[Shop] di Senzio's Magical Shop


First Post
Eanos see behind the counter a women who is removing the dust that have accumulated on the display shelf showing the most precious magical items of the shop.

Next to the door, an armed man welcome Eanos. "Welcome to di Senzio's Magical Shop." tells the guard warmly. The woman turns around and look at Eanos. "Welcome, Rinaldo is up stair at the moment, I might be able to help you?"

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
the 'rescuers' that were went to help stop the dark evil aare victorious and leaave with gratuitus dwarves behind them, The ship sailing at first light. The sea journey is spent above decks by the north lander as he sets his eyes toward his adopted home: orussus, his long red hair unbraided and flowing freely in the wind. at the dall from the crows nest as to the sighting of the city, Pendrake braids his hair and tucks it under his cloak.

Eanos, Pendrake and Semabin disembark into the bustling city, each to their own direction and need. Pendrake walks to a building with a lady in clerical vestments at the door trying to organize a group of giggly street urchins as they look to her as one would a mother. after several words to the children they enter the building screaming in joy and giggles. Pendrake stands quietly as the inter change continues, then at a break he wakls up to her and hands a pouch of gold with 100 pieces in it.

the weight of the pouch draws a look of shock on the sister as he says, "Fur das verk of Frau Halina, und fur de weeskinderen"

He gives a bow and turns to leave; the sister, coming to her senses, then courtsies and rushes in.

being 2 lbs lighter shows more as 100 lbs lighter as he smiles on his way to DiSenzio's ...

Walking in the door is a young man of well sunned skin and rirey red hair tied in a viking braid, He wears several weapons on his person though none are carried, his chain shirt with damages showing through torn clothing still gingles at his movemen. As the guard gives him the onece over, he sees A monk,

"Herr Eanos, goede dag aan u voor mijn vriend, er, uh goot day, I mean. As yet, have you seen Semabin?"


First Post
Eanos, human monk

"Herr Eanos, goede dag aan u voor mijn vriend, er, uh goot day, I mean. As yet, have you seen Semabin?"

"Not yet, Pendrake, but I'm sure he'll be along."

Next to the door, an armed man welcome Eanos. "Welcome to di Senzio's Magical Shop." tells the guard warmly. The woman turns around and look at Eanos. "Welcome, Rinaldo is up stair at the moment, I might be able to help you?"

Eanos smiles in return. "Well, I hope so. We've just returned from an adventure with several magical items we can't use. We hoped to identify and probably sell them here. My first adventure was with Master di Senzio, and he told me this was always the best place to do any selling."

With that, the monk presents their loot.

((OOC: From Sinister Spire, loot post here

One set of exquisitely crafted pan-pipes
One wand
One potion
One well-sculpted trumpet with gem inlay
One scroll

We'll have to pay for the identify on the magic items, I assume (and Orsal DM'd, so he'll know what they actually are) ))


First Post
"You've come to the right place. Wait a moment, I'll go fetch our wizard so he can identify them for you." Valeria leaves by the door going to the backstore. A moment later, a man wearing a robe of the chromatic order arrive.

"Hi, my name is Jemeny. Mistress di Senzio asked me to identify some items for you, what are they?" As the group show the items, he starts to take a look.

"Eanos!" A man is standing in the doorway of the backroom. For a moment, the monk doesn't recognize him and then he finally realize it is Rinaldo, but he looks younger than in his memory, and it was a few years he hasn't seen him. "Sorry, I should call you, Sir Knight. How have you been since we left that cursed island." He quickly turn his head around, shouting behind him "Hogarth, Eanos is here." He then realize Eanos is here with someone else. "Welcome sir. My name is Rinaldo di Senzio. The owner of this business. You are most welcome in my shop."

Jemeny takes moment to interrupt Rinaldo to tells Eanos his price for identification.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Identification price is determined by your master, or at the price of an identification spell per item. For selling, now that's my choice to buy it at over 50%. I generally buy at 60%, but as Eanos is there, he might raise the % in your favor. After all, Rinaldo owe his life to Eanos.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Eanos, human monk

"Eanos!" A man is standing in the doorway of the backroom. For a moment, the monk doesn't recognize him and then he finally realize it is Rinaldo, but he looks younger than in his memory, and it was a few years he hasn't seen him. "Sorry, I should call you, Sir Knight. How have you been since we left that cursed island."

Eanos smiles to see the merchant hale and hearty. "Rinaldo, I was hoping I'd see you while I was here. It's been a bit harrowing, but nothing ever so close as our trial by fire on that dragon's isle," the monk says. "You're looking better than ever, I must say."

