Sneak Peek of Pathfinder Comics #1

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First Post
The art in this preview is pretty darn horrible. It's like some sort of flipper-baby offspring of Gene Colan and Edgar Ramos.

I personally don't mind that level of gore since it goes along with the Dragon Age zeitgeist but I can't take ugly art. I would rather they went anime or any other direction than the one they took here.


First Post
Not entirely thrilled with the art style, but not exactly turned off either (I'll still take it over Rob L. :p) I'll wait and see how the dialogue/narration holds up.

The violence doesn't faze me in the slightest (I like my comics to be as graphic as the horror/mystery/dark, DARK fantasy that I read, and the games that I run as a kinda like early Cronenberg films mated with the exploits of Ed Gein, crossed with Cthulhu and Clive Barker creations). In fact, I'll go ahead and brand myself as a gore-hound and say, "Bring on the violence!". Sword and sorcery fiction should be rather grim and blood-spattered in my opinion.

As for the female flesh quotient....meh, the sorceress in question has always been a walking, talking excuse for pulchritude, so while a part of me cringes just a bit, it's totally in character for Seoni (sp?). I grew up with french CBC late at night ;), so I'm used to an abundance of skin in my entertainment.



Slumbering in Tsar
I wonder if these are going to be available electronically. I may want to check one out on the iPad.

Although I do echo the other folks showing concern with the level of gore. I'm certainly not going to be able to share these with my kids, which is disappointing.


What ever happened to having a working knowledge of human anatomy to draw comics? I recall when I placed submissions to Marvel and DC comics. They were almost tyrannical in their replies that I needed to improve my figure drawing and to display a working knowledge of human anatomy. Clearly, with this company, that's not the case.

Please explain. I did not notice anything anatomically incorrect in the panel shown in this thread.

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