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D&D 5E Song of Rest Abuse?


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At level 1 yes. I suspect it would catch up later thoguh due to the amount of advantage granting that could go on and the amount of bard dice that could be channeled towards valor bards using GWM and sharpshooter. I think our plan was 3 valor bards, 2 lore bards.

Valor Bard 1. GWM
Valor Bard 2. Shield Master, knocks stuff prone for himself and the GWM bard.
Valor Bard 3. Dex based with sharpshooter
Lore Bard 1. Built as blaster (magic initiate, steals hex and fireball at level 6).
Lore Bard 2. Built as healer. Takes prayer of healing and Aura of vitality with the healer feat.

Might suck a bit until level 3 but you have a lot of sleep spells to play with. Bard dice go to the GWM and SS bard every round as at level 5 you get 25 of them or whatever per short rest. This doesn't count faerie fire, greater invisibility etc. Under point buy maybe multiclass a couple of them. IDK if the party would actually work but it could be fun trying.

yeah, the problem is until lvl 3 without prof in martial weapons, shields and only light armor. Lvl 6 above is pure magic. And out of combat is just amazing.
If they could multiclass in first lvl would be great, for the melee valor bards.

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yeah, the problem is until lvl 3 without prof in martial weapons, shields and only light armor. Lvl 6 above is pure magic. And out of combat is just amazing.
If they could multiclass in first lvl would be great, for the melee valor bards.

Yeah level 1 could suck. On the plus side they can all heal each other and you could just use a lot of sleep and thunderwave effects to get to level 2 and 3.


First Post
Yeah level 1 could suck. On the plus side they can all heal each other and you could just use a lot of sleep and thunderwave effects to get to level 2 and 3.

At least is fast to reach lvl 3.
But if I would make a solo class party, would probably be bard or rogue.


I wouldn't use a shield on a Lore Bard because musical instruments are two-handed.

A person doesn't have two hands available for those instruments regardless of holding a weapon in one or both hands. Your objection doesn't make sense. However, the way to make it work is to sheath one weapon as part of the action in order to make a free hand available for use of a spell component pouch. No instrument is required at all and that still enables the bard to remain armed with the other weapon for an opportunity attack if it comes up.

All the character needs to do is sheath one weapon before casting the spell and use the component pouch, and then draw the weapon again as part of the action when attacking again on the next round.

Yes, moderately armor isn't a bad feat, but 95% (or more) of lore bard will not take that, so you can't stablish as standard.
You start with leather, not studded leather, maybe not every bard in your party will start with 16 of dex, and being Human V. to get Dex 16, Con 14, Cha 16 at start you need to have str 8, int 8, wis 10. So we can expect half-elf more than human.

Evidence that 95% or more bards would not take it? Especially when they are making a group of bards and realize the AC could help them? You are also assuming that CHA 16 is required and not allowing characters the option to purchase their own equipment. Your argument is just assumption based on your perception of what a bard would do when the reality is that you are ignoring open possibilities in order to maintain a preconceived notion.

only 4 class have more than a d8, but a standard group you have two of those, or 1 + a moon druid (that at lvl 2 is a pool of HP), or Clerics that can have heavy armor, or a monk that can start with 16 of AC, rogue's have cunning action at lvl 2 to avoid damage, warlocks are like bards and sorc and wiz are worse. Of 12 classes, you're worse than 8, equal 1 and better than 2, how this is average?

Not all clerics are going to have heavy armor either (only some subclasses), and if they did, they still won't have better than chain armor. The armor type isn't relevant -- the armor class from the armor available and worn plus possible investment in DEX is what matters, and possibly some feats. Your numbers are misleading because of 12 classes the bard has the same or better hit points as 2/3's of them and similar armor class to most of them. Barbarians with big weapons and medium armor have the same AC. Clerics may have medium armor and might have DEX investment or may have chain armor for a slightly higher AC. Druids have the same hit points and armor. Fighters are better off with choice of DEX vs STR, all armors, shields, etc. Monks have to split ability score investment just as much as bards or any other class, and are looking at 14 through 16 AC. Paladins also have heavy armor and shields, but tend to use heavy weapons in my experience and would also have AC 16 with chain mail. Rangers have the same AC as valor bards or lore bards who pick up medium armor & shield. Rogues have the exact same armor as first level bards and same hit points (claims of a class ability mentioned are not valid and I'll comment more below). Sorcerers have lower armor. Warlocks have the same armor as lore bards and not valor bards. Wizards have lower armor.

