying up, with the former then summoning the creatures and enlarging them. The unfortunate family had just wandered around a clump of trees nearby and promptly been attacked and killed. The three onlookers hid themselves and saw the druid turn into a dire bat and the ensuing battle with the adventurers.

This discussion is interrupted by a loud call of "What's going on here?" It comes from four Watch guards that come hurrying towards the gathering, prompting a disgusted Six to comment, "It figures. They were probably outside having a smoke till we took care of everything!"

Though the adventurers are standing in the middle of some dead and half-eaten corpses, with more blood and the dead shifter further along the area, this time they have no real trouble with the Watch. The three onlookers explain what they saw, with a little embellishment here and there. The guards apparently know who both Surr'kal and Teln are and listen attentively while they add their account as well.

By the time they are done, the guards are convinced that the Angels are not to blame in any way. When they check the adventurers' papers, they recognize them by name and reputation, with one commenting that he has a nephew who's at Morgrave University and had told him about being at the presentation about their expedition.

The guards do ask the Angels to stop by the local Watch house and make a report, but after a polite explanation from Gareth that it might be better to get the other witnesses to do so, they agree and leave with the three civilians. None of whom seem very comfortable about having to help carry the corpses of the dead family with them.

Once they are gone, the group returns to the Gatehouse, as Surr'kal and Teln both comment on how impressed they are with the Angels' abilities. They check the body of the dead shifter, whom Korm said Cainan had called Dusk. Among the limited equipment that she carries is a pair of boots that gave her the incredible speed she displayed. Gareth asks to use them, since that'll make it likelier that he can actually get to a fight at the same time as the others, and nobody disagrees.

While examining the body, Surr'kal asks Korm, "Do you think that Cainan will be back?"

"Quite possibly," Korm grimly replies. "He may want revenge for his companion. I hope I am here if he does return."

Nameless suggests that Surr'kal and Teln arrange a funeral for the shifter, since that would ensure Cainan cannot try something like reincarnating her later. Surr'kal says it is a good idea and the two druids take care of it, with some help from the Angels.

Afterwards, the group splits up as usual, with Korm accompanying Nameless as he visits Trillia, while Luna flies around the area as an eagle, keeping an eye out for Cainan. Gareth heads to the Deneith enclave to check on Lalia and Six goes off on his own.

When Nameless shows up, Trillia asks what happened with his arrest. He provides a detailed coverage of what occurred, and she is quite amused that the group has actually decided to work for the Citadel. She says that he's unlikely to be able to share the details with her, but if he can, she'll be curious to know what it is.

They also discuss the whole issue of Arrok's murder and who might be involved. Nameless asks if Trillia thinks there is anyone at the Guild who might be involved. Trillia says that she sincerely doubts anyone from there is involved, but, naturally, anything is possible. At any given time there are usually only a dozen members in Sharn capable of casting spells of the third valence, as the murder was, and half of that is people like Trillia who actually live in the city.

Currently she thinks she's as powerful a spellcaster as anyone in the Guild who's in Sharn, unless Naziam (a half-elf transmuter) or Dimass (a gnome sorcerer) have got stronger. It's accepted at the Guild (as at the Esoteric Order, which has approximately the same number of powerful spellcasters) that members should inform the Guild when they have achieved access to a new level of valences, so it would be easy to find out. She mentions that Nameless should also let them know how good he's getting.

Nameless says that he was mainly interested in finding out what other powerful arcanists there are in the city, and that he figured most of them would be members of the Guild or Order. Trillia says that many are, but it's not necessarily the case. Out of the powerful arcane spellcasters in the city who aren't members of the Guild or Order, she mentions the dwarf Kalphan Riak, high priest of Kol Korran at the Korranath in Upper Central (who is a sorcerer, not a cleric). She says that while he's a bit of a greedy bastard, she doubts he's running around killing people to frame Nameless. Warden Balan Cord is supposed to be good too, though she's heard his forte is things that affect people and control crowds, rather than actual killing spells. Presumably Lady Warden Maira ir'Talan, commander of the Blackened Book, is a good spellcaster too, but she's mainly an administrator rather than a field operative. The Boromars and Daask (especially the latter) are supposed to have a few strong spellcasters in their employ, and there have got to be a couple among the diplomatic corps in Sharn, though the better they are the less likely anyone is to know about them. Which also goes for any underworld figures unaffiliated with the Boromars and Daask.

Korm, who's been listening to this, says that it sounds next to impossible to find any really useful information in this city. Trillia says that while it may seem very complicated, depending on who did it and how, there may be some unofficial ways to get information about it. If the murder was committed by someone hired to do it, especially among the criminal community, probably the best bet for info is what is known as the Tyrants. They are supposed to be a changeling gang which deals almost purely in information and have a much bigger handle on that than the Boromars and Daask (who supposedly have dealings with them). They're supposed to have eyes and ears everywhere, so just dropping a little coin and saying that one wants to contact them should get their attention. Supposedly they have an especially strong presence in the Dragoneyes red light district (Lower Tavick's Landing, just below the Deathsgate district that Trillia's house is in) and also in the Callestan inn district (Lower Dura).

Korm and Nameless file the information away for possible later use. Trillia goes on to ask Nameless if he's still interested in her idea of a visit to Yarkuun Draal. He says that he definitely is, but it would depend on what the group is involved with next. The Citadel assignment, for example, may keep them busy for a while. He won't know for sure until the actual meeting.

Korm, who wasn't there when she first made the proposal, asks about it. He mentions that he'd heard that Yarkuun Draal was a Dhakaani ruin. Trillia says that he's right and it is located to the southwest of Sharn, near the coast in the Siln Highlands. She tells Korm a little of what she's already told Nameless about the place, her previous visit to it, the aberrations that overrun it, and the possibility of a dimensional seal being present there. Korm asks if she intends to tamper with the seal at all and she reassures him that she's "not mental enough" to want a daelkyr wandering around Khorvaire. She simply wishes to study the creations of the daelkyr further. Now, with her own increased power and the varied abilities of the Angels, she believes they could explore the ruins there and survive.

