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D&D 5E So which adventures/campaigns have you played so far?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
5E has been out for quite a long time now, and we've all had time to play plenty of adventures. I was curious about what folks had played so far. Did you start with Phandelver then move on to Tryanny of Dragons? How many of the three main APs have you played? What about third party adventures? Or are you mainly running home brew adventures? Tell us your 5E journey so far!

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A whole bunch of AD&D modules.
Most of Tyranny of Dragons (probably a few more sessions and we're done)
And Felk Mor (my own campaign).


As a DM : I've been running a Dark Sun campaign from level 1 to 10 (level 11 will be the last) following the 2nd edition scenarios "Freedom" and "Road to Urik" (very little conversion work to do here, surprisingly) and expanding them with homebrewed scenarios which ended with the death of King Tithian (assassinated by one of the players who turned-out to be a member of an underground snake cult).

Lately we've been following the Prism Pentad novels again. PCs are at the doors of Nibenay, looking for the sorceress Sadira whom they were supposed to protect during her journey to the Pristine Tower (she fled after their caravan was attacked by cannibal halflings).

Next session will probably reach said tower and see the PCs confront Prince Dojakht of Nibenay (a half-man half-centipede monstruosity), discover some lore about Athas and the Sorcerer-Kings and finally, fight the Dragon of Athas with a big revelation : the beast they thought was responsible for the world's destruction is actually the world's protector.

As a player : we're playing a homebrew campaign in the Forgotten Realms. I'm playing a neutral fighter/rogue named Garan Cale in the newly funded city of New Horizon in Maztica. Several criminal guilds are trying to take control of the settlement and we're doing our best to get our piece of the cake. :)
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I ran Phandelver set in my own campaign world. At the end of it, I tried to lure them into PotA but failed; we've been homebrewing ever since - I have used a couple Quests of Doom adventures (namely the one set in the winery), and some Dungeon adventures, and Dungeon Crawl Classics #3; they ended up trapping a the dragon from Phandelver behind the forcefield...

Right now, they're wandering around the fringes of the Underdark, and I'm not sure if they'll plunge deeper or flee for the surface as soon as they find out what they wanted to know. I'm stealing from the old Dungeoneer's Survival Guide for various regions "below" if they go deeper.


As a DM: I have finished online (Roll20 then moved to FG): Lost Mines of Phandelver, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Rise of Tiamat. Expeditions Season 1: DDEX 1-1 through 1-13,Season 2: DDEX2-1,2-2,2-5 and 2-7.

Currently Running: Princes of the Apocalypse (About 25% complete)

As a player: Expeditions DDEX1-2,1-4,1-7,2-12,3-1,3-3


Eternal Optimist
I've run...

Lost Mine of Phandelver (3 times)
Hoard of the Dragon Queen (2 times)
The Rise of Tiamat (currently running 2nd time)
Princes of the Apocalypse
All the D&D Expeditions (save the one level 11-16 one), from one to three times each.

I am also running my homebrew Greyhawk campaign, which is currently incorporating a homebrew version of the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan.

I've got Out of the Abyss and a bunch of 3rd-party adventures, but haven't had the chance to run those yet.



First Post
DM for Phandelver then to Ravenloft as they left the lost mines. They only way to leave is on a Spelljammer! (they don't know that part yet...)
I own HotDQ/RoT but one of my players promised to run it for me. I'm looking to buy OotA for the next campaign.


I've played in Phandelver and Hoard of the Dragon Queen (but only a through 4th level in Phandelver and now up to about 5th level in Hoard...we have not been able to get games going for a while since the holidays came and everyone's been so busy).

I'm also currently running as DM "Princes of the Apocalypse" (we're at 4th level not even into the first temple yet), and I'm running a mini-campaign using "Harried in Hillsfar"

I ran a bunch of playtest campaigns using the Playtest adventures (Caves of Chaos, Reclaiming Blingdenstone), and we transitioned into 5e with 4 or 5 sessions of Mines of Madness (which I modified for 5e and made it a little more campaign friendly rather than the death trap it really is...with the purple worms and the necessary sacrifice etc.). Then I ran 3/4 of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle for 5e, which worked really well too.

We try to play online weekly using Fantasy Grounds, but our frequency has been waning due to very busy work and family schedules for all of us.

So far, none! :)

My group finished up a 2 year campaign of D&D 3.5E Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil just last week and we plan to start a 5E campaign this week.

It's almost certain that we'll be starting with LMoP. From there, depending on the study/work load of the DM, we will either play Princes of the Apocalypse or I will take over as DM and run the Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat adventures.


Magic Wordsmith
Current Products:
Lost Mines of Phandelver
Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Past Products:
Circle of Darkness (AD&D 2e Ravenloft module, converted)
Demon God's Fane (D&D 3.0 module, converted)

These were all separate, standalone campaigns.

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