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So, what's happenin'?

wolf70 said:
D'oh! You were adressing me. I am flattered. I just missed this thread the last few times I was here. My computer was sorely out of date and slower than... well, anything. I had a 400mhz Celeron since 1999. Yesterday, I got my new 3.06ghz Pentium IV up and running. I can actually read the new posts at enworld in about half the time, believe it or not.

Okay, how is my game going? Here goes...

When my group imploded and I quit playing earlier this year (early spring I think), I put my campaign on hiatus and demanded players who wanted to play what I wanted to DM. I also insisted that my game not feel like an extension of my job (I am a high school teacher). No offense intended to any of you teens out there, but I was looking fro people closer to my age.

Out of the original 6 players (other than myself) I had at my table before things went south, 4 of them were teens, 3 of which I had taught previously. When I resumed gaming after about 2 months off, we picked up the same campaign where it left off. I started by reinviting a player that had been de-invited back in January due to some conflict. During my hiatus, I realized that we had, in our 4 or 5 year history de-invited 2 players and that both of them were due to conflicts with the player with whom I was now having the most trouble (prior to the hiatus). He was a munchkin rules-lawyer who wanted the game he wanted. Nothing else was acceptable. Unfortunately, everyone else at the table, even those 2 players he caused to be asked to leave (one of whom had come back long ago), loved him. When I reformed the group, I asked only gamers over 21 to return. Of course, this left me with only 3 players, one of whom is severely part-time (police officer/national guard) and another is 2/3 time (firefighter). I tried desparately to recruit other players, to no avail. Two of those 3 players advocated the return of the one who caused my hiatus in the first place and he begged to come back.

In my player search, I found another gamer online and added him to my game. He brought a friend from his other game 2 weeks later. Soon after they joined, the player who caused the hiatus decided to leave for the same reasons I stopped the game in the first place (humor level way out of control - funny thing is that he was way more out of control than the new guys were). Once he left, the game fixed itself. One of my players is of a deep immersion role-playing persuasion, while the rest are into the strategy aspect (both work for me) with lighter role-play. That player feels a little uncomfortable, but he has started a game of Vampire with the player who caused the hiatus and he gets his deep angsty role-play in that game.

So, the PC's are 7th-8th level now (they were 4th when we stopped). They have defeated a temple of Orcus and freed several hostages from the cult, as well as another from a band of Bugbear bandits. Things are going better than ever, though there have been a few rules disputes, everyone is pretty agreeable. I think this game has staying power, which is why I insisted on continuing the same campaign. I put a lot of work in I didn't want to see wasted. The party is about to go after another set of kidnappers, this time to rescue the daughter of a local merchant. I can't say more in case some of them are reading (not sure if they have found this place or not... if they have, they have been quiet) or not.

I have found throughout the years that one of the signs of a healthy game is a waiting list of people to join. I know that this is not always true, but when my game is at its best, I usually have players clamoring to join. I have 2 new players joining tomorrow, bringing me up to 7 players again. I will not go more than 8, as it is too difficult to manage.

So, Nightcloak, thanks for asking. Everything is great! I will post a compilation of my weekly campaign summaries is anyone is interested.


Congrats on getting yourself a group Wolf.

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First Post
Nightcloak said:
That's great Wolf!

Glad to see things turned around and you got the game you wanted :)

Thanks for caring.

We added the two new people tonight and other than everybody getting silly towards the end of the session, and me having to leave due to a home emergency (turned out not to be all that serious), everything went great! I have 7 players plus myself. 4 PC's are 8th level, 3 are 7th level. They killed a pretty tough Spectre in one round tonight (86 HP and 3rd level Wizard/1st level Fighter) and ambushed some kidnappers quite successfully. I am loving it!

One of my players is moving to WV in August (probably), so I will be down to 6 with 2 being mostly part-timers due to work commitments. Two are 2/3 timers, but one is home on medical leave from the fire department right now (blew out his knee). The other 3 are full time players who rarely miss a session.

Thanks everyone. The eventual plan is for the group to hunt down the cults of cabal of demon lords and minor deities and wipe them from the Flanaess (yes, we play Greyhawk).



First Post
Nightcloaks Campaign - one week old as of 6/16

The campaign itself is set in my Wraithsword Campaign setting. Besides the following info given to the players - and my players guide for the creation of characters - I thought it would be appropriate to explain a few rule mechanics.

