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Skull and Bones Campaign Help - Mind's Eyers Keep Out


I am starting a Skull and Bones pirate game in January and I wanted to get some feedback on what have planned. Any ideas would be appreciated. :)

The game is set in 1700 in the Caribbean. So far I have the following player characters:

-A Spanish Fighter/Sea Dog whom hates Spain and has a Captain Complex.
-A English Catholic Rogue. He is a man of learning who got in trouble with English noble and has been exiled to the Carib.
-A Old Sea Dog by the name of Scurvy Pete.
-A hard drinking English Buccaneer/Ranger whom happens to have gills on the sides of his torso. Has had them since birth. His father was a hard drinking buccaneer and he didn’t know his mother.
-A two fisted Buccaneer without a good background yet.

The main story line I have is that in 1519, Hernan Cortez during the Conquest of the Maya came upon an overgrown Mayan temple in the jungles of the Yucatan. A mad Mayan shaman had lead Cortez to it saying that there was lots of gold and treasure to be had. In truth the temple was a gate way to Xibalba, the Mayan Underworld. Cortez and his men entered with many of them finding madness and death. Cortez made hasty retreat but not before finding some treasure which included 7 Crystal Skulls. Once out the treasure was sent back on the Spanish Treasure Fleet. The ship carrying the Skulls was attacked by pirates and looted. The Skulls were then scattered across the Caribbean as the pirates sold their booty. The skulls are magical and contain the life force of the Mayan Lords of Death. They were placed there after their demise by the hands of the Hero Twins, Hunaphu and Xbalanque. Since the skulls have been removed from the underworld they have started to lose their ability to contain the Lords of Death. Given time the Lords will be freed again to bring death and destruction to the world.

Fast forward to 1700, A Spanish Admiral seeing the weakening and breaking up of the Spanish Empire wishes to return Spain to its former glory. His Mayan concubine, who in reality is a vampire, has planted the thought in his mind that if he can gather the crystal skulls together that they would give him the power needed to bring the down fall of England and France and the return of Spanish Domination with him as it's King. He has no idea that the skulls contain the Lords of Death.

Enter the PC's, the would be pirates get a ship and make their first capture, which happens to contain one of the skulls. Soon the Spanish Admiral shows up and takes their new ship and maroons them or worse. After that I am stumped. Any ideas?

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Exploring Ptolus
Sounds like you have a great set-up! One of the things you might consider: Have the Spanish Admiral take them to Havana and have them tried as pirates. There, they can make their escape (in true pirate fashion) and maybe meet someone who has a clue as to what is going on.


First Post
Can I question your decision to start the game off by taking away the PCs' ship away and marooning them? What if they escape? If they've still got one of the skulls, being constantly pursued by the Spanish Admiral would be cool (in my opinion). Meanwhile they'd be trying to figure out what the skull is and why the admiral wants it.

You could always have the admiral catch up with them later, when they know a bit more, and if marooned will feel a greater sense of urgency to get back to sea and stop him.

If you maroon them, the next step is figuring out how they could get off the island. I guess ripping off Pirates of the Caribbean might be a bit obvious. They could try to build a raft, if it turns out the island was once settled and there are some tools still to be found. Or the captain might leave them to die on a jungle coast at the hands of the natives (who perhaps the players would have to fight/run from, or perhaps might find a way to turn to allies).

By the way, why does the concubine want the skulls gathered together? Can the skulls be shattered? Otherwise it would seem more useful to her - if she serves the Lords of Death - to keep them scattered, since together they might possibly be returned to the temple in one go. I'm kind of confused.


Unattainable Ideal
Pirates, crystal skulls, Mayan lords of death, vampire concubines and Spanish admirals...


...and he says he's stumped.

Dude, you are so far ahead of me, I'm just going to steal every idea you just threw out.

The only thing you're missing is ... marooned on an island... WITH ZOMBIES!!!!


CCamfield said:
By the way, why does the concubine want the skulls gathered together? Can the skulls be shattered? Otherwise it would seem more useful to her - if she serves the Lords of Death - to keep them scattered, since together they might possibly be returned to the temple in one go. I'm kind of confused.

Humm your right. I came up the idea of the Mayan vampire and then the skulls. Originally I thought that she needed to get them all together at some Mayan Temple to release the Lords of Death. But I change my mind and had them like time bombs. I need to come up with a idea why she wants them together or go back to the orginal idea. She is working for the release of the Lords of Death.


barsoomcore said:
Pirates, crystal skulls, Mayan lords of death, vampire concubines and Spanish admirals...


...and he says he's stumped.

Dude, you are so far ahead of me, I'm just going to steal every idea you just threw out.

The only thing you're missing is ... marooned on an island... WITH ZOMBIES!!!!

I had been thinking about a island with Dinosaurs! Boy they would wet there pants when I pull out that nice T-Rex mini that I have been working on.


The reason that I am stumped is, while I have the main theme to the game, I want to throw in a bunch of other piratey stuff too. Sea Battles, attacking the spanish fort, etc.......


Unattainable Ideal
No, no, it's obvious. The Mayan concubine vampire (is it just me or is that incredibly cool?) wants the Lords of Death to be grateful to HER. So she's convincing the admiral to collect them all because she plans to sacrifice him to the LoD's as they are released from their ancient prisons. They'll consume his soul and look kindly on her, and she'll get beachfront property in Malibu or something.

So the big switch in the campaign is that they think the admiral's the bad guy when in fact he's the willing thrall of the MCV. Which the Spanish Navy may not find very compelling evidence when they sentence our heroes to death for the murder of their admiral....


Ohhh, just got a great idea. She wants to use the power of the skulls to grant the Admirals wish. He becomes King, no Emperor of Greater Spain just in time to have all the Lords of Death return right in the heart of Europe. It would make the Black Plague look like a picnic. And of coarse the Lords of Death would smile upon their undead servent for giving them such a feast.

PS Yes!!! I thought the idea of a Mayan Vampire Concubine is pretty darn Cool!
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I helped edit the book, and believe me when I say that I want to play in your game! Wow - great plot. you aren't in Boston, are you?

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