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Void - Githzerai Monk

[sblock=current status]
Place: Out of Sharn, Ebberon
HP: 8/8
Spell resistance 6
Daze 3/day each: 1 used
shatter 3/day each: 0 used
feather fall 3/day each: 0 used
Plane shift once/day : 0 used
Male Githzerai Monk 1
Lawful Neutral
Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 24 (+7)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Total Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 25 = 10 +7 [dexterity] +3 [wisdom] +4 [Inertial armor] +1 [Bracers of Armor]
Touch AC: 25 ; Flat-footed: 18
Languages:Common Gith

Initiative modifier: +7 = +7 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +3 = 2 [base] +1 [magic cloak]
Reflex save: +10 = 2 [base] +7 [dexterity] +1 [magic cloak]
Will save: +6 = 2 [base] +3 [wisdom] +1 [magic cloak]

Attack (handheld): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +2 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] +1 [weapon focus]
Flurry of Blows: 0/0 [includes strength modifier+weapon focus]
Attack (missile): +7 = 0 [base] +7 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]

Unarmed Damage: 1d6 +1 [strength]
Kama [1d6, crit x2, 2 lb., light, slashing]
Shuriken [1d2, crit x2, range incr 10 ft, 1/2 lb, piercing]

Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike [monk] ; Stunning Fist[monk]
Weapon Focus(Unarmed Strike) ; Weapon group: Basic weapons, Monk weapons

Balance Dex* 8 = +7 +1
Bluff Cha 0 = +0
Climb Str* 3 = +1 +2
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Diplomacy Cha 0 = +0
Disguise Cha 0 = +0
Escape Artist Dex* 9 = +7 +2
Heal Wis 3 = +3
Intimidate Cha 0 = +0
Jump Str* 1 = +1
Notice Wis 3 = +3 (Listen+Spot)
Ride Dex 7 = +7
Search Int -1 = -1
Sense Motive Wis 3 = +3
Stealth Dex* 10= +7 +3 (Hide+MS)
Survival Wis 3 = +3
Swim Str** 1 = +1
Tumble Dex* 11 = +7 +4
Use Rope Dex 7 = +7
* = check penalty for wearing armor

[sblock=Githzerai traits: ]
• +6 dexterity, -2 intelligence, +2 wisdom
• Darkvision to 60 feet
• Spell resistance 5+class level
• Daze, shatter, feather fall 3/day each
• Inertial armor (+4 to AC)
• Plane shift once/day
• Character level +2
[sblock=Monk: ]
• AC Bonus for Wisdom
• AC Bonus for level (begins level 5)
• Flurry of Blows
• Unarmed Strike
• Evasion (level 2)
• Fast Movement (already included)
• Bonus Feats (levels 1 2 & 6)
• Evasion (level 2)
• Fast Movement (level 3)
• Still Mind level 3)
• Ki Strike (level 4)
• Slow Fall (level 4)
• Purity of Body (level 5)
• Wholeness of Body (level 7)
• Improved Evasion (level 9)
• Diamond Body (level 11)
• Quivering Palm (level 15)
• Timeless Body (level 17)
• Tongue of Sun and Moon (level 17)
• Empty Body (level 19)
• Perfect Self (level 20)

Light load:43 lb. or less
Medium load:44-86 lb.
Heavy load:87-130 lb.
Lift over head:130 lb.
Lift off ground:260 lb.
Push or drag:650 lb.

10 rations
Winter Blanket
Rope (50', silk) x1
Monks Outfit
cloak (Cloak of resistance+1*)
4 clw potions
8 magic fang potions (+1 magical attack bonus)
Bracers of Armor +1*
money: 582 Galifar(gold) 40 Dragon(platinium) 4 Sovereign(Silver) 0 Crown(Copper)

Size:Medium ; Height: 2.00 meter ; Weight: 75 Kg
Skin:Gray ; Eyes:Amber ; Hair:None
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First Post
Hashkavak Male Kalashtar Bard 4
[sblock]Age: 52 Ht: 5'11'' Wt: 156 AL: CG Spd: 30' HP: 17 AC: 16 (19 when fighting defensively) AP: 7
S: 8 -1 0pt
D: 14 +2 6pt
C: 12 +1 4pt
I: 15 +2 8pt
W: 12 +1 4pt
Ch: 17 +3 10pt +1@4th

