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Sneaky Casting


How many ways are there to keep people from realizing that you are casting or have cast spell or used some other power like an invocation or spell-like ability? What are the chances of someone spotting you when you cast a spell?

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How many ways are there to keep people from realizing that you are casting or have cast spell or used some other power like an invocation or spell-like ability? What are the chances of someone spotting you when you cast a spell?

This question comes up a lot because WotC wasn't clear about it.

A character casting a Still, Silent spell without material components or focus still provokes an attack of opportunity, unless you make a Concentration check. Doing so implies you maintained enough focus to keep your defenses up, rather than making the spell "invisible". Same thing with spell-like abilities. Players won't like it if creatures with spell-like abilities can use them without drawing any sort of notice.

By the rules, you must cast a spell with a verbal component with a strong voice. Generally listening to a conversation has a Listen DC of 0, so it's not quiet. Alas, so many D&D novels have characters "whispering" spells that it's easy to think you can do so on the sly. There's no listed DC for noticing a character using verbal or material components or a focus. (Depending on the component and spell rarity, another character might not be suspicious. Although swallowing a live spider tends to draw attention, even if not hostile attention.)

In addition, many spells have an obvious effect.

Several spells don't work well if it's obvious. Charm Person, for instance. The charmee won't care until the spell has run it's course, but if you try to charm a noble in front of his courtiers, you're kind of in trouble. Charm Person is very strong, though, so I'd insist a PC take steps to hide the spell, perhaps inviting the victim into a room, alone. (Good luck doing that to a noble. Maybe a good Diplomacy check would help with that.) Something similar for illusions. Fortunately, if you cast an illusion that "makes sense", maybe no one will notice. Casting an illusion to make it seem like reinforcements are arriving might not work, because they might notice that you just cast a spell in a desperate battle to no effect. "Summoning" a powerful monster (that is actually an illusion) works better; it would take either interaction or a successful skill check to realize it's not a summon.

By the rules, even a small thorp probably has a 2nd-level cleric. Virtually all NPCs will have seen sdpellcasting and will recognize it when done, even though most don't have the skills to determine what spell is being cast or even if it is arcane or divine. Most spells cast by non-combatant NPCs aren't dangerous in the least, and many are indeed helpful.

Spells are a dangerous tool. People won't necessarily freak out at seeing a spell cast. After all, people tend not to freak out if someone uses a knife... at a dinner table. However, a knife is dangerous and multipurpose (as, say, a weapon), and if you're doing anything at all unusual with it, it draws attention. Suddenly casting a spell is akin to suddenly drawing a knife. Even if you're just going to use it as a tool, people may decide you're doing something dangerous with it. Even telling someone what type of spell you're going to cast might not allay suspicions, if they don't trust you (or adventurers in general), are prejudiced against spellcasters, against members of your PC's religion, etc. Someone might object to you casting Detect Magic at them.


There are a couple of options:

1) Sleight of Hand: In Races of Stone, the rules for Sleight of Hand are expanded to allow a SoH check opposed by a Spot check to disguise casting a spell.

2) Conceal Spellcasting skill trick: Complete Scoundrel has a skill trick which essentially does the same as the expanded SoH in RoS.

3) Deceptive Spell: This feat from Cityscape makes it appear as though the spell came from a different direction.

4) Disguise Spell: This feat is more of a bard trick and mixes casting into performing to obscure the spellcasting.

5) For psions, manifestations can be suppressed.

The feat Shielded Casting, also in Races of Stone, prevents AoO from casting if you have a shield. You could say that you're hiding behind the shield while doing your somatic components to the spell.

As for concealing a spell's effect, you might be able to use the Spell Thematics feat to change the appearance and thus the DC to identify it. But if you're trying to make the spell's effect unnoticed, I guess it would depend on the spell. I can't see how a fireball would be concealed. As a DM, I'd probably say if you quickened another spell that round you could make a bluff check to see if you could get one spell off without your opponent noticing.


Invisible Spell.

Here is something I just came up with...

Invisible Energy Feat
You mask the visible effect of a spell or other power by making the energy released invisible.
Prerequisites:knowledge (arcana) 5, spellcraft 5.
Benefits: When you use a spell or spell-like ability that releases some form or energy, the visible frequencies of the energy are masked, making the effect invisible. Thus you could cast a Cone of Cold or fire an Eldritch Blast froma concealed position and neither the target nor any witness would see where the effect came from .

Voidrunner's Codex

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