Korm says that he too would be interested in seeing the place, especially if there is some lurking danger that the Gatekeepers should know of. He then leaves Nameless with Trillia and heads back to Carosten Park. Once there, he joins Luna in a long, peaceful flight around and among the towers, though the sight of a large winged orc does draw some attention from passers-by.

Six, meanwhile, goes to the one shop he frequents and sells the sculptures that he has been working on for the last few weeks. Then he wanders the streets of Sharn as is his habit, eventually heading to Trillia's home to join Nameless there.

Gareth first goes to the Deneith enclave, where he learns that Lalia and Tasra are both outside Sharn on work. He then visits the Cathedral, where he meets Bodo. He also receives a letter from his mother and grandmother, which was delivered to the Cathedral by a Sivis messenger.

His mother's letter is mostly about the events on the island, saying that she's happy that he's fine and that she's looking forward to reading about it in the Korranberg Chronicle. She also mentions having looked up daelkyr after getting his letter and is quite fascinated by the fact that he's encountered something that is effectively legendary at this point. She comments in passing about his plan to join the Deneith enclave in Sharn, simply saying that he should do whatever works for him, though she does think it's a good idea and at least a more stable job than the adventuring life.

His grandmother's letter is longer and is basically about three things - the daelkyr/dragon, Kizmet and the enclave. Regarding the first, she knows a little more about daelkyr but says she has also read up on it recently. She says that his encounters with it and with the dragon clearly show that (as she always figured) he is destined for special things by the Silver Flame, and that she's looking forward to hearing and reading more about these events. She considers the growing bond with the sword as more proof of the fact, especially since it sounds like the sword is growing more powerful than it ever was in Gareth's father's or grandfather's hands. As for the enclave, she says she's happy that he's thinking of joining it, since the Sharn enclave is one of the major ones outside Karrnath and it could use someone of his standards to cleanse and improve it. Who knows, perhaps this could be the first step in him improving not just the Deneith enclave in Sharn but eventually the House as a whole across Khorvaire.

While Gareth is reading the letters, an acolyte tells him that the Archierophant asked that he be told to stop by when he is here next. Since she is present at the Cathedral, Gareth goes to her office and meets her. Ythana Morr greets him and talks a little about his recent adventures. She also asks about his time at Coldflame Keep and what he thinks of it. Gareth says that he thinks Mazin is a worthy man and is doing a lot for the community there and it's a pity that the temple there is in such disrepair.

Ythana says that Mazin has been one of the longest serving members of the Flame in Sharn, which is why he was assigned to Coldflame Keep, in hopes of improving the situation there. Unfortunately, the community there hasn't been as receptive as would be desirable for a long time, partly because there's a strong shifter population in Middle and Lower Northedge. Ythana says that she does still have some plans that may help improve not just the situation of Coldflame Keep but the status of the Silver Flame in Sharn, where it has consistently taken second place to the worship of the Sovereign Host. She asks Gareth if he is willing to help in that regard, since someone of his skills could be very helpful. Gareth replies that he'd be happy to help in any way.

Ythana also says that she believes he has met Cedric Galan and asks what Gareth thinks of him. Gareth says that Cedric is definitely unusual, to which she agrees. He adds that some of Cedric's beliefs contradict with his own, but evidently Cedric is a good paladin, both in what Gareth's seen of him and the fact that the Flame finds him worthy of paladinhood. As long as Cedric does what he wants on his own time, Gareth says, he has no problem with recognizing him as a comrade and a friend.

The Archierophant listens carefully and says that she was curious, since Cedric does stretch the mold in ways most paladins do not and she has heard very differing opinions of him. She has had little interaction with him, since he prefers to worship at Coldflame Keep rather than at the Cathedral.

Ythana then checks on Gareth's future plans before ending the discussion. She says that he can tell Mazin that she is planning to send him some help regarding the temple.

Gareth does head to Coldflame Keep from the Cathedral, after stopping at the Kundarak bank on the way. He finds both Mazin and Cedric at the Keep and tells them about his discussion with Ythana Morr. He also gives Mazin the hundred galifars that he picked up at the bank, as a contribution to the temple. Mazin thanks him and says that he's pleased to hear the Archierophant is planning to help the temple. Cedric, on the other hand, just snorts and says, "I'll bloody well believe it when I see it."


The next morning, all of the adventurers gather at the Park and then head down to Middle Central. They find the Citadel to be a huge fortified structure, which occupies the middle levels of Andith Tower. Not only does its bare, gray appearance set it apart from the surrounding embassies, shops and restaurants of Ambassador Towers, but it’s also exceptional in the fact that no skybridges connect to its various levels. In fact, there is no visible entrance. Numerous buildings stand around the base, with guards in Watch uniform moving back and forth. A skycoach dock also stands nearby.

Nameless stops a guard and says that they have an appointment. Once he shows the letter, the Angels are quickly shepherded onto a nearby skycoach. It flies upwards until it reaches a huge balcony, guarded by numerous people in both Watch uniform and the armor of the Knights of the Citadel. Disembarking, the adventurers present the letter and are asked to accompany a pair of guards within.

They are led through a number of corridors that twist and turn, heading deeper into the body of the Citadel. They soon arrive at a large guarded gate, decorated with both the snarling bear of Breland and the shield of the King's Citadel. After presenting the letter again, the Angels are led inside and eventually arrive at an office.

Inside the office is a uniformed gnome sitting at a desk and talking to a half-elf. Six mutters something indistinct about gnomes, as he introduces himself as Captain Talleon. He takes the letter and after skimming it, tells the half-elf to inform 'Ras' that he'll need him in half an hour. While the half-elf leaves, Talleon picks up a sheaf of files off his desk and leads the group into an adjoining meeting room.

