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So I'm looking to buy a ton of books...


Staff member
WotC Books for D&D:

Savage Species
Dragon Compendium volume 1
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Complete Psionics
Oriental Adventures
Unearthed Arcana
Tome of Magic
Magic of Incarnum

WotC Books for D20 Modern:

Urban Arcana

3rd party books for D&D:

Book of the Righteous (Green Ronin)
Book of All Spells (Fast Forward Entertainment)
Hyperconscious (Malhavoc)

3rd party books for D20 Modern:

Modern Magic

Other 3rd party D20 games/supplements:

Mutants & Masterminds
Nyambe (Atlas)
Northern Crown (Atlas)
Arcana Unearthed/Evolved (Malhavoc)
Midnight 2Ed
Swashbuckling Adventures
Iron Heroes (Malhavoc)
Spycraft 2.0
Second World

Other systems:

HERO 5th
Space 1889
Paranoia XP
Traveller (any version)
Call of Cthulhu
Spaceship Zero
RIFTS (basic book only)

Not all of the games have good systems- some dislike of RIFT's system is to be expected- but they have excellent concepts that could inspire others. Others, like HERO or GURPS are flexible enough to model a wide variety of games with just one book. I suggested Paranoia XP because the new rules cover both comedic role-play and a serious game, all in one package.

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Player options?

Pick up the Dragon Compendium, and the Races books. Tons of player options in there.

Monster Series books (Draconomicon is a must-have, but also Lords of Madness and Libris Mortis) are also nice for monster-specific flavor.

Heroes of Horror and Heroes of Battle have some good character options, but they're more useful for GMs. DMGII is full of DM-granted character options (stuff to give your players).

The Psionics books are also great, but if you don't have them already I'm going to guess you don't like psionics.

Magic of Incarnum also has some great stuff, but might be in the same boat as psionics.



I've been in the somewhat same boat - not too long ago I was the sponsor of a college gaming club and I purchased them a collection of RPG books.

I don't know how much money you have to spend, and it sounds like you have a lot of things covered (WW, Md20, etc.,) that aren't being touched. As expensive as RPG books can be, have you asked your club members what they would like? You might find some games being played that you may not know about. Rifts (Palladium) and Starship Troopers (Mongoose) were flying under my radar but both had devoted groups to it. You might find the same with GURPS (Steve Jackson Games), Star Wars or Traveller. In other words, find a GM to champion it or the book will probably sit and collect dust.

As for D&D, I've found the "Complete" series, "Heroes of" series and Environment books from WoTC to be popular. There's enough for players to get use from and GMs (and burgeoning GMs) to get ideas for new adventures.

I recently read in another thread on this board (prior to the re-boot) about theft of RPG books, and there were a couple of stories from college groups how this absolutely devastated their collections. It's easy for an anonymous person to put 8-10 books into a backpack and walk to the nearest used bookstore.

When I purchased the books for the college group I bought only five to six new titles at a time. They also went into the university library collection (I was the library director), so they were being "checked in" and "checked out" in a system that could track who had it. You might talk to the library director and see if they can support your collection. Even if you don't use your campus library, get a stamp made "Property of XYZ University Gaming Club" and use it throughout the book (not just on one page that someone can rip out).

Good luck and happy gaming!



First Post
For players: Expanded psionics handbook
For DM: Fiend Folio, Libris Mortis, Lords of Madness(both are, in my opinion, cooler than the Draconimicon)

Or heck, just buy a subscription for the entire group to dragon and dungeon. for a little less than the cost of 3 books, you have around 36 adventures and dozens of useful articles.


First Post
We've had to deal with theft and such in the past. All the books are stamped with the club logo and marked with a call number in several places of the book. As well, they are kept in a locked cabinet that only the executive council of the club know the combo to.

And we did have a sheet posted up for a few weeks where people could mark their suggestions for which books to get. We've already taken care of those, this is just to spend the remainder of the money.

bento said:

I've been in the somewhat same boat - not too long ago I was the sponsor of a college gaming club and I purchased them a collection of RPG books.

I don't know how much money you have to spend, and it sounds like you have a lot of things covered (WW, Md20, etc.,) that aren't being touched. As expensive as RPG books can be, have you asked your club members what they would like? You might find some games being played that you may not know about. Rifts (Palladium) and Starship Troopers (Mongoose) were flying under my radar but both had devoted groups to it. You might find the same with GURPS (Steve Jackson Games), Star Wars or Traveller. In other words, find a GM to champion it or the book will probably sit and collect dust.

As for D&D, I've found the "Complete" series, "Heroes of" series and Environment books from WoTC to be popular. There's enough for players to get use from and GMs (and burgeoning GMs) to get ideas for new adventures.

I recently read in another thread on this board (prior to the re-boot) about theft of RPG books, and there were a couple of stories from college groups how this absolutely devastated their collections. It's easy for an anonymous person to put 8-10 books into a backpack and walk to the nearest used bookstore.

When I purchased the books for the college group I bought only five to six new titles at a time. They also went into the university library collection (I was the library director), so they were being "checked in" and "checked out" in a system that could track who had it. You might talk to the library director and see if they can support your collection. Even if you don't use your campus library, get a stamp made "Property of XYZ University Gaming Club" and use it throughout the book (not just on one page that someone can rip out).

Good luck and happy gaming!



First Post
Try a new setting

I recommend Paradigm Concepts setting of Arcanis: World of Shattered Empires.

Codex Arcanis
Players Guide to Arcanis
Magic of Arcanis
Legacy of Damnation
Ssethragore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire

There are over 75 adventures written for Living Arcanis available for free for down load from the RPGA.


Edward Kopp: Arcaniac at Large


First Post
Look into Bastion Press' $5 sale. The Oathbound: Domains of the Forge setting book is a steal, and many of the related books (including the Forged novel) are also available. Something there might catch your eye, and the price is right (although most are more for GMs than PCs)!


Some extra copies of the PHB?

To be honest, there's not really much I can recommend. You seem to already have everything you need, and I would suggest you might well be at the point of diminishing returns. However, there are a few things. If we're avoiding 'DM books', how about:

Subscription to Dragon magazine
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Dragon Compendium
Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Complete Psionic
Oriental Adventures

And, if you don't mind DM books:

Subscription to Dungeon magazine
Unearthed Arcana
Shackled City Adventure Path
Lords of Madness
Fiend Folio
Libris Mortis
Manual of the Planes

I would also recommend "Book of Vile Darkness", but only if it's deemed appropriate for the age group at your club.

The lists are in the order in which I would recommend the books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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