• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sigh. I can't do Warhammer. How's about Iron Kingdoms?


First Post
Warhammer v2 isn't that far off from d20 in theory (sure, no classes but careers, however there are feat-like talents, it isn't that far away from the d20 concept). Your players probably just heard about all the grim and perilous talk and got scared. Some people just like to know that they can drop a goblin every time over having a pitched battle with one.

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the Jester

Where do you live? We're playing WHFR tonight. If you're near us (and you can handle a group that parties hard while we game) you're welcome to come check it out.

I'll try to check back in before I leave work. :)


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
iron-spyder said:
Warhammer v2 isn't that far off from d20 in theory

OMG! I hope the WFRP badwrongfun-police don't hear about that little statement of yours ... :D

I still remember the flames from when Ryan Dancey suggested something like that (with far less tact, though).

I think there's truth to the statement though.



Chainsaw Mage said:
[This is the one damn thing that frustrates me about cool non-D&D 3.5 games. Too hard to get people to play. At least in my experience.]

I'm sure it is. And in my experience, there are alot more refs out there wanting to run Warhammer than players who want to play. It seems to be one of those settings that inspires certain refs, but which draws very few players.

Thomas Percy

First Post
Iron Kingdoms is not like Warhammer.
It's different
- as a mix of mechanika and magic not a mix of radioactive decay and dark fantasy
- and not as original, not so full of interesting places in the world, not so consistent.

I'm big fan of Privateer Press' "Witchfire", but I don't run it in Iron Kingdoms.


First Post
Maggan said:
OMG! I hope the WFRP badwrongfun-police don't hear about that little statement of yours ... :D

I still remember the flames from when Ryan Dancey suggested something like that (with far less tact, though).

I think there's truth to the statement though.


EGADS! I meant mechanically, with talents which are feat-like and the skills! Theory! Theory! I say!

With the setting and the rules it is grim, very grim, and totally unlike DnD!

OW! Not the truncheons! Argh!

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