1. This campaign uses the Arcana Evolved players guide as a core rulebook vs. the Players Handbook. That means some of the elements of the story provided are part of that source in addition to the rules.
2. Some races and classes from the Players Handbook plus other material is allowed as exotic classes or exotic races that are from specific regions and follow special rules (I did this do to the fact my world history aleady incorporated some themes before I read the AE book - not to mention I wanted to give any players who wants a "classic" stand-by the ability to play a few things). I can go into more detail if anyone is interested.
3. Of the three Core Rule Books, the DMG is used as is, but most of the other material, including monsters, are predominately from other sources. My players have been playing for 15 to 20+ years each and I really wanted to shake things up/challenge them.

Now, that being said. Here is the set up.

First: The regional history:

The Lands of Lemaira

The open plains of Lemaira are known as the Free Lands. They run from Coral Bay to the Eastern Sea and border the ancient Rune Mountains to the north to the quiet mystic realm of C’Tet to the south. Not to say that Solarus to the west is not free, as home to the city of light and generally synonymous with what people would consider good. Nor is it to say that the Dragon Cities on the eastern shore are not free, they are open city states and the presence of the dragons does provide security and magical benefits. The Verrik of C’Tet also considers their land free, if closed and slightly alien to foreigners.

The Free States are a generalized title given by the diverse inhabitants as a proud statement of independence. The multitude of city-states and cultures are independent of influence by the kind of forces, both physical and philosophic that joins the surrounding lands.

The Solarans are bound in culture and state by the presence of the church of Sol. The religion is everywhere. Even if good, it is steeped in everyday life. Something to be expected in a land that is continual bathed in the light of day, an ever-present reminder of the physical presence of a god.

The Dragon Cities are bound by the very presence of the Dragons. While the Dragons have brought law, stability, and security to costal towns that were once a collection of pirate havens and criminal guild lords, the Dragons are still feared by some. Their tendency to slowly inhabit more towns and save them from criminal corruption is watched carefully by the free folks of the plains.

The Verrik are bound as a nation that is really more a mystical culture and ancient tradition. They tend to be odd, removed and their ways are unfathomable. Their lands are bound by the amalgamation of state, culture, and mysticism. They are open to others, and freely travel about the lands despite keeping foreigners out of the inner kingdom and behaving generally removed.

The Rune Mountains are a physical barrier. Not owned by anyone but the creatures that inhabit them and the only culture being the secrets of distant ages. Well, until recently.

The Free Lands, also known as Lemaira, is so named do to the fact they are unbound by national unity, one specific identity, or an overriding theme of cultural uniqueness. They are collection of many independent cities, city-states, and several unique races or cultures. From farmers to guildsmen to herdsman and merchant princes to nomadic horseman, the lands and people are a diverse lot.

The western lands, bordering on the inner sea, are home to city-states ruled by merchant princes and guilds. A land of opulence and wealth, the city-states are growing. The guilds and merchant interests bind the cities in and some consider the realm the equivalent of a single nation, albeit one with an unorthodox political structure. The city-states were part of the front line during the shadows assault on Solarus, but never fell.

The heartlands are endless plains and scrublands. Ruins and monuments dot the landscape, a testament to the millennia’s that have pass forgotten into history. Litorian tribes wander the plains as well as human clans of horsemen. These groups have lived here since the 1st age. The human tribes still refer to themselves as Lemarans. These groups survived during the centuries of occupation by simply practicing what they have always done – a nomadic life style. While some clans have joined to protect themselves from the expansion of the cities to the east and west, many still follow their ancient traditions.

The dragon-cities on the eastern sea are each independent, but bound to the dragon that acts as guardian over the land. These cities were once crime havens after the retreat of the shadow in the last years of the Age of Shadow, but the dragon armies brought peace and security to the land. The government is simplistic if not militaristic in structure. Each city has simple laws and codes of conduct, but only enforce them if needed. Enforcement is swift and decisive, encouraging most inhabitants to follow the law or keep quiet. The realm of dragon rule has also increased as the dragons allow unsecured cities to join the fold under their protective wing.

These three regions sometimes quarrel, but overall peace has settled, as the lands are vast. The lands are free and the folk proud, but intrigue grows as small groups join into larger groups and nations take their first steps. For the inhabitants of the Free Lands it is a time of intrigue and state building.

To the north, beyond the mountains lie the lands of Xathar under the stewardship of the giants. The giants also continue to expand the territory they serve to bring peace and order to the lands. The giants and dragons are facing each other in a sort of cold war. The giants are guardians of a land the dragons once ruled ages ago. They see the land as abandoned and in need of guardians in the wreckage of the shadow, a shadow they helped drive to the north.

