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"....so we tossed the jerk out...."


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Tarangil said:
:D I like the Blind date analogy, very true.

My experience with a bad gamer is that when taking a trail up a mountain path, one of the more curious PC's playing a woman curiously checks out a large burrow. Being not to bright he/she can barely crawl into the hole but tries anyway, soon becoming stuck. (think winnie the Pooh), Next the badger living in the hole is none too happy and attacks the character.

Her companion on the outside sees her kicking and thrashing, what does he do? Whips down his pants, and hers too, and start to F*** *** **** **** ******. Needless to say when the other PC's catch up they do help her, while giving sh*t to the other guy. In the end no more than 10 min after the rescue, Buddy mysteriously gets hit by a rockslide and turned into salsa as he cascaded 1/2 a mile down the mountainside.

That ended that. Never saw him again after that either.

OH MY GOD! I read that and laughed for 5 minutes. I actually had tears. That is, bar none, the funniest thing I've ever read about in a game of DnD. I actually feel cheated at life that I wasn't there to see the looks on yours and everyone else's faces. I'm actually correcting typos as I go, because I'm still laughing about that.

Man, that guy sure had some huge balls to do that lol.. just lol

you gotta tell me.. after F*** ***.. what were the other 3 words?! ROFL!!!

I'm still picturing the scene and picturing guys sitting around a table just dumbstruck watching this guy role play what his char is doing.. OMG LOL.. Just too funny, man..

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First Post
Kristivas said:
OH MY GOD! I read that and laughed for 5 minutes. I actually had tears. That is, bar none, the funniest thing I've ever read about in a game of DnD. I actually feel cheated at life that I wasn't there to see the looks on yours and everyone else's faces. I'm actually correcting typos as I go, because I'm still laughing about that.

Man, that guy sure had some huge balls to do that lol.. just lol

you gotta tell me.. after F*** ***.. what were the other 3 words?! ROFL!!!

I'm still picturing the scene and picturing guys sitting around a table just dumbstruck watching this guy role play what his char is doing.. OMG LOL.. Just too funny, man..

Ya, role playing a rape has to be one of the funniest things I can think of role playing. If your a sick psychotic piece of trash that is.


First Post
BlackSilver said:
Ya, role playing a rape has to be one of the funniest things I can think of role playing. If your a sick psychotic piece of trash that is.

Copy and paste that. In a mature game, where it's inclusion is agreed on by the group and when it is logical and handled in a tasteful manner (as tasteful as it can be handled), is one thing.
Out of the blue, one PC on another PC is entirely inapprorpriate and not amusing in the least.


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I am sure Kristivas can explain where he's coming from but I can see a difference of 'atmosphere' here.
Blacksilver- I get where you're coming from- all these stories of creepy freaky players, you imagine a basement, poorly lit and with a curious funk... when asked what to do when he sees his companion trapped the smelly pervert's eyes glaze over as he drawls out "I take down my pants and then I ....." while everyone recoils in horror
But... alternative scene- you're with a bunch of mates, had a couple of drinks, light atmosphere- everyone having a good time and then your mate playing a female PC does something incredibly stupid- gets stuck headfirst down a badger hole!! The next PC to come along is asked by the GM what he does when he sees 'her' butt comically sticking up in the air and your laughing mate gets out "I RIDE HER LIKE A PONY- YEEEEHAAAA"-thrusting motions and all- as all the other players bust a gut at the look on their stuck mate's face ;)

Not quite a sordid rape scene- and either scenario is possible given the VERY little information we were provided.

Just my 2 cents :)


First Post
Ooh- and then I reread the "killed by a rockslide and we never saw him again".
So yeah- you're probably right and it was a creepy, freaky experience for all involved.
But I am still amused by my light-hearted possibility- very few of the games I play in are serious roleplay and more friends getting together- Monty Python quotes a-plenty...

Darth Mikey

First Post
sniffles said:
Fortunately the worst thing that has happened in one of our games lately is that the GM above was wearing a 20-year-old t-shirt that he'd outgrown just a bit, and at one point he stood up and gave us all a bit more view of his hairy, poochy belly than we really wanted to see. :lol:

Count your blessings. I walked into one of the gaming rooms at my FLGS to check on a game in progess. One of the large, beefy guys was kneeling on a chair while leaning waaay over the table, adjusting some mini's.

He was not wearing a belt.

He was wearing loose jeans.

As I mentioned he is a big, beefy guy.

I was confronted by a "Full moon over the game"...

And a rather pasty white hairy moon at that.


First Post
Look_a_Unicorn said:
But... alternative scene- you're with a bunch of mates, had a couple of drinks, light atmosphere- everyone having a good time and then your mate playing a female PC does something incredibly stupid- gets stuck headfirst down a badger hole!! The next PC to come along is asked by the GM what he does when he sees 'her' butt comically sticking up in the air and your laughing mate gets out "I RIDE HER LIKE A PONY- YEEEEHAAAA"-thrusting motions and all- as all the other players bust a gut at the look on their stuck mate's face ;)

Not quite a sordid rape scene- and either scenario is possible given the VERY little information we were provided.

