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Should multiclassing be restricted by race?


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hmph, maybe some different rules that show variations on how multiclassing can be. FULL, RESTRICTED and NONE

I'd think this thread's subject would fall into RESTRICTED.


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Multi-classes without restriction. "Everything is core."

When my group's wizard retired to seek moonstones, tea and tantric sex, I was sure glad that my warlord Genasi could unhesitatingly and without any difficulty study wizardry for the sake of our party's rituals, arcane lore and control spells.


I use it, but I only use it because it makes sense for me and my game.

Multi-classing demi-humans is part of the balancing of the game for those who play them. They have more abilities throughout the game than do humans. However, they are limited by race by class for how far they can advance because of those benefits. Once you know what those are, then it isn't so hard. No one loses because the Race+Class level total power game isn't out of whack. It just simply doesn't add up as a discreet class level balance.

The other benefit is that they can freely switch between classes. This isn't possible for Humans who can Dual Class, but have to train for any class beyond the first.


Class / Race restrictions are another "stay dead!!". And don't even mention level caps.

The reason is that PCs are unique. They are main characters in an epic story. Sure, there are heroes that come from mundane farmboy backgrounds, but others are the last of their race, the only dwarven wizard on the continent or even from another world.

And really, what kind of story would "A New Hope" be if the DM had declared "you can't play a Jedi, the Empire eradicated them all?"

Viktyr Gehrig

First Post
I love seeing Dwarf Wizards and Half-Orc Paladins. I wouldn't wish those characters shoved back in the closet.

I don't mind Half-Orc Paladins because Half-Orc should never have been a separate race in the first place, but I hate Dwarven Wizards. Might as well not even have separate races at all if we're going to allow that sort of thing.


I would like to see restrictions within a group of classes with a similar role. Barbarian fighters who are raging and specializing in a weapon by 5th level is kind of a contradiction - tapping into an uncontrolled fury to.wield a weapon verses wielding a weapon through extra training seem incompatible to me. If a PC takes one martial path that defines their outlook. Combining both is unrealistic and power-gamey.

I'd divide classes into groups that can't multi within the group.. martial characters, divine spellcasters, arcane spellcasters, and skills classes. Fighter/wizard is great, but barbarian/fighter/ranger is not allowed.

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