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So where are you now?


I only buy books from systems I will DM. I get just the PDFs for systems I will play.

So I play Rifts, Pathfinder, and Iron Kingdoms because my buddies want to play those.
When I DM, I run Rogue Trader or 3.5 so those are the books I still have and would buy.

I'll try most things, along with the crowd, but I'll invest in very very few.

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I like all these open-ended questions.

I gave a really long response in this thread. In summary: we bopped along with 4.0 for a while but its limitations were really the impetus behind what broke us out of the D&D spell. Since then we've tried a bunch of different games, and while only a few lasted long, it was a really good experience. We have much better ideas about what we like and what kinds of games we're willing to try in the future. (Sadly, 5.0 realized as "3.5 done again" isn't shaping up to be one of them.)

We're currently running a super hero-style homebrew nigh freestyle game, and Numenera. Both of them appeal to us in different ways, but the old school "you are a job" design of D&D isn't really drawing us back right now. We might give it a whirl one day just to have fun with nostalgia, but unless they really surprise me I don't know if it can last that long.

Just FYI, here are some (but maybe not all) games we tried, in no particular order:
Vampire (the Masquerade - not that Requiem stuff)
homebrew that was sort of a radically modified Vampire game
a sequel to the Vampire game
13th Age
5.0 playtests


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Running two separate Earthdawn campaigns using a Tunnels and Trolls rule hack. Going well - epic setting, simple rule set.

Playing in a 4e D&D campaign after my group finished one with the end of the Giants module.

My current character , Logen the Bloody is a Blackguard of Fury. He is good aligned, but his mood range goes from surly to violent. He is a joy to be around :)


About a month before of the announcement of the DND Next i realised that 4th edition is really not a game that I like. This was hard to say and slow to realise because I always was a dnd fanatic. Having learnt about about the next iteration of dnd i was enthousiastic. However as the time was passing and the playtests was coming out all the enthousiasm was transformed to a mixture of a disappointement and hidden optimism wishing in the end that Wizards will produce a game that will suit my needs. Some major issues and deal-breakers pesist from the first playtest to the last (super fast healing, wizards at will spells, etc). The homebrew campaign that i am building the previous year is imagined to be a low-magic and gritty game which as it stands now the 5e doesn't cover.

So, what i am doing all these months?
As a player i am playing at various campaings. I have one 4e campaign which I am playing because the dm is very close friend and a super dm. Two 3.5e Ravenloft campaigns. And a vary sporadic and at the same time very fun modern Cthulhu 6e campaing.

As a gamemaster I over enjoy The One Ring setting which is also the major game that I run with two gaming groups. Also I am playing solo with my girlfriend a 3.5 e game and a Victoriana (Cubicle's 7 steampunk-historic-victorian game) campaign.


Currently I'm part of three gaming groups:

1. Participating in a Pathfinder campaign. I dunno, it's a fun game with a good DM, but darn if the seams of the system showing. It's a low-magic setting, so we're 7th level without a single magic item to our name, and it's clearly causing some balance issues. Some tough encounters we've curb-stomped, but we just had to flee in terror from a Stone Golem, given its impenetrable DR. Is there any equivalent to 4e's Inherent bonus system for Pathfinder?

2. My home 4e group wrapped playing through Revenge of the Giants. It was a good battle fest. I started running Fate Core and 13th Age for then, and it's throwing some of players for a loop. They're too used to 4e's more mechanical character generation. The freeform backgrounds and One Unique Thing in 13th Age shut down a few players, and aspect generation in Fate Core was also a real chore. I like both systems ... but I feel like I need a different group to play them.

3. The group I played DnD Encounters with is on a hiatus with the DM in university. No one wanted to shell out for the latest season, so the last season DM offered to just continue the last season with his own stuff. That means we're still playing Next with the July playtest packet.

Ultimately ... despite all the gaming, I'm a little frustrated. Neither 4e, Next or Pathfinder are really doing it for me system-wise. I like 4e a lot, but I want to try hacking it, redoing feats and magic items into something less bloated and treadmill-y. Next just doesn't feel ready yet. Pathfinder is still 3.5 when all's said and done, so I'm seeing the flaws of the system in technicolor.

So, I'll play any of those systems, but haven't felt the desire to DM them. And despite my enthusiasm for Fate and 13th Age, they haven't really caught on with my home group, which is vexing me.

Vague Jayhawk

First Post
I'm running Savage Worlds for my young son and nephews. All of them are having an awesome time. I have pre-prepared character sheets for super-heroes, Ninja Turtles, and Jedis. Whatever they feel like playing at the time. Then I just make up a story on the fly and let them roll some dice. They love it, and that makes me happy.

That is all I have going on currently. I'm anxiously awaiting DDN. I hope to be able to play a simple rules-light game with the small boys, and then crank all the options and rules to 11 when old adult friends come over.


Currently running Fate Core, for a Superhero based game, after that I plan on using Fate Accelerated for a Sharpe's Rifles style campaign. I have no desire to return to D&D ever again.

I'm running Traveller (the Mongoose version). There are a few issues I have with the system, but they're easily fixed, and the adventure I'm currently running (an old DGP one) is going down a blast with the players. They're asking what I'll run next, which is a question I have not yet answered even in my own mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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