Skills, Feats, and Saves:
[sblock]Skills: (6+2)x4+12= 44 pts
Bluff: 7+3+2racial= 12
Diplomacy: 7+3+2racial+4synergy= 16
Disguise: 0+3=3 (+2 to impersonate human =+5)
Gather Info: 4+3+2 synergy= 9
Intimidate: 0+3+2racial= 5
Knowledge (History): 6+2= 8
Knowledge (Local): 6+2= 8
Knowledge (The Planes): 5+2= 7
Notice: 0+1=1
Perform (dance): 7+3= 10
Sense Motive: 3+1=3
Stealth: 0+2-1AP=1
Tumble: 7+2+2 feat -1AP=10

Languages: Common, Quori, Draconic, Riedran

Feats: Weapon Finesse; Path of Shadows: +2 to Tumble, use Perform (dance) instead of Concentration RoE pg 110

Saves: F/R/W: +2/+6/+5 (+5 versus mind affecting spells, powers, abilities and possessions)
Base Attack: +3 Grapple:+2
Rapier +5 1d6-1 18-20/X2 P
Dagger +6 1d4-1 (1d4+0 with at least I PP in reserve) 19-20/X2 P/S
Dagger(thrown) +6 1d4-1 (1d4+0 with at least I PP in reserve) 19-20/X2 P/S
Lt X-Bow(+1) +7 1d8+1 19-20/X2 P 80'
20 Bolts
Racial Abilities: +2 Racial bonus to mind affecting spells, abilities, powers, and possesssions
+2 Racial bonus to: Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimiate rolls
+2 Bonus to disguise checks to impersonate humans
Dreamless sleep: Immunity to dream, and nightmare spells or abilities
Naturaly Psionic: 1 power point/character lv; 4pp
Psilike ability: Mindlink 1/day

Class Abilities: Weapon Groups: Basic, Light bladed weapons, Cross bows
Armor prof: All light armor, and shields
Bardic Music 4/day: Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire Courage
Bardic Knowledge: +8
Spells Known: 0Lv; 3/day: Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic,
1Lv; 3/day: Charm Person, Grease, Lesser Confusion
2Lv;1/day:Invisibility,Cure moderate wounds[/sblock]

Hewards Haversack: 2lbs
In Haversack: Waterskin x2 8lbs, Sunrod x4 4lbs, Bedroll 5lb, Rations x7 7lbs
MW Riedran Crysteel Dagger: As above 1lb, In Belt loop
Rapier: As above 2lbs, In Belt loop
MW Lt X-Bow +1: As above 4lbs, Slung on shoulder
20 Bolts: 2lbs, In Quiver on Belt loop
MW Chain Shirt: +4; +4(max dex) -1(armor penalty) 20lbs
Pouch on belt w/21 Galifers (GP), and 12 Dragons (PP)
Total Wt: 29lbs (items in haversack are weightless)

[sblock] All kalashtar appear as slightly taller, more angular human. Hashkavak is no exception. His completely symetrical features are both oddly attractive, and strangly disconcerting. Hashkavak has pale white skin, and medium length brown hair that reaches just to the nape of his neck. He has green eyes and double pierced ears. He also has several tatoos including the Quori number for 66 with the word aganash nan or "never forget" tatooed over his heart, the symbol of Il-Yannah on the inside of each forearm, and a portrait of Kavak (his Quori spirit) on his back as rendered from visions he has received from Kavak. Hashkavak is always wearing brightly colored clothes often augmented by prestidigitation spells to appear as if the colors are shifting or swirling unless, of course, the situation calls for more subdued tones.

