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Sorcerer Build, Looking For Advice


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Here is a build I did for an upcoming game. Any advice is most welcome.

Name: Dederic “Blackhand” Miller

Race: Human Gender: Male Class: Sorcerer Level: 3rd Alignment: Neutral Good

Str: 8 (0 points) -1
Dex: 14 (6 points) +2
Con: 14 (6 points) +2
Int: 12 (4 points) +1
Wis: 10 (2 points) +0
Cha: 16 (10 points) +3
28 Point Buy

Base Speed: 30
Languages: Common and Dwarven.

HP: 19
Initiative: +6 (+2 DX Bonus, +4 Improved Initiative)
BAB: +1
BAB Melee: +0
BAB Missile: +3 (+4 w/ Masterwork Light Crossbow)
Saves: Fort +3 (+2 CN Bonus), Ref +5 (+2 DX Bonus, +2 Familiar Bonus) and Will +3
Bonus Spells: 1 - 1st Level, 1 - 2nd Level, 1 - 3rd Level
Armour Class: 13 (+2 DX Bonus, +1 Amulet)

Skills: 1st level points: (2 + 1 (+1 IN Bonus) x 4) +4 (Human Bonus) = 16
each following level (2+ 1 (+1 IN Bonus)) +1 (Human Bonus) = 4

Class Skills:

Bluff (Cha) +6 (3 Ranks, +3 CH Bonus) 3
Concentration (Con) +8 (6 Ranks, +2 CN Bonus) 6
Craft (Alchemy) (Int) +4 (3 Ranks, +1 IN Bonus) 3
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) +7 (6 Ranks, +1 IN Bonus) 6
Spellcraft (Int) +7 (6 Ranks, +1 IN Bonus) 6

Feats: 1st level: Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative Bonus)
Still Spell (Spell can be cast with no somatic components) +1 Level
Alertness (+2 Listen & Spot) only within arms reach of Familiar
3rd Level: Energy Substitution (Cold) +0 Level

Familiar: Rory the Ferret (+2 Reflex saves)
HD: ½ d8 (9 hp), Init: +2, Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 as Familiar), touch 17, flat-footed 15, BAB/Grapple: +3/-9, Att: Bite +7 melee (1d3-4), Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft., Spec Att: Attach, Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Scent, Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3, Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5, Skills: Balance +12, Climb +10, Escape Artist +4, Hide +11, Move Silently +8, Spot +3, Feats: Agile, Weapon Finesse

Familiar Abilities: Effectively 3 HD, ½ Dederic’s HP, BAB same as Dederic’s +2, Improved Saves, Improved AC, Improved IN, Alertness Feat, Improved Evasion (1/2 Damage from spells w/ Saves), Share Spell within 5’, Empathic Link (Su) within 1 mile, Deliver Touch Spells.

Spells Known: 5 – 0 level, 3 – 1st level

Spells Per Day: 6 – 0 Level, 6 – 1st level


0 Level:
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.

1st Level:

Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Lesser Orb of Acid: Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 acid damage + 1d8/two levels beyond 1st (Max. 5d8). Fort save or be Sickened for 1 round. DC 14 (3rd level).


Amulet of Natural Armour (+1)
Bed Roll
Mess Kit
Wool Cap
High Black Boots
Wool Cloak
Two changes of clothes (2 shirts, 2 trews, leather vest, belt)
1 Heavy Mace (1d8 ×2, Bludgeoning)
1 Masterwork Light Crossbow (1d8 19-20/×2, RI 80 ft., Piercing)
2 Daggers (1d4 19-20/x2, 10 ft. RI. 1 lb. Piercing or slashing)
1 Sling (1d4 x2, 50 ft. RI, Bludgeoning)
10 Sling Bullets
20 Bolts
Flint & Steel
Rations (week)
Grooming Kit
Belt Pouch (75 gp)
Spell Component Pouch


Dederic’s father Lance is 6’ 4”, a mountain of chiseled muscle and of pale complexion with dirty blonde hair. His mother Sadira is 5’ 2”, built like the Fey with raven black hair that falls to her waist and olive colored skin. His two twin brothers (two years younger) are 6’ 6” and built even larger than his father; they also have pale skin and dirty blonde hair. Dederic is 5’ 6”, with long dark hair like is mother, skin slightly lighter and a thin, very wiry build. There is no mistaking that he is his mother’s child.
He wears his hair most often in a single braid. He also sports a neat goatee and mustache. His eyes are a dark brown. His most remarkable feature however is his right hand, his literal Black Hand. Starting half way down his right forearm his skin begins to darken. By the point that it reaches his wrist it is pitch black. It even extends to the skin beneath his fingernails. His nails are clear.
Dederic makes a point of always wearing shirts that have embroidery on them. He is also noted for the fact that his attire, in fact all of his possessions, are always in good repair.

