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"....so we tossed the jerk out...."


Henry said:
We've never tossed a player out, but we have hidden from one or two when we found out that they were just too freaky to be friends with. We simply told them we weren't playing regularly, and we just made sure not to invite them back. Probably should have told them outright, but given their natures we were unsure how they'd react (in a 'will they stalk me & put a horse head in my bed?' kind of way). Other than that, 90% of people I've gamed with I didn't dislike, and I'd easily game with again.

If I was that player, I'd be more mad that the group was not honest with me and hid it from me instead of being man enough to tell me the truth.

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Teflon Billy said:
I've posted this before, but it never really gets old...:)

True, it doesn't. I've read a lot of stories about bad experiences with a new addition to the group, but yours is one of those I always remember.


Okay, well I can think of three or four occaision, but they weren't egregious, horrible or hilarious like you guys all had.

Guy #1: "Master Po". He played some kind of monk or paladin guy in AD&D2e (it was a kit so I am kinda fuzzy on it), and anyhow, he always had a problem with events in the game, didn't want to switch to 3e when it came out and would sometimes fall asleep at the game, so we lost him. His character was named "Master Po".

Honestly, he was a nice enough guy, but he was dragging us down, funwise.

Guy #2: Was an Enworlder! And I don't remmeber his name but I met him here. Anyhow, I have nothing bad to say about this guy other than he missed every other session for like 4 months straight and would never let me know ahead of time so I was constantly trying to edit him in or out. He was also a bit chaotic of a roleplayer- when the group spent an entire session stealthily stalking bad guys, he would show up at the next session and go "bad guys? I attack! Where are they?" :) Mainly he just missed to many sessions for me to keep him in.

Once again, he was honestly a nice enough guy, I guess.

Guy #3: Total jerk, but we didn't find out until later, and we didn't even kick him out so much as he quit. He "wasn't into miniatures" and showed up with the "blind Paladin" character. I was even willing to work with him and give him some kind of ability to still participate in battles using blindsense or something (these are 1st level characters in a 'first session' type of game). But he basically spent the entire session ignoring the game and talking to my 5 year old because he "loved kids". After that 1 session he quits and says its because we weren't roleplaying enough and because he didn't like the fact that we used miniatures-- but actually it was this guy that didn't do any roleplaying. I was ready to attribute it to him being the only new guy there (the rest of us had gamed together before) and just general newness. I mean- first sessions are always a bit stiff with me. Then we find out later he was basically really obsessed with us in his online journal, talking a lot of smack.
Okay, someone from our group may have taunted him after he made a few comments, but really this guy was out there.
And in general, he turned out to be kind of an odious and sort of obsessed/troubled person. He may even have an Enworld account! So anyhow. Not fun.

Guy #4: Also an Enworlder! I didn't kick him out, but I ended a campaign because this guy was a little too heavy handed as a player with me. Basicaly a campaign I ran went horribly wrong and a PC was killed and rose again as a vampire. The player then insisted he should be able to attack the party. It was a nightmare, and I was kinda responsible, so I offered to end the campaign and start a new one, retcon certain events, have him make a new guy.. just .. anything. The campaign had turned in on itself and was going bad.

This guy insisted he should be allowed to play his guy with the full vampire template added AND that the campaign should suddenly be a PVP one. I just wasn't interested in GMing it- and I should add- neither was anyone else really wanting to play it out. (Although the cleric was reasonably sure he could turn him). He ended up quitting over the events, and so that ended badly. He later formed his own campaign with him as DM and I was afraid to join it because word was he was really upset with me. :) (I may not have been welcome anyhow).
I quit DMing for a while after that to do music and most of the players from the group joined his campaign for a while.

Then later when I restarted my campaign, they eventually rejoined mine. I honestly didn't mean to have any conflict, and I made an honest effort to recruit players broadly-- but apparently some bad feelings may have lingered. Not on my part, I just want to stress. He was really an ok guy and we went to Gen Con as a group one year and he was a lot of fun on that trip.

Well, I bear that guy no hard feelings or anything. JUST IN CASE HE IS READING AND STILL WANTS TO KILL ME.



