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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


I'm still not getting enworld subscription updates, so this was a nice surprise!

Same here. I wonder what's going on with the updates thing.

It's great to read more of your SH, shil! Like coming home :)


I'm glad you're still enjoying it.

Can't wait to read more, good luck with your dissertation! (What's the title, if it's not too secret?)

"Metatheatricality on the Renaissance Stage." I'm a drama guy, with emphasis on the Renaissance and esp. Shakespeare, but I dislike over-specialization so I tend to do things in other areas too (for example, I'll be presenting a paper on teaching the Bible in translation later in the year).

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And here's a short update, since I figure more regular (even if shorter) updates would be a good thing:

* * * * *
Honar explains that he has obtained information about three potential targets for the Angels’ dragon-hunting expedition into the Vast.

The first is Kallionaxis, a young adult bronze dragon. She is known to be an exceptionally powerful spellcaster, much more powerful than many significantly older dragons. Kallionaxis has carved out a small realm in the Vast but dwells alone, having shown no signs of seeking either a mate or servitors. Her interest seems to be exclusively in unusual and powerful magic items, and she is known to trade away any gold or gems she gains to older dragons if she can obtain magical items in return, and has slain a few of them too.

The second is Aarazthoorus, an adult blue dragon. He is known to be an especially strong physical combatant but not very smart. Aarazthoorus gained a realm by killing a young adult silver dragon and taking her territory. He is currently served by a tribe of goblinoids who had the misfortune to work for the silver dragon he killed.

The third and last is not one dragon but three, known only as the siblings. These are a trio of juvenile gold dragons who have created a territory together. They are known to be an exceptionally vicious bunch, and have a fascination for gems and jewels. Not that much is known about them, since they are fairly new to the area.

After listing and describing the options, Honar suggests going after Kallionaxis. “Partly,” he explains, “Because there’s much less of a likelihood that we’d have to deal with others beside the dragon, and partly because it’s the most likely one to have items and equipment that you could use.” Honar then addresses Nameless. “One of the dragons Kalli slew was known to be a specialist in studying the planes, especially the more esoteric ones, and it’s possible that there is related lore or magic in Kalli’s hoard from his. Aarazthoorus is likely to be an easier fight, but will likely provide less useful treasure, as is true of the siblings.”

The Angels have a quick discussion and reach a consensus that they should go after Kallionaxis, Gareth’s assertion that they follow all three options one by one being quickly voted down. Once that decision is made, they settle down to try and learn a little more about their new quarry via magical means.

Gareth begins by using a divination about how they can best battle Kallionaxis. The answer he receives is: “Fear not the breath of Kallionaxis nor her claws and fangs, but beware her spells. Fight her in the open skies or on the ground, but keep her from her lair, where she can grow most puissant with time.”

“Useful,” says Nameless, “But let’s see if we can learn some more.” The alienist casts a much more powerful spell, a vision that he had prepared for this very purpose. He feels a wave of fatigue as the spell momentarily weakens him, but he does receive a clear answer:

“The loredrake lairs in the earth and beneath the waters, but she climbs the mountain and rides the air. She commands lightning and thunder, fire and ice, the burning of acid and the touch of death, but greater than them is her greed and her fear. She watches the skies and the ground, fearing both the Ring of Siberys above and the Dragon Below, fearing apocalypse from beyond the spaces of Eberron and from within its bowels.”

When he relates what he learned, Honar mentions that ‘loredrake’ is a term used in Argonnessen about some dragons who take on sovereign archetypes, where they attempt to emulate one among the dragon sovereigns, who have analogies to the deities of Khorvaire. Loredrakes are dragons who seek knowledge, especially of magic, and they display greater spellcasting proficiency at the expense of physical strength. Such dragons also usually focus on arcane magic at the expense of clerical spells.
“Any dragon which cannot cast heal on itself,” growls Luna, “Is a dragon I’m much happier to fight. Nameless, can you come up with anything else on it?”

“Yes,” says the alienist, before he casts another spell. This time he chooses to contact another plane, drawing upon the knowledge of Cyaëgha but not directly, which is safer for Nameless but also increases the chances of incorrect information.

Once he is in mental contact, the alienist says, his eyes closed, “I can ask eight questions before the spell will end. I shall begin now and you may make suggestions as you wish.” With that said, he begins to recite his questions aloud and, after a pause, the answers he receives.

“What is the highest valence of spell that Kallionaxis can cast?”

“Answer: Dweomers of the eighth power”

“Are her individual spells cast at a power greater, lesser or equal to mine when I manifest my aspect?”

“Answer: Greater”

“Crap!” says Korm. “That’s not good! Ask if she’s more powerful than Luna or me when we use our bead of karma.

