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So, I need a Cat whacked....


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To be honest I would prefer that people like this (the alleged perpetrator) be more responsible. Your right, I should not repeat things in quoting that aren't polite at best. My bad on that. Duly schooled. I do wish people like this would show a more neighborly "I'll try" Approach. I don't know Vraille, but I can assume he's being honest and tried to work with her and failed cause he's getting no respect or attempt of action from his neighbor. I myself have a very similar situation except mine is a dog (Pit Bull) that they (my neighbor) has let run around in front of their house and down my driveway, that has no leash on or real attention placed it when it is doing so. We have complained to them continuiosly (it has approached my Mom recently within the last three days twice and growled and taken an angry disposition until my mom yelled at it's owner who then called it back) and even given them warning as sonn as two days ago that the police would be called if they did not handle it. Then today, this dog comes over to our garage and corners my mom. I have told them as far back as three months ago to handle this and they didn't obviously. What kills me is that, in Vraille's case, while the cat is not the extreme, he points out they also have a puppy which they would ultimately give the same treament when it grows to become a larger dog. The dog I have problems with has chased several repairmen and a postman away too. What if in ignoring one of their animals (Vraille's neighbor's dog in the future, or my neighbor's) that animal does attack someone? What if it's my three year old boy? Should I accept that as nature's way? Because they are blase enough about it? The problem with letting an animal "do it's thing" when it's harmful is that it's a sign that the owner knows no way to control or respect.

I hope that gives you an idea of why I find this inaction by his neighbor ultimately disturbing and offensive.

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Bront said:
Our cat is an indoor/Outdoor cat, but she's a wuss. She's declawed, spayed, only eats dried food (she won't touch anything but about 3 or 4 brands), and is very social and playfull.

Declawed outside cat? Bad combination. I hope you watch her closely when she's outside, because even a rat can hurt her badly.

All I can say that hasn't been said before, is try to deal with the cat as kindly as possible, even though it's a monster. After all, it's just doing what it's supposed to as a predator. I don't know anything about the law in your area, but try to let Animal Control deal with as much of it as possible.


First Post
You do have another option that doesn't involve harming the cat.
And after all, the cat is just doing what cats do.

The best way to be forever rid of an annoying cat is right at your fingertips.
Odds are it's right on the side of the house, and you haven't realized it.

It's called a GARDEN HOSE!

This is a cat right?
There are few things cats hate as much as a face full of water.
You soak Toonces down a few times, and he will quickly learn that there is nothing good in your yard.
It's a little more work on your part, but it doesn't hurt the cat, and as such shouldn't upset the neighbor. Heck, the cat will probably smell better too! Odds are it needs a bath!

Or else you could try calling The Pet Professional


The man with the probe
Teemu said:
This is potentially dangerous: she might develop bladder stones.
I've been told by a vet that dry food is better, and will help her live longer due to less wear on her digestive system.

BlackSilver said:
I believe in karma, and I believe that if you harm this cat that you will find karmic pay back is very hard to pay.

Maybe if I just kill it.

But, I'm more sure I'm a karmic agent of payback in this case.

If I trap the cat, turn it over to the proper authorities, who will then tell her (if the ask who it belongs too, I'll tell them), take the cat over & tell her: "Either show us the regestration & shots record or we take the cat. If you want it, pay for the registration & shots."

The bad Karma is the woman who is being an irresponsible pet owner. Not just because it's causing me problems. Their house is right next to a busy road, whcih the cat crosses from time to time. If I wait long enough, Lord Ford or Karmic Chrysler will take care of this problem for me.

So, no. I'm not going to just kill the cat. The town's got laws that were put into place for just this very reason. People letting animals roam freely, without concern for damage/trouble they can cause.

We spent this summer wathcing a pair of Cardinals raise 2 families at our feeders. At least 4 of those birds were Killed by that cat. The nuthatches & woodpeckers that used to scour our trees for bugs & parasites no longer come, at least 1 nuthatch & 2 woodpeckers were killed by the cat. The chickadees no longer even come.

If there is bad karma going around, I'm already on the recieving end of it (delivered by 1 person). Which, if she was willing to woork with me, I WOULDN'T have to EVEN CONSIDER doing something about her cat. Simple as that. I don't want the cat to come to any harm. But, it's not my animal. It's hers. So it's not my responsibility to control/feed/care after, its hers.

Think of this as equilibrium.

PS. People! Take responsibility for your pets! If you don't want the responsibilities that come with pet ownership, don't get one!

Umbran said:
You know what? This is below us.

Let me explain the "White Trash Stereotype" I used.

I used it as the best descriptor of her that I could manage with as few words as possible. I'm not saying she IS 'White Trash', I'm saying the sterotype about a 'White Trash' person's Economic/Social/Educational level is spot on when it comes to her.

I've grown up in rural Missouri. I now live in Boonville, MO. Which is Rural Southern MO. In fact, during the Civil War, Boonville was named the Southern Capital of Missouri (Mo being split 50/50 between North/South). I've been around poeple like her all my life. While not getting into a long off-topic rant. I will simply say I've known hundreds of 'white trash' (or people who fit the scocio/economic profile). Most are nice people. Heck in my games I've got one 'White Trash' in my games (freely admits it, prefers Redneck).

