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Soon to be mostly taking a break from D&D


Eternal Optimist
Life is taking one of my players, who is in my two major campaigns, away from me. He's going to Thailand - or Canada, as he prefers to call it - for a few months. This means that those two big campaigns are about to go on hiatus, as they really need him there.

This is happening at about the same time that my Serenity game winds up, and the Dawn of Defiance SW Saga game as well. The only continuing "campaign" I'll have is the Living Forgotten Realms game I help run every second Saturday evening.

So, what will I do to fill the void?


Heh, just kidding.

What I'm going to do is start up a short Call of Cthulhu campaign. I've picked up one of Goodman Games' "Age of Cthulhu" modules, so we'll see how that goes. (Madness in London Town).

This will be a lovely break from the tropes of D&D, although, to be fair, I've also been running my mostly improvised Serenity game. (I despise the Serenity system, so I ignore it as much as possible). It'll be very interesting to see how my players deal with a more role-playing and investigative style of adventure, and also to see if they can take it seriously. Taking things seriously is something we're really not good at. This also applies to the Serenity game, with completely different people. Yeah, it must be partly me - and also because we want to have a good time, and being naturally funny people, we do it with jokes.

Joking around in Call of Cthulhu? That'll be interesting.

It's been quite some years since I last played CoC. I've never run it; it'll be interesting to see how I do. The system is (ahem) antiquated, but I feel that CoC works best with the atmosphere created by the GM and group; system is less relevant than what strange things happen. Of course, I do think the Sanity system is a work of genius...

Martin's been talking about running Deadlands, Savage Worlds, or both together at some point, so that might happen on the alternate weeks. I hope it's something where I can roleplay... Star Wars had some opportunities, but the AP format really restricts the relationships I can build, and the last few sessions have been mostly unremitting combat. Depressing with the poor job the SW crew did with the Noble. (Leaders who are good in combat? Yeah, I would have preferred it if Saga had been a little more 4e. Oh, and the lack of healing surges is a pain too!)


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Staff member
I hope you enjoy it!

From 1977 to 1990, I played D&D, HERO, Traveller, Stormbringer and The Fantasy Trip. That was my RPG universe.

In late 1991, while I was in law school, I met a group of gamers in Austin whose sessions were hosted by Alan Hench.

In the next few years, that group played RIFTS, Paranoia, Mekton, GURPS and dozens of other games, including some playtests. By the time I moved away in late 1995, my RPG collection exceeded 100 games. I've culled back to just over 65 now.:)

Not only did I have a lot of fun, I greatly improved my game as a player.
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Eternal Optimist
When I was at Unversity (1990-3 or thereabouts), I played a number of other games: Star Wars d6, Marvel SH and Amber being the main ones. Amber was of great benefit to my roleplaying and improvisation skills.

Recently, the Serenity campaign I've been running has been mostly about improvisation and storytelling.

The Cthulhu adventure should be very interesting: less improvisation, I'd wager, but a lot more emphasis on role-playing and atmosphere, two areas I've been weaker at running. So, it'll be a challenge.


Sometime a break in the game is a good thing. I had a 5 month break from my regular D&D campaign at the start of this year after the birth of my second child. The break was good as it gave me a chance to recharge the batteries. I still caught up with my gaming group a couple of time in that break, it was just that we hung out, chatted and played some board games.

The break also gave me a chance to try out some new game systems that I've been wanting to play for a while. Since we'd already had a break in the campaign I figured it wouldn't hurt to make the first few sessions back some one-shots of other systems. So in the last couple of months I've run the group through XCrawl, Feng Shui and Call of Cthulhu, with great success in all of them.

If I can suggest one thing for Call of Cthulhu it would be music. One of my players gave me the soundtracks to a couple of the Silent Hill games. There is so much awesome horror mood music on those soundtracks. It really sets the mood and really gets into the subconscious of the players so it all just "feel" a lot scarier. I just put all the tracks together as a playlist on my iPod, set it on random, attached some speakers and away we went. I didn't play the music all the time, just when I got to a scene where I knew they players would be expecting to encounter something scary (whether that really was the case or not). It definitely heightened the tension around the table when the music was on.

Olaf the Stout


What I'm going to do is start up a short Call of Cthulhu campaign. I've picked up one of Goodman Games' "Age of Cthulhu" modules, so we'll see how that goes. (Madness in London Town).

It's been quite some years since I last played CoC. I've never run it; it'll be interesting to see how I do. The system is (ahem) antiquated, but I feel that CoC works best with the atmosphere created by the GM and group; system is less relevant than what strange things happen. Of course, I do think the Sanity system is a work of genius...

Have you considered Trail of Cthulhu as a non-antiquated storytelling system?


Joking around in Call of Cthulhu? That'll be interesting.

In my experience, my gaming group tends to do MORE joking around in CoC than on other systems. Since you know that a CoC game will ultimately end up with your character dying in some horrible way, or going hopelessly insane (and these are the GOOD outcomes...), it's best faced with a healthy dose of gallows humor. That interim period where Weird Stuff has started to happen, but it hasn't gone Full On Scary, yet...these are some of the funniest game sessions I can remember.

Good luck, and enjoy!


Staff member
In my experience, my gaming group tends to do MORE joking around in CoC than on other systems. Since you know that a CoC game will ultimately end up with your character dying in some horrible way, or going hopelessly insane (and these are the GOOD outcomes...), it's best faced with a healthy dose of gallows humor. That interim period where Weird Stuff has started to happen, but it hasn't gone Full On Scary, yet...these are some of the funniest game sessions I can remember.

Good luck, and enjoy!

Sounds like you've got a group that would be perfectly at home playing Paranoia, too.


Eternal Optimist
Oh, Paranoia... how long is it since I played that? Too long, or not long enough?

I'm not sure I'd be up to GMing it, actually. :)


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