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Sniktch's Story Hour Prelude - From the Beginning (UPDATED 04/22)


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The Big Chicken, or Welby gets stoned

The next day they returned to their exploration. This time the Royston Crow complained about feeling poorly and remained behind, but Filthy Ike was much better and rejoined the party. The companions proceeded down until they came to the room where they had faced the undead bear, this time selecting the doorway on their left.

It led to a long hallway with doors on either side of the passage spaced about every thirty feet down its entire length. They moved up to the first two doors and halted while Ike examined them.

“Seems clear to me – neither of these doors have been opened in years. There’s some writing here but I can’t make out what it says. I think it’s in Dwarven.”

Jack leaned down and examined first one door, and then the other. “Says ‘Rocksteady’ an’ ‘Hammerhelm.’ I’d guess that these’re the old clan halls.”

They opened the door to what once had been the Rocksteady residence. Inside they found a small area consisting of a den with a fireplace, bedroom, privy, small dining area, and smaller kitchen. It was thoroughly ransacked, and they were about to give up hope of finding anything useful when Ike called out that he’d found a loose stone in the hearth. Inside they found a small coffer containing four bars of solid mithral, which they let Ike hang onto for safekeeping.

Heartened by the find, they proceeded to search the clan halls of the Hammerhelms, the Ironfists, and the Undermounts, but found nothing else of interest. They moved up the hall and stopped between two doors labeled ‘Silveraxe’ and ‘Ironhammer.’ They decided to explore the Silveraxes’ home first and immediately knew something was amiss by the rank stench that greeted them upon opening the door. The odor seemed to originate from the bedroom area, the door to which was partially open.

The bedroom door flew fully open when Jack and Welby stepped into the abode and three ghoulish forms loped out and sprang to attack. The horrible fetor washed over them even more strongly as the creatures approached and Ike and Eldred were overcome with nausea and fell to their knees retching and gasping for fresh air. Artimas gave a strangled cry of “Ghast!” before he too was overpowered by the smell and retreated from the area gagging.

Jack squared off against the first undead and chopped it down as soon as it came within reach. The second creature launched itself over the falling corpse and slammed into the dwarf, biting and raking with its claws. Jack felt the ice of paralysis forming in his blood and fought against it, and this time his dwarven constitution prevailed and he remained standing.

The third beast went around the angry dwarf and tore into Grick, but the half-orc ignored the wounds he received and snapped his elbow into his foe’s face. The ghoul’s head snapped back and Grick followed with a snap kick that crushed its abdomen and dropped it twitching to the floor.

Meanwhile, Welby and Quinn went to Jack’s aid against the last remaining undead. From the miasma surrounding it, they guessed this beast to be the ghast. Jack was having trouble landing a solid blow on the agile monster, while his face and forearms were now covered with angry red lacerations. Quinn aimed a blow at its head but it ducked and knocked her sprawling back toward the doorway, but Welby had more success, dropping into a crouch at the last moment and hacking into the back of its leg just above the knee.

The ghast was knocked off balance for just a moment, but it was all the opening Jack needed. “For Clangeddin!” he cried and smashed the blade of his axe into the creature’s face, ending the battle.

They searched, but the abode held nothing else of interest or value save the ghast’s treasure, a large mound of gnawed bones. The party sealed off the room in disgust and moved to the next door.

Welby pushed the door open and moved inside. The entry area was empty save for the wreckage of furniture and accumulated debris of centuries of neglect. Welby entered, kicking a pile of loose stone across the floor. Something struck him as odd about the stone he’d just kicked, and he picked it up to examine it more closely. It was a rat! A tiny sculpture of a cave rat, the attention to detail breathtakingly realistic. Peering at the floor more closely, he saw that a myriad of tiny statues was scattered on the floor – rats, bats, lizards, and even a couple of large spiders.

Puzzled, the halfling passed the model back to his friends to examine and stepped further into the room. Hearing a noise from further back in the abode, probably the bedroom area, he readied his axe and crept slowly forward. As he neared the next room of the clan hall a curious creature stepped into view. It resembled a rooster, except that it stood nearly three feet tall and had a long, reptilian tail.

Welby started to drool immediately. “BIG CHICKEN!” he yelled, raising his axe and rushing forward.

Jack saw the target of the halfling’s attention and shouted, “Welby, no!” but it was too late. The barbarian reached his target and gashed its side with a vicious swing of his axe. The ‘big chicken’ responded by squawking raucously and pecking the halfling right on the nose with its large curved beak.

Welby stopped as a curious sensation overcame him. He tried to lift his feet but they felt leaden and too heavy to move. He looked down at his arms and saw them changing before his eyes to a gray stony color. He found himself unable to move at all now and let out a scream of fright.

