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Softwind's Tale: Companions of the Valley (upd 04/01/04) - REALLY!


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Culprit found

Fourteenth Session (Dec 02)

The Companions head across town, over to Tam’s encampment, where the gnome has set up for his stay in Merikest. Reaching the spot, they wait patiently until the last of the crowds clear, and then approach him with their idea. Brynn suggests that another toy be used as bait, bearing a similar enchantment as those toys that have been taken already, to which they will add their own, in order to track the object should it be taken.
Tam agrees to the plan, but admits that he has few toys left. In order to not disappoint a child looking for a toy, he asks Tombit for his hat to be held as collateral. Reluctantly, the Halfling gives Tam his kitty hat, and looks forlorn. The party comforts him, telling him it is for a good cause, and that they will try to get it back for him later. Tam hands a ball with a Jump enchantment upon it to Tombit, who cheers up, and with a parting farewell wave to his hat, heads out with the party for phase two of the plan.
Heading to the library, the party asks that Humphrey cast a spell to allow the toy to be tracked, should it be taken from where it is placed. The old sage grumbles good-naturedly about “adventurers and their play things” but enchants the toy with “inescapable location”. (Normally a curse, but in this instance, a very useful spell!)

The party places the ball with the half-elven child that they had met before, with the admonition that he not play with the toy itself. The boy’s puzzlement turns to glee when he is “let in on” the secret plan to nab the thief. He winks at Brynn, and gingerly takes the toy into his house, and places it by his bedside. The party settles in to wait outside, across the street from the boy’s house.

In the wee hours of the next morning, a shadowed figure is spotted leaving the house, moving from shadow to shadow, heading towards the south end of town. Grimnyr, being the only one of the party still awake, thanks to a handy Ring of Sustenance, awakens the group. Groggy, the party still manages to trail the figure without being spotted. They quietly argue amongst themselves as they watch their target enter several houses, and emerge again with items in his hands. Several of the group wants to take the figure immediately, whereas others argue that there may be more in on this bizarre heist, and that it would be better to trail the person until he or she reaches their base of operations.
The “wait and see” faction wins the others over, and they all continue to wait and watch. Their patience is rewarded when their mysterious stranger enters a house set back on a small cul-de-sac, at the outskirts of town. The figure does not re-emerge. Deciding that taking the law into their own hands is not advisable, they send Skylar back to the Sheriff’s office to gain permission to enter the house.

She returns shortly, with a lieutenant in tow. He is apprised of the situation, and decides to enter the house immediately! The party scrambles to set themselves up, expecting that whoever can dispel or drain enchantments may have some arcane abilities at hand, and they would rather be prepared. The lieutenant ignores their concerns, and moves to the front door of the small building. Finding the door unlocked, he opens the portal and slips inside. Brynn and Grimnyr follow closely behind, while Athena and Genoa stay behind, watching the windows for movement. Tombit sneaks behind the house, to access the building from any rear doors. Skylar makes her way up a neighboring house, to stand on the rooftop overlooking the yard of the suspect’s house.

Inside the house, darkened by coverings over the windows, Brynn narrowly prevents the officer from stumbling over a pile of toys scattered in the front room. Dust and rag piles make up the rest of the furnishings. A door on the other side of the room is closed, presumably leading to the other part of the house. Curious, Brynn hefts a few of the toys, and determines that they are nothing more than finely crafted, but magically inert, items. He drops the dolly back upon the floor, lest Grimnyr be tempted to make any comments, and motions the guard towards the door. The three of them move quietly towards the portal – soundlessly, until the officer, tripping on a loose floorboard, face-plants amid the dirt and rags.

(continued when I re-create the rest of this episode)

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First Post
Toynapper confronted

Fourteenth Session (part 2)

Brynn and Grimnyr freeze, eyes immediately focusing on the doorway, hands held ready over weapons. A moment passes, then another. The guard groans, but his outcry is cut short as Grimnyr jams his hand into the guard’s mouth, silencing him. Brynn looks at the other dwarf in surprise, having seen Grimnyr move across the room quickly but silently. Grimnyr just smirks.
When the door to the back room in the house doesn’t burst open, the dwarves relax, and Grimnyr lets up the lieutenant. The human mimes spitting motions after the dwarf’s hand is removed, but keeps the silence, not wishing to push his luck. As he stands, Brynn and Grimnyr move quietly, to bracket the door. Silently and slowly, they unsheathe their weapons, holding them at the ready.

Outside, Athena’s patience is wearing thin, and she begins to fidget. The fact that Genoa seems to have the patience of an oak does nothing to allay her boredom. When the thump from the tripping lieutenant is heard, she pulls her weapon, body tense as she looks through the partially-covered window into the building’s front room where the dwarves and human are making the noise. She quickly moves up to one of the windows, then notices Tombit moving around the corner of the house. She follows, practicing her Ranger skills to remain quiet, until she arrives at the Halfling’s side by the back door.

Tombit holds up a hand indicating Athena is to wait, and presses his ear to the door. From within, he hears a voice, raising and falling in a chant. Hoping to interrupt whatever is going on, he takes a moment to jimmy the lock, and opens the door, quietly entering the room beyond. Athena, her patience gone, and ready for action, is immediately on his heels. She draws her weapons; mace in one hand, and scimitar in the other, and grins. Tombit looks at the gnome, and shakes his head, “Oddest cleric I’ve ever met…” he thinks.

