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Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk


Ehhh, we could just file the serial numbers off the bone tyrant version and drop the telepathic messages bit. Then it would be more like scrying.

Hmm... I'd like it to have a "shaman-like" flavour to it.

Maybe some similarity to astral projection? I'm also wondering what range it will have - perhaps it only allows scrying through cats within the "territory" of the Panther Lord (like how Von Kharkhov's ability only operated within his domain in Ravenloft).

My ideas for it are rather inchoate at the moment, but give me some time and I might whip up a rough draft using a few of the above ideas.

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Extradimensional Explorer
I'm not getting the similarity to astral projection, I guess, since I wouldn't think that there's a representation of the panther lord near the thrall subject. Now, I could see a possession-type theme, where the panther lord takes over the thrall in some way.


I'm not getting the similarity to astral projection, I guess, since I wouldn't think that there's a representation of the panther lord near the thrall subject. Now, I could see a possession-type theme, where the panther lord takes over the thrall in some way.

We've basically got two of Von Kharkov's special abilities to consider:

He has the domain power "He can place his mind inside that of any cat anywhere in his domain. He cannot control the animal in any way, but he experiences everything that the cat experiences."

As well as the Nosferatu power "Anyone who has been bitten by Baron von Kharkov is vulnerable to his call. This call is a telepathic charm that enables von Kharkov to give them instructions from anywhere within Valachan. He cannot see through their eyes, nor can they communicate to him in any way. The bitten victims are allowed a saving throw (no penalties) to resist the charm. They remain vulnerable to his call for the rest of their lives unless a remove curse is cast upon them by a priest of at least 14th level. Over half the population of the domain has been bitten at one time or another."

In the case of his Werepanther guards, Von Kharkov could see through their eyes with his domain power and issue them orders with his Nosferatu power.

For our Panther Lord, I'm thinking it should be able to use the senses of any feline within range (which includes Werepanthers) but only send commands to its Panther Thralls.

The "astral projection" was a reference to him sending his mind into other creatures. I'm not proposing we use the literal astral projection spell although I would consider it. Sending your spirit outside your body feels very shamanic to me, and it does refer to them as having "the powers of a shaman".

And, yes I know AD&D "shamans" are very unlike their anthropological real-world equivalents.


Hmmm, I could go for that, I guess. Maybe we can take some of the language from scrying.

Okay, I'll have a stab at a rough draft...

Panther Trance (Su): A panther lord can enter a trance which allows it to see and hear from the viewpoint of any living feline within its territory. This territory is an area of land the panther lord claims by pacing around its entire border within a 24 hour period. This territorial claim lasts for [?] days or until the panther lord claims a new territory. The panther lord must be within the borders of its territory to use this ability.

The viewpoint feline can be any cat or catlike creature (animal or magical beast) or a lycanthrope with a cat for a base animal. If the viewpoint creature succeeds on a Will save, the scrying attempt fails and the panther lord cannot direct its Panther Trance at that particular creature again for 24 hours, although they can still attempt to scry through other felines. The Will save is DC X plus a modifier that depends on how well the panther lord knows the subject and what connection (if any) it has with the feline, as detailed in the Panther Trance Modifiers table. The save DC is Charisma-based.

The panther lord can try to scry upon a specific feline or a specific location. If it tries to scry upon a specific location, its Panther Trance attempts to connect to a feline that is able to see that location. The attempt fails if there are no felines viewing the target location. If there are multiple felines able to see a location, the Trance attempts to connect to whichever one has the most favorable Will Save Modifier (use random selection if there is a tie).

Panther Trance Modifiers
Knowledge (of feline and/or location)
Secondhand (heard of the subject)+5
Firsthand (seen the subject)+0
Familiar (know the subject well)-5
Likeness or picture-2
Possession or garment-4
Body part, tuft of fur, bit of claw, etc.-10
Self or thrall²n/a
1 The panther lord can attempt to scry upon a feline within its territory even if the panther lord has no knowledge of the feline.
2 A panther lord can scry on itself or any of the werepanther thralls it has created and automatically succeed, provided the target is within its territory.

If the subject fails its will save, the panther lord can see from the subject's viewpoint with the panther lord's full visual acuity, including any magical effects it has in operation. If the subject moves, the Panther Trance's viewpoint moves with it.

Panther Trance can connect to multiple felines during a single trance session. It normally uses itself as its first viewpoint, so the panther lord can periodically check the safety of its body. The panther lord can only scry one viewpoint at a time, but can switch viewpoints as a free action. The maximum number of felines the panther lord can connect to simultaneously is equal to [Hit Dice? 3 plus its Charisma bonus? Fixed number?]. The panther lord can release a feline from a connection as a free action. If it releases a feline it can try to reconnect to it later, but the feline is entitled to a new Will save to break the connection (thus a "released connection" is a different matter than a "broken connection".).

I'm also thinking adding the following might be a good idea:

A panther lord can use Panther Trance to telepathically suggest the viewpoint feline watches a particular creature or location. This effect resembles the suggestion spell. If the feline succeeds at a Will save (roll for each suggestion), the scrying connection breaks and cannot be resumed for 24 hours. The viewpoint feline gains a bonus on its Will save if it is asked to spy upon a potentially harmful situation; this bonus ranging from +2 for mild risk to +10 for extreme danger or automatic success for a suicidal suggestion. If the viewpoint feline is one of the panther lord's werepanther thralls, the panther lord can send simple telepathic instructions of up to three [?] words ("kill", "capture slaves", "return with loot") and there is no risk of the connection breaking if the thrall is ordered into danger.


Extradimensional Explorer
That's pretty good! I think I'd explicitly state in the paragraph about the save that thralls don't get a save.

I also like the suggestion bit, but I think I'd limit it to the thralls to keep things simple.


That's pretty good! I think I'd explicitly state in the paragraph about the save that thralls don't get a save.

I also like the suggestion bit, but I think I'd limit it to the thralls to keep things simple.

Simpler yes, but it makes the scrying function of very limited utility since it relies on a cat just randomly being within eyeshot of wherever (or whoever) the Panther Lord wants to look at, which is probably not very likely if the territory has a "realistic" density of wild felines. If the Panther Lord can subconsciously direct cats to spy on those it wishes to observe it makes it a lot easier.


Extradimensional Explorer
The original text pretty explicitly says
Ravenloft granted the baron strange powers with all kinds of cats. He can place his mind inside that of any cat anywhere in his domain. He cannot control the animal in any way, but he experiences everything that the cat experiences. His human body is in a trance during this process and is completely unaware of its surroundings. Only the pain of a wound can bring him out of the trance before he decides to break it.
Seems like we should stick to that.


The original text pretty explicitly says

Seems like we should stick to that.

So shall we just make the additional paragraph:

A panther lord can use Panther Trance to send simple telepathic instructions of up to three [?] words ("kill", "capture slaves", "return with loot") to one of the panther lord's werepanther thralls.


Extradimensional Explorer
Sure, that'll work!

As for the # of felines connected, I kind of feel like 3+Cha, but I don't mind much any old way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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