“Nooooooooo-*-,” the halfling’s cry was cut off as the transformation ended, leaving him cold, unmoving stone.
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You're telling me, although honestly I think this is the last really bad thing that happens to him for awhile. In the player's defence, this time it was good RP that got him into trouble - he knew full well that he was facing a cockatrice but Welby wouldn't have. The halfling just saw the meal of his life and ran in.
EDIT: I suppose it would help if his player could ever roll above a '5' on a saving throw.
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First Post
The Big Chicken, pt. 2

“Welby!!” Jack screamed, then snarled angrily, “Voltare!”

Grick was already past the dwarf and leaped over the newly formed statue, locking both of his fists together and bringing them down hard on the side of the cockatrice’s head. The monster screeched in pain and tried to flutter away from the monk, whipping him with its tail in the process. The sturdy half-orc resisted the attack easily and chased after the creature.

Artimas waited until he had a clear line of sight and then fired a ray of negative energy at the bird, scoring a hit and causing the skin to rot and fall away from the wound. Jack caught up to it then and beheaded it with a single swipe of his axe. The cockatrice fell to the floor and raced around for a minute with a fountain of blood spraying from the gaping wound before it finally collapsing and lying still.

Ike moved in and searched the area while the others regarded the still form of the halfling mournfully. “What’re we gonna do ‘bout this?” he heard Jack ask, but no one answered. Ike pulled the privy door open and made a surprising discovery.

“Uh, guys, I don’t think Welby is the cockatrice’s first victim,” he called over his shoulder.

Seated on the privy, with pants around his ankles, arms flung before him protectively, and an expression of shock etched onto his features, sat the stone form of a young dwarf. Despite the situation, Ike couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement. “Poor guy, I wonder if he got to finish his business before this happened. By Gruumsh, what an embarrassing way to go.”

With some help from Grick and Jack, he managed to wrest the rocky dwarf from his perch and carried him out into the main room. They set the statue beside Welby and then discussed what to do next.

“We have to head back and see what we can do for them,” Quinn stated brokenly. “Oh, how are we going to tell the Crow?”

“We can’t do anything for them,” Artimas replied coldly. “The magic needed to break such an enchantment is beyond any of our abilities. Hopefully someone in Travensburg will be able to help, but for now I say we continue.”

Eldred was shocked by the mage’s callousness. “How can you say that? He is your friend. Do you want us to just leave him here?”

“He will probably be as safe here as anywhere else. Not much you can do to stone,” the necromancer retorted. “Besides, we only have four more doors to explore in this section of the dungeons. Makes sense to finish checking this area so we don’t have to come back. As soon as we’re done, then we’ll carry the statues back to town and pray someone can undo this.”

His logic made a certain amount of sense, and they decided that Artimas presented the most practical course of action. Grick joined Jack in the front rank as they moved to the next two doors, the ‘Blackstone’ and ‘Rockhand’ residences. The ‘Blackstone’ clan hall proved to be deserted, but the old ‘Rockhand’ home was filled with thick layers of webbing. Jack and Grick kept a close eye on the ceiling as they crossed the threshold, and thus were not surprised when the pair of man-sized spiders dropped from the roof and attacked.

The pair made short work of the over-sized arachnids, receiving not a scratch in the ensuing scuffle. Grick asked Artimas to pass him the torch and set fire to the webs, noting several dog-sized spiders that scurried up the chimney before the flames spread. When the blaze died down, he informed the others of what he’d witnessed and volunteered to give chase.

He stepped into the hearth and gazed up the long shaft to the surface. A thick clump of debris or webbing blocked his sight about forty feet from the opening. Grick sighed and flexed his enormous arms before starting the ascent. Several feet up he came to a carved niche in the wall containing a small chest… and the spiders. They leaped upon him, fangs dripping poison, and he gave a cry of alarm and dropped back down to the floor.

Ike, standing next to the fireplace, saw the monk come crashing down covered with half a dozen large hairy forms. At least one had been crushed in the fall but the other vermin swarmed over Grick, biting him repeatedly as he struggled and thrashed in pain. Artimas barked a command word and fired a silvery bolt that killed one of the insects while Ike slapped one of the monk’s shoulder and crushed it before it could scamper away. Grick rolled over and squashed another beneath him, at the same time pulling the last spider free and crushing it between his hands.

The monk seemed to be alright after his ordeal, but he was left feeling weak and dizzy from the multiple bites. Quinn gave him a vial of antitoxin to drink to combat the effects of the toxins in his blood, while Ike took his place in the chimney and started to climb. He stopped at the alcove and retrieved the chest, dropping it to the floor before continuing his ascent. He continued upward until he reached the blocked area and found it to be a desiccated human skeleton lodged in a nest of webs, still wearing a suit of fine studded leather armor in remarkable condition.