Their presence within the room, revealed to be a kitchen, is unnoticed by the cloaked figure standing near a smoldering brazier in the far corner. The man’s voice continues to rise and fall in no discernable manner, and his arms make passes over the smoke issuing from the heater. Tombit moves to the door across the room, but before he can reach the handle, it opens on its own accord, burst from its hinges by the dwarves behind it.
A wordless battlecry issues from both the dwarves lips as they rush through the doorway and into the kitchen. Tired of waiting, they ripped the latch and hinges off the door by brute force, and rushed the room beyond. With weapons drawn, they survey the area, noting their surprised colleagues, and the figure in the corner, who takes note of their presence now. While he turns, he continues the sing-song chant, more frenetic now.

“Oy, none o’ that now,” Grimnyr shouts, fighting to get clear the ruin of the door at his feet. Brynn, Tombit, and Athena move towards the man, weapons raised and threatening. “Stop now and you won’t get hurt,” Brynn advises the man, but is ignored. Tombit takes the matter into his own hands, and tackles the human, but not before the final syllables are uttered. Athena watches as the brazier, previously smoldering, bursts into full flame. Amidst the typical orange and yellow flames dance green and blue; not a very good sign, she notes.

Tombit finds his hands full as the man seems to possess greater strength than his frame would account for. The Halfling finds himself being tossed aside as the cloaked thief stands upright and pulls a weapon from beneath the folds of his clothing. With the other hand, he tosses a powder upon the flames, causing them to leap towards the ceiling. He brandishes his weapon as he keeps half an eye on the brazier, waiting for something.

Brynn steps forth, and whips the flat of his blade towards his opponent’s head. The man barely gets his club up to block the blow, and, snarling, mumbles a few words. A wave of cold hits Brynn, but passes quickly, the frost melting in the heat of the brazier. Athena moves forward, trying to flank the mage and put her mace to good use. Tombit gets to his feet, readying himself for another rush.

Outside, on the neighboring rooftop, Skylar too grows impatient. Seeing no one emerging from the house, she scales down the wall and moves towards the back door. Genoa, upon spying that last person outside going in, decides that it would be best for her to enter as well, which she does.
She makes her way past the lieutenant in the front room, who is apparently trying to straighten out his nose, and get some bad taste from his mouth at the same time. He is oblivious to the scuffle in the back room. Giving the man an odd look, Genoa continues on to the kitchen.

With a roar and flash of light, a fiery figure appears in the brazier, its form wreathed in multicolor flames. With its arrival, the mage laughingly mocks the party. “You are too late! My companion has arrived, and soon I shall have even more power than before! All that I have to do is rid myself of you!” Reaching into his cloak again, the mage shoves a handful of what appears to be toys into the waiting claws of the imp. “Now, I say! Do it!”

“Fool,” the imp cries. “We do not have time for that. Dispose of these interlopers first.” The toys drop into the bowl of the brazier, where they sizzle, pop and crackle in the heat. The imp raises its hands in evocation, beginning a spell. With each mystic pass, the flames grow higher and hotter, causing the room to become stifling in a short time. Grimnyr’s attempt to disrupt the casting fails, as his axe blade goes wide.

Skylar, on the other hand, takes one step into the room, assesses the situation, and drops a shaft right into the chest of the imp. *thwap* And she watches as the shaft is charred away, and the imp pulls the head from his chest. “Hunh” the red creature grunts. “That’ll cost you, and dearly.”
The flames roar, and launch from the brazier to those in an arc before the imp. All but the mage and Grimnyr are engulfed in the flames, but are nimble enough to suffer but little from the heat. The walls of the kitchen are not so lucky, as they begin to char and smolder.

Genoa, having stepped right into the blaze, swings wildly at the mage, and connects with her scimitar. Hissing, clutching his wounded arm, he retaliates with a club to her head. She is staggered by the blow, and sits down heavily at the mage’s feet. The mage does not have an opportunity to follow up on his blow, as both Grimnyr and Brynn take offense at the mage’s handling of the lady. Brynn serves, and Grimnyr returns the volley as the mage ricochets between their weapons. Athena adds insult to injury as her mace lands squarely between the mage’s eyes. He slumps, barely holding onto consciousness. The hold is loosed, as Skylar hits him with several blunt arrows in a row.

Unfettered by the mage’s incompetence, the imp again begins casting. The brazier grows orange-hot, and the wooden stand it rests on begins smoking heavily as the imp calls upon the very nature of fire itself to strike down its opponents. Dancing flames separate from the body of the fire, but return again as Tombit strikes, breaking the concentration of the imp, and the spell is wasted. Tombit is rewarded for his quick thinking by burns upon his hands and arms from the heat given off by the imp. Gritting his teeth, he continues to batter at the demonic creature.

Genoa, regaining her senses, summons forth water from the very air itself to dampen the enemy’s spirits, and its platform. Choking steam and ash flair up as the fire dies beneath the onslaught of water. Screaming in frustration, the imp tries again to cast, but Brynn’s blade is quicker. Stopped mid-sentence, another spell fizzles. That strike is followed by Grimnyr’s axe, and Athena’s scimitar. Blow after blow rains down upon the creature so that soon, it too is like the fire. Very much dead.

