alaria galanodel
First Post
I want to know where her sword is...if you're gonna wear the costume, you'd best have the sword!I would like to hear how the candidates feel about Jodi Lane in the Paizo barbarian costume.
Hi, I'm Jen and I'm running for ENnies judge. I've lurked in the past but never posted. Most of what there is to know about me is in my application, but of course feel free to ask any extra questions you have.
Basically I look for games that are fun to play AND run without spending too much $$. I say that, and yet I still play DnD...ah well, that aside I don't want the DMs being forgotten, especially since I like to run myself. I've never been to GenCon, merely relied on the kindness (and bribery) of others for goodies. the meantime I'm busy teaching my 9 month old son to say 'sneak attack!' Nothing recognizable yet, but he's getting there. He visited his first comic book store yesterday and left with a water bear microbe. I'm such a proud mama...sniff...
As for the taskmaster comment, I worked retail for 10 years and with engineers for another 10. Little is scarier than 80 year old women demanding prune juice! Besides, I was promised lattes.
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