The Dragons have resettled the lands. The land was once theirs and now they have returned to prevent the shadow from ever expanding again. They settled the land by defeating the shadow and it’s agents when they helped the forces of light drive the dark god into the cold north.

In essence, both groups conquered the lands once dominated by the shadow and have little interest in leaving. Each sees itself as the proper guardian of the lands and its people. Each wishes to nurture the cultures out of the dark ages. Each sees the other as imposters at best and harmful at worse.

The air crackles with the tension of war. [/Sblock]

Second, and finally for those suffering through all of this (blame BoD :p ), is the campaign hook for the players.


It is the 3rd day of Fifth Month, year 212 of the Common Era.

Or, more formally, it is 3-5-212 (or 3.5.4E212 for you scholars).

The Akashic Memory recently experienced a ripple that impacted every akashic everywhere. While not catastrophic, harmful, or even noticeable to anyone else, it was an event unknown in history (and that is saying a lot to an akashic for few things can escape their knowledge.) This event was the fact that there was a ripple at all.

This “ripple” was a sudden change to the collected sum of all knowledge that is the akashic memory. History, known and studied for eons, changed. A year ago, suddenly, knowledge was added to the collective memory, knowledge that was not ever known before. And if that was not enough to make scholars everywhere stop in their steps, the knowledge proceeded to slowly back date itself into history. It was as if it had always existed for ages as a part of normal life!

This knowledge was not an event, or a person, or even a specific fact. It was a city, a city known as Serathis. A city that had always existed, hidden away in a vale in the Rune Mountains, but yet no one never knew it till a year ago. Serathis materialized out of the mists of history as a fact but is still clouded by those mists, a city as mysterious as its presence.

The collective memory could only reveal tidbits about this city. Its age is unknown, but agreed to be ancient. An unknown race labeled the “Builders” is said to have built it with magic and rituals unknown. Wealth and magic permeate the city.

This event did not go unnoticed. Adventurers and mercenaries poured into the region to explore and excavate the city. Scholars launched expeditions to learn more about the conundrum of the city itself plus get a look at ancient history. Merchant companies moved in to liberate magic and wealth from the city while criminals traveled to Serathis for a chance to survive in the lawless environment. Cults formed around the appearance of the city itself or the mysteries of the Builders.

The Rune Mountains themselves are a sort of no-ones land in the world of politics, with no one to claim the city. The giants decided to lay claim to the city and valley. The lands needed immediate protection from the forces of darkness; the city needed law and order, while the possible magic within the city needed immediate attention to insure the safety of the lands. The only choice was to lay claim to the city and dispatch whole companies of soldiers to bring the city under the guidance of the Throne.

The dragons also recognized the importance of the city. Not only did they see the need to protect and preserve the city and country side, but also moved to prevent the giants from monopolizing all the magic within the ruins. They dispatched a scholarly dragon named Krovacatharis the Seeker with an entire wing of mercenaries and dracha to the city.

The giants and the dragon have inhabited the city, and under joint stewardship are bringing order and safety to the region. Many are hopeful that this event has started the end of the stand off as the two sides are now forced to work together for the common good.

Powerful magic, strange creatures, alien relics, adventurers, bandits, guilds, merchants, criminals, cultists, the lurking shadows, and unimaginable wealth all under the watchful eyes of cold war enemies - Not bad for an ancient city that didn’t even exist a year ago.[/sblock]
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Nicely done. Sounds like an interesting game to play in.

By the way, at the moment, I have taken a step back from DMing a normal game. I'm letting someone else DM for awhile.

Been trying to work on the next part of my Eberron campaign. The first adventure I am calling "The Spire of Madness". Where the PC's have to search for a powerful Dragonshard in the depths of Khyber.

Oh and I am techically running a game. Over on rpol.net, I am running a Dragonlance game, going through the Key of Destiny published adventure.


My Eberron campaign:

The party is currently searching the underdark to seal an entrance to Khyber. The darn Rakshasa keeps getting away from them, after coming up with more and more minions to throw. (I'm giving the MMIII a GREAT workout for this one!) The party consists of a warforged fighter 14, a shifter ranger 9/druid 5, a changeling rogue 14 with racial substitution levels from Race of Eberron, and a Kalshtar Psion 7/ wizard 7, who was the motivation to hunt the Evil Rakshasa and his ties to the Dreamin Dark in the first place. :p

Hey, it's Eberron, and they all just "had" to try out the new races!

Mission continues.

Voidrunner's Codex

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