Once they are all seated, he drops the files on the table (perhaps not-so-coincidentally in a position that lets them see that they bear the names of the various adventurers) and says, "Balan has told me something about you and I've done a little checking myself." He smiles a little and adds, "You people aren't that difficult to find information on."

Then he looks at Korm and adds, "You, however, I know comparatively less about." He taps a significantly slimmer file with 'Korm'akhan' on the cover and says. "Let's see - you are a foreigner to Breland, are a member of the Gatekeeper sect of druids, and have been in Sharn for a few weeks. Correct?"

Korm simply replies, "Yes," not vouchsafing any more information.

"All right," says Talleon, before turning to Gareth. "Gareth Byron Deneith, originally of Karrlakton. You are a paladin of the Silver Flame, right?"


"Then please do that detection thing you paladins do. Use it on me."

More than a little surprised at the request, considering it's one that nobody has ever made to him, Gareth complies, quickly discovering that Talleon detects faintly of evil.

Talleon calmly continues, "I've had a couple of people tell me before that I appear to be slightly or mildly evil to that ability, and I've met more than a couple of paranoid paladins, so I figured I'd mention it in the interests of honesty." He leans forward and adds, "Presumably it has something to do with my methods. But I don't give a damn about things like that. I have more important things to worry about."

"So you're one of the 'end justifies the means' kind of people?" asks Nameless, with a grin.

An unsmiling Talleon replies, "My life is dedicated to protecting my King and my country. I don't have the luxury of worrying about means and ends. I do what I need to." He glances at Gareth and says, "Don't worry - you won't be asked to do anything that will ... offend your morality. Speaking of which, what exactly do you draw the line at?"

Gareth says, "There are many things I could say, but the main one is that I won't kill an innocent."

Talleon asks, "So what is an innocent?"

Gareth quickly replies, "I don't know what it means for you, but for me it's someone who isn't evil and isn't harming other people."

"What about when someone is likely to be a danger?"

"Listen," says Gareth, "We could talk ethics and judgement for a year and we'd probably still not be able to agree."

"That's all right. As I said, it won't be an issue for you."

"The rest of us," Nameless interjects, "Are a little more flexible than Gareth here, if it matters."

"Noted. Now, before I can tell you what the assignment is, I'd like to test your capabilities. It would very likely be dangerous and I don't want to get you killed because you can't handle it. Do you mind passing a test? It'll be dangerous, but then your line of work puts you in danger all the time. And I'll ensure it isn't fatal."

The adventurers look at each other and shrug. Talleon leads them out of the room to another part of the complex, where they eventually arrive at a large stone door. It slides open to reveal a huge rectangular room, full of obstructions and barriers of various sizes, walls pockmarked with the signs of explosions. There is a large translucent window midway up the side of the room.

Talleon asks them to enter and wait for orders. Once they do, door closes behind them. Nameless puts his back to the door and begins to cast protective spells. The others spellcasters do the same, while some draw weapons and Luna turns into a large brown bear. As they are setting themselves into a rough semicircle around Nameless' position, the window turns transparent, revealing Talleon and three more people in a room behind it. "Please defend yourselves," says Talleon.

A couple of seconds later, five large apes appear around the Angels, one within reach of each adventurer, bellowing and beating their chests in challenge. Their glowing red eyes and the sulphuric smell that surrounds them mark them as fiendish in nature.

Despite their impressive appearance, however, the creatures are clearly not a match for the Angels and go down in seconds beneath a flurry of weapons and claws, with a pair of summoned pseudonatural bison only hastening their demise.

Gareth looks around as the last of the summoned creatures drops and vanishes, before calling across the room to Talleon, "Is that all?"

The comment is answered immediately, as three dire wolves appear in the room along with two giant wasps (all of these are celestial in nature). These last slightly longer than the apes, with the wasps stinging Nameless and Korm, though both shrug off the effects of their poison. Even so, barely half a minute after the apes appeared, the wolves and wasps are gone too.

Gareth again speaks up, asking, "Don't you have anything better?" Even as Nameless growls, "Dammit, Gareth - don't piss off the...", five more creatures appear. Each carries a large, saw-toothed glaive, which marks it out to those in the know as much as the pointed ears, scaly skin, long tail, clawed limbs, and snaky, spiky beard do.

"Barbazu from Shavarath," says Nameless, and Gareth and Korm nod as they also recognize the creatures. "Watch the beards."

The devils promptly scream wordless battle cries and hurl themselves at the adventurers, landing some powerful blows. A wounded Nameless is forced to get out of range by dimension dooring halfway across the room, while Six switches to defensive fighting, whirling his chain in an impenetrable wall around himself.

Gareth's armor protects him from the glaives, but unfortunately for him, he's right in the middle when Korm sends an arc of lightning racing across three of the devils. Even as they convulse in pain, Gareth yells too. "Watch what you do!" he shouts, before turning to swing at a barbazu, anger fueling his blade.

Despite their initial success and general toughness, the barbazu go down one by one, the last one being actually cut into two halves by Gareth*. As the bleeding paladin turns towards Talleon and opens his mouth, Luna (to whom Nameless had just said, "Shut him up!") rears up and places a large paw over his mouth (or rather, face) and muffling whatever he was about to say.

"I hope we're done now," says Nameless instead, and Talleon replies, "Yes. And very impressively so."

The window turns translucent again and moments later, the stone door slides back to reveal Talleon and two uniformed men with wands, who enter the room and set to healing the adventurers.

Gareth, having been released by Luna, gives her a dirty look and then bestows an even dirtier one on Korm. "What do you think you were doing?" he asks angrily. "You could have killed me!"

"No," says Korm confidently, "It wasn't that powerful a spell. You were quite safe."

"That's not the point!" says Gareth and proceeds to chew Korm out about tactics and responsibility, most of which the big orc ignores.