It's just not some big gap like you are trying to claim.

The additional information mentioned above was in respect to rogues. It's a statement of hypocrisy to claim bards have worse AC and then mention abilities that have have nothing to do with AC. All classes have class abilities to help in various ways. Things like cunning action are really nice but using it loses the bonus action and including it in an AC example ignores other abilities that bards have like spells and inspiration dice that also conserve hit points. It's not like cunning action can really be directly compared to full progression spell casting objectively.

Sleep is great, but if you fight elfs, undead, constructs, CR2 monsters (or many CR1) or any creature that can't be charmed, is useless.
TWF you need to drop to cast S or M, you don't have a shield, you're HP isn't great and your AC is bad, all melee is not the party option. So 2d6 + dex isn't even close of average party damage, 1d6+dex is. Let's compare with barb, war cleric (or any with bless or martial weapons), moon druid (ok, suck at lvl 1, but is 1d8+wis with shillelagh), fighter, pali, monk, rogue, warlock or even ranger.

Sleep is great, but in response to your point: it's a good thing it's not the only spell that would be known. It's also possible to sneak past opponents who cannot be slept using a group stealth check (barring environment not being suitable) and bardic inspiration across the board for anyone who might roll poorly. All bards means all characters can be inspired at the same time.

The bard doesn't need to drop anything. Like I mentioned to another poster, storing one item or retrieving one item as part of an action is allowed. All it takes is using that option. You are also reiterating that the AC is bad but it's still the same as other characters who would focus on combat for a DEX based bard. AC 15 on a bard will continue to be as good or marginally lower than AC 15 or 16 on another character. The number isn't different just because the class name or armor type is different.

Average damage for the TWF bard is 7+DEX. Going with one of the melee oriented bards that 16 DEX for 10 avg damage. That's the same as other characters using TWF and better than a d12 weapon. It's the same as a great sword. Most cantrip slingers are doing 5.5 or less. Most weapon users are doing the same or less. Characters who are using shields and weapons are typically doing 4.5+mod for less in exchange for that better AC.

Looking at your specific examples: Barbarian with a great axe does 6.5+3=9.5 damage instead of 10, lower except when he gets +2 damage from rage twice per day. I like war clerics, but the cleric with 16 STR and a great sword is doing the same damage with each attack (in doing so he also has the same AC or 1 AC higher and the same hp). d8+mod from shillelagh is 7.5 avg per hit. Fighters using d8+2+mod for one style comes out at 10.5 for a slightly higher amount, could do better with TWF style but that hurts them in the long run, or does the same or less damage. The same is true for rangers and paladins at 2nd level but at 1st level they aren't any better off. Warlocks don't get ability mod at 1st level so it's only 5.5 for eldritch blast, and 8.5 at 2nd level for less still. Monks and rogues are better damage provided the rogue is using his bonus action for an off hand weapon (nullifying your earlier assertion) or the same using the hit and run method assuming sneak attack is possible. Martial arts bonus attack for the monk using a staff two handed is pretty good at those levels.

The end result is that most classes would do the same damage as the TWF bard by using the same TWF as well at those same levels, or less damage. TWF is one of the higher forms of low level damage. Your assertion that the average would be d6+mod is incorrect because of the very flawed logic that the bard would need to have S/M components available at the same time the bard is attacking. That's completely incorrect because the bard is either attacking or casting a spell, not both. When the bard is not casting a spell the bard is doing 2d6+mod and when the bard is casting a spell the bard is not attacking with any weapons. As mentioned earlier, all that requires is a spell component pouch and sheathing one weapon for the casting.