Just my 2 cents :)

Emm- I still can't see it.

Think about it this way- "you see Jake has stuck his head in a hole and now he's thrashing about trying to get his head unstuck. He might be under attack as well. What do you do?"

"I just got out of prison and need to do some gaming" guy smiles then answers the GM. How many of you guys would still be laughing? How many of you would be squirming in your seats thinking about that happening to you? Still funny?

I have been in a lot of situations where things could have gone very badly for me (homeless for a few years). Rape has come up more times (in RL) as a possible out come a number of times. Luckily I have evaded the situation (including the incident from this last spring).

We have some pretty mature content in our games, even played some evil characters that may have par taken in such activities in their history, but we have avoided the situation because of the people at our "table." Believe me rape is not mature content, the out come is very mature.

Saying that a couple of beers and sitting about with your buddies talking about it, that is just a couple steps away from doing it in my book.

Oh, and if someone did this at a session I was in the Player would be asked to leave once, told to leave once if he didn't go, and removed there after if he did not go fast enough.

Sorry for the hijack.

Darth Mikey

First Post
Kristivas said:
...There's NO reason in the 21st century to not try to protect your children from disease, especially if you live in America. ...

I agree with everything you said, except this one statement.

Without totally derailing the thread, I'd like to make a couple of points:

One: US vaccinations have a high mercury (as a preservative) content. This is bad.

Two: Many countries, including European countries, will not use US vaccines or vaccine schedules.

Three: The pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines control the testing of the vaccines, the criteria for "bad reactions" and have powerful lobbying groups that have influenced the government to not only REQUIRE their products, but to also protect them when their products harm the users.

This is NOT fringe science or politically twisted. It is simply not reported because everyone from governments to doctors to common people buy into the deification of vaccines.

However, I do not want to derail the thread. I just wanted to point out that the vaccine decision is not as clear cut as most people think.


First Post
BlackSilver said:
Ya, role playing a rape has to be one of the funniest things I can think of role playing. If your a sick psychotic piece of trash that is.

First off, before you judge me, you might want to get a few things straight.

1. It was in the post that (if I mis-interpreted correctly) a guy was playing the girl character.

2. If the poster had said. "He then proceeds to rape the other character, causing the player of the victim to relive old terrors and break down into hysterics." then I certainly would not have found it funny at all.

The way he posted the story was funny, not rape itself. No one was harmed, no one was forced to relive old and terrible memories (at least from what I read) and they killed the guy's character, didn't play with him again, and seemed to have gotten over it.

Don't begin to insinuate that I'm psychotic or sick, or that you know a damned thing about me. If a player in my group did that, I wouldn't stand up and start a fit and scream about it. I, either as a DM or player, would act accordingly. If my wife were playing and someone did it to her character and it brought up old memories (because she's been there, not that it's really anyone's business) then I'd warn once and punch the second time.

As I said, though, the poster didn't describe anyone with such a past or problems as being offended or hurt over it. If they were hurt, then that's one thing. It wasn't posted so all I had to go on was a funny story. Yes, it was funny. If my character was the female, if/when she got out of the hole she woulda tried to kill the guy. I wouldn't be mad unless it really hurt someone's feelings sitting at the table.

Sorry you've had bad experiences with rape in your life. I've either stopped it personally or went afterward with (or without) some buddies to kick the :):):):) out of a guy that has or tried to force himself on one of my friends. But in a basement, playing DnD.. yeah, I was picturing the more lighthearted scene, not the dark and devious one.

Not that I really have to defend myself, but before labelling someone as a psychotic piece of trash, maybe you should pull your own head out of a hole and work out your personal problems before slinging your judgements around like you really make a difference in the grand scheme of things. I feel we all have someone to answer to, myself included. However, that person/being sure is not you.

(If that wasn't directed at me personally, then I apologize for the above.)


First Post
Hold on people! We're here to talk about bad gamer behaviour, not to exhibit bad posting behaviour. Email and posting are very dangerous because context is rarely present in enough detail to allow us to know exactly what the other person means. So when someone makes what we think to be an outrageous comment, proceed tactfully. I know we're not therapists here (well maybe a couple are) but we need to tread a little lighter. Rape is not only a mature theme, but a loaded one as well. Someone who makes light of it or does not realize the seriousness is not going to be convinced of another point of view through insults and threats, especially if they have been misread.

I admit, I found the original post funny too. However I do not find rape funny at all. So why would my mind find any situation that had rape in it funny? Because the situation was funny. Fictional situation, helpless friend, in trouble through own idiocy, another friend arrives, instead of rescuing does something even more stupid. Everything is funny up until we consider what that stupid thing was. Although it seems harmless because of the fictional setting it is anything but. It puts rape in a light that is not serious, and that is serious. By making light of something we are opening the possibilities that rape may not be bad in all situations. But it is, and through this story it slipped under our guard.

However only by exploring the scenario with a clear mind unfettered by emotions such as outrage or defensiveness do we stand a chance of understanding the insidiousness of it.

Hope my words have both provoked thought and quelled the negativity
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