Talleon watches the byplay between the two and then says, "Very impressive. You're obviously as skilled as I'd heard." With that, he turns around and leads the Angels back towards his office.

When they reach it, they find a muscular, uniformed half-orc waiting for them. He rises at their entrance and Talleon turns to the Angels to say, "This is Raskalorn, one of my finest operatives. We generally call him Ras. Ras, these are the Angels."

Leading Ras and the others into the meeting room, Talleon takes a seat and says that, in view of what he's just seen, he thinks the Angels would be perfect for the job. He goes on to say that he heads the King's Dark Lanterns, the intelligence branch of the Citadel, in Sharn. Though dangerous work is common for the Lanterns, Ras is involved in a particularly dangerous case and it is quite likely that he has already had a bounty put on his head by some people whom Talleon can't mention for security reasons. In short, Talleon needs powerful and experienced people unconnected to the Citadel to keep an eye on Ras, which is the assignment for the Angels.

For the next few days, they will be told about various locations where Ras will be, usually with about a day's advance notice. They will make sure to "coincidentally" be present at the same location and time. Sometimes they will also need to keep an eye on Ras as he travels to and from these locations. They will protect him from anyone who attacks him, and are free to take such attackers down "by any means necessary".

Talleon says that the locations will usually be in middle to lower Sharn and possibly even the Cogs. Of course, he assumes, this shouldn't be a problem for the adventurers. Nameless comments that they'd prefer it to not be Malleon's Gate, since some people there might not want to see them return, but otherwise it shouldn't be a problem.

Talleon notes it and adds that they should need the Angels on and off for ten days to a fortnight, but not on a daily basis. He asks for a contact location where he can send them the information as needed, and is told to use Trillia's home and, failing that, the Gatehouse in Carosten Park.

The adventurers have a couple of minor questions, but otherwise simply take in the information. So does Raskalorn, who simply says that he is pleased to meet them and hopes that their expertise won't be needed. Talleon tells the group to study both Raskalorn's current appearance and also the disguise he'll most commonly use, which Ras demonstrates by turning into a scarred human. Once that is done, with no questions forthcoming, he dismisses both Ras and the group.

The adventurers head back towards the exit with their two guards. Just as they are about to reach the large gate that led into this section, a halfling steps into the corridor ahead of them. Though none of them recognize him, he seems to be expecting them, since he waits till they get closer and then flashes a badge at the guards. As the guards stop, he says, "In here," to the adventurers, adding, "We need to talk."

The Angels look at each other, shrug and follow him into the room, though Six mutters something about almost having made it out. The halfling shuts the door with the guards outside. Then he changes into Captain Talleon, drawing a couple of sighs from the Angels, and tells them to sit down. Doing so himself, he says, "Now here's the real job."

He quickly goes on to say that there's more to the job than he said in front of Ras. While it's true that Ras is one of his best operatives, he has information that Ras is a double agent and has been selling information to the Royal Eyes of Aundair, the spy service that answers to Queen Aurala. Which, incidentally, is why the Angels fit his needs, since he wanted a group with no Aundairans. Since Ras is a long-serving member of the Citadel and the Dark Lanterns, Talleon needs external people to keep an eye on Ras, people who Ras will allow to stay close to him. The assignment to protect Ras takes care of that angle.

While the Angels are truly supposed to protect Ras, they're also supposed to keep an eye on anything suspicious he does. They should watch for people who show up at consistently at the places they will be going to. They should note whoever he speaks to. Or if he exchanges any items with anyone. In short, Talleon wants them to note anything he does that is the least bit suspicious.

Talleon adds that when he sends them the information about meeting/guarding Ras, it will be in the form of a letter and will contain separate information about their actual job in the form of a secret page spell. The command word "Sumar" will allow them to access it.

When Talleon asks them if they have any questions, this time there are a number of queries. Nameless asks, "What do we do if we detect anything definitely suspicious? Do we stop Ras?"

"No. Simply report back to me about it later. I will probably meet you again after you've had a couple of days."

Gareth, who's just used his detect evil on Talleon and, for the first time in his life, been a little relieved at detecting a faint level of evil, queries, "Is there actually a bounty out on Ras?"

"No, I lied," says Talleon blandly. "Of course, it's likely that some people would like him dead, but I have no information about any impending attempt on his life. The odds are that you will simply need to observe Ras, rather than fight anyone."

Nameless puts in, "I should point out that we are a lot better at the fighting than at subtlety."

"That's all right. You're clearly experienced and versatile in your skills. I'm sure you'll make do."

Six apparently has more material concerns. "Do we have an expense account?" he inquires, drawing a snicker from Luna.

Talleon almost looks surprised as he answers, "Your incidental expenses will be covered. Emphasis on incidental."

After answering a couple more minor questions, Talleon ends the impromptu meeting. He then changes back to a halfling, lets them out and closes the door. The guards see them out to the balcony and to a waiting skycoach, which drops them to the bottom of the Citadel tower.

As the Angels move off, Six shakes his head and says, "Great. Just great. There just had to be a double-cross in there."

Gareth shrugs. "I'm not surprised that happened. The first job seemed a little simple for people of our skills."

Korm replies, "Considering what I have seen of gnomes, especially in this city, there's probably a triple- or a quadruple-cross in there somewhere." He throws a look at the cloudy sky above, though most of it is blocked by the huge shape of Skyway floating above. "The wilds are a lot simpler than this place."

Luna isn't the only person in the group who nods in agreement.

* Crit on a power-attacking smite with divine might, doing 90+ pts of damage on one hit


The first message from Talleon arrives soon, showing up at Trillia's the next morning. It tells the group to have dinner the next day at Mizano Rupa's, a popular dinner theater in the Smoky Towers district of Middle Menthis. They should be there at 7 pm, Reservations will have been made for them at 7 pm. Raskalorn will be two tables away. There is unlikely to be any danger at dinner, but they should escort Ras at a distance back to Ambassador Towers, where he’ll enter Athania’s Companions (an escort service). Once he enters, they can leave.