“Are her individual spells cast at a power greater, lesser or equal to Korm’s when he uses his bead of karma?”

“Answer: Greater”

“That’s really not good,” agrees Gareth worriedly. “How about asking if she has any of those defensive spells Xagygyrag had? Because then we’ll have a really hard time hitting her.”

Nameless says nothing for a moment, the sound of the whippoorwills which only he can – and does incessantly – hear bothering him for a moment. But then he continues.

“Can she cast the spell Xagygyrag used to make himself difficult to hit?”

“ Answer: Unknown.”

“Can she use the spell to change the energy type of her breath weapon?”

“Answer: Unknown.”

“That’s not helping!” says Luna, but Nameless ignores her, though his frown deepens slightly.

“Can she make her spells unusually difficult to dispel?”

“Answer: No.”

“That’s useful to know,” says Korm. “How about asking about her offensive ability?”

“What is her favorite attack spell?”

“Answer: Reciprocal Gyre”

“Can she maximize a Reciprocal Gyre?”

“Answer: Yes.”

Nameless opens his eyes as the spell ends, looking a little weary. “This will be very dangerous. I think we will definitely need your aid and that of your friends, Honar.”

The Io’lokari warrior nods. “As I said, I shall be happy to come along. And I think Mallum and Prine will too.”

* * * * *
Honar turns out to be wrong, since Mallum is both busy and not that interested in dragon-hunting, so it is only Prine who accompanies Honar and the Guardian Angels when they greater teleport out of the city the next day.

The group arrives near Kallionaxis’ realm, at the base of a tall spire of rock which is supposed to be a safe location since it is not within any dragon’s territory, as far as the Io’lokari know. After quickly ascertaining that there are no hostiles awaiting them, the group conjures up a number of phantom stags and steeds. Then they ride towards Kallionaxis’ lair, fully expecting to be attacked along the way.

The bronze dragon’s territory is about fifty miles across, an expanse of rocky lowlands covered in scrub forest, with a few more deeply forested sections dotting the area at large intervals. The center of the area (and supposed location of her lair) is quite clear – a small range of large hills or low mountains, which rise well above the area around them.

The intruders keep their magical mounts flying about thirty feet above the ground as the landscape races by below them, staying in a loosely spread out formation. The plan is to attract the attention of the dragon, who is presumably watching over her realm from either the sky above or a hidden vantage point, and draw her to attack them.

And so they do. As the group nears the range of hills, Kallionaxis rises over the low rise a hundred feet ahead of them. The dragon is a sleek and beautiful creature, perhaps twenty-five feet from nose to tail, bronze scales gleaming in the sunlight as she hovers before them. A corona of flame outlines her body.

Not that anyone stops to appreciate her beauty. Nameless, reacting instantly, swiftly casts a spell to enable him to overcome her innate magic resistance and follows with an analyze dweomer. His eyes flash with magical acuity, instantly identifying the dozen spells protecting Kallionaxis. Though he cannot identify them yet, he also notes the multiple magical items she bears, from dragon-sized rings on two of her claws to an over-sized coronet to a large diamond embedded in her chest to a pair of ioun stones which circle her head.

Nameless instantly relays what he learns over the telepathic link he set up previously with his allies, but unfortunately, only Prine – hurriedly activating a ring and turning invisible – is quick enough to react before the dragon casts a spell.

Reciprocal gyre? thinks Nameless hopefully, most of the group having placed the same spell in their rings of counterspells in preparation.

But the dragon, seeing multiple enemies with no end of magical items and spells on them, takes a more inclusive – and painful – approach. She gestures with a claw and speaks, bringing down a horrid wilting on her enemies.


Whooo - game on!

Thanks Shil! I'm trying not to peek too often and control my habit that way. At least, until the mail-alerts work again, that is.

Weird how easy one gets lazy, eh?

Hey again this may sound a bit odd but would it be possible to tell us what each of the guardian angels look like? how they dress etc? trying to get into my head how they each look


Whooo - game on!

Thanks Shil! I'm trying not to peek too often and control my habit that way. At least, until the mail-alerts work again, that is.

Weird how easy one gets lazy, eh?

Yeah, the lack of the mail-alerts is messing up my ability to keep up with the threads I like too, esp. since I'm not on ENWorld that often any more. Hopefully I'll have another update sometime this week.

Hey again this may sound a bit odd but would it be possible to tell us what each of the guardian angels look like? how they dress etc? trying to get into my head how they each look

Good question(s). I've got some ideas on the subject myself, but I thought I'd get you the info from the players themselves so I sent them your query, asking them to either send me the info or post it here themselves. So I'll pop something up when I have a couple of responses.