First Post
Teflon Billy said:
I've posted this before, but it never really gets old...:)

One of my players (well-thought-of RPG industry freelancer, the late Nigel Findley) asked if he could bring a friend from work to our weekly game. My near-instant response: "Certainly!" (more players cut from Nigel's cloth would add to the group immeasurably).

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Nigel was unable to attend or get ahold of his work-friend to tell him. So the guy shows up anyway. No problem so far.

We invite him in, get him a coffee, and let him play the character of a guy who had just recently left the group (A Were-tiger). The system was GURPS. This is where we join the story....

Dramatis Personae
  • Fraser: Playing a Human mercenary
  • Ian: Playing a Human wizard
  • Mike: playing an elf bard.
  • Myself: Playing the frustrated GM
  • El Creepo: Playing the Were-Tiger.

Teflon Billy: Ok, so you guys are in the tavern where we ended last session, as you are sitting at the table...

El Creepo: Is there a serving wench around?

Teflon billy: Um, sure. "what would you like stranger?"

El Creepo: I'd like your company for the evening. I am a very wealthy man.

Fraser: Does that gnome who was here last week still want to sell us a potion?

Teflon Billy: You don't see him aroun...

El Creepo: What is her answer?

Teflon Billy: Huh? Oh, she laughs and mentions that her husband, the hostler, would likely have a thing or two to say about that.

El Creepo: Hrrmmm

Mike: Ok, so what are we going to do about the head in the box we found? It claims it's the rightful ruler of Cros Mogmun right? Do we believe it?

Ian: Well, I don't. But I think we should try and...

El Creepo: Where did the serving wench go after we spoke?

Teflon Billy: Upstairs, said she was calling it a night and thanked you for your patronage.

Mike: I give her an extra gold piece and tell her "the pleasure was all mine" and give her a sly bardic wink.

Fraser: Anyway, we should definitely get that gnome to...

El Creepo: I'm heading upstairs.

Teflon Billy: For what?

El Creepo: How long does it take me to get up there?

Teflon Billy: Not long, less than a minute, it's only a three story building.

El Creepo: Can I use my tracking to find out where the wench went?

Teflon Billy: (pause) okaaaaaay......(rolls some dice) she's in the third room on the third floor.

El Creepo: I'm going there.

Ian (puzzled) What's up?

El Creepo: I'll knock on her door.

Teflon Billy: She answers and asks "what do you want?"

El Creepo: I push my way into her room and explain to her again that I want her for the night.

Teflon Billy: (getting pretty fed with this guy already and we aren't 2 minutes into the game) Yeah, well...she explains again that she is a married woman, and while she is very flattered, she is simply not interested. Get me?

El Creepo: Well, what she's interested in means very little to me. (gestures to his character sheet) Am I this strong without switching to my tiger-form? How do I make a roll to grab her?

Teflon Billy: What?

El CreepoI'm going to try and pin her down. Can I do that with one hand so that I have the other one free?

*Disbelief all around the table*

Fraser: I'm rolling danger sense...

Ian: I'm preparing a fireball starting now...

Mike: I load a silver bolt into my hand crossbow...

Teflon Billy: (rolls dice) Danger upstairs! Third Floor! Third Room!

My Guys: a ton of babble translating as "we charge upstairs"

El Creepo: Can they react like that? They don't know what's happening up here.

Teflon Billy: You grapple the serving girl easily enough...she draws a knife from her bodice and makes a called shot stab to the vitals (rolls dice) well, she hit.

El Creepo: Only silver can hurt me...

Teflon Billy: No, silver damage doesn't regenerate, but you still take the wounds. In this case, 3 for her roll, tripled for impaling to the vitals is 9.

El Creepo: Well, I'm still up. I guess I'll have to kill her...she should've just cooperated.

Teflon Billy: *shakes head and grumbles* Make your roll.

*She is badly injured, but still up*

Teflon Billy: Gentlemen, you arrive...

El Creepo: That seemed awfully quick

Fraser: Tough :):):):)!

Ian: I unleash my fireball at him (El Creepo's character is burned for a lot of damage…added to the knife wound he is pretty banged up).

Mike: I'll send a silver bolt into his torso (The damage is not huge, but is non-healable)

El Creepo: What are you guys doing!!!????

*Silence + glares*

Teflon Billy: You're up

El Creepo: I jump out the window!

Teflon Billy: Ok, make a jump roll (he fails) damage to both his legs breaks one, sprains the other and puts him unconscious.