He quickly turn his head around, shouting behind him "Hogarth, Eanos is here." He then realize Eanos is here with someone else. "Welcome sir. My name is Rinaldo di Senzio. The owner of this business. You are most welcome in my shop."

"Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. This is Pendrake, a party member during my last excursion. Pendrake, this is Rinaldo di Senzio. He was there to help me survive my first adventure."

Jemeny takes moment to interrupt Rinaldo to tells Eanos his price for identification.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Identification price is determined by your master, or at the price of an identification spell per item. For selling, now that's my choice to buy it at over 50%. I generally buy at 60%, but as Eanos is there, he might raise the % in your favor. After all, Rinaldo owe his life to Eanos.[/SBLOCK]

[sblock=OOC]I'm not sure what 'by your master' means? Like I said, none of us are casters, so we'd have to pay to identify the magic stuff, and possibly for a Detect Magic to determine if the pipes and trumpet are magical.

I'm fine with 60% personally. Really, I'd just thought it a nice bit of role-playing to have Eanos come looking to catch up with Rinaldo while he was in the store. Of course, I'm unlikely to complain if you choose to buy for more ;)[/sblock]


First Post
I'm not sure what 'by your master' means? Like I said, none of us are casters, so we'd have to pay to identify the magic stuff, and possibly for a Detect Magic to determine if the pipes and trumpet are magical.

I'm fine with 60% personally. Really, I'd just thought it a nice bit of role-playing to have Eanos come looking to catch up with Rinaldo while he was in the store. Of course, I'm unlikely to complain if you choose to buy for more ;)

Master = DM = Dungeon Master = Orsal you said?[/sblock]


LEW Judge
the loot

One set of exquisitely crafted pan-pipes: Pipes of haunting, list price 6000 GP
One wand: Delay poison, only 15 charges left, 1350 GP if prorated
One potion: Blur, list price 300 GP
One well-sculpted trumpet with gem inlay: not magical, just very nice (200 GP)
One scroll: Divine, spells Snare; Command; Magic Circle Against Good -- 550 GP


First Post
"It will be 5 gp to tells which items are magical. Another 5 gp to identify the potion and another 5 gp to decipher the scroll and 110gp for each item to identify the magical property. If you have pearls with you, I can use them and identify the items for 10 gp." tells Jemeny.

"The detect magic and scroll and potion identification will be on me." tells Rinaldo

"Let's start to see which items are magical." Jemeny cast a spell and the items starts to glow with a blue aura. All except the trumpet. "The trumpet is not magical."

"Let's see." tells Rinaldo, taking the trumpet. "Quite fine, finding the proper buyer, it could be sold up to 200 gp. I know a collector of such art items in Earling. I'll take it for 125 gp."

Jemeny takes the scroll. He takes a quick look. "No use for me to waste a spell, it is clearly divine. You should ask Hogarth to decipher it."

A man appear in the doorway. He wears an dark brown robe. Eanos easily identify him as Hogarth, the priest of Gundar they have found under the volcano. "Someone spoke my name? Good day, sir Eanos." His common seems quite good now.

Jemeny hands the scroll. Hogarth read the scroll. "A spell to give a one word command, another to create a snare trap and the last, a circle ward against goodness."

"That would be 550gp worth of spell. Let's say for the moment, I would offer you 330 gp."

Jemeny reverse the bottle before putting in back in position. He open it and taste the cap. "Blur spell." He tells as a fact. "Do you want me to identify the wand and the pipes?"

"I could offer 180 gp for that potion" tells Rinaldo

[SBLOCK=OOC]Rinaldo will pay the 15 gp taken to cast detect magic, read magic (to identify the scroll) and identify the potion.

To identify the wand and the pipe, it will cost 220gp (10 gp / spell for casting + 100gp/ spell for componenet).

Those are SRD price and none of that money goes into Rinaldo pocket.

Now, where I really make profits:

One potion: Blur, list price 300 GP / 180 GP
One well-sculpted trumpet with gem inlay: not magical, just very nice (200 GP / 125 GP)
One scroll: Divine, spells Snare; Command; Magic Circle Against Good -- 550 GP / 330 GP[/SBLOCK]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake gives a salute/bow puntuated with the click of his heels, "Eer je te ontmoeten Meister DiSenzio. Honor to meet you Master DiSenzio. Much is spoken of you und your shop"

Then to Eanos he says, "Blur Potion?I like to would buy it from group bitta."

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