After they use the command word, the letter fades and more writing appears. It says that they should keep an eye out for anyone who speaks to Ras at Mizano Rupa’s, especially a bearded man with deep blue eyes. Also, when Ras enters Athania’s, at least one person should wait until he emerges and follow him till he returns to the Citadel, noting if he stops anywhere.

After receiving the information, the Angels keep themselves busy in various ways throughout the day. As has now become a habit for them, they check the Korranberg Chronicle to see what is occurring in both Sharn and across Khorvaire. They read about an alarm at the Floating Towers of Arcanix (where the Arcane Congress of Aundair is located), though the Chronicle's reporters were not allowed any information. There was also an assassination attempt on the figurehead Queen Diani of Thrane, shortly after her meeting with Queen Aurala, by a pair of assassins wearing marks of House Medani, though they were clearly impostors. Medani, which had recently been banned from Flamekeep, has been allowed in again and are leading the investigation into the attacks.

As for Sharn, there is mention of a huge auction at the end of Barrakas at the Grand Spires auction house, where most of the collection of Sulan Sardenian (a recently deceased former explorer of the Wayfinder Foundation) is to be disposed of. Sulan left the collection to Lord Boroman ir'Dayne, who has donated some to the Dezina Museum at Morgrave University and is having the rest auctioned. The crown of the auction is to be the famous Lazura Diamond, reputed to be a cause of strange misfortune for its owners. Another interesting bit of news on Sharn, especially for Gareth, is the story in the social section of a cat-fight at the Tain Gala on the 6th between Lalia d'Deneith and the Valenar ambassador Daera Sorandal over Caerlyn Tyrell, head of the Sharn-located mercenary troop, Caerlyn's Blades. Lalia was apparently seen around town for a few weeks with Caerlyn while his on-again off-again girlfriend Daera was outside Sharn, and took exception to Caerlyn's visit to the Gala with Daera. Gareth, perhaps due to the others' presence, displays no real reaction to the article.

The KC also makes a closer appearance in the form of Flim Turen, who catches the Angels while they are at Carosten Park. He has a lot of questions, both about what occurred after the presentation at Morgrave University and the fight two days ago at the Park. The adventurers say little about the Morgrave incident and Korm involuntarily ends up distracting Flim by mentioning that the Children of Winter were the ones who caused the recent epidemic.

Flim spends some time noting down what Korm says about the Children of Winter, the epidemic, and the worshippers of the Flame who helped him. He is also quite interested in exactly who Korm is and whether he's a member of the Angels. Korm says that he wouldn't call himself a member but he is definitely going to be working with them for the time being. He also says that he's a member of the Gatekeepers, which Flim notes.

Flim also asks about the group's plans and whether they're still planning to "clean up Sharn," as Luna had told him that they were. Luna, whom the others are generally keeping from doing much talking to him, grins and says it's on the 'to do' list. Flim comments that the Angels are pretty good for news purposes, since things seem to happen to them. Things have been at a bit of a loose end since the Blades of Arakhain left town, but it looks like the Angels are going to more than make up for the absence. He promises to stop by and check on them soon and also to help with information in any way he can.

After he has gone, the adventurers split up as usual. Six, who is a little short on cash, borrows some from Gareth and pays a long visit to one of the larger Cannith shops in town. There, he has his body plating permanently enchanted to provide greater protection in battle. Later that day, he also visits a weaponsmith in the city and provides the man with as detailed a description of the drow scorpion chains he'd seen on the island. The weaponsmith says he's never seen such a weapon and isn't sure that he can manufacture one, but says that he'll give it a try.

The next day, as ordered by Talleon, the Angels make their way to Middle Menthis, making sure to arrive fifteen minutes early. Smoky Towers is a district clearly focused on entertainment, with dinner theaters, recital halls and the grand Classic theater drawing people to it, as do the restaurants that cater to the people visiting the district. Mizano Rupa's is one of the dinner theaters that blend food and entertainment and even before they enter, the Angels realize why they were provided a reservation. A large number of people wait outside, clearly hoping for a table.

The adventurers enter and, after handing over their weapons in the foyer, move into the main hall, where they are ushered to their reserved table. Six, as the only warforged in the place, draws more than a couple of looks but no comments. The tables are set around the large stage that juts out of one wall, topped by an orchestra section. A large program announces the next set of performances, both theatrical and musical, beginning at 7 pm.

Raskalorn enters just before seven, with an attractive young woman on his arm, wearing the human appearance that he had shown the Angels in the Citadel. He takes a table near the group, walking past their table and showing absolutely no sign of recognition. Moments after he takes his seat, the performances begin.

The adventurers spend the next hour and a half being both well-fed and well-entertained. The food at Mizano Rupa's is quite good, and while the performers are not the best that Menthis boasts, they are obviously skilled.

Despite the comfortable ambience and the distractions of food and music, the Angels do their job, keeping a very close, if surreptitious, eye on Ras. The Dark Lantern seems quite focused on his date and the entertainment, laughing and talking with her and giving her all of his attention. He only leaves the table on two occasions, once to visit the restroom (when Six, who hasn't had the others' chance to indulge in the food and is slightly bored, suggests that he go in there and stare at Ras, just to have something to do) and once to get a couple of glasses of wine from the long bar against one wall.

When he reaches the bar, Ras exchanges a word or two with a well-dressed elf next to him while waiting for his drinks, but doesn't do anything suspicious. On the way back, however, he brushes past a man who fits the description (bearded and startlingly blue-eyed) that the Angels have been told to watch out for. This figure turns to glance in the general direction of Ras' table and seems to give a tiny start of recognition on seeing the adventurers, or so it seems to Six and Luna.