Teflon Billy: Well...that was fcuked up!

* A confused babble erupts where El Creepo claims that he was told we were mature and could handle mature themes*

Unbelievable to me to this day!

  • We had never met this guy before
  • His first action upon meeting us was to try and roleplay out a rape scene
  • He started this basically as I said "you all meet in a tavern"
  • he was going to do this in the presence of someone he worked with!

It's one of the few times in my gaming life when I actually "hit the reset button", announcing that none of that had happened and calling the game for that week.

Un-be-fraggin-lievable!!!!!!! :confused:

I remember Nigel...what a helluva guy.. :(


First Post
Teflon Billy said:
Unbelievable to me to this day!

  • We had never met this guy before
  • His first action upon meeting us was to try and roleplay out a rape scene
  • He started this basically as I said "you all meet in a tavern"
  • he was going to do this in the presence of someone he worked with!

It's one of the few times in my gaming life when I actually "hit the reset button", announcing that none of that had happened and calling the game for that week.

Did you explain to him why you were kicking him out?


First Post
OK, in my past experience I've had not one but TWO situations that I considered to be major "double-you-tee-eff" ones, that revolved around a bad player or players. In both cases, it was players who started out great then turned bad.

This is the oldest incident. The punchline of it is I'm not quite sure we've heard the last of it. Call it a gut feeling.

Long story. Pull up a chair, get a drink. Hopefully, this story fits the criteria. I think it does.

Once upon a time, at GenCon 20, I was introduced to a guy (let's call him Chicken Boy, or CB for short), and his con-babe gamer-girlfriend Jade (not referencing PvP, her eyes are green). We all hit it off nicely, and it turned out that CB and Jade actually lived in my area. Naturally, I invited them into our game. Jade and I had an attraction, but I was loyally married at the time, and well, Jade and CB were exclusively dating. So, those feelings and ideas were pushed aside and we resolved to be friends. OK, so far so good.

Time passes, and it turns out that CB makes it to the game way more than Jade. No prob. He's a nice guy, and a very good gamer. Eventually, though, Jade and CB break up, and it was Jade's idea and initiative. The parting seemed amicable. Jade now makes it less than ever, but we stay in touch. CB is now one of our regulars.

My marriage ended and I ended up dating this girl, let's call her Brunhilda. We ended up moving in together. Brunhilda also gamed. As time went on, it became apparent that Brunhilda and I were a bad match. We broke up, and she began looking for a new apartment. During that interim period, she asks me if it's ok if CB calls her while she's still living with me. Although I think it's a tacky situation, I'm kind of relieved that I'll be spared the guilt of a breakup, besides, how can one say no in a situation like that, without looking like a Richard Head? The upshot of it is, CB and Brunhilda end up dating almost immediately.

I'm actually cool with this, after a fashion. I'm free of Brunhilda, and she and CB are happy, and they still game with me and my group. We're all still friends. Nifty! Unfortunately, Jade's going out with someone, so I just do some casual dating around.

As time goes on, CB starts telling stories that his relationship with Jade wasn't all it was cracked up to be (cue dramatic voice: Yes! Now it can be told...). He calls her abusive (she's 5'3", he's 5'10" and a black belt) and claims she threatened him with a sharp object one night after she lost her temper.

As time goes by, CB begins to change. He becomes crankier, cheaper, and complains more. He and Brunhilda orchestrate a threatened walkout because another of our gamers was getting annoying (which admittedly she was, but in retrospect, not fatally so). This woman tended to flaunt a lot of her material possessions, like several thousand-dollar rings, or very expensive computers. Faced with the prospect of losing four gamers, I confronted her (a friend of more than ten years), and basically asked her to step down. Stupid me. She did, and boy were her feelings hurt.

Then, Brundhilda and CB began bitching about this other guy in our group. A great role-player, he wasn't a very cheerful or happy person, and tended to make quiet snide remarks a lot. Brunhilda was also an extreme left-wing type, and this guy practically worshipped Rush Limbaugh. Again, they put pressure on me to show him the door, again I stupidly caved in and asked him to leave.

