Sovereign Glue


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So a few questions about sovereign glue. Sorry if they've been asked before...
Here we go...

1) Can you glue an object to a creature? Assume that it's grappled/pinned and thus can't use the move action to remove it within 1 round.

2) Given yes to 1, can you glue a creature to another creature? Assume creature A is pinned and can't stop it, and creature B is willing.

3) Given yes to 1, if you glue an object to a creature, and the creature assumes a gaseous form: does the object fall off, or go with?

and 4) Given yes to 2, if a creature is glued to another creature, and creature A assumes gaseous form: does creature B go with?

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1) Yes. Getting it off may be painful, however.
2) Yes, however, opposed strength checks would be called for to determine who is in charge of this conglomerate.
3) I would say yes, as their gear and clothing also goes gaseous.
4) No. The target is "Willing corporeal creature touched". Even if you stuck somebody to them, you can still only affect the one person.


javcs said:
2) Yes, however, opposed strength checks would be called for to determine who is in charge of this conglomerate.




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I was assuming, since in the question one creature was pinned, that the two people glued together were not cooperating.
Strength check anyways, or, at least, enforcing strictly weight limits (the other guy and his stuff)


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javcs said:
4) No. The target is "Willing corporeal creature touched". Even if you stuck somebody to them, you can still only affect the one person.

does that answer change if it's a vampire's gaseous form? and the person stuck to them is willing? (and possibly trying to follow the glued/gassed vampire)


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Also note sovereign glue and things that go boom, whether alchemically or magically are a nasty combination.(Sticky flasks of acid stuck on grappled character then tripmonkey does his thing not pretty, etc.)

I'd treat the shift to gaseous form as breaking the hold of the glue, same as say going ethereal or incorporeal(two different things, not the same).


First Post
What I want to know: How does that glue know it's applied to an actual sovereign? Can you use it to verify someone's claim to the throne by gluing him onto the throne? Or is it the other way around (Only sovereigns can get rid of it)? Is that how that Excalibur Business worked? Was Arthur a Mountebank with universal solvent?

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