About this time, the town guard officer emerges from the front room. Coughing, he demands an accounting. As soon as the party mentions imp-summoning, the question stops. “We’ll *cough, cough* continue this at *hack* the Sheriff’s office. Now, let’s get out of this mess.” The party can’t agree more, and grabbing the stunned mage, and some of the drained toys for evidence, they follow the lieutenant out of the house and into fresher air.

Once they arrive at the jails, the mage is taken off their hands. The Companions are told that the mage will be interrogated. Normally, a thief would see only a beating and jailing, but summoning infernal creatures is very different indeed. They will be summoned if they are needed to testify before the Sheriff (who acts as judge as well).

The party decides to return to the Dancing Pony to clean up and repair what injuries they sustained. Genoa only suffered injury to pride, but is satisfied she managed to drown the imp’s spirits at least, if not the imp itself. A few rounds of ale, and some bathing, later, the party is feeling much better, although the smell of burning toys still lingers on their clothing. Brynn heads back to the house, and returns with the defunct toys, thinking Tam can re-enchant them for the children. “Don’t want them to go to waste,” he growls at the smiles of his party members. “That’s all.”


First Post
Toynapper nabbed

Fourteenth Episode (part 3)

Hours pass before the party becomes curious as to the final results of the interrogation. As a group, they head to the jails to inquire. They are taken aback to find out that the mage has literally lost his mind. As far as the town guard mage is able to ascertain, there was a link between the mage and the imp, and when that tie was sundered by the imps death, so too was the mage’s mind. “What, like a familiar’s death?” asks Athena. “I know that to lose one’s familiar can be a soul-wrenching proposition, like what we encountered with that kobold sorcerer in our home mines, but he seemed able to continue fighting even after we killed his nasty stirge!” She shivers with the memory.
“Erm, no, not quite like a familiar, at least, not as *I* know of them.” The mage strokes the cat resting contentedly on his shoulders. “More like a, ummm, parasite or symbiote relationship.” Noting the party’s blank looks, he continues. “A creature that depends upon another creature, for sustenance or the like. A leech, or the holly vine, for example. In this case, I think the mage may have needed the imp in some fashion to maintain his sanity. With that support gone, so has the mage’s mind departed.”

“Now, having said that, we did find out a little about this person. Mostly with Sage Humphrey’s help. It appears that this man was once a student in the very same school Humphrey taught at. *chuckle* That old man seems to know a bit about everybody around here… even knows Tam from way back. Ahem. Anyway, our prisoner appears to have been kicked out of the school for, and I quote, excessive use of powers for the summoning of extraplaner creatures, the purpose of which to enact agreements for an increase to said powers, end quote.” Waving a leather wrapped missive at the party, he continues, “That’s straight from the records of the school, thanks to Humphrey.”

“What is to become of him now, then?” asks Athena.

“Not entirely sure, to be honest. Most likely he’ll be kept imprisoned for the duration of his insanity. When and if he regains his mind, he’ll be tried for his crimes.” The mage shrugs. “Don’t think that’ll be any time soon though.”

The Companions thank the guard mage, and return to the Prancing Pony. There, they gather up the depleted toys and seek out Tam. The gnome’s smile of joy at seeing the toys is replaced by a rueful grin as he is told of the work that likes ahead him, should he choose to re-enchant the items. The smile returns as the gnome says, “If’n I’ve done it once, I’ve done it twice more. The children here may have to wait a day or more, but we’ll get them set aright again.” As the toys are placed in the bin indicated by the gnome, he reaches behind him and pulls out a floppy hat. Tombit’s eyes alight with joy as he is once again presented with his “cat hat”. The hat is firmly and promptly placed on the Halfling’s head, and he scampers off to “cat about” in the alleyways.

“Hope that don’t end in cat-astrophe,” Grimnyr mumbles. “Whut?” he asks, as the party bursts out laughing. “That Halflin’ gets in more trouble quicker’n water flows down a well.” Grimnyr remains puzzled as the group chuckles over his pun.

“Ain’t funny,” he is heard to complain through the night as the town continues its carnival atmosphere.
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First Post
Ghost in the night

Fifeteenth Session (Jan 03)

Grimnyr is hailed by Reg Ty-djarling, the town sheriff, some days later. With a concerned look on his face, Reg stops the dwarf and asks a favor. It seems that a local farmer south of the town has encountered something of a disturbance, and would the Companions mind checking it out? The town’s guards are still understaffed, and it would be a great favor to them if the party can help out. Inwardly repressing a sigh, Grimnyr agrees to bring it up to the group. With Reg’s thanks, he continues to the blacksmith, to work out some dings and dents in his armor and weaponry.

Leaving the blacksmith shop, Grimnyr retraces his steps, grabbing each of his companions as he heads to the Prancing Pony. Once seated around a much scarred table, laden with foam frothed mugs, he lays out the job for everyone. As one, the rest of the party agrees to the task. Cast into the role of adventurer, they are young enough to grow antsy for any length of time spent not active. They decide to head to the farm the next morning, so they will arrive fresh (and full of beer and pies, think Grimnyr and Tombit respectively).