[sblock] Hashkavak was born in Sharn, all he knew was life in the close knit kalashtar community he grew up in. He had always heard about the war being waged against his people in Adar, and Kavak his Quori sprit would often show images of the conflicts he faced in Dal Quor. Hashkavak always knew his place in the community would be to grow up and ply a trade to support the lightbringers and the rest of the community until the present Age of Darkness was overthrown by the lightbringers meditations. This all changed when hashkavak was 26 years, when he met his first shadow watcher. Talharath was a soulknife dedicated to eradicating the physical forces of darkness while the lightbringer work to combat the spiritual forces of darkness. Talharath explained the real war, told him stories of death, corruption, and despair. He showed Hashkavak his scars, physical scars of bloody battles against the inspired, emotional scars of watching fellow kalashtar dying in open battle in the streets, or to poisoned food at an inn. he taught Hashkavak that the agents of the dreaming dark are always on the look out for kalashtar to harrass, and even kill. Hashkavak learned to keep his guard up, and always be on the look out for treachery. But the story that struck the hardest blow to his psyche, and ultimately led him to the "path of shadows" was the tale of Taratai the quori spirit that led the quori to Eberron and ultimatly birthed the kalshtar race. Talharath told the tale of a fellow soulknife named Linatai who accompanied him on many travels, and battles against the Dreaming Dark. He and Linatai were in love and eventually Linatai conceived a child. This was a momentous day, for Linatai was the last of the Taratai line and this birth would ensure that her line would carry on. On the day Linatai went into labor Talharath ran to fetch the midwife, when he returned he found Linatai slaughtered in her birthing bed, her womb torn open, and the young kalashtar within decapitated. Taratai's line was ended, and the kalashtar were one step closer to extinction. Hashkavak knew that if the lightbringers were to have a chance to end the present Quor Tarai or "age of dreams" and usher in a new era of hope and peace, the agents of darkness would need to be held at bay. From that point Hashkavak vowed he to would become a shadow watcher and protect his people, and the people of Eberron from physical harm. He has also vowed that no Kalashtar will ever forget his/her heritage and devoted himself to traveling between kalashter communites in Sharn teaching the children of the war against the Dreaming Dark, the death of Taratai, and the history of the kalashtar people. He longs to journey to other kalashtar communities in Khorvaire, and eventually make a pilgramage to the Shalquar monastary in Adar

[sblock] Hashkavak's personality stems mainly from his relationship with his quori spirit Kavak. While some spirits like Harath, Soreth possess a militaristic bent, and others like Vakri are more contemplative; Kavak was always boisterous, the most talktative of the Quori spirits -often to the annoyance of the other spirits. When the kalashtar race was first born and the bond was at its strongest, the spirits could communicate directly to their hosts and Kavak would constantly regale his host with stories of Dal Quor, and the battles waged between planes while the displaced spirits sought a home. As the years have gone by, and the bond has weakened, Kavak can no longer communicate directly to his hosts, but he bombards them with images of his past, and Hashkavak can spend hours staring into space captivated by visions of Dal Quor. Hashkavak has certainly inherited Kavak's penchant for locquaciousness and takes every opportunity to make a new acquaintance. Both because he's naturally a people person, but also because he's always on the look out for agents of the Dreaming Dark. Hashkavak uses a meditative technique known as sheshan talarash dasyannah roughly translated as "dance of the path of shadows" to both attune himself to his quori spirit, but also as a communicative tool for other kalashtar as all kalashtar understand the interperative qualities of the dance. Because Hashkavak has chosen to embrace the visions offered by his spirit, rather than suppress them out like most kalashtar he appears to some as quite insane; constantly muttering to his spirit (to others it looks like he's talking to himself), staring into space in rapt fascination of Kavak's visions, and suggesting fantastic, physicaly impossible solutions to problems (Let's bombard them with the sound of orange, that drives people crazy...) are all manifestations of his relationship to his spirit. Finally, since hearing the story of Taratai he realizes how fragile the kalashtar race is to extermination, and that every successful birth is a victory in the war against the dreamimg dark, he is constantly seeking to mate with female kalashtar and with his high charisma, diplomacy and bluff skills he's often successful. He's not a "player" seeking to "score", he's a loyal soldier "recruiting" for the war.
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Khashana, the Lightdreamer

Race: Kalashtar Class: Psion (Egoist) Level: 3 Experience: 3,000
Alignment: Lawful Good Religion: Path of Light
Appearance: tall and attractive with striking green eyes and long dark hair; often seems slightly distracted

History: Khashana was part of a Kalashtar diplomatic team that worked out of Sharn, spreading the word about the plight of the Kalashtar in Adar and forging alliances against the tyrranical Inspired. When her friends and allies were targeted in retaliation, the soft-hearted Khashana moved away from her political affilations and decided to work apart from others of her race.