Then, Brunhilda and CB began complaining that my two oldest kids were in the game. Out of fairness, not everyone likes kids, and the kids weren't around when the campaign started. But I can say, wearing my DM's hat and not my parent hat, that the mistakes and verbal gaffes they made were nothing worse than whatever I've heard or seen from other gamers. Well, that's where I drew the line, and refused to relegate my kids to the bedroom halfway through the gaming sessions. So CB began setting up another campaign, where he would run it, and began inviting my other gamers to go to their place instead. Our campaign was still intact, mind you, but now cracks were showing...

After two years of silence, Jade and I resume contact. As it happens, she's broken up with her jerky BF, and I was also unattached. We go out to lunch one day and hit it off like we always suspected we would. The next day we go on a date. Instant connection here. After ten years, we can finally date! Hoorah for us, right? :D CB and Brunhilda have each other, Jade and I have each other, so all's well that ends well, right? Riiiiiiiight.....

When Jade and I begin dating, I invite her into the game (show of hands? anyone see where this is heading?). CB has a crap-fit, and insists he won't game with her. Apparently, the "emotional scars" of that one time where she verbally tore him a new one and allegedly threatened him with a sharp object are "too fresh" and can't be forgiven. Mind you, we're talking about a decade ago at the time.

CB and Brunhilda leave the group. CB then sends out a mass e-mail to everyone, explaining that he was leaving the group, cited Jade specifically as the reason, but nobly announces that he won't say why, but invites people to ask him about it later. Wow. What a guy.

Jade tries to write him an apology, clear the air. He completely refuses to acknowledge her. Jade and I talk it over, and she admits that she lost her temper like that once, but no animals were harmed in the making of that incident ;) I also discover why she lost her temper, and boy was it legit. It also turns out that CB was just as toxic for her as she was for him. In other words, both were to blame for what was essentially an unhealthy relationship. But to hear CB talk about it, she's Lizzie-freakin-Borden, and he's some innocent victim out of a Lifetime movie. Oh, and incidentally, I've yet to hear or see any indication that he explained why she got so pissed off with him. Course not. That would imply he's not as guilt-free as he's painted himself.

So, CB and Brundhilda leave. When the dust settles from all of this fallout, my group is basically decimated. Around the same time, I move from the Boston area to my present location. A few of my gamers (one of them a very old friend, let's call him Kedar) decide they don't want to drive an extra hour, and they decide to game with CB. And though they also claim neutrality in this little pseudo-feud, they apparently have listened to his side, and don't want to hear Jade's side, because, well, it's all in the past and what's done is done. Huh??? Kedar also tells me that this is the sort of thing that happens because I decided to date my friend's ex. Huh again? Who dated who's ex first???

I decide that I really don't want to be in contact anymore with CB if he's going to diss my lady and in essence refuse to even acknowledge her existence. I don't want anything to do with him till he removes his head from his posterior. Brunhilda can't fathom why I'm doing this, since, according to her, "this is between him and her, not you." Apparently, the idea of backing your spouse up to this degree is an alien concept. Kedar has also taken me to task about not talking to CB. And never once did Jade ask, imply, guilt, threaten, or anything else, to get me to not talk to CB.

To this day, CB and I don't talk. Kedar and I don't talk. Brunhilda and I don't talk. Jade and I are very happy together and I've yet to see a melee weapon deployed! :lol: We also have a healthy, friendly, robust gaming group of people who genuinely like each other.

The writer part of me thinks it's hysterical that CB and I, over a long period of time, eventually wound up with each others' S.O.'s. It sounds like some romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Unfortunately, we can never get together and laugh about it, because he's clinging to this victimhood thing from an incident that at this point is over a dozen years old.

What an effing ass.... :mad:

PS: Thanks for letting me vent. :)


First Post
Some more interesting stories here.

A lot of them real horror stories too.

Do people just ever decide, "Look Bob, you're a powergamer. This current group is heavily into role playing. If we switch styles, I'll let you know."

I know for a while I had some friends who screamed that we should play Dark Champions and when they were returned fire upon with RKA (ranged killing attacks) and hadn't bought up their own defenses, were stunned when I explained to them that no, they didn't wake up, but were dead. It was a case of me not really wanting to do Dark Champions and them thinking it was a comic where strange circumstances would save them as opposed to doing it right the first time.

Sometimes it's not a horror story. Just a case of good people not having the same playstyle.

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