Brynn and Genoa, still within the forest with their animal companions, deign to stay behind, but will wait only a certain time before following if needed. The rest of the party hit the trail shortly after dawn the next morning, following directions supplied the night before by a guardsman sent by Reg. The day looks promising for warmth and clear sky, and the Companions spirits are lifted by the promise of excitement ahead. It takes several hours of casual walking, with the sun making its usual march across the sky, to reach the area described by Reg; flat cleared fields, bordered by the forest, with fences delineating the various plots of land. Looking around, they spot a farmer in a field nearby. They approach casually, hoping that their appearance will not startle the man. They are taken aback, amused, as the scrawny old human male whips out a crossbow apparently older than even Grimnyr, and points it in their direction

“Hold, there, old man,” Grimnyr puts up his unarmed hands in placation. “We’re only here to ask some questions about strange disturbances we heard of in town.”

“Eh? Whatzat?” is heard in reply. “Whatcha doin’ on my prop’ty? Ain’t no need fer robbin’ here, so’s ya’ll ken jist git!” The farmer swings the crossbow menacingly, underscoring his words with jabs with its business end towards the Companions. “We’ve got troubles a plenty alreddy, don’t need no more!”

“Old man, that is why we are here.” Grimnyr enunciates loudly and in clear tones, hands still up, well away from weapons. His friends are a little less trusting, their own hands close to hilts and quivers. The farmer’s eyes peer from underneath his brow, suspiciously. “WHUT’S why you’re here?”

Grimnyr sighs. “The trouble you are having. We were sent from Merikest to investigate the disturbances. But we don’t know where they are originating, and need some help. Could you direct us to someone who knows what is going on?”

Once the farmer is convinced that the Companions mean him no harm, he relents and gives directions to a farm nearby that has been “haunted” several nights now. No harm is being done, but the livestock is spooked, and the farmer down the road is scared to go out at night now. Thanking the man, the Companions head further south, off the clear trail and into the forest, following the directions. On the way, they feel a sudden, passing chill in the air. As they look for the source, a low moan reaches their ears. As they stare at the road behind, a pale flickering form can be seen. At first, the noble visage of a bearded man’s head, twisted in sorrow is seen. Then it’s the body of a mighty lion, half a score feet long and complete with swishing tail. Upon its back sprout wings, mightier than any hawk’s, but fashioned the same as that bird of prey’s. The translucent form twinkles, coalescing into a single, unified being. “Now you dare the last riddle of Ujaset” moans the voice.

At first, the figure pays them no mind, pacing and cursing in a language none understands. But it soon remembers someone is there, and, spying the party, roars and leaps forward. Surprised, the group can little more than reach for weapons before it is among them. And there it stops, clearly puzzled. The figure, its humanoid head topping a winged lion body, stares at each member of the party, intently studying them. After a moment, it steps back, shaking its head. “One last riddle. A puzzle, a conundrum bittersweet.” It is heard to utter, in growled Common. Other words follow, but in no language known by the party, as it seems to withdraw into reverie.


First Post
Fifteenth Session (Part 2)

“Um, hello?” asks a timid Athena. “Who are you?”
Snapped out of its daze, the head whips up, again focusing on the party. “Are you smart, then? Do you dare a riddle? ” His voice trailing off, the androsphinx begins to pace again. Stopping, it faces the party, its stenerous voice, loud but frail as a spring breeze, begins to chant:

“What is half of dragon/but has not a wyrmling’s strength?
What is half a canine/ but has not a mongrel’s length?
What is it that is of two halves/but has but half to stand on?”

Ujaset looks expectantly at the party, its pained face also tragically anxious as he waits for the answer. After some consultation with the others, Tombit steps forth and announces, “Kobold. Dragon in distant ancestry, canine in voice, walking upright, with none of the strength of its forebears.”
"Meow", he adds as an afterthought.

“Excellent. Excellent!” Ujaset’s voice gains in strength, “You are just the sort of clever heroes I was hoping to find this night. As a reward, I offer you the chance to find the place where I laired just nights ago, where I kept on hand my personal horde of treasure. Of course, you must eliminate the disgusting kobolds that evicted me from my home.”

“His lair isn’t the *only* thing he was evicted from,” quips the Halfling.

Ujaset’s head whips around towards Tombit. “Yes, I am dead. Well, mostly dead. I’m a ghost – I think.” Raising a paw to forestall the halfling’s next question, “No, I don’t want to talk about what it is like. Do you want to talk about your short lives? I thought not.”

“Do you mean, er. You were killed, by kobolds?” asks an incredulous Grimnyr.

Ujaset’s head dips, his voice lowers. “Okay, I admit it is humiliating to have been killed by kobolds, but, there were a lot of them, lead by a sorcerer. And the ambush was while I rested from a large meal.” “Sigh, okay, it’s still humiliating, I know. I do not wish to speak more on it.”

Athena steps forward, compassion in her eyes. “We have had dealing with the kobolds, ourselves. We know how tricky they can be. How then can we be of assistance? I am not strong enough in my faith to restore you to this life…”
“I do not ask that of you! Only avenge this insult, and all I have collected is yours.” His head meets Athena’s gaze. “Find my lair, and track down those yipping pests!”

The party erupts with questions. “Where is your lair? Why can you not kill them yourselves? What kind of treasure? Do you know where they came from? Do they rest nearby? Have any pie?” The last, from Tombit, draws stares from the gathered companions. “What”, he asks, innocently. “I’m hungry”

“Grrah. Just follow these directions, and find my killers!” Ujaset rattles off a list of landmarks, and fades away, disappearing like the rapidly setting sun. “Being dead is no reason for being so grumpy!” someone quips, and amid chuckles from the others, the group decides to press on before making camp. Athena puts her new ranger skills to use, and with the help of the wild elf archer Skylar, finds a suitable place for the night some time later.