A few minutes later, the bearded man walks by Ras' table and bumps into the agent. He quickly apologizes and Ras and he shake hands. A couple of the Angels think they catch a tiny speck of white, like perhaps a folded note, changing hands as they do so. The adventurers watch as the bearded man rejoins his dinner companions, two more men, at a table across the room.

About fifteen minutes later, the three of them end their meal and leave. Luna suggests that she follow him, while the rest stick with Ras, since she can track him as an animal. She follows him and his companions out the door. The others remain at the table and begin to wrap up their meal, seeing that Ras and his date are doing so. About ten minutes after Luna left, they are heading out the door too.

Ras and his date board a skycoach and head north, followed by the Angels, disembarking at Ambassador Towers. The two of them stroll along the skybridges till they reach a tower building and enter. A discreet sign outside identifies it simply as Athania's.

After a quick discussion about what to do next, Korm, Gareth and Nameless head into a nearby cafe, while Six uses his hat of disguise to change into the appearance of a human merchant*. He then proceeds into Athania's. Entering it, he finds himself in what looks like the lobby of a large, well-decorated apartment. The difference is the two open doors that reveal a number of well-dressed men and women sitting around in two large lounges. And the not-very-surreptitious bouncer sitting on a chair in the corner. And the beautiful woman dressed like a society matron, who walks towards Six with a welcoming smile as soon as he enters.

"Welcome to Athania's. How may I help you?"

Six puts on his best impersonation of a human voice and claims to be a merchant who is new to town and has had Athania's recommended by his friends. The woman asks what he has been told and if he is looking for something specific in mind, and Six does a reasonably good impersonation of being quite uninformed about Athania's and unsure what to ask for (probably because it's not really an impersonation).

Six asks if he can wait to have a drink and get a sense of the place, and the woman, though apparently slightly puzzled, ushers him into one of the lounges. It happens to be the one where Ras is sitting, involved in a card game with three other people, and Six takes a seat across the room from them.

He is quickly provided with a drink and, shortly afterwards, some of the other people in the room ask him to make a fourth for a game of cards. Six agrees and spends the next half an hour playing cards and doing more acting than he's ever had to. One of the other players comments that it sounds like he's coming down with a cold, but otherwise nobody seems to notice the subterfuge.

While playing, Six notes that Ras seems to be a regular here, from the comments of the people playing with him and the people working at Athania's. He also learns a fair amount about Athania's Companions. The service is named after its owner, the elven lady Athania, and provides escorts to both visiting diplomats in the area and clients in other well-to-do areas of Sharn. The escorts (a number of whom are present) are men and women of beauty and intelligence, trained to provide interesting conversation as well as physical companionship.

About half an hour after he entered, Six sees Ras rise and leave. Knowing that the others are outside and not wanting to be obvious, Six waits for five minutes before taking his leave too. He is stopped on the way out by the woman who spoke to him when he entered. She asks politely why he's leaving and if the place didn't catch his fancy. Six quickly explains that he needs to be somewhere else but will be back another time.

When they see Ras emerge, Nameless and Korm decide to follow him, figuring that Gareth and his armor will be too obvious. He remains behind to await Six. The other two follow Ras, staying far enough away to hopefully be unnoticed while they can keep an eye on him.

Shortly after having left Athania's, Ras walks into a particularly dark area and emerges in his half-orc form. He then proceeds to head directly back to the Citadel, only stopping along the way to look at a couple of shops, though he does not enter. Once at the base of the Citadel, Ras takes one of the ever-present skycoaches and heads up to the guarded balcony entrance.

After watching him enter, Nameless and Korm head back to rejoin the rest.

* Yes, they decided to send the warforged in to impersonate a client, as opposed to the two humans and one orc present. Yes, yes - my players do like to help me. A lot.


Session 29 - Mugged and Bugged (or "+18? At 4th lvl?")

After seeing Raskalorn enter the Citadel, Nameless and Korm'akhan head back to meet up with Gareth and Six. The four of them then head up to Carosten Park, where they find Luna waiting. She says that she changed into a bird once outside, to make it easier to follow the bearded man. He left the two men he was with and headed south, eventually descending to Lower Menthis. Once there, he moved through streets (quite purposefully, as if going to an intended location, thought Luna) till he eventually headed into a dark side street.

Luna flew to the other end to await his reappearance, but he never came out. After a bit, she flew in and checked out the area. Though there was no sign of him, she did pick up a scent that disappeared midway down the street. There were a couple of closed doors nearby, but she couldn't be sure if the scent ended at one of them. In fact, she thinks it ended a little before the doors.

The others tell Luna what they saw with Ras and then the group splits up as usual. When Gareth reaches Coldflame Keep, he meets Cedric, who says that Flim Turen came by to ask about the Children of Winter's involvement with the epidemic and Cedric's involvement with their defeat. He asks Gareth how Flim found out and Gareth relates what happened at Carosten Park. Cedric says that he was just curious and has told Flim the entire story. He also checks about Korm, saying that he's curious how the big orc is doing in Sharn, and then leaves Gareth.

The next morning, the Angels receive their next message from Talleon. This one tells them to go to a casino in the Dragoneyes district of Lower Tavick's the next day, where Ras will be at 7 pm. The group should go in a little earlier and stay there till Ras leaves, at which point they are to guard him till he gets back to the Citadel.

As usual, there is a hidden section, which adds that Ras should be heading to Chance from the Citadel at about 5:30 pm, and at least one person should keep an eye on him from that time. It also says that "the halfling you were introduced to" would like to meet with the group at the Lucky Nines casino at 7 pm this evening. A couple of the adventurers wonder aloud how good an idea it is to be seen talking to Talleon by Killian. Nameless points out, "Look on the positive side - if Killian shows any signs of knowing about the Citadel job, that'll be a really good excuse to kill him."

After having read and discussed the message, the group splits up again. Gareth heads to the Cathedral, where he sets up an appointment with the Archierophant. Since he has to wait for a couple of hours, he drops in on Bodo, who is still boyfully striving to carry out his duties as a novice.

