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...so how was Valentines Day?

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Dr Midnight

I didn't have any kind of romance going on, but otherwise, my Valentine's Day was great. My group finally finished Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. I was in top form, DM'ing like a madman. Good time had by all of us lonely bastards.


I am sorry to hear about the horrible Valentine's Day for so many people.

If you have someone, it's a great holiday. If you do not, it's worse than an orphan's Christmas.

My wife and I had a very good Valentine's Day - we cooked dinner together and spent the evening together.


I spent just about every VD in my 20s alone and bitter, so I don't really feel too guilty about being happy now...

I left work early and cooked a dinner of east-coast Jewish dishes for my fiancee: matzo ball soup, noodle kugel (yum!), and rugelah. It was great, but I'll probably spend all night tonight cleaning up the kitchen :)


First Post
I'm sorry to hear so many people here had a bad Valentine's Day. I can understand completely- every year up until now I never had anyone to do something with, and I always hated it.

Although I didn't get to do anything with my gf yesterday because she lives about 100 miles away, she is coming here today after she gets done with her photoshoot, and I got us a nice hotel room with a jacuzzi for the weekend. And she doesn't see any point in flowers or trying to buy lots of expensive gifts!

I guess what I am trying to say to all the lonely guys (and gals) is hang in there. It gets better!


First Post
Mine was not-so-good. My wife, an OB/GYN works 14 hour night shifts this month, and has to sleep just about the rest of the time. Meanwhile the baby up most of the night, too so I haven't been getting much sleep at night either. My son, however is very active during the day, so I'm pretty busy then, too.

On the very bright side, Margaret gets all of this long weekend off until 11:00pm on Monday night, and we have a family weekend in Sonoma planned :D


Eric's Grandma shouldn't read this!!!

I had an awesome day :)

my gf got me the LoTR soundtrack (rats, she didn't get the Arwen cover! ;) ) ...

we cooked dinner,

then went to see the Vagina Monologues. Wasn't bad at all, but (being a guy) I missed out on about 1/2 the jokes or stories ... mean while the rest females in the audience where laughing their asses off.


First Post
First time I haven't been irritated with Valentine's Day.

Of course, it helps that I'm engaged. Took a long time (I'm 39), but I finally found that woman.

Thing is, she's not the woman I was looking for. I've known my fiancee as one of those 'friend of a friend's that you see once or twice a year, for something like 12 years. But she's 6 years older than me, twice divorced, with a (now) 28 year old daughter. Me, I was looking for the younger woman I could have kids with.

We hooked up last summer 'as friends', fell fast, and got engaged on Thanksgiving.

Now I'm looking at the possibility of being a 40-year old 'step'-grandfather, and liking it more every day. Kids only when *WE* want to play with them, then home to their mother!


Chimera - step-grandfatherhood (now THERE'S a long word!) is pretty cool. I married an older woman myself, and became a step-grandfather at age 25! My oldest step-granddaughter is now 12, and still calls me "Oompa," which is as close as she could get to "Grampa" when she was little.

Back to the subject, though, my wife and I were both sick with some kind of stomach bug or something yesterday, but we never make a big deal out of Valentine's Day anyway. My youngest son, however, gave a potential girlfriend a plush teddy bear for the first time. They grow up quick! (He's 16 now.)

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