When morning arrives, the party looks around a bit to gain their bearings, and search for the landmarks described before. The trail leads through the trees, up a grass covered slope, opening into a hillside meadow. Stopping at the edge of the clearing to enjoy the view, the party is startled by a draconic screeching, as something large and scaly swoops down, grasping at Tombit.

Claws gripping the Halfling by the shirt, and flapping leathern wings, the wyvern lifts up into the sky before Tombit’s dangling feet can be grabbed by his friends. Rapidly gaining altitude, the creature’s ascent is slowed by two arrows suddenly appearing in its chest. Taken aback by the pain, the beast releases its hold on Tombit. Much like a cat, the monk lands on his feet, unhurt by the relatively short drop. His companions rush around him, taking a defensive stance, watching the skies uneasily.

Apparently either undeterred by pain, or goaded by hunger, the creature swings around again for another attempt to snatch one of the party members. As it nears, Athena’s scimitar and Grimnyr’s axe cut furrows into the flesh of its wings. Off balance due to the reduction of aerodynamics on the extremities, it wheels off, up the hill, following the edge of the woods. Its indignant cries of frustration and pain are echoed some distance up the grassy knoll. Emerging from an opening in the hill, a second scaled head shows framed against the sky. With a mighty snap of down thrust wings, the second wyvern takes to the air.

Seeking safety and a position of height in the trees, Tombit awaits the arrival of one or the other of the creatures, as his companions wait below. Acting in concert, without really understanding what the Halfling is up to, they herd one of the creatures towards the trees where he crouches. When it draws near enough, he leaps upon its back, dagger bared, ready to plunge it into the creature’s back.

Skylar continues to fire her deadly missiles with good effect into the other opponent, while Grimnyr and Athena struggle to connect with their weapons on their airborne foes. The wyverns proceed to drop rocks on them, causing some injuries, but not without having more wounds appear on themselves from the retributive strikes of the gnome and dwarf. Plunging his dagger over and again into the creatures back soon coats the Halfling with spilled blood, as his “mount” tries in vain to shake him. With grim determination, and the occasional exuberant “Wahoo”, Tombit literally rides the beast into the ground, tumbling off the corpse as it hits the ground, already lifeless. The other, upon seeing this, goes into frenzy, diving at the party repeatedly, until it too succumbs from the wounds.

Sore from falling rocks and claw scrapes, bleeding a bit from numerous small wounds, the Companions seat themselves under the cover of the trees as Athena plies her healing abilities. In a few minutes, whole once more, they move up the hill, towards the lair of the wyverns. Sending Tombit in ahead to check for others that might still be within, they are relieved to find that only the two were dwelling here. Amidst the gnawed bones and rotting remains, the Halfling discovers a few trinkets left behind by previous victims, including a silver pendant depicting a perforated shield. Storing it away for later study, Tombit emerges from the hole and rejoins his friends. Athena points further up the hill, to a rocky outcropping near the crest. “That looks like what Ujaset described as his lair” she tells the others.
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First Post
Fifteenth Session (Part 3)

As one, they move up the slope, carefully watching for signs of kobold activity or other movement. Athena soon realizes that if anyone was nearby, the battle with the wyverns would have announced the party’s presence in the area. Informing her friends of this fact, they hurry their pace, eager to reach their goal. In the dirt at the stone entrance to the lair, Athena spots the signs of numerous clawed feet.

Cautious again, the party selects Tombit as the point man again. Quietly, the diminutive monk works his way inside the den. The smell of putrescence fills his nostrils the further in he goes. The light from outside dimly illuminates the walls of the cave, opening out from the entrance until the monk stands in a chamber 20 paces wide, and more than double that deep. In a far corner rests the mortal remains of the Androsphinx, the origin of the stench. After looking around and seeing nothing to alarm him, Tombit returns to the entrance and motions for the rest of the group to enter. He also takes an opportunity to gulp fresher air outside.

The group fans out once past the entrance, again, watchful of hidden opponents. It is Skylar that spots the small form huddled in the sphinx’s shadow. Quickly drawing bow, and placing arrow to string, she calls out to the rest of the party, “We’ve got something here, near the body.” She gestures with the tip of her nocked arrow, towards the rotting bulk. Alerted, the rest of the party readies their weapon, and spreads out, to surround the corpse, and whatever lingers nearby.

The small figure tries to hunch down further, small cries of panic coming from it. When everyone is in place, Grimnyr shouts, “Stand n show yerself! No purpose in hiding now, we know yer there!” He brandishes his axe to emphasize his point. Slowly, the hidden figure stands up. The dim light reveals the form of a scrawny kobold, who, eyes wide, tries to bolt towards the opening, only to meet bared blade blocking his retreat.

With a startled yip, the creature jumps back, its muzzle swinging back and forth, looking for escape. The party closes in, cutting off all avenues, making sure that the creature would not elude them. Realizing it is trapped, the kobold hunkers down, wrapping its arms about its scaly knees. After some fits and starts, the party is able to question the creature, much to Grimnyr’s disgust. But even he sees the sense in finding out where the rest of the kobolds are, how many there are, and if they are coming back.

