Sneak Attacks Range


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I forgot at what distance sneak attack can be done up to. I think some 30 feet away. What feats are there to extend the distance that sneak attack can be done; specialy when making snipers without death attacks. I wnat to beable to do sneak attacks using the range of either a bow or cross-bow since GM wont't allow wheel lock pistols or rifles to be permanently enhcanted with silence spells.

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You must be within 30 feet to sneak attack. What weapon you use does not matter to gain your sneak attack. All that matters is you are within 30 feet and your target be denied their Dex or are flanked by you. Yes, you can flank someone at range with a missile weapon.


First Post
Thanks for confirming that it can be done within 30 feet of the target, but are there feats that in creases the distance seak attacks can be done form, beyond 30 feet?


Crossbow Sniper in PH2 lets you do SA from up to 60 ft away with a crossbow. That is the only feat I know of to enhance SA range.

However, there's is a spell for the problem in Spell Compendium. Level 1 swift action, lasts 1 round, I think it's called Sniper's Eye. It lets you do sneak attack from any distance.

The lesson here is: spells make feats look like dog turd.


First Post
I would really like to know how you came to that conclusion.
1) With reach weapons. One person with a reach weapon and his partner with a standard weapon can flank an opponent, however only the person with the reach weapon gets the bonus. (Rules Compendium, p. 56-7)

2) Arrow mind spell lets you threaten surrounding squares with a missile weapon. (Spell Compendium, no clue what page number)

3) To be more correct with my language, you can effectively gain the advantages of flanking at range with missile weapons. When on ally to fighting an enemy and you circle around and get into a position where you would in line to flank if you had the reach, you get sneak attack but not the flanking bonus. (Somewhere on the Wizards site)

My group has always allowed the last option. It is a build off of the reach weapon flanking in option 1.


1) With reach weapons. One person with a reach weapon and his partner with a standard weapon can flank an opponent, however only the person with the reach weapon gets the bonus. (Rules Compendium, p. 56-7)

Without having RC because I hate everything about the book, all I can go on is your summation. And that rule sounds hella dumb. Either each person is threatening the enemy or they're not. If they're not both threatening the enemy, they can't be flanking. If they both are threatening the enemy and in flanking position, both alies get the flanking bonus.

In the case of one w/ reach weapon and the other person not having one, the reach guy would be 10 ft away on one side and the other ally would be adjacent to the enemy on the other, and both would get flanking benefits.

And Arrow Mind spell lets you threaten adjacent squares with your bow, it doesn't let you threaten (and thus flank) from 30 ft away or whatever.


First Post
Thank you for all your help, but the main question still up in the air. I plan on making a Psychic Warrior/Rogue whoes primary role is a sniper that can use his sneak attack and psionic shot feat with a bow or corss bow's maximum range between 80 to 120 feet away. Assides dipping into another class for extra range in sneak attack. Are there feats that increases the maximum distance sneak attacks can be done from equivalent to a bow or cross bow's maximum range of 80 to 120 feet away.

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