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Should I do a story hour?


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Half of my players are new or relatively-new roleplayers. After a few weeks of my ongoing game lagging, I'm going to start a 1st-level game to let them get a better feel for RPing.

The game is going to be set in my home world, and use a widely adjusted d20^H^H^HPrometheus-variant rule system called As Above, So Below.

Should I post a Story Hour for it?

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You should only post a story hour if you want to do so. It's a lot of work, and if you're not enjoying it, you'll fade out partway through and nobody will be satisfied.


Herder of monkies
If you have any interest in writing at all, I think you should.

If it's just to satisfy a writing itch, or to give the community a view into your world, or just for the fun of it, go ahead. There have been quite a few Story Hours that lost impetus or interest but were enjoyed during their run. It doesnt have to be a Piratecat SH to be fun for you and a few others; some very good Story Hours on these boards didnt have wide readership because their subject material wasnt in what the majority of folks wanted to read, but the folks that did read them liked them a lot.

It can be a *lot* of work, depending on how hard it is for you to research/write, but you'll never know if you like it or can make a go of it until you try. So even if you begin to lose interest or fade out, you'll at least have given it a shot and maybe entertained a few folks along the way.

I say go for it. I'm always on the prowl for a new and unique take on the Story Hour, as are a bunch of folks. You can count on folks to at least give it a look-see, that's for sure, and feedback whether good or bad.

As a player, I love reading about my own adventures- it makes me SO excited about future adventures and a motivation for excellent role playing.

I say, go for it!


Would it be inappropriate to cheese in with a lame plug for my story hours here in the thread?

Dark Heritage Story Hour
Dark•Matter Exit 23 Story Hour

Like I said earlier, story hours are great, but if you abandon them, which is easy to do because they do start to become tedious to write, then it's really pretty disappointing to everyone.
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First Post
Planesdragon said:
Should I post a Story Hour for it?
My suggestion: If you want to- do it. If you even think you want to start it- do it. Why not?

Also, homebrews are awesome and we like to read about new interesting stuff :)
It's a great way to test your thoughts out, and will give your PC's a cool look into the world through your eyes.


First Post
I personally am thinking of doing a story hour, and have some of the same hesitation that you do. My solution? I'm writing it, but not posting it yet. It's a long adventure, and I want to be sure this group is actually going to stay together long enough to finish. Then I want to read what I come up with, trying to appraise whether or not someone who didn't play in it would really be interested in the outcome. If we actually finish it, and the outcome is a tale worth reading, only then will I post it.

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