Silverymoon Wards


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Just a quick question on how you would interpret this ruling on the prevailing wards in Silverymoon.

The prevailing spells of Silverymoon's wards are known to include: Antipathy to all evil-aligned demons, devils, dragons, drow, duergar, giants, goblinoids, mind flayers, orcs, and trolls.

Now... the antipathy spell compells a named creature to leave the area and never willing return.

This is all good, but does this mean that Evil Humans, Elves, Dwarves etc... are still allowed in the city? Or just an oversite in the ward's description?

As a DM I'm hoping they do exist in the city because there's no fun designing a city adventure with no evil to fight. :)

Any thoughts on how you would handle this scenerio? Thanks.

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Prismatic Programmer
Since they listed those creature types, clearly the ward is limited to those types. If the ward was against "all evil creatures", it would say so.


First Post
The antipathy effect for the wards in Silverymoon is as follows:
"Antipathy to all evil-aligned demons, devils, dragons, drow, duergar, giants, goblinoids, mindflayers, orcs and trolls"

The Antipatyhy spells description:
"A creature who makes a successful saving throw can stay in the area or touch the item, but feels very uncomfortabledoing so."

You could have it that there are ways of getting around the wards. Specific magic items, counterfit tokens, etc. Or perhaps you can build up a tolerance to the effects. Your the DM make up something.

Knightcrawler :D


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Maybe they have items that grant Non-detection? Or something that makes them immune to anything that detects an alignment?

the Crusading Footpad PrC im taking gets mask alignment at one point.....for all spell purposes while he has this up, he has no alignment.


First Post
Raflar said:
This is all good, but does this mean that Evil Humans, Elves, Dwarves etc... are still allowed in the city? Or just an oversite in the ward's description?

Yes, evil Humans, Elves, Dwarves and so on are allowed into the city. No, it is not an oversight. Evil doesn't always mean "kill-rape-plunder-fight", it could be as simple as a dirty merchant or a petty theif.

The wards are in place to protect against monsters, not other humanoid races that the city (very likely) must trade and coexist with to survive.


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Raflar said:
The prevailing spells of Silverymoon's wards are known to include: Antipathy to all evil-aligned demons, devils, dragons, drow, duergar, giants, goblinoids, mind flayers, orcs, and trolls.

Yeah, and apparently good drow too!!! :mad: Ilustrial...Pft!!! What a prude...


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Re: Re: Silverymoon Wards

kreynolds said:

Yeah, and apparently good drow too!!! :mad: Ilustrial...Pft!!! What a prude...

I'm assuming your talking about the time that Drizzt was near Silverymoon and Alustriel told him she could not give him shelter. That wasn't because of the wards that was because at the time Alustriel was in the process of forming the alliances that became the Silver Marches.
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Re: Re: Re: Silverymoon Wards

Knightcrawler said:
I'm assuming your talking about the time that Drizzt was near Silverymoon and Alustriel told him she could not give him shelter. That wasn't because of the wards that was because at the time Alustriel was in the process of forming the alliances that becam,e the Silver Marches.

You lookin' for an apple or somethin'? ;) Yes, actually, that was what I was referring to. But all women are the same. "It's not you! It's just my work!!!". What hogwash!


First Post
Knightcrawler said:
You could have it that there are ways of getting around the wards. Specific magic items, counterfit tokens, etc. Or perhaps you can build up a tolerance to the effects. Your the DM make up something.

That was my plan... I had a few ideas already but I just wanted to be able to back them up. I have a 'rules lawyer' in the game and we sometimes but heads over "rules versus story"

anyway.. thanks for the ideas.... looks like Silverymoon is going to BURN BURN BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!!!! From the inside!!! MWUHAHAHAHA>... errrr... sorry, slipped into evil DM mode for a second.. :)

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