Personality and Roleplaying notes: Khashana lives to help others--usually at her own expense in some way. Despite having quite a bit of power and being quite skilled in several ways, Khashana has surprisingly low self-confidence and believes the only way to get the respect of others is to sacrifice part of herself to them. Khashana is a pacifistic healer who has vowed to do as little harm as possible to others. She has also vowed to lend her aid to the wounded whenever needed, regardless of who they are.
Strength: 10 {+0} (2 point buy)
Dexterity: 14 {+2} (6 point buy)
Constitution: 14 {+2} (6 point buy)
Wisdom: 12 {+1} (4 point buy)
Intelligence: 16 {+3} (10 point buy)
Charisma: 12 {+1} (4 point buy)
-- Total: 32 points​

Combat & Magic:
Hit Points: 18 (3d4+6+2)
Speed: 30 feet
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Armor Class: 12 (Dex)
-- Touch 12, Flat-footed 10
Base Attack Bonus: +1
-- Grapple: +1
Ranged Touch Attack (power): +3
Melee Attack (unarmed strike) +3 to hit, 1d3 nonlethal damage
-- special: crystal gauntlets (see below)
Melee Attack (club) +1 to hit, 1d6 damage

Fortitude Save: +3 (+1 Base, +2 Con)
Reflex Save: +3 (+1 Base, +2 Dex)
Will Save: +4 (+3 Base, +1 Wis)

Power Points: 18 (11 base, +3 racial, +4 Int)
Manifester Level: 3
Powers Known: Empathic Transfer, Animal Affinity, Thicken Skin, Empathy, Entangling Ectoplasm, Inertial Armor, Vigor

Skills and Feats:
Autohypnosis: +7 (6 ranks, +1 Wis)
Bluff: +3 (+1 Cha, +2 Racial)
Concentration: +11 (6 ranks, +2 Con, +3 Psicrystal)
Diplomacy: +3 (+1 Cha, +2 Racial)
Heal: +9 (6 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 synergy)
Intimidate: +3 (+1 Cha, +2 Racial)
Notice: +3 (+1 Wis, +2 Psicrystal)
Psicraft: +9 (6 ranks, +3 Int)
Profession (Herbalist): +7 (6 ranks, +1 Wis)

Languages: Common, Quor, Draconic, Elven, Gnomish

1st level Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
3rd level Feat: Weapon Finesse
Bonus Feat: Psionic Body​

Class and Racial Abilities:
Weapon Group: Basic Weapons (club, quarterstaff, dagger)
Psicrystal (Personality: Single-minded)
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities
Does not dream
Skill Bonuses (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)
+2 bonus to Disguise to appear as human
Naturally Psionic (+1 power point per level)
Psi-Like Ability: Mindlink 1/day​

Equipment & Wealth:
simple brownish-red robes (weight 1, cost --)
well-carved quarterstaff (weight 4, cost --)
3 potions of cure moderate wounds (weight 3, cost 900)
2 power stones of Body Adjustment, DC 7 level check to use, (weight 2, cost 750)
Deep Crystal gauntlets (weight 4, cost 1,000)
two healer's kits (weight 2, cost 100)
two vials of antitoxin (weight --, cost 100)
everburning torch (weight 1, cost 110)
40 gold pieces (weight 4)
-- Total weight: 21 Total cost: 3,000​


First Post
[B]Name:[/B] Norros Seabreeze [Formely known as Trevor]
[B]Class:[/B] Warlock
[B]Race:[/B] Changeling
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 ( 2p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3000   
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 ( 4p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 20 (3d6+6)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +0     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 1/Cold Iron
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 ( 4p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +2 vs sleep/charm
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -X         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +4    +0    +1    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      1    +2    +1    +4
[B]Ref:[/B]                       1    +1    +1    +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      3    +1    +1    +5

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Eldritch Blast            +3     2d6           20x2
Trident, mw               +3     1d8           20x2
Dagger                    +2     1d4        19-20x2

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 24       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff			   5 	+ 3   + 2   = 10 (16 with Beguiling Influence)
Concentration		   4 	+ 1   + 0   = 5
Diplomacy		   0 	+ 3   + 2   = 5 (11 with Beguiling Influence)
Disguise		   5 	+ 3   + 0   = 8 (18 with Minor Change Shape)
Intimidation		   2 	+ 3   + 4   = 9 (15 with Beguiling Influence)
Sense Motive		   2 	+ 0   + 2   = 4
Speak Language		   1
Use Magic Item		   5 	+ 3   + 0   = 8

