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D&D 5E Small tweaks to improve Out of the Abyss [DMs toolbox; SPOILERS]

Agreed. The visuals of the Silken Paths are pretty cool, but it's not the most active of locations. I'm probably going to use it next adventure. But I think I'm going to include a fight with some of the pursuing drow on it, maybe with some sort of vertical fall/chase challenge.

I agree, some additional detail on the Oozing Temple’s past would’ve been nice. My group liked it, especially the problem solving of how to get out of there.

Silken Paths: Initially, this sounds like an interesting terrain. Alas, if you don't do anything with it, that's all it will be. The mechanics of "surfing the web" is not enought to create tension or interest, I'm afraid. Encountering the friendly pair of gobs is of course nice.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
The Oozing Temple could be dedicated to Ghaunadar, the drow god of slimes and oozes.
The intelligent ooze used to be the high priest, until he got a "blessing" from his god. He may want to talk or hold a brief ceremony if time permits. (I like the book's idea better.)
Leave some holy symbols lying around. Some PC might pick them up. Maybe 1 has residual magic in it: if planted in the ground, it will become an 'ooze magnet'. Or - 1 use only - it can repel oozes (like Cleric vs Undead)


I want to start with a different 'twist' on the opening chapter:
Ilvara and the other drow jailers have already been 'touched' by madness. Instead of holding the prisoners until they can be delivered to Menzoberranzan, they are using the prisoners to hunt them for sport (similar to "The most dangerous Game" or "Hunger Games", etc). While the drow are known for cruelty, this is completely out of character for the race: which prudent and elitist sensibilities would scoff at such a waist of "livestock". (The other drow prisoner, Sarith, can attest to this 'odd' behaviour).

This 'twist' enforces:
- Something is 'odd' with the Underdark
- An added sense of urgency for the PC's to escape (one-by-one they watch other prisoners being taken from the cell and killed in 'the hunt').
- Adds more drama to the 'pursuit/chase', because instead of just getting re-captured for slavery, they are being hunted for the slaughter.

That sounds pretty cool. Are you planning on using Velkynvelve for the locale? I could see the ooze in the pool being used as a sort-of equivalent of the Cornucopia in the Hunger Games.

I want to start with a different 'twist' on the opening chapter:
Ilvara and the other drow jailers have already been 'touched' by madness. Instead of holding the prisoners until they can be delivered to Menzoberranzan, they are using the prisoners to hunt them for sport (similar to "The most dangerous Game" or "Hunger Games", etc).


First Post
Silken Paths: Initially, this sounds like an interesting terrain. Alas, if you don't do anything with it, that's all it will be. The mechanics of "surfing the web" is not enough to create tension or interest, I'm afraid. Encountering the friendly pair of gobs is of course nice.

I'm thinking this should be a Lolth-driven encounter. It's likely to be the only one, and sets up a false expectation for the rest of the adventure. If I were smart, I would set it up as a Shelob-like spider that is a "queen" to various spider types. These spiders are all attacking each other and everything. The gobbies can relate to the party that the Queen spider usually keeps the others in line, but she hasn't been seen, they want out (and join the party) but could, if pressed, lead them to the queens lair. It is sealed with thick webbing, but if they penetrate it, there she is in her bloated glory, laying millions of eggs...

Hook Horror Hunt: Again, at first this sounds promising. But when you read it, it doesn't amount to much more than a random encounter in a fairly generic location. Sure, getting to nurse a baby horror is a novelty, but other than that?

Yeah...this one is tough. Although I think I'd up the number of hook horrors and make that a recurring issue if they take the baby: hook horrors come after the pary.

The Oozing Temple: Here we at least have the thrill of a timed encounter. And stumbling into a sentient ooze is actually a nice nod to future events (the Blingdenstone chapter). But the "temple" itself is a bit of a letdown in my opinion - my players tried their hardest to add meaning to its form. Does the map suggest a shape? Are there any hidden secrets? But no...

