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Silly rules question - any feat that just drives you batty?


Sejs said:
Touch of Golden Ice is on my annoyance list, definitly.
Mine too. Conceptually, I think it's fine, but mechanically it requires a number of extra die rolls each time you strike an evil creature - which for most campaigns is quite a bit. I hate excessive die rolling.

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hong said:
Flavour aside, Touch of Golden Ice isn't as bad as all that. At low levels, a DC 14 Fort save is meaningful; at high levels, nothing will have trouble with it.

It can make combats versus undead a bit of a non event. Low fort save, lowish dex, high cha makes for a downed foe very quickly. Then again, a decent cleric can do that I suppose


Prism said:
It can make combats versus undead a bit of a non event. Low fort save, lowish dex, high cha makes for a downed foe very quickly. Then again, a decent cleric can do that I suppose

uh...there is no reason that undead would be affected by a ravage. it is a fort safe, doesn't affect objects. thus, undead not subject.


the whole idea of ravages is completely silly (no ability damage ever...unless they're evil and really deserve it).


With the exception of Spellcasting Prodigy ( which was fixed in 3.5 ) none of those mentioned really bother me. The one that bothers me ( and I am bewildered that it doesnt seem to disturb anyone else, even in my own gaming group ) is Energy Admixture. If I approached a DM with a self designed feat that doubled melee damage for even 1 round per day, he would have an anurysm!


Henry, would you like Monkey Grip better if it were named Use Cool Anime Sword instead? ;)

I'm not that keen on monkey grip because the name is just dumb. If I ever had a PC that had a nifty story for the mechanic, I might be OK with it.

Cleave doesn't bug me much, though I am thinking of houseruling it so it can't be used on AOOs.

Touch of Golden Ice is definitely on my watch list. Still, no player has ever looked at it.

Toughness is weak and Dodge kind of bugs me.

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
It doesn't matter if not getting to point B fast enough will result in the deaths of thousands of innocents, they won't do it. Then again, they won't adventure if any of them take ability damage they can't immediately fix or negative levels of the 1 hour/level variety either :(

I'm sorry to hear that. It makes me laugh when the heroic PCs think they can't function if they aren't at 100%. I've been relatively lucky though, my players are generally invested enough in the game world to care when their actions (or lack thereof) affect others. So even when they have decided not to do something, they care when they find out that something bad came of it. It does provide RP opportunities, so I am fine with it.

Geoff Watson

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BardStephenFox said:
Henry, would you like Monkey Grip better if it were named Use Cool Anime Sword instead? ;)

I'm not that keen on monkey grip because the name is just dumb. If I ever had a PC that had a nifty story for the mechanic, I might be OK with it.

Powergamers won't take it anyway, as Power Attack is better.



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Mind you, I'm of the view that some of the apprehension related to "odd" feats is cultural.
Heh, oh I don't have a difficulty with the cultural basis of the feats. I have a problem with the power of them. Freezing the Lifeblood - okay, I can trade a stunning fist to try to paralyze you. Frankly if you get paralyzed, you're dead. Weakening Blow - I can trade a stunning fist (which would stun you for 1 round) to give you a -6 to Strength for an hour or longer. Uh... no. Sorry.

Jeff Wilder

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(Psi)SeveredHead said:
I've tried to use it as a GM and it doesn't work. When players get fatigued they simply stop and rest unless someone teleports in to hurt them.

Wow. What a bunch of pussies.

Stick them in the Underdark, with a major earthquake on the way, and miles to go before they sleep. See if they slap on some Vagisil and man up then.

As a DM, I make use of time limits very frequently. You can use them on a small scale to make combat more exciting -- "you figure you have about two minutes to fight your way to the top of the lighthouse before the moon's face is covered, the Ritual of Breaking is completed, and the universe ends" -- and on a large scale to motivate the characters to push past their normal limits.

But you do need to be willing to enforce the time limit if the players deliberately lollygag. (That marks the first time I have ever used the word "lollygag." Cool.) Personally, though I hate killing PCs, I would mercilessly slaughter yours.

"Yes, you relax in your bedrolls and sigh as your paper-cuts get the care they need before you can move on the final eight hours to the capital and the waiting king and his royal mage. You sleep well, despite the crippling discomfort of slightly overfull bellies. At about an hour before dawn, the wizard is watching the stars and kneading his painfully cramping pinky-toe. Frowning, he notices the stars disappearing, one by one, leaving only blackness. The process is accelerating. Maybe that old coot you talked to in the Haunted Tower was serious when he told you the universe was going to end unless you got the Horn of Celestia to the court wizard before daybreak? Yep, he sure was. So what kinda characters do y'all wanna play next?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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