Slaad Farming


First Post
Anyway, the Reference Document doesn't mention what a Slaad looks like. Could someone decribe one to me?

They used to be like big, angry humanoid frogs. Maybe you've seen those garden ornaments with happy frogs playing musical instruments or riding unicycles? They're a lot like that, except burlier and more vicious. No unicycles. (Well, perhaps unicycles, but PCs generally wouldnt know since they seldom get to see the tender side of the Slaad race.)

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First Post
Gizzard said:

They used to be like big, angry humanoid frogs. Maybe you've seen those garden ornaments with happy frogs playing musical instruments or riding unicycles? They're a lot like that, except burlier and more vicious. No unicycles. (Well, perhaps unicycles, but PCs generally wouldnt know since they seldom get to see the tender side of the Slaad race.)

And sharp pointy teeth! *sticks fingers in front of his mouth*


Rules Monkey
Um, you guys do know that this wouldn't really work, right?

When the duration of the Summon Monster spell is up, the slaad returns to it's home plane. All of the slaad, including any eggs it had implanted. Same goes for any blood or body parts.


First Post
Caliban, are you saying that when a summoned creature goes bye-bye, it's poison is removed from affected creatures? What about disease?


Rules Monkey
Number47 said:
Caliban, are you saying that when a summoned creature goes bye-bye, it's poison is removed from affected creatures? What about disease?

Disease would be removed, and the poison too. Although in the case of poison it won't restore any poison damage done before the creature returned home.


First Post
Caliban, could you please give the source for this? Under the Summoning spell description in the PHB, p. 157 it says that ongoing spells end. But it doesn't really mention things like disease and poison.


Rules Monkey
gfunk said:
Caliban, could you please give the source for this? Under the Summoning spell description in the PHB, p. 157 it says that ongoing spells end. But it doesn't really mention things like disease and poison.

Mainly from the PHB. The summoned creature leaves at the end of it's duration.

To me, that would seem to include every part of the summoned creature. Disease and poison would have to be part of the creature, or they wouldn't be summoned along with it.


First Post
Yes, but what about everything that has left the critter's person?

If a fiendish dire wolf urinates on a wall, does the urine poof, when it's gone?

If a Celestial drops it's weapon, in the course of the battle, does it go with it? It's not part of the celestial. Why, it could summon the celestial at any point and time (The celestial could be eating, and thus, food is brought with it, but it's not a part of the celestial, ne?).


Rules Monkey
Xarlen said:
Yes, but what about everything that has left the critter's person?

If a fiendish dire wolf urinates on a wall, does the urine poof, when it's gone?

If a Celestial drops it's weapon, in the course of the battle, does it go with it? It's not part of the celestial. Why, it could summon the celestial at any point and time (The celestial could be eating, and thus, food is brought with it, but it's not a part of the celestial, ne?).

Those were all part of the creature when it was summoned, they would all leave with the creature when it leaves.

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