[B]Languages:[/B] Abyssal, Common, Elven, Orc

Light Armor Proficiency
Basic Weapon Proficiency
Spear Weapon Proficiency
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

+2 saves vs sleep/charm
+2 to Bluff/Intimidate/Sense Motive
Natural Linguist
Minor Change Shape

Eldritch Blast (2d6)
Detect Magic
Damage Reduction 1/Cold Iron

Beguiling Influence (+6 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Eldritch Spear

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Traveler's Clothing       -       -
Backack                   2gp   2.0lb
Pouch, belt               1gp   0.5lb
Mithril Chain Shirt    1100gp  12.5lb
Trident, mw             315gp   4.0lb
Dagger                    2gp   1.0lb
Antitoxin                50gp     -
Potion of CLW x2         100gp     -
Vest of Resistance +1   1000gp     -

[B]Total Weight:[/B]17.5lb      [B]Money:[/B] 830gp 0sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

[B]Age:[/B] 19
[B]Height:[/B] 5'4"
[B]Weight:[/B] 127lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] White
[B]Hair:[/B] Shoulder-Lenght Light gray
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale gray
Appearance: XXXX

Background: Two years ago, Norros arrived on the Lady Scarlet. Just another boat among all that came to Harbor, just another man that put his feet on the island. The only strange thing about him is, instead of leaving with his boat, he stayed on the island. No one in town knows why he has chosen to do so. He has rent a room and have kept it during those two years. During the day, he finds some small jobs in the harbor, during night, he goes into the taverns to drink with the others. Everyone who have come in contact with him have come to like him, a simple man with the heart to the good place. He might be a bit indisciplined, but people tells Norros is like the wind who push his boat in the harbor. But if one person would dare to enter Norros bedroom and would search under his bed, he would find a small chest where he hides a single letter who has never been read. A name is written on it: Eloïse. And if this curious person would dare to open it, he would discover the dark secret Norros have been hiding, even to his closest friend.

[SBLOCK=Letter]Dear Eloïse,

I understand your reaction of yesterday. I couldn't expect less of you. If I write this letter to you, it is not to ask forgivenessmyself of what I have done. I betrayed your trust. There is no forgiveness possible. If I write you down this letter, it is because I think I owe you the truth.

I'm borned in the region of Darguun. At that moment, my father was already death. He was not a good man, and he happen to have large debt. His creditor decided to pay themselves by making my mother there slave. So when I was born, I was already the pawn of someone else.

My mother tried to hide her heritage the best she could, but the baby I was could not do the same, I was too young to understand the situation I was in. So the creditor discovered I wasn't a human, but a Changelling. When they saw through the decption, they forced my mother, by threatning my life, to reveal all about her nature. She was the child of an old lineage of sorcerer. Herself wasn't one, she wanted to broke this tradition who have brought doom on us. The creditor then decided to take my education into there hands.

One of them, Farnok, an half-orc, was a wizards. He decided to teach me the mastery of arcane art. Instead of doing it itself, he summoned a minor demon, a quasit, to do it. So since I was four yeas old, I had for mentor a Quasit. One aspect of these demon, it is they are not faithfull follower, even less when they are bond to do something by some magic. This Quasit decide to teach me some dark arcana that I could one day turn upon my master. It is how I became a Warlock instead of a wizard like Farnok. He also helped me to master the magic within all magical items. That way, I would be less scare to use it and I could bring more trouble to the demon's master who was also mine. The Quasit wanted his vengeance for his captivity.

Farnok found the trick the Quasit was playing on him, but it took him years. My training was too advanced to start it from scratch. Illiewyn was the other creditor, that name might sound familiar to your ears. He was a dark elf, a member of the house of Valenar who has turned upon his house. For that, he has been cast away. He decided to take his vengeance. He was the one who had my mother. He trade it for me when he saw the potential I was for his vengeance. He completed my training, teaching me the ways to infiltrate an organization, using my dark arts to my advantage, or should I say, to his advanatge.