First Post
With regards to how Gareth looks. Well, having a high charisma, being in a family that believes in honor, duty, loyalty, and courtly ways he follows a fairly stereo-typical look for a paladin.

Muscular build/cut
Brown hair that goes down to the shoulder
Blue eyes
Chiseled features
Dresses in formal clothing, but primarily in very well polished full plate armor with a cloak that has his family crest
Gareth stands up straight and acts as proper as possible


Hey again this may sound a bit odd but would it be possible to tell us what each of the guardian angels look like? how they dress etc? trying to get into my head how they each look

To be honest it was never something I gave much thought to. But here's a compilation of some of the the aspects that have come up in the past with a degree of elaboration.

Nameless typically uses a hat of disguise to appear extremely nondescript and forgettable. Unless someone looks into his eyes, as no magic can disguise the insanity lurking within.

Without the hat of disguise or to those capable of True Seeing, his eyes glow with the characteristic blue glow of a permanent Arcane Sight. As a result of his Transcendence, his left arm is now a tentacle of an indefinable purple color that normal minds can never quite nail down the exact color of or that appears exactly the same purple twice. Of course random parts of his anatomy also tend to behave in ways that would disturb normal witnesses.

His forehead used to bear the mark of Cyäegha, a stylized eyeball with wavy tentacles for eyelashes. Though only those most versed in the lore of Xoriat would know it's meaning. Cyäegha is one of The Great Old Ones, Nameless's patron and the entity to which Kha'tvan'ga will deliver him when his life span has elapsed.

Since achieving Transcendence (AKA hitting lv 10 in Alienist), the mark has mutated into an Abberant Dragonmark that allows him to assume an Aspect of Cyäegha and when doing so he assumes many of the physical characteristics of his patron. The tentacles now cover his entire forehead, Even when not manifesting the aspect and the eye is an actual eye on a stalk. Some of the Aspect is visible to those with True Seeing, even when he is not manifesting the Aspect.

There is a faint popping sound and then the skin splits in two-inch long sections all over his body. Dozens of eyes push themselves out of the splits, and a couple of seconds later, Nameless’ face and arms – and, beneath his clothing, the rest of his body – is covered with the orbs, each rolling back and forth as it peers in a different direction. Each eye is a facsimile of the one on his forehead.

His skin tends to have a greenish tinge.

He wears no set style or color of clothing. Instead, picking them to satisfy some arcane and obscure set of criteria (nobody has ever stayed sane through one of his explanations) which might sometime result in fashion disasters or fashion trends, if any ever saw them. Few clothes tend to survive very long in his line of work anyway.

Like all of the Angels, he is covered with a fine network of scars and strange modifications as a result of Mordain Fleshweaver's experimentations and augmentations.
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Thanks these have been some great replies. Anything else on the rest of the group?

Well Six should look something like a male version of the android in this. Since his name is a elaborate reference to it (Mythril 6 of 6 - AKA M-66).

Luna is typically an either an ENORMOUS bear or a tendriculous. Both bloated compared to regular creatures. One of Mordain's "improvements" makes her shape shifted forms a size class larger and extremely fat (you see one of her symbiotes was making Luna's shifter/real form fat and this was... unacceptable, so it got changed to making her druid animal forms "fat"). This actually led to one of the few instances where anyone was able to change her player's mind about something. For some reason she had fixated on getting a flying carpet (which nobody else was interested in for many reasons) and we tried using reason and logic (which failed of course).

Until frustrated I pointed out "Weight capacity of the largest carpet 800 lb. Weight of avg Dire Bear (then her favorite form) 8,000 lb! Luna >> heavier than the avg Dire Bear. DO THE MATH!

Recently she has started using the 1,000 faces ability and a necklace she found in the mournlands (still waiting on the blowback from that) to "enhance" her appearance (to what ever strikes her) as she boffs what ever noble has taken her fancy this week.

Korm. Well I always pictured him as something like an orcish version of the nazi who was punching out Indy and ate a propeller in the original film. Korm wears a similar amount of clothing (he depends on magic for his AC) and and a similar love of fighting. His only other real distinguishing characteristic is his big meteoric steel sword. Korm is really pretty much more of a walking mass of rules abuses, than an actual character. Shil took one look at the original concept and said "Uh. No." and nerfed a bunch of stuff since he would have been dishing out more damage than the rest of the group combined.

Here's the description from when he was first introduced.

This one is a large and heavily muscled half-orc, with a scarred and remarkably ugly visage. He wears no armor and has on a long hooded robe, worn over clothing with tribal markings on it. He also carries an unusual-looking sword strapped to his back.
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