The cowering creature before them is Jaalask, the youngest and smallest of the tribe. He fell asleep after gorging himself on the corpse, and was left behind by the rest of the band when they were last there. He was waiting for the “hurtful” sun to set when he heard the adventurers approaching, so he hid. He puffs up his chest when he describes his tribe, the Blackspears. “We are the strongest tribe around. We’re strong! Even the orcs around here fear us! And, uh, we’re tough too… and, we have Oppol. He got’s the best mojo in the land. He blasts the other tribes to bits, and we don’t have to fight them – not that we couldn’t!”

When pressed to reveal where his tribe is camped by drawn blades, Jaalask reluctantly tells the Companions that the Blackspear warband is camped a few miles away. He begs for his life, and is granted leniency, but only if he leads the party to the camp. Seeking to save his own hide, he agrees.

The party searches the cave, but finds nothing of worth left behind. Even the half spear Jaalask bears is worth little to them. They decide to head out before the sun sets, to the dismay of their kobold prisoner. Without recourse, however, he takes the lead, closely followed by Grimnyr and his axe, taking the party to the southeast. A few miles later, Jaalask stops moving. Questioned, he motions further into the forest. “The tribe is there. Unless I leave now, my tribe will kill me, for having lead you here.” The party agrees, bound by their promise to the creature. They add one more promise before he is let loose; “If this is a trick, we promise you will not live to regret your actions.”

Once the kobold is out of sight, the party sneaks forward, through the covering of the trees. It does not take long to discover Jaalask had not steered them wrong. In a rough clearing ahead, Skylar and Genoa spot several kobolds. Weapons ready, the party leaps into the midst of the camp, shouting for the creatures to surrender.

The response is predictable. The kobolds grab javelins, half-spears, and some small crossbows, but, “mighty” or not, they quickly fall beneath the Companions blades and arrows. A little surprised at the ease of combat, the Companions realize that not once did they face any magic. Oppol was not there! After looting the remains, and discovering far less than expected, Athena and Skylar scout the area, looking for tracks not belonging to any of the fallen. The only prints that stand out appear to be of a gnome or dwarf boot-shod foot. The party decides to follow these prints.

As night falls, the party realizes they are heading back towards Merikest. They continue on through the night, traveling by moonlight, moving slowly so as to not lose the trail. Eventually, as they reach the outskirts of Merikest, the trail is lost due to daily traffic on the road. Before entering the town, the party discusses their options. Not knowing who or what they are looking for, they head back to the location where they had first encountered Ujaset.
In the early morning, having moved quickly all night, they again stand near the field where this quest first began.

As half-expected, the shimmering form of the sphinx reappears, but they are dismayed to see that an expression of anger covers the creature’s bearded face. “You disappoint me, and have failed the charge given you. A sorcerer slew me, and a sorcerer’s blood you have not on your hands!” Ujaset becomes mollified when the group tells him that they have not abandoned the quest, but need more information about the target. They have a name, but have no idea what the creature will look like. Ujaset just looks at them.
“As I was asleep when my death befell, how would I give you such information?” He shakes his head, and slowly fades away. “Seek out what you can, based on the name you hold. I await my vengeance.”

The Companions look at each other. “Let’s go back to town, see if Brynn and Genoa can help in the search. Besides which, I’m rather beat.” Athena says. The other three agree, thinking of baths, food, beds, and drink, although not necessarily in that order.

The trip back to town is slower, as the events of the past hours catch up with them. They straggle into Merikest just as the town seems to be coming to life. People on the street wisely stay out of the way of the foursome as they make their way to the Prancing Pony. The wait staff is hard-pressed to keep up with demands for both baths and ale to be poured and food to be brought upstairs. Their grumbles are soon silenced by the party’s generosity, being too tired to brook argument.

Several hours pass, and they are much comforted, with full bellies, clean bodies, and some sleep under their eyelids. They await the return of Brynn and Genoa in the main room, nursing mugs to pass the time.
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First Post
The hunt for Oppol

Sixteenth Session (Jan 03)

The wait is not long until the remainder of the party arrives. The four wait patiently as the ranger and druid clean up and settle down with drinks of their own. They listen while the two tell of their past days’ occurrences, and then proceed to fill them in with details of the quest they have been given by Ujaset. The party decides to ask around in town, to see if anyone has seen or heard of a gnome or dwarf going by the name of Oppol or something similar.
Athena has limited success with a gnomish leather merchant. Seems as though there was one “gentleman”, to use the term loosely, of the gnomish race persuasion, who was looking for materials for armor. He was very curt, not at all friendly, and left disgusted that the merchant did not have the quantities necessary for over a dozen small suits of leather. The merchant didn’t catch a name, but remembered him well enough to give Athena a good description.

Brynn finds another lead from a local blacksmith. An ill-mannered gnome, going by the name of Opal or Uppall or something similar had placed a large order from masterwork spearheads and short swords. The gnome had prepaid, and requested that when completed, the items be delivered to a rented house outside of town.

The rest of the party had similar luck. A gnome, foul of temper, had been spreading coin about the town, stockpiling food and gear, all to be delivered to a home on the outskirts of town. Most of the party is told that they “just missed him” when they ask. Regrouping, the Companions decide that based on the corroborating evidence, this mysterious “gnome” has got to be the sorcerer they are looking for, perhaps under some kind of disguise or illusion magic.

