So the playtest is out: What do you think? The EN World poll!

What do you tihnk of the playtest package?

  • Dunno. I couldn't/can't access it.

    Votes: 16 3.0%
  • Hated it. It fills me with rage.

    Votes: 14 2.7%
  • Disliked it. Not what I was hoping for.

    Votes: 53 10.0%
  • Meh. I'm ambivalent. On the fence. Neutral. Indifferent.

    Votes: 109 20.6%
  • Liked it. Looks like WotC is going in a good direction.

    Votes: 275 52.1%
  • Loved it. It fills me with ecstasy and joy.

    Votes: 61 11.6%

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Retired game store owner
I signed up the first day I could, and until today I have received no playtest materials, and links provided by other people did not work (apparently, no permission) so a major screw-up on that part - and any opinions right now can't be positive.
Did you check your spam folder? Could you have mistyped your email address? Could WotC have screwed up?

Why not register again? A friend of mine did that last night, and within 35 minutes he had the playtest docs.


Not to transform this into an edition war thread, but it would be cool for people to post their response to the playtest and their preferred iteration of DnD. I want to run the experiment to see if DnD Next is the great unifier. If it is then I would expect positive and negative feedback equally distributed. If not, and it trends toward one edition or another then I would expect a certain subset of players to be more or less satisfied.

Holy Bovine

First Post
I signed up the first day I could, and until today I have received no playtest materials, and links provided by other people did not work (apparently, no permission) so a major screw-up on that part - and any opinions right now can't be positive.

Weirdest error I saw last week was if you signed up to the play test with an email addy different than the one used to register your WotC account. Don't know if that will help you out. Also they don't send the pt materials to your email - you have to login via the links in the confirmation email that (eventually) gets sent.

I too was frustrated about getting the materials but I eventually was able to get them via WotC website. Without have actually played it yet only reading the pt gets an 'ok' from me. Some things like the rogue & wizard look really good to me and i am pleased to see the return of a 'simple' fighter that even a complete neophyte could easily play and enjoy.


First Post
After having played D&D over the past 33 years it saddens me that all I am going to have left are those fond memories.

My group and I tried this playtest, we got 15 minutes into it and tossed it into the round file.

Please WotC shrivel up and go away, you're only making it worse.


First Post
Did you check your spam folder? Could you have mistyped your email address? Could WotC have screwed up?

Why not register again? A friend of mine did that last night, and within 35 minutes he had the playtest docs.

Checked my spam, and I'm always careful about typing my e-mail address. Nevertheless, I did the sing-up again, hopefully this time I'll get it.


First Post
After having played D&D over the past 33 years it saddens me that all I am going to have left are those fond memories.

My group and I tried this playtest, we got 15 minutes into it and tossed it into the round file.

Please WotC shrivel up and go away, you're only making it worse.

Why, did somebody come and steal you old books? If you've been playing for 33 years there must be an edition you like stick with it and keep playing.

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