Ike slapped several small spiders away and cut the corpse free, carrying it on his shoulders back to the ground. The others marveled at the superb condition of the armor and Jack chanted an orison and confirmed that it was enchanted. Ike claimed it for his own and changed out of his ragged old leathers, amazed by how the new suit changed its shape and expanded to fit him perfectly.

The chest contained two small rubies and four nuggets of gold, but it was the last treasure they'd uncover in this section of Duernfast. The last two doors held nothing of interest except for a nest of large centipedes that they quickly destroyed. Satisfied that they had now explored this entire wing of the dungeon, they collected their two heavy burdens and headed back for the surface.

Quinn had accurately predicted the Crow’s reaction to his friend’s condition. The half-elf broke down when he saw the small statue, embracing it and sobbing, “My friend, I’m so sorry. I should never have stayed behind – I should have been there to watch your back.”

“There, there, boy, wouldna been nothin ya coulda done. See, we all knowed it were a ‘trice when we seen it but Welby. He jes’ seen a dream come true – the biggest chicken i’ the world.” Jack consoled the grieving warrior as best as he could.

It took about an hour for Royston to recover sufficiently to make the trek back to town. In the meantime, the others fashioned two makeshift sleds out of old crates to make hauling the statues easier. The trip took about three times as long as normal, and it was past midnight by the time they staggered into the Foaming Mug and informed Ned that they’d be spending the night. None save Artimas rested easily that night, too worried about the halfling to sleep. They all hoped that in the morning they’d find someone capable of returning their companion to his normal state.
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Well, I go on vacation tomorrow and I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to update this thread while I'm away. I'll do my best to get on a couple of times while I'm gone but let me give it a BUMP to the top just in case I can't. At least I'm caught up on CotSQ.


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Welby saved!

Brother Duncan Rolwit was busy in the garden when the adventurers arrived. It was a beautiful spring day, one of those rare gems when the chill breath of winter still rode the wind but the sun shone clear and bright. A perfect day for gardening, one of the head priest’s favorite pastimes.

“Brother Rolwit, Brother Rolwit!” he was interrupted in his work by the call of Brother Montone, one of the three acolytes who served under him at the chapel. He pulled his gloves off and ran a chubby hand through his thinning hair before answering.

“Over here, Brother Montone,” he replied, thinking what now?

The youth raced over to stand over him, appearing very anxious about something. “Uh, visitors to see you. Its them, you know, the heroes from the wagon.”

Duncan’s gloves slipped from his suddenly nerveless fingers. Oh, no, he trembled inwardly, not them! Not that nasty little savage. He could still remember his last run-in with the group of travelers clearly; how the halfling showed up one day, banging on the door and growling and menacing him with that axe until he had lifted the curse the little one was under. The barbarian’s companions had brought him back later and forced him to apologize for his behavior and pay for the healing, but the damage had been done. He did not like that halfling and he could not help but feel intimidated in the feral warrior’s presence.

“Brother Rolwit?” Brother Montone still stood over him, an expression of concern on his face.

“Yes, Brother,” Duncan rose with a sigh and motioned for the acolyte to lead the way. “Take me to our guests and we will see what aid they require.” He fingered his holy symbol nervously as he followed his subordinate back indoors.

The strangers waited for him in the chapel, and they seemed to have increased in number, another dwarf and half-orc having joined the company. They wore grim expressions and were gathered in a cluster around a pair of statues, a detailed carving of a dwarven youth and…

The priest was forced to stifle a chuckle of relief when he beheld the frozen form of Welby Hilltopple. So the barbarian had gotten into trouble again, but this time he couldn’t come waving his axe around and threatening Duncan with dismemberment and worse.

“Good abbot,” one of the dwarves had stepped forward, a female he would guess by the voice and figure, although it was far from obvious from the face and braided whiskers. This one was a priest too, he guessed by the silver symbol of Dumathoin hanging about her neck. “Our companion Welby has unfortunately fallen afoul of a cockatrice and needs your aid,” the dwarf continued speaking. “After defeating the beast, we also discovered one of its previous victims in its lair, and now we must beseech you to restore these two to their natural condition, if it is at all within your power.”

Duncan mentally chastised himself for the joy he felt, knowing that his thoughts were not proper but unable to keep them from flooding his mind. He spread his hands and shook his head dolefully, apologizing, “I am sorry, but the curse of stone is beyond my poor abilities to lift. I believe the closest temples that would house priests of such power are located in Ravensdale.”

