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Pathfinder 1E SKYPE GMT+8 Pathfinder Irrisen


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-I'm going to try to run a game via skype. I see it's been done. This will be my first time running online, so I want no
more than 3 players, but would consider running for a party of two. I know 4 is more normal but I think it will be
easier to run online with fewer players. At least to start. The game is very, very role play heavy. Don't make a fighter with no personality or "Gerry the generic cleric the human healing machine".

I live in China. This is GMT+8. I'm not sure of a time yet. Let's see who we get and what works for others.

A cold land. A land ruled by witches, a land without summer, a land of mystery and magic. You will not be natives
of Irrisen however. The game starts, cliche I know, at a small tavern located near the border of Irrisen, but actually
on the side of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. For various reasons (back story people!) each member of the party
needs to sneak over the border into the strange land of Irrisen. In addition to a private, personal goal, the party will
also have a shared goal.

-Suggestions for classes-These are just some reasons you might be going to Irrisen.
Alchemist- There are many rumors of strange chemical phenomenon associated with the endless winter of Irrisen,
and little has been written about it. A few specimens from the land could provide a life time of study, and a great deal of wealth.
Bard-There are old songs and saga, lost in the land of the Linnorm kings that still survive among the more archaic
and traditional dialect of the Irrisen Ulfen.
Barbarian-Obviously the wildlands and epic strange beasts of Irrisen attract the barbarian.
Cleric-The land of Irrisen is clearly in need of a missionary. It is ruled by an evil witch
Druid-The druidic tradtion in Irrisen is old. Very old. Most of the druids are savage races however, and have lost
contact with the druid circles outside. Perhaps now they need to be reconnected.
Cavalier-This is a poor choice. Horses need food, and the snow means they will bog down.
Fighter-Irrisen has poor relations with it's neighbors. And will occasionally tike on soldiers of fortune. The pay is
rumored to be quite good.
Inquisitor-Witches are said to flock to Irrisen. Perhaps a witch you have hunted has fled across the border.
Monk-Although there are no monk traditions in the land, monks often travel to high mountains and seek isolation.
Irrisen is isolated and mountainous
Feel free to come up with new additional reasons for what you seek in Irrisen.

-Suggestions for races
Ulfen Humans will blend in the best with the locals
Gnomes are more common than normal, reflecting the fey history of the region
Dwarves are more common than normal as benefits their hardy nature
Half Orcs are more common than normal as many Orcs do serve BabaYaga and her witches
Elves are rareer than normal. Most elves find long winters very upsetting and depressing. Half elves are also rare.
Tieflings are more common than normal, as some witches are also Diabolists
Changelings are rare, as hags are respected and allowed to mingle freely with the inhabitants of Irrisen. Some
families even appretentce their children to hags.

-Suggestions for character creation
Any class from CORE or Advanced Payers Guide
Core Races and some others. No monster races. (tieflings must take the trait infernal bastard)
25 point buy (Irrisen is tough!)
2nd level (max hp both levels)
Standard starting gold
Choose 1 trait from the 7 below and 1 trait from the books
Hag Touched
Somewhere in you past there was some hag blood. You get +2 to Will Saves versus all female casters. You have a
small defect such as a webbed finger or a strange birthmark. This does not have to be visible to passers by.

Strong Drinker
You have a massive alcohol tolerance. You can not be drunk, and alcohol actually gives you resist elements cold
1. This means you never suffer penalties for cold weather as long as you have a drink. Temperatures below -10C do effect you as normal.

On the run
You are wanted in your homeland for a crime, or getting someone knocked up, or something. You have no choice
but to flee into Irrisen. You get bluff and sense motive as class skills. If they are already class skills, you get +2 to
bluff and +2 to sense motive

Animal friend
Choose a class of animals. Birds, Mammals, Reptiles. You may use the spell "Speak with Animals" once per day
with that class of animals. Also that animal will have a "helpfull" attitude toward you.

Sixth Sense
You see dead people. Well not really but...You can cast 'detect undead' as a spell like ability once per day. You have +1 dodge AC vs undead. This is a good trait for a paladin or undead hunter.

Merchant Apprentice
You were apprenticed to a smith at one point. Appraise and a Craft are always class skills for you. You receive +2 to EITHER appraise or craft.

You were raised in a barely civilized society. Perhaps you are a half-orc or raised among the jungles of the south.
You get +2 to diplomacy and +2 intimidate when dealing with savage races (Orcs, Gnolls, etc) Some human tribes also are savage.

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First Post
I'm interested in joining, but with the sheer time difference I would need to know the day of the week to see if its one of the days I tend to stay up late during. GMT -5:00 here.

Initial thoughts on a Character concept? Half-elf(Or Elf) Alchemist as a base going Chaotic Neutral for Alignment, with sheer curiosity leading him into those cold, depressing lands. A strange chemical phenomenon on a scale thats linked with the endless winter? New specimens to study that others haven't done so with before?
Its worth the risk to enter the lands, take what knowledge and samples he can, then head back somewhere more comfortable once more.

Besides ... There may be other types of Fey up in those cold lands to study and give him new knowledge into his research. His mutagen research for perfecting the recessive Fey heritage locked away in himself has been partially successful, but not yet complete. Elf? No, no. He wants to get to his theoretical true core nature of the Fey, not the "tainted" versions that run around spawned from it.

(( Vivisectionist archetype from Ultimate Magic fits perfectly, even if I'll miss the loss of bombs. Definitely turns the alchemist more into a Rogue-style character though in utility. ))


First Post
Just want to say excellent stuff. I work on an academic schedule in a boring Russian border town so don't worry about my schedule.I have more free time then you can imagine and -40F winter coming up. You are over in EST i take it? Let's see if we can get another player. I'd run with 2.

_By the way, I mentioned the time zone just because I recall a lot of players from NZ and OZ having difficulty fitting into EST and European times. I'm not sure what time local I'd be running. I have nothing against running a game at 7am local time on a sunday, provided you don't mind a DM wearing his bunny slippers and drinking coffee.
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First Post
Yep, EST time zone for me. I don't mind being a night-owl, as I usually end up that way on a number of days anyways.

Mention of Sunday in GMT +8:00 is rather funny, as that is actually my longest stretch of free time in my timezone. Though hopefully after 9:00 AM (GMT-8) Sunday, as that is usually the time I usually get free for my night and following day off at around 8:00 PM (GMT-5) on Saturday. Anything setup after that time works great till Monday my time. Other days, I'll have to plan for better.

-40F winter coming up? Ouch, too think I've been looking forward to getting out of 100F+ weather with high humidity here.


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FYI for others reading:
The game currently is planned to occur around 12:00 PM EST on Saturday. Please ask, if you are interested in roughly that time to start.


First Post
i would like to play

i would love to play with you im in GMT-0 so ide have to work out a time email me brett-tomo[MENTION=89935]hotmail[/MENTION].co.uk i'de like to know more thanks


First Post
I am very interested. I can do the time difference and play for any amount of time but do we need to speak or can we use text over skype? That would be preferable for me.


First Post
FYI for others reading:
The game currently is planned to occur around 12:00 PM EST on Saturday. Please ask, if you are interested in roughly that time to start.

I am on GMT -7 Arizona, USA (we don't recognize daylight savings time, so it is GMT -7 year round).

This time would work well for me and I would love to play. Please let me know if there is room for me, and I will work up a character concept. I already have some ideas churning.

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