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So what's your gaming experience


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Since I'm new to the Enworld boards I thought I would try to get some of my fellow posters by asking what's your gaming experience?

1.)How long have you been gaming?

2.)What do you play?

3.)What is your most memorible moment while gaming?

1.) I've been playing for about seven years now. Started out playing 2nd edition near its last couple of years before DnD's greatest creation was released, 3rd edition.

2.) I play 3.5 currently. Every now and then my buddies and I will make some Shadowrun characters and do a run, but we have never kept a steady SR game going. Use to play the old d6 StarWars system. As for wargames my buds and I play Risk, Risk 2210, Risk Godstorm, and warhammer 40k. We've all recently become addicted to Munchkin.

3.) The most memorible moment I've had while gaming is my 3rd level druid used summon nature's ally I to summon a badger. After rolling three 20's the assassin that was suppose to capture the party died from a vicious badger bite.

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welcome aboard. :D

1. a very, very, very long time

2. OD&D(1974), the only true game.

3. too many to choose from for a real accurate depiction of just how fun this game is...

The Shaman

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1. Since the little tan books came in the little white box.

2. My current gaming group is playing d20 Modern - I've run Mutants and Masterminds and Sidewinder: Recoiled in the recent past as well.

3. Introducing my wife to gaming - and finding that not only does she enjoy it, but she's good at it, too!



1.)How long have you been gaming?

Since summer 1987.

2.)What do you play?

AD&D 3.5, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Requiem, Call of Cthulhu (non-D20), Deadlands, Star Wars D20, and Babylon 5 D20.

Played a lot more than that, but those are the current games.

3.)What is your most memorible moment while gaming?

AD&D 2nd ed, home brew game I ran. Party encountered a Xorn in a cave system which attempted to molest the paladin. The party went to attack, they fumbled, struck the paladin and killed him. Only afterwards did they learn that it only wanted his (non-magic) armour.

There have been plenty more though, but that one always comes up when my players remember the good times.

1.)How long have you been gaming?

Since summer of 1982

2.)What do you play?

Mostly D&D, but I'll play just about anything. I enjoy Call of Cthulhu and GURPS quite a bit.

3.)What is your most memorible moment while gaming?

Playing at my first GenCon in 2003 after wanting to go since the mid 80s.


Welcome aboard!

1) Technically I've been gaming since 1990, so 15 years. I say technically because I stopped in 1992 and started up again in 1995.

2) Right now, D&D 3.5. But I've tried many other games throughout the years.

3) There's been a bunch. Like the dwarf who killed a dragon while riding on its back and fell 120 feet to the ground and lived. Or the windling who cast itch on the inside of a dragon's mouth so it couldn't breath fire. My favorite is the dwarf who, upon finding a ring inside an abandoned tomb, was told by the elf to "put it on." I did. :]


1.)How long have you been gaming?

Since 7th grade. late 79 / early 80 or so. So roundabout 25 years at the time of this post.

2.)What do you play?

RPG-wise, we primarily play 3.5, with some occasional recent forays into spycraft, d20 modern, Traveller d20, and star wars

3.)What is your most memorible moment while gaming?

Oh, good lord, where do I start?

The time the PCs sassed a god.

The time I ran lich lords and three PCs died, two largely self-inflicted (one assuming he had a chance to walk through a prismatic sphere and not doing the math, another not understanding that the icy motes surrounding a lich were a frost shield.)

The time the DM was making crazy rulings. I walked out in frustration, hoping it would make him back off. Instead, the other also-frustrated players followed me out. I honestly felt bad.

The look on the players' faces the moment that the PCs learned that the reincarnated immortal queen they were searching for was someone they had known and been interacting with for a year of real time.
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First Post
Been playing since '89, so about 15 years. Currently I'm playing All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and thinking about maybe with enough house rules running D&D again. I've played in the past too many games to mention.

Doug McCrae

1) Since 1982.

2) Currently 3.5 and Silver Age Sentinels. Our Golden Heroes game is on hold. Played in an Orpheus game a couple days ago but I don't like WoD or the WW system.

3) In my first ever session, the climax of the adventure was four coffins each with a more valuable gem on the top. When we opened them progressively more potent undead creatures came out. We never opened the last one. I think that might be the encounter that's most deeply seared in my brain for some reason.


First Post
1.) Since summer 2000, but not regularly until after fall '02.

2.) Started with the 'fire-breathing-dragon-cover boxed set' that wizards had out before 3e, then I played 3e a few times, then I started DMing, then I took a break before starting a CODA LOTR game in fall '03, and then my homebrew setting with heavy use of UA, which I more recently (read: this last summer) started using Grim Tales for. As well, I've played Star Wars d20 and D20 Modern.

3.) The first 'real' game of D&D I ever played; three friends and I got together for a birthday, and the 'veteran gamer' among us took on the role of DM. What I remember most is how fun it was when all we really did was fight some gypsies, start a brawl, masacre the priests in a temple to a god of good behavior, and flee the city on a stolen ship.

Voidrunner's Codex

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