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Solo tactics


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Thanks for the new suggestions!

The solo is level 7. The party is level 5. They have +1 weapons and +1 armor with a couple +2 necks so their gear is about right.

[MENTION=18269]CL[/MENTION]imbing back up
I like the -2 to attack on athletics check.

[MENTION=82555]the[/MENTION] swinginess of combat. The three melee strikers each have a way of getting out pretty reliably. Two have trained athletics and a plus 12 to the roll. Given that it is a minor action to escape they can roll up to three times to escape in a single turn. The third PC has teleport options as an Assassin and we allow improvised powers once an encounter (in exchange for a healing surge). The dragon won't be able to get to the edge on the same turn it grabs someone.

If it does manage to drop them I'll take PCat and Presti and others suggestion to place some ledges. In this case they will be the huge roots of a massive banyon style tree that climbs up the rocks and actually provides a canopy over the entire area. The massive bowl of the inside of the trunk is above the combat zone.

There isn't an easy way to get them back up. They are basically trapped. I will have to weigh the challenge level against fun level. I think if one of them gets dropped they will be okay rooting for the rest of the party, as long as it doesnt' happen too soon in the fight. It's a pretty great group that way.

Thank you for all the insight. I'll report on this one after the deed is done.

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People say this a lot as if it were universally true, but there's nothing wrong with a solo being the only danger in a fight.
I guess nothing is universally true, but it's still true that you generally(!) end up with a better encounter if you don't use solos solo, hence it's good advice! Imho, of course ;)

It's like not adding spices to a menu: Sure, you can eat it, but in most cases it will taste a bit bland.

Even after all the changes and improvements we've seen in the evolution of solo monster design I don't think I'll ever use one solo.
Actually, I believe there is a lot of evidence (everything except the xp value!) that a solo these days is 'only' the equivalent of four standard monsters, not five, thus leaving room to add a minion or three (and no I'm not only talking about the 'minion' monster type).


I would agree he needs allies, probably minions; one target means players go nova and just wreck it, minions add something else to the equation that the players potentially have to concern themselves with. Preferably something that inflicts a condition and not just deals damage, as you want them to care about the minions and make a conscious choice to deal with them instead of the dragon.

Vulnerable fire would be fun, really get the fear of those fire powers into them (especially once Burning Blood kicks in). The evil side of me would make it vulnerable save ends but if you wanted to pull a punch you could make it until next turn so the hurt only happens as long as the minion can keep hitting.

As for using the cliff as the encounter's "hazard", the issue there is that the dragon doesn't have to do anything but hit someone to grab them...and then he's free to throw them overboard. There's not a tactical consideration involved, it's simply a matter of luck. If you want it to be tactical, then give him a wing buffet that pushes everyone 2 squares (gotta get those dwarves somehow...); do it every Instinctive Assault (Don't let the dragon throw the players if he grabs them, in this case). This will prompt players to notice the effect and be more cautious around the cliff edge. Depending on your area geometry it will make them think carefully about whether or not to attempt to get flanking. For more flavor, make it an attack vs Fort, pushed 2 and knocked prone on hit, pushed 1-2 on miss.

Make the cliff 80 feet tall and put a ledge 40 feet down. Players can potentially save (Athletics) at the 40 foot mark, which means they only need one running action to reach the top again, or two if they fall all the way down. Taking someone out of combat for more than a single round is never fun for the player. Plus those 2d10 pulled from the full fall will help cut down on insta-deaths. That's a loooot of potential damage, and it doesn't account for the pain the dragon is already dishing out. I like the idea of random "safe fall" areas as well, make them more prevalent than not if you're really going to lean heavily on fall damage though.


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Hi folks. I just wanted to give a synopsis of the fight for all those that helped out with planning it.

The final stat block included a minor action attack called Flame Buffet. The dragon flapped its wings (close blast 3) and waves of heat pushed the target back 3 spaces and did 1d6+4 damage.

Added minions in the form of Harpy's that were minionized. They bugged out after a single hit as they had little motivation to fight. They had a range 10 attack vs. reflex that gave the target Vulnerable 5 fire. The oily filth really wreaked and could be wiped off exposed skin with a minor action Heal check to negate the effect.

The PCs started out by looting the Orc tent and crafting an enchanted net from rope they found plus pulverized dragon bone to make it resistant to magical fire. I gave the bard three arcana checks. She rolled a 14 to determine the effect (restrained), 26 to determine how sturdy it was (the dragon would need a DC 24 athletics check to break it, and a 32 (natural 20) as a wild card. Had to reward this with something cool so the rope actually animated and the dragon would have to succeed on two escape checks.

The Hexblade crafted a similar item out of metal chain down below (at the 100 foot level). He concealed it with a 21 thievery check. The dragon later rolled a 20 perception and failed to notice it.

The party engaged the dragon from the top level (150' mesa) as it hovered 25 feet above the lower level (100' high mesa). The Ardent Paladin challenged the dragon and then hurled the bards enchanted net at it (25 athletics check) as the Bard invoked a command word to activate the net (23 arcana check). The dragon was wrapped in the rope, fell to the 100' level and was restrained and knocked prone.

All but the bard scrambled down the 50' of steep stairs, free falling the last 20-30 feet to get into combat. Their backs were to the wall. They had seen the creature beat it's wings earlier, nearly knocking some freed slaves off the mesa. Perfectly positioned for dragon breath. It hit all 4 of them, then action pointed and used it's Fear encounter power. It succeeded on its first escape check.

The bard was concerned about it escaping so she used her "Awesome Card" to spend a healing surge and call to the spirit of a dead pirate captain that resides in her lute. She asked it to reinforce the knots in the net as only a sailor could. Something like a 28 Arcana check meant the dragon had to escape one more time. At this point the restraint was dropping its attack rolls by 2, and keeping it from using the minor action wing buffet. This was okay as the party was not positioned in a way that would let me use it effectively.

A few more rounds and then bloodied breath, which missed all of them. I screwed up here and did not make them take half damage. Ah well. The Paladin and Warlord were well bloodied for most of the fight. Then the dragon freed it's wings. THe warlord and and paladin were in position for a wing buffet. both were hit and the warlord was knocked unconscious. The slide effect sent him off the edge of the cliff, with no way to stop his own fall. At this point the Paladin spent his "Awesome Card." His "mountain stance" utility power meant he only slid one square. He then leaped to the edge of the mesa and threw his hand over the edge, hoping the catch the warlords arm. Natural 20 on his athletics check! It was one of those moments we play for.

The grab effect from the dragons Bite and Claw attacks was not relevant as the party kept it from flying for part of the fight. Also the DCs were so low that the Paladin and Warlord (the primary targets of his grabs) were able to escape without difficulty.

The dragon was pretty bloodied at this point and two more rounds saw it felled. It dropped from 1/4 to almost 0 in a round so it couldn't really attempt to run. Instead the it detonated on death, dealing serious damage to the fire vulnerable PCs and leaving a fist sized ruby in it's wake.

The Burning Blood was pretty effective as it negated some of the paladins resistance and the bards daily that granted 5 hps every time they hit the dragon. The wing buffet had one desired effect but because of PC positioning it couldn't use it to push them all out of melee to escape. The Harpies managed to hit two party members with their filth attack. I did not use their Alluring Song enough, though I should have in retrospect.

Over all it was a very satisfying fight for all involved. Thanks for the suggestions and critiques!

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