Gearing up, they head to the south of town, to the address given them by several different merchants. Along the way, Genoa and Brynn call their animal companions to their sides. They feel it would be good to be as prepared as possible. If this sorcerer could lay low a sphinx, the party was best on their toes.

Soon, they find themselves in a nicer area, with several story homes and gated yards. At first disoriented by the surroundings, they gain their bearing and locate the home spoken of in town. Two stories tall, with lap siding and oiled parchment windows (okay, so no *all* that fancy). The houses to either side appear to also be available for rent, and currently untenanted. Those across the street contain curious folk, who retreat back into their homes when faced by two dwarves, their large animal companions, a gnome, an elf, and a Halfling that on occasion, looks like an animal. (Tombit amused himself by removing and replacing his “cat hat” several times in front of the neighbors).


First Post
Sixteenth Session (Part 2)

With witnesses safely ensconced behind window curtains and closed doors, the party decides that a frontal approach is best in this situation. Tombit takes one window, Brynn and Athena the door, and Genoa and Grimnyr the other window. Skylar stays in the street, her bow ready, arrow nocked, watching the windows on the second story for movement. Tombit pulls his dagger out, and carefully makes a small incision in the oiled parchment covering the window opening.


The small Halfling finds himself wreathed in flame and heat, the flames dancing merrily in a halo about him. Supressing a shout of pain and surprise, he rolls on the ground to douse the flames. Startled, the dwarves by the other window try to abort their own window cutting, but to no avail.


A sudden cold front moves in on their position, riming them with frost. Chattering from the chill, they step back away from the window, as Athena is torn between helping them and helping the toasted Tombit. Knowing his predilection towards injury, she decides the dwarves can wait as she lays healing hands upon the Halfling, currently meowing piteously and patting at still-smoldering patches of fur and cloth.

Figuring that their attempt at stealth is now moot, Brynn applies his shoulder to the door, bracing himself for a surprise of his own. And surprised he is as the door gives way and he finds himself in the house, unscathed. Athena, finished with tending Tombit, quickly follows. Straight ahead of them are stairs leading to the second floor. To the right and left are rooms, currently empty of furniture, but storing several bags and boxes. Leaving those for later, the pair splits up to investigate the rest of the lower floor.

Skylar, hoping to preemptively disable further traps, fires into the upper story windows. Cascades of small stones erupt from one, while the other drops a green fluid which etches the windowsill and falls hissing to the ground below. “Impressive,” she murmurs. Having seen no movement at either upper floor window, she moves to the side of the house, then the rear, seeking further openings in the building’s façade.

Discovering that the ground level floor of the house is uninhabited, Brynn, Karazak, his cougar companion, Genoa and her Timber wolf companion (named Timber, of all things) move up the cramped quarters of the stairway, to the upper landing. Only once they all stand there, crowded together, do they realize the prime potential of an ambush. Thankfully, the house seems quiet.

Tombit daringly leaps through the bottom window and tumbles to his feet inside the front room, arms upraised as if in expectation of cheers. His arms drop to his side, and he slumps a little when the applause doesn’t come. Sheepishly, he moves up the stairs where the ranger and druid await.

To clear the way for the rest of the party, Genoa and Timber open a door on the left of the hallway, and move inside the room. Here there is more to catch their attention, including a number of pelts upon the floor. Most appear fresh. Curious, the druid begins to pull up the furs, peering underneath each. Timber joins her at her side, poking his nose into each and every one as it is pulled up. When the last one is lifted, they are both surprised by the gout of acid sprayed into their faces. Yipping, they both leap back, trying to brush or wipe away the stinging fluid. The corrosive liquid continues to burn, and soon the room is filled with its sizzle and an acrid stench.

Unable to save the pelts, the two rapidly emerge from the room, and shut the door, only to meet the surprised gaze of Brynn. Embarrassed, they try to hide the angry red pockmarks on their face and limbs. Both bear sheepish grins. Shaking his head and sighing, the ranger motions for quiet and points to the last door on the second floor to remain closed. Not knowing if the tenant is there, or if he is, if he is lying in wait for the party, they wait for the rest of the Companions to arrive upstairs.

Athena, Grimnyr, and Tombit join the other two, while Skylar remains outside, watching the windows. She notices a light in one room, quickly extinguished, but agonizes whether she should shout a warning to those inside, or just hope that they will catch by surprise whoever is in that room. She decides to let her arrows do the talking, and launches several at the window.

They pierce the covering with a *Woof* of flame, which quickly burns away the remainder of the parchment. The light is not evident again, and Skylar hopes that her action was a wise one as she waits.
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First Post
Sixteenth Session (Part 3)

Hearing the flames, the party decides to rush the room, throwing all caution to the wind. It is their hope that by being quick in action, they will overcome any resistance thrown their way by the sorcerer, if he is within. Bursting down the door, the Companions pile into the room. Brynn and Karazak remain near the door, Genoa and Timber move to the far side, Tombit tumbles in, near the simple cot in the corner opposite to the door, and Athena stands in the doorway, watchful. Grimnyr finds himself outside the room, and waits there, grumbling.
The room beyond has the appearance of a basic bedroom, with comforters upon the cot in the corner, a simple vase near the back window, plus a table and chair resting under the front window, with fresh scarring upon both the table top and the chair backing. Seeing no immediate threat, the party relaxes a bit, scanning the room. Skylar’s voice rises from the ground below, “There is someone or something in there with you. I saw a light, but it’s gone now. Be careful!”