If avarage is 15 and you're 14,5, you're below average. I'm not saying this team suck, I'm just saying "below average at begining". Just make like a moon druid in lvl 1, survive to be great later.

That's a big "if" and the core problem with your statements. How you are identifying the "average" is your subjective opinion. Where one party might have a AC member, mostly similar AC members, and a lower AC member or two the bard party simply removes some of the more extremes for something similar in the average. The same is true for hit points and damage. There's nothing about the class that isn't competitive with baseline abilities or averages, only upper limits.
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First Post
It's just not some big gap like you are trying to claim.

Where exacly I said there is a "big gap"? Reread all my posts if you want, the only thing I write was "below average" (about 500 times), you misinterpreted because you can't say "yes, you're right, a bard group will stay a tiny line below average in ofense/defense at start lvls. Not significant in fact, we talking about 1 or 2 points, and this will gone later, but will be beneath at lvls 1 and 2." This reminds me Leon Festinger about cognitive dissonance.

The fact is that to prove your point you're over optimizing bards, but not doing the same with the other classes. Assuming the standard for bards are Dex 16, Con 14 for the HP, but not Cha 16 that is the primary stat for bards? Weird.

You're saying that a bard group will have TWF, but some of them will get moderately armor for better defense, so, they will have better AC OR better damage, not both.

about 95%, well, the OP party plan doesn't include any one that is thinking to get moderately armor, because later with 3 valor bards and 25 bard inspiration, there is much better things to do with that feat or extra stats for being a half-elf. Search for all bards buildings in foruns to check this statistic.

looking about builds in character optimization area, the fact about defense:
barb, druids, fighters, monks, palis, rangers, and half clerics will have better AC and/or HP than bards. Maybe just 1 point of difference, but is a difference.
rogue, warlocks and half clerics will have the same
wizards and sorceres will be lower.

About offense:
barbs, fighters, monks, pali, rangers, rogues, 1/2 druids, 1/3 clerics will have better.
1/2 druids, 2/3 clerics, bladelocks and bladesingers will be equal
sorcerers, others warlocks and wizards will be lower.

If you count, will see the "below average thing".
please, don't make me do overly optimized characters to low lvls of each class to prove that.
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Where exacly I said there is a "big gap"? Reread all my posts if you want, the only thing I write was "below average" (about 500 times), you misinterpreted because you can't say "yes, you're right, a bard group will stay a tiny line below average in ofense/defense at start lvls. Not significant in fact, we talking about 1 or 2 points, and this will gone later, but will be beneath at lvls 1 and 2." This reminds me Leon Festinger about cognitive dissonance.

That reminds me about pretentious comments that don't actually contribute to the debate. ;-)

You are still arguing from an average that has not been established. It's based on your preconceived notion of what the average actually is and is entirely subjective as opposed to objective. All you've really done is determine an arbitrary baseline as "the average". There is no gap at all when it comes to hit points because d8 is the most common hit die. That's a fact. There is no gap at all when it comes to damage because TWF is on the higher end of damage options at those levels (damage gap occurs at higher levels and impacts bards more later).

What you are calling below average is your comparison of a character with 16 AC instead of 15 or 14 and ignoring the other characters in the standard group who also have 15 AC or those with 12 or 13 AC. An average includes the lower with the higher. That's why it's an average. A person cannot point to the slightly higher AC options and consider that the average just because it's higher than what most bards are at for AC.

Your idea of average is way off base.

The fact is that to prove your point you're over optimizing bards, but not doing the same with the other classes. Assuming the standard for bards are Dex 16, Con 14 for the HP, but not Cha 16 that is the primary stat for bards? Weird.

What's weird is the assumption you have for melee oriented bards to need one more inspiration die because that's all they'll get out of 16 CHA when they are focusing more on melee than spell DC's. Taking things like healing word and heroism don't require a spell DC. That's no different than any other spell casting class who is focused on combat. DEX is important to bards because it prevents damage based on the save type, contributes to a lot of appropriate ability checks, and covers both ranged and melee attacks along with AC.