However, 'White Trash' has negative connotations. I did not mean to impress the negative connotaions onto her (though some of them apply, from what I've dealt with).

So, my use of the term "White Trash" was to evoke an idea of her background, not to be used as a personal attack upon her.

So, if my use of this term has led you to any impressions of her beyond that, re-think them.

If I had to describe her again. I'd say a middle-aged woman of lower income, poor education, and raised in that some environment, probablly expects here kids to be in that environment too. Cycle of poverty is the term (although she's above that, at present).

Oh, if people say she CAN'T afford to get here cat registered/shots/neutered etc. She could, IF she'd cut back on her smoking. Still have yet to see her without a cigarette.

In closing, let me repeat. I've been around people like her all my life. Some are very good friends of mine. I've seen some lift themselves out of their situation. I've seen others try and fail. I've seen others denied the oppurtunity. I've seen others screw it up. But, mostly, I've seen a sort of acceptance of Fate that saddens me. Part of my greivance with the woman is more do to her acceptence that her life 'is that way it should be'.

A good deal of this, people outside of rural, agricultural areas probablly won't understand this. I'd recommend looking up the early life of former President Jimmy Carter to get a feel for it.


"You know, I might have been born just plain white trash, But Fancy was my name."

Reba McEntire

Jamdin said:
If the cat is such a big problem, then calling animal control would be the best course of action. Otherwise, check out these tips

Thanks alot for the link.

I'll try some of these tips.

I may have found a powerful ally. My next door neighbor has a lot more feeders than me set out. I'm sure she's noticed that fewer birds are coming around. Next time I see her, I'll let her know what's killing our birds.

She work's at the Casino in town. Well, actually she works for the Missouri Gaming Commission that's at the Casino. She's also a member of the highway patrol.

She's got a gun ;)

Really, she knows most of the local law enforcement people. This is a small twon after all. She can probablly set me up with the Animal Control & let me know everything that I need to do, if it comes down to the birds or the cat.

Things are looking up. Unless you are the cat. I still wish I could just work something out with the cat's owner.

I'll try some of the anti-cat trick people have posted. But those might be stop-gap, at best.

Tinner said:
It's called a GARDEN HOSE!

Yeah, if I have noting else to do but sit in ambush all day. The one time I was watering plants & came around the corner & saw the cat, it ran away so fast it nearly brained itself on the fence.

I get the feeling it's been hosed/shot at/thrown at more than a few times. Merely the sight of me or my wife causes it to take off at full speed. That doesn't stop it from coming back however.

As cats go, it's pretty smart. Which makes it all the harder to keep it from killing everything with wings in my backyard.

I still feel bad about this. I've grown up my entire life with cats (except now, as my wife is allergic). I don't WANT to harm/confiscate the cat, but I'm not going to give up on my birdfeeding/watching because some woman refuses to follow the laws as it concerns her animal.


First Post
excuse the hijack, please

Karma doesn’t care who started it.

It is about what you consciously do. Say you trap this cat and turn it over to the authorities, and the woman pays the toll she has to pay in order to get her beloved cat back. Say she does that, why? Because she cares about her cat. She takes the cat inside and you never hear from it or hear again.

Now she holds a grudge against you, but never does anything against you.

Karma demands you pay that back three found. Later on you get a dog (your wife is allergic to cats and say she wants a dog). Now you take the dog to training classes, and spend all of your free time with the dog- because as it turns out you’re a dog person (who’d have thought).

One day your dog gets free, a homeowner spots the dog doing a dog thing in his front yard. The homeowner catches your dog and takes him in for a few days considering his options. You of course are concerned for your friend, your child (lot of pet owners consider their animals to be their children), and start searching all over for him. You make fliers and take a day off, go to the local shelters, check with everyone that you can think of, even the guy whom has your dog, but he has not seen him (so he says).

After a couple days of searching you resign your dog to the depths of death and give up. The homeowner turns the dog over to animal control. He took the dog’s collar, so whom do they call. Now right here Karma gives you a break, a moment in time, and one of the people working the shelter remembers you, she calls and you show up to get your dog.

You have lost a day or two of work, you have to pay for new licenses for your dog because the collar is gone and you can’t find your paper work, and you had to make all those fliers. To mention nothing of the worrying you did.

It is part of your Karmic payback.

The woman is having to pay her Karma back on her own. You should think nothing to do with her payments, you are just part of the story that she must endure to pay it. Its part of a test for you, the Gods of Karma are waiting to see what you do to decide how much trouble they want you to endure in the future.

I know you are very angry, we all get that way (Lord knows I have flipped out on these boards in anger). The trick is to figure out the test, and pass it without harming someone else, without getting a Karmic debt.

FWIW the woman could just be scum and you could just have to endure her lack of interest in a cat she hates. I do not know, but what would you rather acquire Karmic debt or the malice of someone like her?

Good luck with this and all things in life, it seems to me that you are going to need it.

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