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Spawn of Seere

fnork de sporg

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So one of the big bads in my new campaign is shaping up to be Seere from Armies of the Abyss, the demon lord of roads, portals, and the monoculture. There's not really that much on him in the book, so I made up some specific demons to work with his cultists.

I'd like to hear what you think about their fluff, as well as any mechanical problems or awakward phrasing, and I really need help giving them the proper CR, something I've never been good at.

Sons of Seere
Medium Outsider
Alignment CE
speed 30 ft
inish +9
Str 16 Dex 28 Con 16 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 20
AC 30, 10+9dex+8NA+3 robes
BAB: 12
Face/reach 5/5
Whip +26 1d6+8+1d6 electricity
Fort +13 Ref +19 Will +14'
Skills: Move Silent +17, Hide +17, Knowledge Planes+13, Knowledge Arcana+13, Listen+12, Spot+12, Escape Artist+17, Knowedge Religion+13, Bluff+13, Appraise+13, Diplomacy+13, Sense Motive+12, Swim+11, Proffesion: Slave Driver +12
Feats Weapon finesse, improved trip, improved disarm, combat expertise

A humanoid with red hair and twisting goat horns dressed in dark robes covered with arcane sigils and wielding a long whipe crackling with electricity. They are born by mortal women impregnated by the demon god in dark rituals. They are quite scholarly and business like and are as often employed by powerful cultists as magical assistants as they are combatants. All sons of seere know each other by name and treat each other as brothers working together whenever possible. Their perpetually clam faces and eerily monotone voices give no hint of anger, shock, fear or surprise, taking everthing in stride. Sons of seere love to talk to one another and often audibly discuss what is going on around them, even if they're in the middle of a fight.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-immune to electricity and poison
-resistance 10 cold, fire, acid
Spell Resistance 15
Damage Reduction 5/silver or good
Dimensional spring attack (Su): Can slide from place to place by warping dimensions. As a free acton the spaw of seere ad teleport up to 400 feet, perform a standard action such as an attack, and then teleport to some other location usually out of harms way. In this manner they harry their prey, wearing them down.
Sense Portal (Su): Automatically detects any portal within 100 feet, though actual details must be gained with use of Analyse Portal.
standard equipment: +5 shocking whip (reach of 15 feet), +3 robes of resistance +2, both whip and robes loose all magical properties once son of seere is slain.

Spell-like abilities: At will Teleport, Detect Thoughts, Charm Person, Analyse Portal, True Seeing, Mislead, Detect Magic, Identify 1/day chain lightning, plane shift
Summon 50% chance of summoning 1d2 sons of seere

Bride of Seere
Large Outsider
inish +9
Speed 45 feet
18d8+180 = 261hp
Alignment Chaotic Evil
AC 33 9dx+14na
2 claws +29/+29 2d6+8 19-20 x2
BAB 18
Face/reach 10/10
Str 26 Dex 28 Con30 Int 24 Wis 20 Cha 26
Special Attacks: Gaze, Poison, spell-like-abilities
Special Qualities: Immunities, Regenerate 5, Damage Reduction, Sr 24
Skills: Bluff +29, Diplomacy +29, Sense Motive +26, Intimidate +29, Appraise +28, Concentration +31, Move Silent +29, Hide +29, Spot +26, Listen +26, Knowledge: Planes +28, Disguise +29, Forgery +29, Perform: Dance +29, Perform (choose one) +29
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Natural Attack

A statuesque and elegently beautiful humanoid standing over ten feet tall, with chalk white skin, curving goat horns, well conditioned long red curly locks piled high atop her head, dressed in a large and exquiste ballroom gown and bedecked in extravagant jewlery. Her fingernails are long and deadly sharp which will be painted in intricate and attratctive patterns. This paint, as well as seving as decoration, is mixed with a powerful poison.

A bride of seere conducts her self with prim and proper lady-like bearing and attitude, even while disemboweling foes with her bare hands. Sh e prefers to surround her self with riches and luxury. They often like to assume human guise, taking lovers and husbands from the elite of society and spending their wealth as quickly as possible, leaving them once their finances run out. Their love of regualrly throwing outlandishly expensise balls is legendary, as is their dancing ability. Sometimes a bride will beome caught up in the moment and accidentally out herself as an impostor by indulging in inhumanly skilled feats of dancing. Multiple Brides in the same area consider themselves rivals but not enemies and will often compete to see who can be the most decadent.