Focusing on some defensive qualities is just common sense when the group knows that all the defense and all the offense will be handled by bards in an all bard party. Your argument requires that a group willfully neglects those options and hopes for the best.

It's also not over optimizing bards to look at a standard ability score for combat for the class and possible feat for one or two of them. This is particularly true when your examples below include things like 16 DEX and 16 WIS for a monk to make that 16 AC that you think they would have.

You're saying that a bard group will have TWF, but some of them will get moderately armor for better defense, so, they will have better AC OR better damage, not both.

The armor is only relevant for shield use. This is the same as every other class with a melee aspect at those levels. They either take a shield or they don't. The AC of 15 for a bard is still the same as the AC for a TWF ranger, for example.

You are applying a principle to one class as an issue when it's the same for all. The bard can maintain TWF and spell casting as per my previous post, or if they do go with a shield proficiency they can do the same with sword'n'board upgrading to a d8 weapon and a swap to match most other users of that style. There isn't a difference between a bard and most classes when it comes to AC and damage.

about 95%, well, the OP party plan doesn't include any one that is thinking to get moderately armor, because later with 3 valor bards and 25 bard inspiration, there is much better things to do with that feat or extra stats for being a half-elf. Search for all bards buildings in foruns to check this statistic.

"95%" is obviously an arbitrary number you pulled out of your hat with nothing to back it up. It's a made up statistic.

Like I said earlier, it's for the shield bonus and not the AC. The AC is still similar to most AC and the upgrade is for lore bards who want better AC by using the shield or taking 14 DEX with no intent to increase their DEX. The valor bards wouldn't take it, but it's a good option for bards planning on going lore for defense and usually mentioned as such in guides.

What some internet builds show in their builds does not represent builds in an all bard party.

looking about builds in character optimization area, the fact about defense:
barb, druids, fighters, monks, palis, rangers, and half clerics will have better AC and/or HP than bards. Maybe just 1 point of difference, but is a difference.
rogue, warlocks and half clerics will have the same
wizards and sorceres will be lower.

The barbarian likely has worse armor or the same armor. They build STR, not DEX, and tend to focus on big weapon styles. What they have is 4 more hp at 1st level and 6 more hp at 2nd level. That's not even close to an issue given the amount of healing available in an all bard party.

Druids are likely to have worse armor or the same armor. They do not normally build DEX either because it doesn't help them when they shape shift and they can focus on WIS and shillelagh for an attack ability score. They have the same hit points although they can create a pool of hit points with a worse AC and damage options to go with it. Druids are almost exactly the same in AC and hp with worse damage options for the typical druid.

Fighters are no argument there. The average party isn't all fighters and paladins, however. ;-)

Monks typically have 15 AC from what I've seen. It's possible to push them to 16 but that seems to be outside of the norm, although the counter to that is it's possible for the lore bard to use a shield for better AC and the same hp. AC and hp are still almost exactly the same but the monks do have the damage with martial arts and a quarterstaff.

Paladins are no arguments there.

Rangers have the same AC as bards with the only exception being that they have the shield proficiency for free. Most rangers are archers or TWF. They might go for more of an AC build with the defense or dueling fighting styles at second level, but archery seems the most typical to me so far. They have 2 more hp at 1st level and 3 more hp at 2nd level. Just like the barbarians, that is not an issue given the large number of spell slots available to the group.

Clerics who take domains without the armor upgrade generally have the same armor but not necessarily DEX. They do typically use shields in my experience and would have better AC with the same hit points. An all cleric party can work well.

Rogues have the same hit points and AC. No argument there.

Warlocks start out with the same hit points but only those going blade pact might look at more defensive options. In an all warlock party I would expect at few to follow the same defensive options as bards in an all bard party. Normally I don't see warlocks going for that higher DEX investment but they might add some medium armor and shield as well. What I see is less combat oriented warlocks but they do have the same options at first. Eldritch blast isn't as good as TWF either way when it comes to damage.

