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Sins of Our Fathers - 2/10 - Final Update


Citizen of Val Hor
'Tis the season, folks, and I'm in a generous mood. I've been devoting any time for writing to the publishing contract, so have been unable to update the story hour in some time.

Still, fear not! I'd like to reward loyal readers in a different manner.

I've compiled a little story hour trivia list of six questions. They aren't easy. That's because I don't want to just give money away.

I'll give the first person to answer all six questions correctly a $30 gift certificate at any applicable online store or, should the winner desire, I'll simply mail them a check.

Send your answers to me via email; do not post them there.

Please place "contest" or something along those lines in the subject of your email.

Obviously, my players are exempt from this contest - though I doubt even they could answer all of these questions. Most stem from the story hour and not necessarily the campaign itself.

If anyone wins (the operative word being - if) I will immediately post such information here.

Good luck and happy holidays!

  1. Vath believes his god spoke to him but once; what did he say to the half-troll?
  2. John admits to but four mistakes in his life. What was the most recent?
  3. Why might Baden not relish the sight or smell of basted cave crab?
  4. Where and how did Kellus dispose of Helm’s holy symbol upon losing his faith?
  5. Who was it that Amelyssan believes summoned Baphtemet to the Prime?
  6. Raylin once knocked over a wine container during a meal. What was the clansman doing to cause the accident?
  7. Who is Martinicus?

- D

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Citizen of Val Hor
We have a winnah!

Congrats to Will, or played Geron in the short-lived Valusian PbP game. He was the only one to get all of 'em correct (and in record time, I might add).

Happy Holidays,


Registered User
Hey Destan, could you post the answers? A few of them I think I might know, but certainly not all.

Also, you mentioned Roger Wilco, and I hadn't even thought of it, but that would probably work fairly well. I'll have to get Cinerarium to work on that for our campaign.

Looking forward to your campaign book when it comes out.



Citizen of Val Hor
Tellerve said:
Hey Destan, could you post the answers?

This is a copy and pase from Will's winning email. Merry Christmas!

1. Vath believes his god spoke to him but once; what did he say to the half-troll?

Vath was told his death would be visited upon him by a burrowing creature.

2. John admits to but four mistakes in his life. What was the most recent?

John’s most recent mistake was he spoke with some of the condemned men during the party’s journey across central Valusia enroute to the Bluehorn even though his companions warned him against it.

3. Why might Baden not relish the sight or smell of basted cave crab?

Because it reminded Baden of his father’s death.

4. Where and how did Kellus dispose of Helm’s holy symbol upon losing his faith?

Kellus tossed the symbol of Helm into the quays of Tarn Cal.

5. Who was it that Amelyssan believes summoned Baphtemet to the Prime?

Amelyssan believed Morgad summoned Baphtemet but the demon proved too powerful for him. Morgad could not destroy or banish the demon so he imprisoned the demon.

6. Raylin once knocked over a wine container during a meal. What was the clansman doing to cause the accident?

From Ciddry Revisited, Poridel and the gang were sitting around drinking and telling stories. A drunk Raylin was spreading his arms to indicate the size the antlers of a red elk he killed near Blackswamp.

7. Who is Martinicus?

From A World Bereft of Song, the only brother who did not swear a vow of silence because he dealt with the townspeople and lay persons at the monastary. He was the only surviving monk after the Abbot and his 41 fellow monks drank poison from the vials (which Martinicus produced from under his vestment).


First Post
I think I've become a little confused over Kellus' current feelings on Helm. What's his view of the Great Guardian right now?


First Post
Another lurker voices his support

What can I say? This story hour has enlightened my life (in a dark way)

Keep it up! You have earned another loyal reader.



Citizen of Val Hor
Lela said:
I think I've become a little confused over Kellus' current feelings on Helm. What's his view of the Great Guardian right now?

Kellus' player and I have talked about this a couple times - trying to determine just "when" and "where" and "why" he made the switch back to Helm after having forsaken him for so long. We both think Baphtemet had a lot to do with it; seeing evil incarnate made Kellus recognize the importance for a balancing force in the world, some sort of divine protection for mere mortals.

To answer your question - Kellus has accepted Helm once again, but remains very uncertain as to whether Helm has accepted him. He has not properly or officially atoned, nor has he visited a Helmite temple to start the process. That sort of thing may or may not come later in the story hour.

Reminds me of a little Abe Lincoln vignette. A group of politically-minded preachers visited him in the White House during the apex of the Civil War. They told him, to paraphrase, "Do not fear, Mr. President, for God is on your side." To which Honest Abe replied: "I am not overly worried as to whether God is on my side, gentlemen; I am very worried as to whether I am on His."

Lastly - welcome Kaaw! A crow's call is the only animal call I can make with my own voice. Had a bunch o' crows flapping above my head this morning while I was loading up the van for the drive home after the holidays.

Yes, folks, I'm sure that "talent" will reap me huge monetary gain. Some day.



First Post
For now I guess you'll just have to profit from your writing skills. But I'm sure the big Kaaw contract will come through soon. ;)

Thanks for the Keullus info.


First Post
Hey, don't worry Destan. My special "talent" in that department is to quack like a duckling, and I guarantee that you won't be seeing any famous quackers for a long time, if ever. :D

On another issue, it is MHO that you should make more posts through Amelyssan's point of view, since I think he's one of the more underdeveloped characters (insofar as I've seen throughout the posts) and he puts an interesting twist to the story (elves are supposed to be more enlightened than humans and dwarves, and hence, their outlook, at least as I've generally seen it, seems to be on the superior side). I say this particularly because I play a wizard in one of my campaigns, and usually they have good insights to share with the party, if it's well role-played.

To make it clearer to you, I would like to hear more about Amelyssan's past, like that flash-back he had when he thought he would die at the hands of the demon (sorry I can't remember his name at this particular moment), and know more about the history of elves in Ostia Prim.

You can probably deduce from this post that I'm an elf-lover :D , but that's not completely true; I've come to like Vath as much as any character that I've ever played, and I've always liked dwarves as well, though not as much as one of my brothers, who only plays dwarves.

Well, after several paragraphs of senseless babbling :) , I hope you had a nice Christmas and hope you all have a happy New Year.


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