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So I Need Some Cuthbertite Dogma...


Here's the story. One of my PCs is a werewolf scout who has a bad habit of getting the snot kicked out of him in battle. To rectify this, he's been going to the only good-aligned cleric he can find for healing - a crotchety old acolyte of Saint Cuthbert. The problem is that he's a) chaotic aligned, b) becomes evil when in wolf or hybrid form, and c) isn't in the habit of fighting particularly virtuously.

So every time he shows up for healing we have this short scene where he bluffs to the acolyte that his wounds were sustained in honorable combat against the forces of naughtiness, and he closes his eyes and prays as I roll to see if any divine chastisement is in order for this little white lie. Last session, he failed (or I succeeded) and was granted the (completely made-up-on-the-fly) Mark of Travail - a gold mark on his forehead in the rough shape of Cuthbert's cross that makes it hard for him to run away. In attempting to discern what said Mark does, exactly, he's agreed to take religious instruction from the acolyte, with potential for shaping up his slovenly chaotic ways, depending. So I need some ideas for how to play this.

First, I need a good reward for fulfilling the conditions of the Mark of Travail. And, uh, also those conditions. Something nice for a reward a level or three down the line.

Second, I need a primer on Cuthbertite doctrine. So far I've been playing it too close to a slightly crankier version of Heironeous, so I need some unique doctrines or ceremonies or something to play with. I'd also like something kinda quirky to throw in with the rest of it, some odd superstition or bit of corrupted doctrine - the clerical teacher is just a touch crazy, and he's been out of touch with his church for a long time. Something still-good but heretical would be nice, to explain why this guy is in the absolute worst part of town for a follower of Saint Cuthbert.

So, any ideas, oh Greyhawk gurus?

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Well if you've ever read the background about my old character Ducky and my new character Asa then you'll know I have a VERY good imagination and I'm good at making things ... quirky. Problem is I need something to work with before I can quirkyfy it, if that makes sense. Basically I CAN help you but you need to provide me with something (even if it isn't a lot) first before I can.


That first post basically has everything I've been working with - I'm pretty much running this cleric on the fly, and I'd like some more official doctrine to kick around now that it's stepped up a notch. Unfortunately, my ignorance of D&D religion is profound (I hate playing clerics, among other reasons). What more do you need, or what would help?
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First Post
This sparked a bit of dormant memory for me, heh. I remember there being a few snippets of Cuthbertian teachings in the old original Temple of Elemental Evil. So, having dug it out, it's got this to say:

-Square corners can be pounded smooth. Thick heads are not made of glass. Salvation is better than smart answers. Some good folk can only understand one thing.

-Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron.

-Evil which cannot be removed must be eliminated.

-Foolishness can be beaten.

-Lawful correction lies in a stout billet. Capricious behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom. Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy.

...anyway, for what it's worth, hope it's of some use.


Yeah, that's great! Not as much as I'll need, but what religion would be complete without some pithy sayings for the uninitiated to ponder. I see much clubbing over the head for nonlethal damage in this character's future. :p


Another place to check out is WOTC's Living Greyhawk site. They have a pretty big primer on the Greyhawk Dieties here with a fairly decent writeup about St. Cuthbert.


Shape up. Do your duty. Live an orderly life. Do these things and the world becomes a better place for all. (Law before Good.)

Those who do not do these things make the world a worse place for all, even themselves -- though they may lack the wisdom to see it. First, talk to them. If they will not mend their ways, well, there's a reason he's called St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel.


I'd focus on the militaristic aspect. Boot camp for Bongo the Ranger. I'd keep it light-hearted, though. Just enough to get a laugh around the table.


First Post
I was playing a living greyhawk game a few years ago and we met with a Cuthbertite priest outside of greyhawk city.

The DM improvised (i think) his introduction:

"Greetings my son. Have you come for a beating today?"

I suppose you could get out of hand with corporal puninsment or plots about violence against children with the more LN cuthbertities.

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