Some time later, Gareth is ushered into Ythana Morr's office. After exchanging greetings, he asks, "Can you tell me what divinations you have access to?"

The Archierophant raises an eyebrow and says a little frostily, "You asked for an appointment to ask me that? Why?"

Gareth goes on to explain that he's concerned about potentially being a fiend.

This time, Ythana raises both eyebrows. "A paladin of the Flame asking me to check whether he is a fiend. I have not had that request since, well, ..."

"...ever?" completes Gareth, smiling despite the seriousness of his request.

"Yes," says Ythana with a small smile. "But why this concern?"

Gareth explains what the daelkyr said to him and repeats the specific phrase: "Fool! You cannot consume me, and no fiend can stand against me."

Ythana asks a few more questions and then points out, "You do realize that you're depending on a translation from your companion Nameless, and that too of a creature that is the embodiment of insanity?"

Gareth agrees but says that he is still concerned about what it said. "After all, it had no particular reason to lie to me." He asks again if the Archierophant has anything that she can use to detect if there is something unusual about him.

"Very well," she says. "Of course, as a paladin of the Flame, you can detect if there is anything tainted about you. And you would not remain a paladin if you were tainted." She stops and again quirks an eyebrow, "You are still a paladin of the Flame ... right?"

"Yes, the Flame does still favor me with its blessing. But then, I have heard of cases where evil priests have retained their clerical powers under the Flame."

Ythana simply says, "Yes," her expression clearly saying that she has no interest in pursuing that subject, and she casts a detect evil spell. Focusing on Gareth, she says, "Well, at least you do not appear to have an evil aura. Do you mind if I try something that would hurt you, if you are tainted?"

"No. Please go ahead."

Ythana rises and casts what Gareth recognizes as a holy smite, bringing down a stream of holy power around Gareth. The spell has absolutely no effect on him, and she says, "That would affect you even if something was hiding your alignment, so you must still be retaining your purity."

Gareth thanks her, though he isn't completely reassured. Ythana promises to consider further if there is any way to work out what the daelkyr may have meant or whether something is different about Gareth. She also asks him to let her know if anything else of import occurs, and he says he will do so.

Six, meanwhile, visits the weaponsmith to whom he had given the drawing and plans for the drow scorpion chain. The man says that after some experimenting he thinks that he can make it and has already begun work. He promises to have it ready for Six in another two days time.

He also asks a number of questions about where Six got the idea for it. Six explains that he was recently in Xen'drik and saw a number of drow using the weapon. The weaponsmith is very interested in the story and comments that it's a pity Six couldn't bring back a specific example or two. He also comments that he doesn't really think there's a market for the weapon in Sharn due to its unusual nature and the likelihood that it would take significant training and practice to use correctly. It might however, he says, get more interest from some of the goblinoids, especially the Dhakaani, who use an unusually large number of chain weapons.

Nameless makes a number of visits that day. He first visits the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. There, he meets a couple of members who have heard about the expedition's presentation at Morgrave University and are fairly interested in their findings, and also checks on the availability of scrolls of spells that he might add to the Necklace of the Phantom Library later.

From the Guild, he travels to Overlook in Upper Dura, where he visits the Shrine of il-Yannah. One of the kalashtar guards recognizes him and takes him to the aged seer Havakhad. The latter is evidently uninformed about the Angels' return and seems quite pleased to see Nameless. He asks about Nameless' adventures since their last meeting, which occurred exactly two months ago. Nameless suggests he get some tea, since it'll take a while, and settles down to relate much of what happened.

Once he is done, Nameless says that he is here to ask Havakhad's opinion about something. He goes on to relate the dream he had that Gareth also saw a version of, and asks Havakhad, "Do you think the quori might be involved with this in some way?"

Havakhad asks a few questions about details and then says, "I cannot think right now of something the quori would gain from sending you two that dream, but it is difficult to say what their aims and plans are. It is clearly not a natural dream. While it is theoretically possible that two people's dreamscapes might intersect, for two people near each other in Khorvaire to end up having dreamscapes right next to each other on Dal Quor, which is effectively infinite, is a little too much of a coincidence."

Nameless smiles mirthlessly and agrees. "I don't believe in coincidences. Only the appearance thereof."

Havakhad nods and says that he will consider it and see if his powers can tell him anything. He also tells Nameless that in the time since the Angels left, he has been in contact with kalashtar groups across Khorvaire and warned them of the newfound quori ability to possess unwilling targets. There has been a situation or two that have revealed that the quori ability is more limited than he originally feared and dependent on significant preparation and use of resources. Havakhad thanks Nameless again for his aid and that of his companions in revealing the threat and in ensuring that Havakhad survived it.

Nameless says, "No thanks necessary. And let me know if I can help in any way. I don't like people controlling me, so I owe the quori some pain."

Havakhad nods (as he tends to do regularly, whether speaking or listening). "Thank you. As I have said, we kalashtar do not ask outsiders to involved themselves in our war, but if offered, the aid of skilled people like yourself is a welcome boon. I will let you know if I think of any way you can help. And I will continue to think on the meaning of your dreams."

Nameless thanks Havakhad in turn and takes his leave. He then walks across to the Clifftop district, heading for a building he has heard of but never been to. It is a modest shop near the gleaming tower of the Esoteric Order, quite inconspicuous amongst the bright displays and attractions of the nearby magical businesses that give the area the name of the Mystic Market. A small sign outside the doorway says "The Augury". It clearly caters only to those who know what is contained within, rather than advertising widely to the curious.

Entering the shop, Nameless finds himself in a comfortable sitting area, with a number of doors leading inwards. One of the two people sitting at a table and talking greets him and asks how they can help. Nameless introduces himself and requests a meeting with Kestia.