Personal History:

Dederic was born into a family of protectors. Both his father and mother are members of the City Guard. His mother is a member of the Arcane Auxiliary. He was raised to worship the god of Justice and to believe that all people deserve it. His family supports his desire to see the world and adventure. Both his parents were briefly adventurers themselves; it is how they met. His two younger twin brothers are also members of the City Guard. They often volunteer for prisoner escort duty so that they can travel a bit. Dederic just wants to travel a good deal farther. His family hopes that he someday “retires” from adventuring and joins the family business of protecting their city.
Dederic is an urban youth, a city boy. Outdoors to Dederic means the nearby park.


Dederic wants to explore the full reaches of what it means to wield magic. He tends to enjoy the more “raw” sort of spells. He enjoys the destructive aspect of magic. But he realizes that collateral damage must be kept to a minimum. So he often uses a Cold spell to limit harm to other’s property. He very much wants to be a hero. To right wrongs, save the day and reap the rewards therein…


Lt. Lance Miller (Father)
Sorceress Sadira Miller (Mother)
Cpl. Harden Miller (Brother, twin to Nolan)
Cpl. Nolan Miller (Brother, Twin to Harden)

Build Plan: Feat Choices and Ability Boosts.

1st Level: Feats (Improved Initiative, Still Spell), Summon Familiar (Ferret)

2nd Level: N/A

3rd Level: Feat (Energy Substitution (Cold))

4th Level: +1 CH

5th Level: N/A

6th Level: Feat (Craft Wand)

7th Level: N/A

8th Level: +1 CH

9th Level: Feat (Energy Admixture)

10th Level: N/A

11th Level: N/A

12th Level: Feat (Craft Wondrous Item), +1 CH

13th Level: N/A

14th Level: N/A

15th Level: Feat (Maximize Spell)

16th Level: +1 CH

17th Level: N/A

18th Level: Feat (Craft Rod)

19th Level: N/A

20th Level: +1 CH

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First Post
Just a few comments...

I wouldn't get two damage spells now, just one of those (Magic Missile) and instead of the second one pick something else, like Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, which can be useful in different situations.

As for the feats, Empower Spell is usually better than Maximize Spell, since it can be used on more spells effectively and some are really good empowered, specifically Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life and Fire Shield.

I would also think twice before learning Craft Rod. :)

And there is one feat, which I always recommend for sorcerers... Heighten Spell. Very, very useful with the right spells (i.e. Charm Person, Glitterdust, Command Undead, Hold Person, Slow, stuff like that), because it gives you more options for your highest level slots, which will be effective in the game - just casting Slow won't do much at 12th level, for example, but heightened Slow can be as effective as a 'real' 6th level spell.

That's it. Otherwise your character looks pretty good to me. :)



First Post
Thanee said:
Just a few comments...

I wouldn't get two damage spells now, just one of those (Magic Missile) and instead of the second one pick something else, like Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, which can be useful in different situations.

As for the feats, Empower Spell is usually better than Maximize Spell, since it can be used on more spells effectively and some are really good empowered, specifically Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life and Fire Shield.

I would also think twice before learning Craft Rod. :)

And there is one feat, which I always recommend for sorcerers... Heighten Spell. Very, very useful with the right spells (i.e. Charm Person, Glitterdust, Command Undead, Hold Person, Slow, stuff like that), because it gives you more options for your highest level slots, which will be effective in the game - just casting Slow won't do much at 12th level, for example, but heightened Slow can be as effective as a 'real' 6th level spell.

That's it. Otherwise your character looks pretty good to me. :)


Thanks for the input. I switched out Maximize Spell for Empower Spell and Heighten Spell for the Craft Rod. I think I might stick with the two damage spells though... MM is just a given and I like the idea of having two different energy types at my disposal with the Energy Substitution Feat. Ray of Enfeeblement is on my Must Have list...


First Post
At 4th level you can get Scorching Ray. Plan ahead (as you did with your feats... spells are MUCH more important). :)



First Post
Thanee said:
At 4th level you can get Scorching Ray. Plan ahead (as you did with your feats... spells are MUCH more important). :)


Which becomes even more useful with Energy Substitution and Energy Admixture...


First Post
Thanee said:
Yes, but then you won't need the orb anymore... and it's just one level away. ;)


True... but I want the option of having acid damage at my disposal... I want as many energy types as I can cram into the character build... :)

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Instead of Lesser Ord of Acid or Magic Missile (keep one of them) consider Grease, its fairly utilitarian and with some creative thinking is probably the most useful first level spell around. Also instead of Maximize spell you might consider Sudden Maximize from Complete Arcane, its requirement is one other metamagic feat and it maximizes a single spell (chosen when you cast it) 1/day, it also does not effect spell level so you can use it on your most powerful attack spells without any trouble.

Voidrunner's Codex

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