About offense:
barbs, fighters, monks, pali, rangers, rogues, 1/2 druids, 1/3 clerics will have better.
1/2 druids, 2/3 clerics, bladelocks and bladesingers will be equal
sorcerers, others warlocks and wizards will be lower.

At those levels, barbarians barely have an offensive benefit over bards. All they have is rage when it can be maintained for that +2 bonus to damage. The additional disclaimer is bardic inspiration and spell power.

Fighters are no argument there. The fighting style benefits are available immediately. The additional disclaimer is bardic inspiration and spell power.

Monks are no argument there. Martial arts allows for using a staff two handed with DEX mod and then still getting an unarmed attack in as a bonus action. Solid damage to go with the same AC and hp. The additional disclaimer is bardic inspiration and spell power.

Paladins don't have benefits over the bard at 1st level but pick them up at 2nd level with the fighting style. They also have nice buffs (which bards don't, typically) in the spell list.

Rangers don't have benefits over the bard at 1st level, but pick them up at 2nd level with the fighting style and possibly a bit with hunter's mark.

Rogues have sneak attack damage, which is one of the better options, like monk. The additional disclaimer is bardic inspiration and spell power.

Druids don't have benefits over the bard at 1st level. Moon druids have some options at 2nd level but those are also part time options and druids can turn into spectators instead of participants. They end up dropping the forms for other actions (like casting spells) and they lose hit points (and forms) because of lower AC's. It's an option that looks better on paper than in practice, works great at low levels and epic levels, and not so much the rest of the time.

Clerics don't have better offensive options than bards at those levels. Simply gaining martial weapon proficiency isn't a bonus over TWF at low levels. There are a few minor abilities on limited uses per day but something like 2 (maybe 3) bonus action attacks from a war domain cleric are almost pointless except on some focused builds to make use of it. Given that most clerics do typically use shields in my experience they normally do less damage than bards. They do have some nice buff spells, at least. Clerics are not better or equal, in general.

Warlocks planning on going blade pact are not as good as bards when it comes to offense at low levels. The issue is in the simple weapons proficiency and planning for the blade weapon. Bards can afford to go DEX and dual wield short swords. Warlocks don't have short sword proficiency. If they want to use DEX they are dropping to daggers, and if they want to use different weapons they need to invest in STR and do something else for defense. Blade pact warlocks take planning to do well later and give up on those first couple of levels. Bardic inspiration also favors the bards.

If you count, will see the "below average thing".
please, don't make me do overly optimized characters to low lvls of each class to prove that.

Counting indicates you are applying a median average instead of a mean average or mode average. It doesn't work because there are no actual numbers applied from which to base where the bard fits above or below such a median. What you are attempting to do is stack rank them based on generalization (and some misconceptions) stemming from subjective opinion. Your argument still stems from your preconception of what the average is.

Optimized builds are not indicative of any average, regardless; they focus on extremes.


First Post
You are still arguing from an average that has not been established. It's based on your preconceived notion of what the average actually is and is entirely subjective as opposed to objective.

You do the same thing to prove your point, but you only over optimize bard, not other classes: "Monks typically have 15 AC from what I've seen."

No, my friend, you presumed that your bard has 16 of Dex, good Con for HP and dumping Cha isn't a real optimion for bards (check the last 50 posts in Cha Opt about bards to get your statistic). This is a real optimized bard.

So, to check standard, I will compare with "real optimized" classes, ok? Without abuse.

You want numbers to prove? If we add all classes hit dice and subtract, we get 8,5, bard has 8. 8 < 8,5 agree?
"but the difference is low" - well, I never said the oposite, and still don't know why you keep those text walls because you misinterpreted at beggining.

What's weird is the assumption you have for melee oriented bards to need one more inspiration die because that's all they'll get out of 16 CHA when they are focusing more on melee than spell DC's.

But the fact is this isn't a standard bard, just look the last 10 posts in character optimization about bards to get statistic. Seriously, check.

