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So I created a PC race, what do you think?


This is a race I have created for an upcoming D&D Next playtest.

The arcanni are a race of individuals brand new to Padonthia. They do not have an age old history, there are no ruins of great ages of past. No mighty kingdoms have begun. For the arcanni’ time is not ending; the time of the arcanni is just now beginning.

Each of the fifteen Gods attacked Padonthia at once. Ravaging the lands with every known plague, natural and magical disasters imaginable, the Gods punished the peoples of Padonthia for giving up on them, and for worshipping the God-King, Aeldur. Far to the west of Padonthia City-State, where Nox, the God of Night attacked, a different goddess waged her war. While all of the Gods were set on destruction, most saved a few of their followers. Vivious, the Goddess of Life, saved those few who still worshipped her in the depths of caves. They hid for years, believing that Vivious would spare them when the cataclysm came. They were not afraid when the cataclysm struck. Vivious had secret temples deep below the earth. Though her followers were very few, less than a few thousand, she granted them life. Each threw her meteors, crashing into the earth, revealing her temples. Arcannis, or one touched by silver magic in elven, are sometimes referred to as a touched one.

A Taste for Adventure
Every few years, a group of arcanni will show up on a small sailing ship from their lands in the west, which they refer to as the Touched Lands. Sometimes they stay together or a single arcannis will head out to make a life for himself. They never stay in the lands of the old races for very long, normally five to ten years at a time before they sail off back to the west, taking their wealth with them.

Tall and Hard
An arcannis ranges from six to six and a half feet tall. They are well built, not as stout as a dwarf, or slender as an elf. They’re size rarely varies like humans. Females are generally shorter and sleeker than males. Females have long, white hair, while males generally have little to no hair. Male arcannis rarely have facial hair but generally very little will grow. Their skin is a sleek grey, eyes ranging from light blues and greens to light reds and yellows. An arcannis becomes mature around the age of 20. Arcanni have only been around for 101 years, none have come close to dying of old age. Early estimates say close to 1500 years old. After the age of 20, they age very slowly.

Loving Spirit
Arcanni are a peaceful, loving people. They look at sexuality, love and life as something to be celebrated. They have no problems making temporary partners of other humanoids, especially elves and humans. However, they never stick with one mate, or even a single group of friends for long, unless they are other arcanni.

Touched Lands
Few have been brave enough to take the five thousand mile trip across the treacherous, blisteringly hot, storm ridden ocean waters that separate Padonthia City-State and the Touched Lands. Those who do come back to tell tales of being able to see tall citadels sitting atop broken mountain tops, miles from the coast, soaring high above the trees of a tropical jungle.
Cultural Details
Alignment: Arcanni are almost always lawful and usually good, though some are neutral. It is extremely rare to find one doing blatantly evil acts, but once pushed, they fight back.
Religion: Vivious, the Goddess of Life, Mother of the Arcanni, is their patron deity, but all show loyalty to the Gods of Good.
Language: Arcanni speak Vivian, the language of life. It uses the same alphabet as Elven, and in many ways is similar. All speak common and elven as well as Vivian
Names: Arcanni use names that are attuned to the elements, weapons, or other types of life forces. Often time combing two.
Male Names: Firetorch, Stoneflame, Lightningwind, Hurricane, Windaxe, Darkrain, Shadowbane, Thunderbolt
Female Names: Windlife, Torchfaerie, Cometwind, Sunfire, Knifewind, Snowfall, Raindrop, Lightdrift
Often times names are taken from the parents. A male named Shadowbane with a female name Cometwind, might name their child Shadowwind. This is not a mandatory custom.

Adventuring Arcannis
Arcannis tend to get the itch to travel because it is believed they live in very tight quarters in their citadels. Others believe that they are sent out by their homeland to find out about the surrounding world after the cataclysm. Either way, only the individual arcannis knows.

As an arcannis, you have the following racial traits.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Wisdom score increase by 1.
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Elemental Resilience: Choose one of the four elements to be resist (5) against.
Innately Magic: All arcanni gain one cantrip per level.
Languages: You speak, read, and write Common, Vivian and Elvish

Jungle Arcannis
Though to an outsider, no one could tell the difference between a jungle and a citadel arcannis, there is a big difference in their cultures. A jungle arcannis is a bit more on the wild side. They prefer living off the land in small tribal villages, rarely venturing to visit their more sophisticated brethren. They are the travelling clerics of Vivious, spreading her life and love.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Wisdom score increases by 1.
Natural Healer: You gain one first level cleric spell per day.
Stone Affinity: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by stone.

Capital Arcannis
A capital arcannis lives a much more structured life than jungle arcanni. They live in walled citadels, and practice fighting most of the day. They always practice in heavy armor. It is said an arcannis heavy plate made of meteor ore, is the most prized artifact to ever come from the Touched Lands. A capital arcannis is the holy knight of Vivious.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Strength score increases by 1.
Speed in Armor: Heavy armor does not cause your speed to be decreased.
Natural Healer: You gain one first level cleric spell per day.

Thanks for looking!


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In the descriptions, avoid saying what something isn't. Say what it is instead. Also, trim down the verbiage in general.

Stat-wise, it's all ups, no downs. Not hideously unbalanced, but I'd lose the darkvision and wisdom bump and call it good.


I used the dwarf stats from the playtest as a model when building this race. Darkvision may need to be taken out. I have one player playtesting a druid right now, so we will see how that works out. The 1st level cleric spell may break the character at very low levels, but I suspect it won't after 3rd level. We shall see how this playtest goes. Thanks for the critic!

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