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So, after the Green Ronin announcement, I am...

After hearing Green Ronin's announcement, I am ...

  • Thrilled! I was hoping for a Dragon Age RPG!

    Votes: 10 3.6%
  • Not what I was expecting, but interested.

    Votes: 25 9.0%
  • Cautiously interested. GR could make something cool here.

    Votes: 56 20.1%
  • Simply not interested, end of story.

    Votes: 56 20.1%
  • Uninterested, and rather disappointed there was a timer for this.

    Votes: 92 33.0%
  • I am a special snowflake and deny your poll options.

    Votes: 20 7.2%
  • I am Chris Pramas

    Votes: 20 7.2%


I'll be honest - I think most countdown timers end in disappointing announcements, and I think this one is no different. I'm only vaguely aware of "Dragon Age" and not at all sure why I'd want another western fantasy RPG when I have several flavors of D&D, WFRP2e, Earthdawn, etc.

I'm curious what everyone else's thoughts were. Was this countdown timer worth it?

(non-serious poll forthcoming, for the laughs.)


The countdown timer was totally not worth it; however, I really dig GR's stuff, so when it comes out, I'll take a look.

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First Post
So how long until we can complain that the system is too much like a video game?

In all seriousness, this sounds like a cool tie-in.


First Post
For people who don't know, the reason Dragon Age is assumed to be destined to awesome-ness is because it's made by the same guys that made the Baldur's Gate series, which has been one of the best and most successful (if not "the") D&D-licensed video game to exist. Regardless of anybody's personal opinions about RPG video games, it's still a fact that many many people today grew up with these games and truly enjoyed them to no end (myself being one of them).

Basically Dragon Age has been brought into the limelight as a new Baldur's Gate but without Bioware being bound by any license-owner or external ruleset. That is to say, "Baldur's Gate all over again, but this time on OUR terms".

Whether this turns out to be a good or bad thing remains to be seen, but a lot of people are placing bets on the "very very good" side of it. I myself remain neutral, since D&D pretty much made Baldur's Gate what it was, yet at the same time, knowing WotC like I now do, I can only image what crazy legal conditions and limitations they were putting on the game behind the scenes that may or may not have stifled it from being even better.

As to the P&P version of Dragon Age, eh, I think it was too early to announce it, I mean nobody's really bought into it yet, the BG link is definitely heavy but it's not like it's going to actually BE that game. I guess GR know what they're doing though.

The Green Adam

First Post

I'd say I'm disappointed it wasn't something bigger and better considering the countdown timer but it is Green Ronin and I'm sure they'll do a great job on it. I am a little surprised though that there was such a big build up for a P&P RPG based on a game that's not even out yet. I mean, what if the game doesn't sell as well as they hoped?

Also, in the end, my friend Dave and I spoke and we agreed...

"And the announcement is...yet, another D&D game!"

Wow. Medieval fantasy. What will they think of next for the 1000th time. We certainly couldn't just play the computer game and then run those ideas in D&D (4 different editions), Warhammer Fantasy, Pathfinder, C&C, Retro-Clones (Labyrinth Lord, Swords & Wizardry), True20, M&M's Warriors & Warlocks, GURPS, Fantasy Hero, Runequest, MML, Burning Wheel, RIFTS, Hackmaster, etc., etc.

Announce a Mass Effect RPG. Then I'm interested.

Barking Alien


Countdown timers should be for things which I've actually heard of.
They don't have to be for things I've actually heard of, I'm old, I don't follow a lot of the things you kids do nowadays. ;)

But if I haven't heard of it, I reserve the right to be disappointed it wasn't Star Trek.

That said, I hope this works well for GR.

And, hey, why is Chris Pramas doing voting 5 times!

Voidrunner's Codex

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