Filthy Ike jumped in at the mention of his last place of living. “Ravensdale? Surely we can find help without going there.”

“Yes,” Artimas concurred, “that town is a mess right now and under the complete martial law of the Crusaders. We would be better off journeying to Greystone, even though the capital is twice the distance. Are you sure you can do nothing, good sir?”

“Alas, I am but a poor country friar. It is rare to find someone with the ability to properly perform such a difficult ritual outside of the city walls. Believe me, if there was anything I could do –“

The younger priest, Brother Montone, cut him off. “Brother, what of the scrolls?” the acolyte whispered to his superior, although several of the companions overheard.

“Yeah, brother, what of the scrolls?” Jack’s gravelly voice held menacing undertones.

“Um, yes, well, there is that,” Brother Rolwit shot his subordinate a venomous stare as he explained. “What Brother Montone refers to are the last works of the greatest scribe of our order, Saint Markham. The saint retired to Travensburg in his dotage and spent the remaining years of his life building up a large stockpile of magical scrolls so that the villagers could continue to benefit from his good works even after he departed the earthly realms. The store has been greatly depleted over the centuries, but it is possible that we may find what you need among what remains.

“I’m sure Brother Montone would be good enough to entertain you while I go the library and peruse its contents.”

The rotund priest took his leave, abandoning the young acolyte to the group of fierce strangers. He did not notice the furry black form of the bat that flapped lazily after him in the shadowed recesses of the ceiling. Entering the library, Duncan immediately proceeded to a specific bookshelf and flipped a switch that caused a hidden panel to swing outwards. Within the exposed alcove were stacks and stacks of old scroll tubes, each carefully labeled with an identifying tag.

He quickly located the two he needed but paused, reluctant to return to the adventurers’ presence. While he stalled, the tiny bat silently exited the room and flew back to the chapel to rejoin its master. Finally, Duncan gathered his courage and wits and slowly meandered back to his visitors.

“So you’ve found what we require?” the elderly, scholarly-looking gentleman demanded as soon as he re-entered. “The scrolls you’ve brought back will aid these two?”

“Y-y-yes,” he stammered, startled by the man’s insight. “I have found two scrolls that should be able to break the enchantments. Now, all that is needed is to discuss a suitable donation to the church. As you well know, I am not authorized to dispense aid or part with Saint Markham’s work without the proper compensation.”

Negotiations followed and in the end the group was able to procure both scrolls, although it cost them nearly all of their accumulated wealth thus far. As Ike and Artimas counted out the coins and handed them to the young Brother Montone, Duncan handed the two aged scraps of parchment to the dwarven priestess and stood back, waiting. Quinn studied the papers for a long time and then indicated that she believed she would be able to successfully unlock the prayers contained within and restore the halfling and dwarf.

Everyone watched with held breath as Quinn stepped before the frozen form of Welby and began intoning the words from the scroll, her hands tracing mystical symbols in the air. When she finished the parchment burst into flames and fell to the floor, rapidly consuming itself until only a faint trace of ash remained. Nothing happened for a moment, and then the halfling’s skin changed back to its normal, pinkish hue and he fell back, roaring, “No! No! Bad chicken, bad!”

The Crow rushed forward and embraced the struggling figure in a crushing bear hug. “Welby, you’re back!”

“Let go me. Can’t breathe!” The halfling managed to squirm free and repeatedly insisted that he was alright as the other members of the party took turns fussing over the restored warrior. At last they calmed down and then turned to the second statue, again forgetting to breathe as Quinn stepped towards it and began reading from the second scroll.

As she completed the incantation cracks formed and spread across the surface of the stone figure, then the outer layer of stone crumbled away to expose a young, wary dwarf standing in the center of the room, kneading his arms and legs as if he could not believe that they were indeed flesh again. Shocked that it had actually worked, no one spoke for long minutes, and the silence was eventually broken by the dwarf when he finished his self-inspection and noticed their presence for the first time.

“Ho, burr, oim a-roit glad t’bay meself agin. Oi thankee fer rescoon me.” The squat figure extended a hand and continued, “Fredegar Ir’n’ammer, atcher service. Oo’re yew?”


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Some more praise for Sniktch, I've never read any of the story hours before and popped in to see how someone is running COTHSP and man I'm hooked, keep up the good work and am looking forward to more exploits.

PS. Welby has to be my fav PC, lots of smiles from him and a couple of laugh out louds.


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Thanks a lot, Hoju, I'm pleased that I could hook you. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to update this thread lately but between illness, CotSQ, and Fred's accent I've fallen behind. CotSQ is just about up to date now, so look for the further early exploits of the group soon.

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