Should Insight be able to determine if an NPC is lying?

Should Insight be able to determine if an NPC is lying?

  • Yes

    Votes: 82 84.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 11.3%
  • I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    Votes: 4 4.1%


The thread on NPCs and insight checks has taken on a life of its own - so I felt asking this in an new thread might work better.

Straightforward question: Should insight be able to determine if an NPC is lying?

I've also included a rather binary poll, explanations can be had in the comments.

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An insight can determine general intent, I don't treat it as a lie detector. Best players get from me is "Seems to be telling the truth", "You feel like they're hiding something" or "They keep glancing nervously at the captain of the guard before answering".

Useful for indicating generalities but not specifics.


In my games, yes it can, but since it can also tell you that they are even if they are being truthful, its not as cut and dried as a binary result.


Magic Wordsmith
Straightforward question: Should insight be able to determine if an NPC is lying?

My answer to what I believe is the spirit of the question is "Yes," and that's how I voted.

But in a technical (yet fundamentally more important) sense, I would say "No."

I say that because "Insight" can't determine anything. Only the task described by the player has a chance at that. "Insight" is not a task. It is a mechanic used to modify an ability check if an ability check is determined by the DM to be necessary to resolve uncertainty as to the outcome when there's a meaningful consequence for failure.


A very OK person
My answer to what I believe is the spirit of the question is "Yes," and that's how I voted.

But in a technical (yet fundamentally more important) sense, I would say "No."

I say that because "Insight" can't determine anything. Only the task described by the player has a chance at that. "Insight" is not a task. It is a mechanic used to modify an ability check if an ability check is determined by the DM to be necessary to resolve uncertainty as to the outcome when there's a meaningful consequence for failure.

Short answer: Yes, with a ‘but.’
Long answer: No, with an ‘except.’

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