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Sleeping in heavy armour


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I am playing 3,5 edit. i am playing a dwarven cleric wearing half plate. The scene is set. we decide to camp around 8 oclock game time. I am on second watch. The party decides on 2x4 hour watches. Partially through the 1st watch the party is attacked. I have slept in my armour for a maximum of 4 hours. Do I instantly get the fatigue for wearing and sleeping in armour or does that happen if I sleep the full 8 hours in it. Or does the fatigue hit 24 hours later as it says in the rules the fatigue is the next day. In this case it was the same day. 8pm to a max of 12pm. Can anyone clear this one up please.

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Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
I'd probably rule that the penalties don't kick in until morning (ie, until the full 8hrs have passed).

Skimming over the rules, though, I don't see a definitive ruling either way.


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But you're a Dwarf...

The rules don't seem to get into how long you have to be asleep in armor before it effects you further than resting in any armor heavier than light fatigues the wearer. So I guess it could be argued that any sleep, since the armor is cumbersome and uncomfortable to sleep in, would fatigue the wearer. Mostly a DM call on this I'd say.

However, there is this entry from the Dwarf's Race;
Hill dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, hill dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).

With that I might accept, as a DM, that a dwarf wouldn't be so bothered by snoozing in his armor, as I am sure plenty do on long guard shifts in the lonely tunnels of their mines. Maybe instead of being fatigued you'd only get a partial action on the first round or two of being woken up. That is a big maybe and again totally up to DM fiat.

There are some pretty easy ways around this though with a little gold - in the Magic Item Compendium there is an Armour Crystal I believed called the Restful Crystal, for 500gp or so, that allows you to sleep in your armor without becoming fatigued (pretty sure your armor needs to be at least masterwork quality to attach the crystal though!). There is also in the same book a ring called the Ring of Arming that lets you completely swap out your outfits and weapons - you could go from looking like a poor weary traveler to being a fully armed and armored warrior just by activating the ring. I think that ring runs in the 5000gp range though.


Even though I play Pathfinder, there's a new PF magic item called Folding Armor, that appears as an amulet hanging on your neck. With a command word the amulet 'unfolds' and like the armor from Stargate the movie, plates begin unfolding and forming into a full body suit of plate armor.

So not only can my anti-paladin sleep with no armor that can instantly become armor, but my character can attend public functions in fine dress - he's a nobleman afterall, but if there's a sudden need for combat, I utter the command word, and a round later, I can attack fully armored.

Perhaps you could import this item into your 3x campaign.

Folding Plate
Aura: moderate conjuration (summoning) CL: 10th
Slot: neck (brooch) or armor (unfolded) Price: 12,690 gp
Weight: - (brooch) or 50 pounds (armor)

This item normally looks like a heavy steel brooch or cloak clasp, often depicting a heavy helm or sturdy shield. On command the brooch transforms in a clatter of metal plates and panels to instantly cover the wearer into a complete suit of +2 full plate with the design of the brooch displayed on the wearer's breastplate. The same command word causes the armor to transform into a brooch. The item transforms only if the wearer's armor slot is unoccupied, thus it will not work if the wearer is already in armor.

Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; instant summoning.
Cost: 7,650 gp.

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First Post
Even though I play Pathfinder, there's a new PF magic item called Folding Armor, that appears as an amulet hanging on your neck. With a command word the amulet 'unfolds' and like the armor from Stargate the movie, plates begin unfolding and forming into a full body suit of plate armor.

So not only can my anti-paladin sleep with no armor that can instantly become armor, but my character can attend public functions in fine dress - he's a nobleman afterall, but if there's a sudden need for combat, I utter the command word, and a round later, I can attack fully armored.

Perhaps you could import this item into your 3x campaign.

Folding Plate
Aura: moderate conjuration (summoning) CL: 10th
Slot: neck (brooch) or armor (unfolded) Price: 12,690 gp
Weight: - (brooch) or 50 pounds (armor)

This item normally looks like a heavy steel brooch or cloak clasp, often depicting a heavy helm or sturdy shield. On command the brooch transforms in a clatter of metal plates and panels to instantly cover the wearer into a complete suit of +2 full plate with the design of the brooch displayed on the wearer's breastplate. The same command word causes the armor to transform into a brooch. The item transforms only if the wearer's armor slot is unoccupied, thus it will not work if the wearer is already in armor.

Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; instant summoning.
Cost: 7,650 gp.

And if you want to stick to 3.5 look in the MIC (Magic Item Compendium). There is the Called ability for armor and shields. It is a flat +2000 gp to a magic item. When you speak the command word the armor appears on you, properly donned, or in a space next to you as specific. Shields with this ability appear on you shield arm.

Under the rings in this book is the ring of arming for 5,000gp. When you speak the command word the armor, shield and weapon(s) you are currently wearing disappear and are magically stored in the ring. Speak the command word a second time the armor, shield and weapon reapers on you. Any weapons that were in hand will appear at your feet.


The rules don't seem to get into how long you have to be asleep in armor before it effects you further than resting in any armor heavier than light fatigues the wearer. So I guess it could be argued that any sleep, since the armor is cumbersome and uncomfortable to sleep in, would fatigue the wearer. Mostly a DM call on this I'd say.

have to agree here, having worn and fought in hvy armor, I would not want to try and sleep in it, even resting in it is uncomfortable, it s just not designed for that, padded armor would be uncomfortable but it would just be hotter than not wearing it.

I as a chr have worn lighter armor for sleep/guard nights... after a lv or two we (any group i travel with) hire guards/ poters/ teamsters / cooks. for night duties like watch so that we can get better sleep.

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