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Six Nights to Year's End (Merged)

Deuce Traveler

OOC: The long post was well done.

Loraine retrieves the priest Ronaldo, who is awake, though he looks like he is still recovering from some recent ordeal. "S..S...'Scuse me. I'm still tr... trying to get better from some gas I inhaled. He is correct about how he came to my Temple... and now I'm not sure what to think. The men that I had trusted, they... they were brewing something horrible in the basement. Gods... I'm afraid I may have been part of a Chaos Cult," the red-robed priest says, his face pale and damp.

"It seems Ronaldo is recovering from the hallucinagenic gasses that his comrades hit him with, although your two allies are still unconscious and muttering insanities," Loraine speaks loudly so both groups can hear.

OOC: RIP, Gary. :(

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Davian stands slowly, "You are the one who entered this room with hostile intentions. I shall not apologize for that which I did not start. If you wish to enter into a combat, then you should leave. I warn you, I have grown tired of you." He turns to the elven knight, "Milady, what chance is there for fairness when those who have come have already judged?"


First Post
Glau's eyes go wide at Davian's rebuttal. After catching a glimpse of Verosh's angry posture out of the corner of his eye, he quickly speaks, "You best bite your tongue lad, before someone cuts it out. Now let the adults finish talking."

"We're no bounty hunters, but there are plenty in the city who would as soon kill you as speak with you, regardless of guilt, to retire in comfort on the reward that's been placed on your heads. Me, I think the nature of this bounty tells us something about what's going on here."

Glau shifts into storyteller mode, his voice filling the room. "Consider: While you were attacking the Knights, Vai assassins murdered Quaelin Fillasti in the street near his home. The bounty on your heads was posted practically as soon as the Watch discovered the scene. And if what you say of the Warden is true... It seems that whether you were willing participants in these murders or not, whoever orchestrated them now views you as a liability, and is working very hard to eliminate you."

"The signs point toward House Vladaam being at the heart of this, though we still cannot prove it. And that gets us no closer to why the Knights were murdered. However, we have discovered that the Knights were also researching ancient religions." Glau pulls the copy of Forgotten Deities of Pre-Lothian Cultures he borrowed from the Celestial Conclave from his bag. "They must have been on the cusp of uncovering whatever this still hidden group is plotting, for their enemies to risk striking at them so boldly."

Glau pauses for a moment, stroking, his beard. "Which means, I suppose, that we're now all nearly as much of a threat as they were."


"I have no issue with any of you yet. Insult me again, and we will have more than just words." Davian's eyes go cold as he makes his promise. He picks up his bow, making no other move but to hold it in his hand.



A loud angry hissing sound comes for the heretofore silent tall Assarai (lizardman) in the corner. He finally steps forward and speaks. "I am Sithalaphis Tsal, a friend to those who are accused and those who died in the prison. Enough posturing my friends." He looks first at Verosh, "even if you believe these people did not act under compulsion you must admit that larger forces are involved. Fighting here and now will not solve the mysteries of this foul deed. Contain your disdain for each other and consider the best course of action. Is it to fight or see these people placed in irons? Will that answer the question or relieve the grief? Would it not be better to find out who is ultimately responsible? Get hold of your animosity and save it for the forces behind the deaths." He turns next to Davian, "have we been able to find out all that these others have? I have learned much from their words already. Will you discard their knowledge and help for pride?"

Tsal is tall, at least by human standards. He has dark green skin and the yellow-green reptilian eyes of his people. His arms seem thin compared to his thick skinned body. He has a tendency to tilt his head to one side when talking to people. His voice is somewhat raspy and he speaks common with too many sylabant sounds, but can be understood easily enough by those humans who concentrate. Some sort of light armor is concealed under his clothes which are made of stout brown cloth, but have seen hard use. A faded blue cloak completes his attire. His large clawed feet are bare as is the 4' tail behind him. He wears a stout club of darkwood on his belt along with leather pouches that are worn enough to be hand me downs. A pack and a long wicker case over his shoulder suggests that he is a workman carrying some parcel. A keener eye will perceive that the case is about rifle sized and that there is a powder horn under his cloak. A very large monitor lizard dozes at his feet.


First Post
Skrymer takes one step closer to davian and looks down at him without a word. when Davian takes his seat again Skrymer to seems to calm down and takes step back again. He then picks up a large piece of meat from his pack and starts eating it while listening to the discussion.


First Post
Glau flips through the pages of the book in his hand. Thinking aloud, Glau speaks to no one in particular, "I have not yet had to study this, but we know that something in this book lead the Knights to the Necropolis. We should compare these books to see what secrets they may reveal."

Glau turns to catch the eyes of the assembled representatives of the various organizations present. "There appears to be some larger plot afoot here than this morning's murders. Whether these men are are judged responsible of the actions they committed, there is certain to be knowledge in their heads that will help us reveal the true enemies. What say you? Do you find their tale convincing?"

[OOC - What time is it now?]
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Deuce Traveler

It's 8pm in the evening, and although it is late, some such as Kareus and Kaseo have been awake for an even longer time than others and are beginning to feel exhausted.

Loraine speaks next now that the arguments have begun to die down. "I think it is in our best interest to cooperate with one another at this time. The Knights of the Chord will give secret sanctuary to these men and women who are on the run until we can better judge their guilt or innocence. Glau, Verosh, and Skrymer will be asked to accompany them in their pursuit of proving their innocence, and will also be asked to help judge them at a later time. I have little doubt that they will prove themselves to be decent men. At this time, however, we cannot give open support when they are still suspected criminals who are being hunted. We will provide a place for you to rest tonight. Perhaps we can also help study the book you have brought, while Kareus has a sage studying another book he found that might be of interest. Tomorrow we can all pool our knowledge together, and we can arrange a quiet meeting for you. The Knights of the Golden Cross did not go into the Necropolis alone... two Knights of the Pale went with them and are being asked to meet with you tomorrow. They are Brig Stoneheart and Prince Ironheart. If you decide to investigate the Necropolis, these two men can use their connections to get you access."

Voidrunner's Codex

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