Maybe this is a temple to Primus, The One, Lord of Mechanus. Studying the temple for an hour (or more) will grant adv to identifying and dealing with modrons...

Lost Tomb of Khaem: I would say this is the encounter with the most backstory, which isn't saying much. Of course, it's claim to fame (infamy?) is the seriously powerful magic loot/ally.

I like it as is


Dragon Lord
Silken Paths: Initially, this sounds like an interesting terrain. Alas, if you don't do anything with it, that's all it will be. The mechanics of "surfing the web" is not enought to create tension or interest, I'm afraid. Encountering the friendly pair of gobs is of course nice.

I plan to use this on the way to Menzonberranzan. I want to turn it into an encounter area trafficked by demons looking for easy pickings.

Hook Horror Hunt: Again, at first this sounds promising. But when you read it, it doesn't amount to much more than a random encounter in a fairly generic location. Sure, getting to nurse a baby horror is a novelty, but other than that?

Turned all the gnolls into Fangs. Used this too boost xp and into a harder fight. Good to have some simple encounters for the PCs to flex on.

The Oozing Temple: Here we at least have the thrill of a timed encounter. And stumbling into a sentient ooze is actually a nice nod to future events (the Blingdenstone chapter). But the "temple" itself is a bit of a letdown in my opinion - my players tried their hardest to add meaning to its form. Does the map suggest a shape? Are there any hidden secrets? But no...

Used this section to deliver a major magic item to the characters and built a backstory for the place as to why Juiblex was defending it and a major magic item was within it. A lot of room to play with the Oozing Temple and turn it into something memorable.

Lost Tomb of Khaem: I would say this is the encounterlet with the most backstory, which isn't saying much. Of course, it's claim to fame (infamy?) is the seriously powerful magic loot/ally.

I used this place to deliver more magic items for the party. I increased the power of the inhabitants and made it into a more interesting fight against a wraith, her specter personal servants, and her mummy favored servants with power that joined her in the life beyond.

So two of the PCs have gone mad, gaining indefinite madness. One just snapped as a result of the madness checks, while another was infected by the spores of Zuggtmoy via a Bridesmaid.

We finally hit Neverlight Grove. All went pretty according to plan, until they decided to attack the mock wedding, despite knowing that they were outnumbered three-to-one. They retreated after it starting to go ill for them. They ended up fleeing Neverlight Grove after reporting back to Basidia. I was prepared for that, but I was kinda bummed they didn’t get to see the rest of the terrible stuff on the way to Yggmorgus.

I figure within two to four adventures, we'll have officially hit the half-way point of Out of the Abyss. Huzzah!

Mike Mikesh

First Post
End Game

We are nearing the conclusion of our Abyss campaign. Perhaps some of you can offer thoughts about resolving it. The book expected the heroes will mop-up -- rush in to finish off the last demon prince left standing. But, just a fight with a weakened king of the hill seems one-dimensional. I sense there's more potential.

I’m interested in hearing what others did for this climax. I’d like to have more reasons to draw the characters back to ground zero, involve them in more of the grand melee, and raise the sense of urgency and desperation.


Check out the (ending of) the AL scenario Assault on Maerimydra (sp?).

What I did was to have all kinds of demon lords drop in when the ritual was activated, except Graazt. The players then needed to climb into "his" dimensional rift to wreck his ritual (to protect himself from Vizeran's calling), adventuring through the Temple while the demons do their free-for-all.

Then, when they mess up Graazt, they and he get hurled back, and they can finish by taking on Demogorgon (or whoever you decide becomes the last standing demon lord).

This nicely gives the PCs something to do instead of just *watching* the grand melee.

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Mike Mikesh

First Post
End Game

I wasn't aware of the Assault on Maerimydra adventure. Thanks. I just pointed it out to a friend who was trying to adapt City of the Spider Queen for his own 5e game.

The Graz'zt angle has potential. In ours, the PCs encountered him a couple of times, and are suspicious he's taking full advantage of being trapped on the prime plane, as if he were aware and prepared for it from the beginning…

Anyone else?

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