It's also not over optimizing bards to look at a standard ability score for combat for the class and possible feat for one or two of them. This is particularly true when your examples below include things like 16 DEX and 16 WIS for a monk to make that 16 AC that you think they would have.

We both are over optimizing. If we not, we can't assume all bards will have 15 of AC. If you want envolve feats, will be worse, because damage + defence of other classes will raise even more since many classes don't need moderated armored to have a good AC.

The armor is only relevant for shield use. This is the same as every other class with a melee aspect at those levels. They either take a shield or they don't. The AC of 15 for a bard is still the same as the AC for a TWF ranger, for example.

but the ranger has more HP, and at lvl 2, the TWF of the ranger will do much more damage. Same as Rogue, is equal as bard in defense, but is less MAD, so can get better Con.

"95%" is obviously an arbitrary number you pulled out of your hat with nothing to back it up. It's a made up statistic.

Ok, it is arbitrary, but if you want to prove I'm wrong, get the less 100 buildings in Cha optimization and check how many will get that feat. Or just let this topic die.

What some internet builds show in their builds does not represent builds in an all bard party.

But we're in a internet forum, right? Better way to check statistic?

The barbarian likely has worse armor or the same armor. They build STR, not DEX, and tend to focus on big weapon styles. What they have is 4 more hp at 1st level and 6 more hp at 2nd level. That's not even close to an issue given the amount of healing available in an all bard party.

Now you're adding variables like I did with cunning action. If you compare damage reduction of resistance from rage, you'll see that 2 heals/day aren't that great. Let's keep other features out of this.

Barbarian scale mail AC 16 and HP 13 - your bard AC 15 - HP 10. can do more damage

Land druids are equal bards, they need dex, but they get shield (less damage than bard) AC 17 - HP 10. Moon druids, well you want to make I go for the best tank in the game? AC 15 - HP 10, at lvl 2 +70HP and much more damage. But even them I'll give you a draw here.
1 x 1 x 0 agaist bards

Fighters are no argument there. 2 x 1 x 0

Monks typically have 15 AC from what I've seen. - No, let's talk about real optimized, so AC 16 HP 10, or AC 15 HP 11, and more damage than bards. 3 x 1 x 0

Paladins are no arguments there. 4 x 1 x 0

Rangers - not the same AC, they can have medium armor. AC 16 HP 10, and at lvl 2 much more damage than bards 5 x 1 x 0

Clerics Can have better armor, or even better damage, but I'll give up a draw here. 5 x 2 x 0

Rogues have the same hit points and AC. But they can get better Con, since they only need to bump dex and they get better damage. 6 x 2 x 0

Warlocks - here the defense is equal of most bards, they need dex for defense, but priority is cha, is exactly as bard. but even them, I'll give 1 point to bard here since only bladelocks will get the same damage at low lvls. 6 x 2 x 1

Sorc and wizard are point to bards 6 x 2 x 3

Now, please, explain how this is "exactly average"?

I'll repeat one more time, the difference is small, will be gone later lvls, but a group of bards will start the game with ofense/defense "below average".

Optimized builds are not indicative of any average, regardless; they focus on extremes.

Any 16 dex with 14 con bard is optimized. If you whink any of the buildings I maybe was hardly optimized, I can add PAM, GWM, shield master, crossbow expert, tought, heavly armored...


I thought of running a blackops type rogue party, and a magical archeologist group built out of wizards. Clerics might be flexible, but I don't see running a full group of them, unless it is a crusade type game, where they are spreading their beliefs to far away countries.

What? Sister Sledgehammer and her Battle-Nuns? C'mon! What a sight to behold

"Different game features can affect a target at the same time. But when two or more game features have the same name, only the effects of one of them—the most potent one—apply while the durations of the effects overlap."

It's like no one ever finishes reading the sentence (including Jeremy Crawford). These two effects do not have overlapping durations, they are instantaneous effects. No different than two characters casting healing word. Of course they are additive. This is not the same as an aura.

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