A few minutes later, Nameless is seated across a table from an elderly elf, whose fashionable attire and demeanor do not really fit her reputation as the most powerful arcanist in Sharn, albeit within the limited focus of the magewright. Her dress does nothing to hide the aberrant dragonmark on her neck, due to which she was expelled from House Phiarlan.

Nameless explains to Kestia that he wishes her to use her divinatory abilities to aid with a particular mystery. He goes on to relate the details of Arrok's murder, also mentioning the issue of the tattoo that was taken from Arrok's corpse and showing his own to Kestia.

The magewright is quite interested in the case and the tattoo, which she scans with an apparently permanent arcane sight that she possesses. Having done so and asked a few questions about Arrok, she also has a long discussion with Nameless about the abilities she can provide and the considerable costs that it will entail. Since no magic will simply answer the question of who killed Arrok and it is a fairly open-ended case, she suggests starting with some of the minor divinations she is capable of, and then (depending on their success or lack thereof) deciding whether to attempt significantly more powerful magic. Kestia says that she is ultimately capable of using a contact other plane dweomer, which is not only very dependent on the questions asked but is both taxing and risky, so she would rather not use it immediately.

Nameless says that he is rapidly increasing his own powers as an arcanist, though divination is not his primary focus, and he hopes to be able to access the same spell soon, in which case she may not need to cast it for him. He hopes, however, that with her reputation as a very experienced diviner, she can find ways to make the eventual use of that spell more likely to succeed. Kestia promises to do what she can and says that she will contact him within a few days. Nameless thanks her and leaves, after handing over 500 galifars to cover her initial efforts.

After gathering at Trillia's home in the evening, the group heads down to Firelight and the Lucky Nines. With their habitual visits, many of the staff recognize them by now. While they are depositing their weapons in the foyer, one of the people on duty there comments that some people from the Watch were asking questions about them about a week ago, and asks what happened.

Nameless says that someone they knew was murdered, to which the surprised man says, "Oh, I'm very sorry! Was it the friend of yours who used to come here too?" Realizing that he's speaking of Corven, Nameless says that he is fine (to some indistinct muttering from Luna of "more fine than we are, for sure!") and that it was someone else.

The Angels then proceed into the main gaming area, where they see Killian at his usual table, speaking to a dandyish halfling. For once, Killian looks just the slightest bit surprised, but quickly hides it, smiling and waving at the group. Another person waving is Talleon (in halfling form) from across the room, and the Angels head to his table.

Once they join him, Talleon is quickly down to business, checking on what they discovered during the visit to Mizano Rupa's. He makes detailed notes of everything the group mentions, asking a number of questions of those who split up to do different things while trailing Ras and the bearded man.

After he is done, Six says that perhaps the Lucky Nines isn't the best place for them to meet, since they're known here. Talleon says that he knows that, since they'd mentioned being here before to meet with the information broker they'd mentioned to him, and he specifically chose it because he was curious about who the other person was. Nameless says Killian is present and points him out. Talleon quite obviously turns around to stare at him, before turning back to the adventurers, a broad grin on his face for the first time that they've seen.

He says, "I know you've only been in Sharn for a short time, so I think it's safe to say you don't have that much information about the political figures here. Right?"

"Right. Why?"

"Well, let's just say that you might find it interesting to check on the people on the Sharn city council. Especially Thurik Davandi, the councilor from Upper Menthis."

"Thur ... ik?" says Nameless, before beginning to smile himself.

"Yes, Thurik. Davandi. And his family." Talleon's grin then disappears as quickly as it appeared and he adds, "The Citadel is not in the habit of providing payment for services rendered. But consider that a little piece of good faith on my part. And don't let it interfere with your work for us."

"We won't," says Nameless. "And thank you."

Talleon then says that he needs to leave and does so. As soon as he is out of the door, Killian (whose halfling friend has gone back to the gaming tables) rises and heads towards the group. "Nobody mention that name," says Nameless quietly to the group, as he arrives.

"Well, well, well," says Killian, smiling broadly, "I must say I wasn't expecting to see you here today." Then he pops up into the seat Talleon vacated and adds, "So, who's that friend of yours?"

"Just a friend of ours," says Nameless, even as Luna and Korm simultaneously say, "Can we go now?"

Killian makes a valiant, but abortive, attempt to keep the Angels in their seats and talking to him, but in less than a minute he's alone at the table, with Gareth the only one still present.

"Well, your friends seem to be in a big hurry! Are you busy with anything important now?"

"Not really."

"Ah, so you might be available for a job?"

"It depends on what kind of job."

"Of course. Tell you what - I'll think on it and if I can think of something that can fit your skills, I'll let you know. By the way, since your friends don't seem that keen on the idea, what do you think of working with someone else that I could arrange?"

Gareth considers for a moment and says, "Well - that would depend on the people."

Killian smiles and says, "Excellent. I’ll have Flan drop in on you when I come up with something. You're at Coldflame Keep now, right?"

Unsurprised at Killian being informed of his change in location, Gareth simply nods. He then takes his leave too, joining the rest of the Angels, who are waiting outside and making idle bets about what Gareth's getting - or trying to get - them into now.

Once he rejoins them, Luna simply says, "I can't believe you keep talking to that guy! Gah!" Korm doesn't say anything, but the expression on his face says it all.

As the group heads outside, Six comments, "You know, I'd been thinking that Killian might be government."

Surprised, Gareth asks, "When did you think of that?"

"It's been a while. Some of the jobs, and especially the way that drug den job went down, was a lot more like someone in the city government getting things done under the table, rather than someone connected to the gangs."

"Hmm - wish you'd said something earlier. Anyway, the Sharn government's not that bad, so Killian - or Thurik - might not be as bad as you guys think. If he's a city councilor, it means that people voted for him."

Nameless actually stops dead at that comment, causing Korm to walk into him and almost knock him over. "You do know that doesn't necessarily follow, right? Sheesh!" Six, Luna and Korm promptly crack up.

That little exchange ends the discussion and the group splits up.

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