Heeding her advice, the Companions ready themselves, still looking vigilantly about them. Athena works to make herself “bigger” in the doorway, on the off chance something tries to sneak past her. Brynn tries to instruct Karazak to “sniff out” anyone else in the room, but the big cat thinks the Ranger wants to play. Genoa tries the same with her companion, with much the same result. Tombit decides that the best place in the room to hide would be on or near the bed, so proceeds to try and “feel out” anyone there.

And it seems his plan is with merit, as he hears movement heading towards the front window. He backs away from the bed, then leaps at where he thinks the person is who is making the noise. *THUD* Tombit’s monk training takes over at the last moment, and he does not go head on into the wall. However, his leading shoulder aches with the hit. The noises continue to advance towards the window, and now Genoa can hear them as well. It sounds like cautious footfalls. Genoa readies herself for action, but is puzzled by Timber’s lack of response.

“Someone here is invisible,” she thinks, but wonders why Timber can not at least smell the person moving towards them. “Perhaps that trap in the other room put him off the scent,” she ponders, testing the air in front of her with the blade of her scimitar. The attack, when it comes, is expected, although the direction is not. A small figure on top of the cot in the corner waves its arms, and suddenly Tombit, Genoa and Timber are battered by a wave of intense cold. Due to the table in front of her and Timber, the druid and wolf take less than the full brunt of the attack, and Tombit’s nimbleness removes him from harms way as well, but not in an expected way.

Alerted to the location of the opposition, Brynn sends in Karazak to worry at the kobold now revealed. The diminutive humanoid begins another series of mystic passes in preperation for another spell. His chant is disrupted by an arrow coming in from the window, which strikes the sorcerer in the side. “Did I get him,” Skylar’s voice floats in through the broken back window.


First Post
Sixteenth Session (Part 4)

“Uh, yeah. Urm, nice shot,” yells out Brynn. “Could you please not do that again?”

There is no answer as Karazak, acting on his orders, mauls the kobold. After latching on with front paws and teeth, the cougar leaps up and rakes his back claws against the creature entrapped. Something other than its hide must have been keeping it alive, but just barely, as the cougars natural weapons find their mark several times over. Bleeding profusely, the kobold continues to struggle to cast, muffled somewhat by 500 pounds of cougar flesh above him. He succeeds, and several arcane projectiles find their target in the beast that holds him down. Karazak screams in anger and pain.

Genoa discovers that there is not room enough for Timber to help, and her own attacks will have the same chance to hit Karazak as they would the kobold. She holds back her attack, waiting for an opportunity to strike out. She is denied that chance as Brynn strides forward, and sliding his blade past his animal companion, ends the miserable little kobold’s life. He then immediately turns to Karazak, checking the severity of his friend’s wounds.

Athena’s tender healing hands are right there besides his own, and within a mere moment, the only trace of injury is the slight scorching of the cat’s fur. The gnome then turns to Genoa and Timber, to find that the Druid has enacted her own healing upon herself and her companion.

Athena glances around. “Where’s Tombit?” she wonders aloud. Grimnyr just points a thumb towards the front window.

“Mmmph,” comes the reply from the stairwell. A sheepish Tombit emerges on the top step. “I was a little too energetic in my dodge. Went right out the window. But, I meant to do that.” He says earnestly, as Athena expresses concern. “All part of the training, you see. Yeah, that’s it. Training. Hoo-hah!” he says, taking on a martial stance.

This statement is met with barely concealed mirth, and as one, the Companions set out checking the room for items of worth, or clues to the kobold’s plans. Based on the receipts found, and the amount of cash at hand, the party gets a fair idea of what was going on. Especially when the group recounts to one another the shopping that was done by Oppol.

“He was getting ready to arm his tribe,” states Brynn. “Feed and armor them too,” pipes in Grimnyr. The Companions claim anything they find that they can directly link to the Kobold, as they feel as their due. Since the house appears to be a rental, they leave behind furnishings, and some of the coin as a deposit for the damage caused.

As they are exiting the house, a group of militia arrive, clearly alerted by the neighbors. Their weapons are bared until they recognize the party. Even so, the guards’ hands remain near their sheathed weapons as their leader inquires what has occurred there.

Brynn, being the leader of the group, calmly discusses the situation with the commander. After listening for a while, the commander insists that the party follow him back to the Sherriff’s office. He instructs several men to remain behind, and allow no one to enter the building until relieved. Clearly not liking this order, the men still dutifully obey, and take up guard positions at the front and rear of the home. The rest of the guards escort the party to Reg’s office in town.

Brynn once again explains what occurred, this time to a troubled Sheriff. “While I appreciate your efforts in keeping the peace, and in tracking down and stopping what could have been a nasty situation down the road, you must realize you place me in a very bad position.” Reg sighs, his frown creased Elvin face deeply troubled. “I ask that you go back to your inn and rest. I’ll send a man to you if you are needed for additional statements. Please, go now.” And with that, they are dismissed.

“Well, gee, that wasn’t what I expected,” says a disgruntled Skylar. “He could have at least said, Thanks! Or something.” The Companions echo her sentiment, although Brynn does see things from the Sheriff’s point of view. They discuss the merits of the viewpoint while they make their way back to the Prancing Pony. The animal companions take this opportunity to move back out of town and into the surrounding forest, to wait again for their friends.
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