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Something Rotten in Ilmahal! (Akrasia's C&C campaign.)


Party breaks camp and returns to the cavern. After an effective spell by Aldamir, the party captures a kobold member of the 'Broken Snout clan'. His (her? its?) name is Runak.

Runak leads the party to his leader, the great kobold chieftain Reenack. Reenack and the party make a deal: the party will eliminate the Yellow Tooth clan of Goblins. In return, they will have safe haven. The party is led by Runak to the library. There they find volumes on: Herbalism, Alchemy, Devil Lore, Waldleuti Lore, and the Weeping Woods (the last book is apparently a partial diary written by Zelligar himself). The party then tours the Broken Snout clan region of Zelligar's complex. They then make an incursion into the Yellow Tooth territory -- some 21 goblins are slain! After looking around a bit, the party catches some Black Forgrim looters -- they too are dispatched. Reenack speaks with the party -- the kobolds are exceedingly grateful, and proceed to occupy the now empty region of the complex.

The party returns to the library to camp and rest. After several hours, Runack knocks on the door and invites the party to join the kobolds in a festival involving mushroom lager and cooked goblin meat. Only Galen joins them (and he refuses to partake of the goblin meat -- though the mushroom lager pleases him). While carousing with the kobolds, Galen notices a concealed door on the wall of the main kobold feast hall.

After several more hours, the party finishes resting, and goes to examine the concealed door. They discover a loose stone and remove it. Beyond they discover a riddle ("What force and strength cannot get through, I with a gentle touch can do. And many in the street would stand, were I not a friend at hand. What am I?"), and solve it ("A Key"). Beyond the secret door the party finds Zelligar's workroom and laboratory -- both in rather bad shape. After some exploring, the party finds some potions, many jars (with strange labels), and a black knife with a rune.

They also manages to release a strange black cat from a horrible bottle of clear fluid. After some difficult questioning, the party discovers that the cat is a transformed/cursed Alfar (elf) named Demeter who was captured by Zelligar 32 years ago. Aldamir also solves a strange riddle, and 'acquires' a magical 'glove' (which he cannot seem to remove!). The party then explores Zelligar's personal quarters.

There they find a magical set of quills (one blue, one crimson) and vellum paper. They prove to be magical items of communication.! Oh that crafty Zelligar ...

The party defeats the remnants of the Yellow Tooth goblin clan. The leader of the goblins wets himself and surrenders. His pathetic groveling prevents Galen from slaying him. The goblin chieftain gives the party information concerning the Grim Scar clan of black forgrim (maps, yada, yada). After releasing the goblin chieftain, the party makes an initial incursion into the Grim Scar territory, but quickly retreats back to Zelligar's bedchamber for safety. The remaining hordes of the Grim Scar clan subsequently assault the party's secure position. A massive combat results. After much blood, gore, and mayhem, only Aldamir is left standing (the other characters are all unconscious). Twenty-one forgrim corpses lie scattered about (including the deadly chieftain).

Several hours pass, and the unconscious members of the party eventually recover. In the evening, the party meets with the kobold chieftain Reenak. The wily kobold, seeing the benefits that the party are generating for his 'Broken Snout' clan, gives them 12 yellow mushrooms with 'curative' (and mildly hallucinogenic) properties. The party rests for several more hours...

Feeling somewhat better, the intrepid heroes explore the rest of the complex. They discover a number of secret passages (including a secret exit on the top of the tor), a deeply disturbing forgrim harem (who knew that female forgrim had four breasts each?), the secret bedchamber of the lost warrior Roghain, a mysterious 'black sword', etc.

In the lower level, they find an 'excavation cave' -- clearly the ambitious Zelligar was planning to expand, before his mysterious disappearance! They also find a chamber with many interesting items -- including five skulls of vile humanoids (one minotaur, two goblins, and two forgrim) with agate gemstones for eyes. Alas, the gemstones are infected with a malevolent enchantment, and the skulls levitate to attack the party! Exuding a vile aura, the bite of the skulls causes paralysis. Yet again, after much hacking, only Aldamir is left standing (yet again!). In time, the paralysis wears off the other party members.

The party uncovers a mysterious cap made of black metal, adorned with a silver rose, and a strange text crafted from beaten electrum. Much to Aldamir's intense delight, the text proves to include a number of mystical runes that he might craft into his staff for future use... The party then retreats to Roghain's bedchamber in order to rest.

Earnam prays to the Lord of Secrets (Vanimos), and infuses his divinely granted curative energies into the deeply wounded Muroc. Aldamir casts an enchantment, and discerns the meanings of the runes found in Zelligar's electrum volume. Aldamir and Earnam explore the Room of the Pools -- magic radiates from many of the pools. In further investigations (chests, etc.), the party uncovers a mighty hand axe, the head of which is carved from a mysterious, and formidable, black glass. This black glass also provides the blade for a sword, a black dagger, and a spear head. Using his Vadhre (dwarven) knowledge, Galen ascertains that this black glass is stronger and sharper than steel. Only the dagger with the rune is magical -- it has been enchanted to return to its wielder's hand once thrown.

The kobold chieftain Reenak expresses intense gratitude to the party for eliminating his rivals. After that delightful exchange, the party returns to Bracca Keep.

The party manages to gain an audience with the Keep's Castellan, Sir Giles Vitel (also in attendance is his scribe, the beautiful Olivia Martell). Olivia identifies the black glass substance as 'laen' -- a volcanic glass tempered with arcane energy. The party makes a deal with Sir Vitel: in return for a number of items gained from Zelligar's complex that will be useful tor the Keep, and the PCs' successful completion of a mission into Wigan Woods, the castellan will grant the party a permanent apartment within the Keep (along the southern wall).
The mission that the party agrees to undertake involves investigating a kobold lair discovered a few miles to the east, deep in Wigan Wood.

January 1st-2nd, 2031
Rest and recovery. Muroc practices his new skills (having increased in experience).

Muroc, Aldamir, and Galen return to Zelligar's complex. With the goblins and forgrim slain, the kobolds have taken over most of the complex. The party has an audience with Reenack, from whom they learn that the kobolds of Wigan Wood (who were once part of the 'Broken Snout' clan, but have since left) have fallen under the control of powerful human masters. The party also discusses the possibility of opening up a wine trading business, using the kobolds to collect wine from the magical statue in the complex (which can produce 2 pints of wine per day) to sell to the Wet Whistle in Bracca Keep on a monthly basis. The hope is to turn the kobolds into peaceful wine merchants!

The party also collects some samples from the Room of Pools, and returns to the Keep. Father Esmond O'Sheary, the curate of the Keep, identifies one of the potions to have curative powers, and another as revealing the alignment of the drinker (by means of a briefly glowing aura).

The priestess Vanora agrees to joint the party on their mission into Wigan Wood.

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The party reaches Wigan Wood, which is a dim, intimidating forest. They progress eastward for a few hours, and are attacked by four large, heinous spiders! The spiders badly wound the party, and cause Earnan to fall unconscious. In the end, though, they are slain. On the backs of the spiders is a strange symbol that Aldamir and Muroc recognize as the symbol of the Golden One (a powerful, evil entity that governs the northern part of Ilmahal). The party also uncovers the desiccated body of a Waldleuti (forest gnome). They give the dead Waldleuti a proper burial, burn the spiders' webs, and make camp. The party's dreams are troubled.

Voidrunner's Codex

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