Some people in Canada have recieved the 4E FRCG early!


Who gives a tinker's cuss about the gods. Honestly, why are people so obsessed with FR's soap opera of the gods? It's definitely the least interesting part of the setting, yet it's most of people seem to talk about on REALMS-L and other places.

4E FR comes out, and the first thing talked about is what gods are in? Sheesh. The soap opera goes on.

Agreed. I've never been able to understand or relate to this segment of the Realms fanbase. I guess some just see the setting as more of a "playground" for fiction and backstory than a campaign setting for the PCs :shrug:

As a DM, in past Realms campaigns, I've used only a handful of Gods, or rather their church/followers as antagonists-Bane mostly, Myrkul, etc. Then again, I'm pretty firmly in the 1E Realms material (pre TOT) camp.

I'll take a look-see at the new book, but so far it seems like alot more of the same ol-same ol thats been going on for the past 20 years (real time) :yawn:

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First Post
FR Maps.

Are there more maps drawn like the Cormyr map in Dragon's Cormyr article?

I am hoping all of the Realms are mapped that way.


Your bashing of all D&D non-great wheel/Planescape cosmologies is getting really dull.

I have been a great wheel fan since 1987 and a Planescape fan since 1994, but that doesn't mean that any D&D cosmology that deviates from that is crap.

That's why no one is commiserating with you, because you just come off as a child who has thrown his toys out of the pram.

In this case, I think its warranted. The God shake up makes no sense to even someon like myself as a casual observer to the realms. It does appear less of a clean up and more of an imposition of the new 4e cosmology.....Asmodeus taking Azuths stuff? come on....

They wanted to make the Realms less convoluted and they left him in?

The Realms will still need good villains.

Chembryl was, IIRC, one of the few competennt villains in the settings. Villains weren't necessarily incompetent, but many were, and the rest simply couldn't match the super competent NPC heroes.

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