Fingernails: A bride of seere's ornate fingernails function as +3 weapons of speed that can deal peircing or slashing damage, Poison dc 29 fort save 1d6 dex, 1d6 dex. Upon death a brides fingernail's lose all magical properties but their poison remains active.
Damage Reduction 10/silver or good
Regenerate 5 good/silver
Spell Resistance 24
-immune to electricity and poison
-resistance 10 cold, fire, acid
Sense Portal (Su): Automatically detects any portal within 100 feet, though actual details must be gained with use of Analyse Portal.
Gaze (Su): will save DC 27 or be Fascianted as per the Hypnotism spell but affecting any number of hit dice for 2d4 rounds.
Spell Like abilites: At Will, Teleport, Detect Thoughts, Polymorph, Analyse Portal, Suggestion, Fly, Undetectable Alignment, Unseen Servant, Animate Rope, , Nondetection, True Seeing, Shadow Walk 3/day Chain Lightning, Irresistible Dance, Major Image 1/day Planeshift, Banish, Blasphemy
Summon (Su): 50% of summoning 1d3 Spawn of Seere or 25% chance summoning 1 Bride of Seere
Treasure: A Bride of Seere will be wearing 2d8 thousand+5000 gp worth of jewlery. The fabric from her dress can be sold for an addition 5000 gold pieces, provided it has not been damaged in the fight by such things as fire or acid.

Highway Serpent
Gargantuan Outsider (Evil)
Inish: +5
AC 25=1dx+18na-4size
Move: 60 feet, Burrow 30 ft, Fly 20 ft (poor)
Face/Reach 20'/20'
Attack +28 Bite piercing 2d8+13+poison
Full Attack: +28 Bite piercing 3d8+13+poison, +22 Tail Slam 2d8+13,
SA: improved grab, swallow whole, constrict, poison,
SQ: Create Road, Meld with Road, Spell-like Abilities, Dark Vision 60ft, SR 19
Str 36 Dex 12 Con 36 Int 17 Wis 18 Cha 20
Fort +24, Ref +12, Will +17
Feats: Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack Bite, Weapon Focus Bite, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus Poison, Iron Will
Skills: Knowledge: Architecture/Engineering +24, Knowledge: Planes +24, Knowledge Geography +24, Knowledge Religion (Seere) +24, Knowledge History +24, Spot +25, Listen +25, Search +25, Diplomacy +26, Sense Motive +25, Swim +21
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil

A mammoth black snake with the body of a constrictor but the head of a viper, with jet black eyes and gaping fangs. Upon closer inspection it's scales seem to be cut from darkest granite. As it slithers across the ground it leaves a trail paved with finely cut sections of stone. It slowly slithers it's way in to the air, leaving the ground entirely, only to move into a cliff face, moving the stone aside and letting it shfit back behind it leaving no trace of it's passing.

These demons the workhorses of the Seere cult, tirelessly crisscrossing the land with their many roads leading to the inevitable chaotic clashes as civilizations merge with one another. Fairly sedate as demons go the Highway Serpents are ntirely enamoured with Seere and all the he represents, content to do his will and preach his dark words. Often thousands of years old the snakes are storehouses of much ancient trivia and lore, often serving the cultists in a priest-like capacity as well as an engineer. Highway Serpents are no where near as savage or bloodthirsty as most demons, they would be more likely to have a chat with you about the structural benefits of the arch than randomly attack you, but they do enjoy consuming the occasional live sacrifice.

Serpent's can magically move through the earth and can choose whether to leave a tunnel, possibly with a paved road inside it, or let the earth close up behind them exactly as they found it. In addition to this highway Serpents can eat stone and dirt as if it were normal food, though as outsider they do not actually require food to live and only do this to make a point, usually by eating the stone remains of someone who has already fallen victim to it's fossilizing venom.

If at all possible serpents favor hit and run tactics, getting a good bite in and then withdrawing to let the poison take effect, picking off the enemy one by one. It is only when cornered or ordered to defend another that serpents go all out, crushing and consuming their opposition.

Poison: DC 34 2d6 dexterity damage + secondary effect Flesh to Stone
Improved Grab (Ex): If serpent with either it's bite or tail attacks it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks against other opponents. Creatures grappled with the tail are subject to Constriction damage while creatures grapled by the mouth may be Swallowed Whole. When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
Swallow Whole (Ex): If a creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the swallowing creature. Being swallowed has various consequences, depending on the creature doing the swallowing. A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the creature that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (AC 19, 30 hp), or it can just try to escape the grapple. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.
Constrict (Ex): A creatue grappled by the serpent's tail takes automatic contriction damage with each succefull grapple check, in addition to the normal tail slam damage.
Breath Weapon (Su) fires an 8- foot line of lightning doing 8d8 electrical damage every 2d4 rounds, Relfex save DC 32 for half damage
Spell Like Abilities: At Will: Stoneshape, Mending, Tongues, Find the Path, Death Knell
Create Road (Su): Creates a well engineered paved stone road, cutting through and moving aside pre-existing land features and negating most terrain effects. The serpent may create up to 180 feet worth of road at will as a full round action, by sliding the length of it's body through the intended path of the road,l eaving aced stones in it's wake. (ie a five foot wide stretch of road that is a maximum of 180 feet in length, or ten foot road with maximum 90 foot length, or a 15 x 45 foot road or 20 x 9 foot long stretch of road). Working day and night serpents connect countless far flung cities and civilizations with their finely crafted highways.
Meld With Road(Su): Can merge with any paved road as per the spell Meld with Stone but with no set duration. Highway serpents that have been summoned but are no longer needed are often left in this state. Some dormant serpents have remained hidden four hundred and even thousands of years. From the serpent's point of view the experience is quite peaceful.

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