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D&D 5E So Why Can't 5E Get a Video Game?


Possibly a Idiot.
Let me put it another way. What are the best extant D&D video games? Opinions will differ, but I don't think I'm gonna ruffle too many feathers if I say that it's probably the Baldur's Gate series. These are not fun and well-balanced turn-based combat video games. And that's not just because one of the few deviations they made from the AD&D ruleset was to toss out the "turn-based" part -- turn-based or otherwise, the combat in these games was never their main draw. I will wager that you have never heard Baldur's Gate's tactical challenge praised in the same breath as X-COM or Starcraft or Dark Souls. It couldn't be, because there's simply no comparison there.

And that's fine. Not every game has to be a tactics game. Baldur's Gate carries itself on its world, its characters, its story, and its roleplaying, and it does so spectacularly. So the fact that it's got a kinda ropey combat system is a minor annoyance at worst. But if Black Isle had been trying to make a more combat-focused game, they would have been well advised to drop the rules system that was originally written for collaborative tabletop storytelling, and instead adopt a system that's actually purpose-built for the medium and the genre. Like their successors at BioWare did in Dragon Age and Jade Empire and Mass Effect -- seriously, if you've played any of those games, try to imagine how much worse they'd be if they'd stuck to D&D/d20 rules.

I just watched a video about this.


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Divinity did turn base fantastically and I could see that working really well for 5e.

I haven't played Divinity (no time for video games these days), but from what I've seen/read about it, I agree. I like the way the developers from Larian Studios talk about game design, and the demo of their upcoming Divinity Original Sin 2 GM Mode looks promising. I'm optimistic that a collaboration will happen between them and WOTC down the line.

And, it may be premature, but I'm also optimistic that with more celebrity involvement, a new movie (fingers crossed!), what seems like a more cohesive vision from the creative team, and what seems like a more positive less creativity-stifling influence from management, that we just *might* get a well done non-isometric D&D game in the next 5 years. Maybe something in between Star Wars: KOTOR and Witcher 2/3.


Expert Long Rester
My favorite recent D&D game is Chronicles of Mystara, but that has more to do with nostalgia for sidesrollers. There's really not much (or any) "D&D" in it.


Steam is a platform for buying, downloading, and managing games.

An idle clicker game isn't what I would want for a D&D game. I will probably try it out and see what it is like since it is free to play but it doesn't sounds like it is going to be a winning game for me.

Forgotten Realms 5e gets an idle clicker and other none 5e,related games, Golarion Pathfinder gets Kingmaker, with 7 races so far, 13 soon to be 14 classes, talk of, possible archetypes, a freaking kingdom, and proper Baldur's Gate style game, using proper Pathfinder mechanics.

WTF, this is what happens when you get an incompetent MBA running one of the greatest IPs out there, while Paizo is run by, component RPG fans.

Despite 5e being the better system, if it wasn't for my love of the Forgotten Realms I'd dump 5e for the well run Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Still I'm getting Kingmaker and I'd like to thank the OP for bringing it to my attention while the kickstarter is still going and I'd suggest everyone spread the word while it's still going to help reach the stretch goals.


Forgotten Realms 5e gets an idle clicker and other none 5e,related games, Golarion Pathfinder gets Kingmaker, with 7 races so far, 13 soon to be 14 classes, talk of, possible archetypes, a freaking kingdom, and proper Baldur's Gate style game, using proper Pathfinder mechanics.

WTF, this is what happens when you get an incompetent MBA running one of the greatest IPs out there, while Paizo is run by, component RPG fans.

Despite 5e being the better system, if it wasn't for my love of the Forgotten Realms I'd dump 5e for the well run Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Still I'm getting Kingmaker and I'd like to thank the OP for bringing it to my attention while the kickstarter is still going and I'd suggest everyone spread the word while it's still going to help reach the stretch goals.
I'll likely be getting king maker as well. I've recently been replaying the 2e and 3e PC games and I reckon king maker will scratch that PC RPG itch.


Well there has been another successful Pathfinder KS that has funded, 500k+ and counting for Pathfinder: Kingmaker a SP game based off the AP where you go forth and settle the Stolen Lands. Looks like its Baldurs Gate/ Pillars of Eternity type isometric graphics.

Kingmaker looks like it is going to be so good. This could be the new DnD game that I have been waiting for.


I'll likely be getting king maker as well. I've recently been replaying the 2e and 3e PC games and I reckon king maker will scratch that PC RPG itch.

I probably won't back it but Chris Avellone's involvement alone will get me to keep an eye on it and most likely get it if/when it releases.


WotC is a collectable card publishing company that dabbles in books, not a video game company. I'd trust them as much to make a video game as I'd trust them to make dog food or kites. Why would I expect them to make a video game?

I think Jester is right. Look at the old TSR RPG company - they never managed to produce a decent DnD video game so why would WotC be able to do it?

Just let WotC do what they do best which is make collectible card games.

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