Once my training was finish, he sent me to you. He heard you were searching for a new maid. So I had to use my powers and my skills to become that one. It wasn't hard to convince your father. Illewyn knew exactly what your father wanted, so he told me what to say, how to act. I started to work for you. I was expecting to continue my life of slaves under your rules. I didn't expect to be serving someone so kind and so generous. It took not long before I fall in love with you. I would have liked, from the start, to reveal the sword that was hanging over your head, but sadly I had my own. Illewyn threaten me that if I failed him, my mother would died. At that moment, I had only two things that was counting to me, my mother and you. I couldn't give up my mother, so I played Illewyn's game.

But things changed this week. Two events have changed all the rules of the games. First, following an experimentation of Farnok, my mother lost her life. Illewyn lost his only hold on me. Second, he was about to make his first big moves in his plan of vengeance, one that would wounded deeply your father, something that would torture him for all his life, and it was your death. I was suppose to be the one who would have put the poison in the drink you take each night before going to bed. The poison would have killed you during the night, and your father wouldn't had been able to saved you. As the sun would have gone up, your soul would have long been away from your body.

I choosed to turn upon my master. I came to you last night, and reveal my true self. But when you saw I wasn't the maid I pretend to be, when you shout and attract all the guards, I couldn't do much than leaves. I just hope you heard my warning, that your life was in danger, that Illewyn wanted his vengeance. I don't know if I'll have the courage to gives you that letter, who reveal to you my past and my heart. I would also need to be able to reach you and gives the letter to you. But if it ever reach your hand, I would like you to keep it for yourself alone, and reveal to your father only Illewyn's goals.

For me, Illewyn will want my hide, and Farnok his not his only ally. He has many goons that would be please to kill me to have the favor of Illewyn. So I'll use the same skill he teach me and I'll go far from this land and I'll start my life anew.
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First Post
[sblock=Appearance]As a sea kin, Myel would seem at first glance human or half-elf: however, a closer look betrays the differences in her heritage. She is slim and not particularly tall--a bit under five and a half feet. She has lustrous black hair that matches her solidly dark eyes, pulled into a single braid that reaches down nearly to her waist. Her face is centered around a ridgelike nose that, if not particularly pretty, isn't immediately repulsive either. Her ears come to almost elflike points, though this is often hidden by her hair. Thin but durable webbing spreads between her fingers and toes. When she opens her mouth--often with small smiles--her teeth are revealed to be needlelike, more of a predator than a human's mix of grinding and slicing teeth.

Her armor and clothing is of elven make, light and decorative but also, more practically, nonrestrictive: though her equipment carries all the protection of studded leather, it fits tightly to her (not-exactly-buxom) frame, letting her move freely. It is also highly water-impervious; though it doesn't prevent her from getting wet, the armor and clothes themselves have been carefully chosen not to degrade easily when immersed.

She wears a simple, green cloak: when traveling in places particularly xenophobic, she'll wear it pulled tight around her, and don thin gloves that cover the webbing between her fingers, in an attempt to pass as a half-elf. When alone on the road, it's also not uncommon for her to, when approaching a primarily male group, loosen the straps of her armor slightly, pull her cloak tight, and force her voice a little lower than her normal octave (after all, it's only been a few years since the end of the war, and everyone aquatic knows that these surface-landers can be untrustworthy).

Myel normally carries her trident like a staff, with her net folded and hung on her hip. A short sword--essentially a backup weapon--resides in a sheath on her other hip, while a composite shortbow and matching quiver hang on her back, on a strap that passes around the outside of her cloak. The trident itself is something of a quiet enigma--the crux of its 'fork' is almost always wrapped in a sort of cloth made from spun seaweed, hiding the continual flame that lights it.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Myel was once content to serve as an apprentice priestess within her sea kin community, slowly learning the rituals used to invoke and appease the ancient, watery gods inherited from the locathah and merfolk. However, a chance encounter with a dragonmarked half-elven sorcerer knocked her out of this routine. Fascinated by the dragonmark itself and by the half-elf's tales of searching for the 'draconic prophecies', she engaged in a brief but passionate courting with him: though they never got past energetic necking and he was quickly drawn again to the road by wanderlust and the matter of pressing local debt, he left a lasting mark on her personality.

Soon enough, she was experimenting with her rituals in attempts to emulate the sorcerer's magic. Though she never quite reached what she was trying for, she soon found herself producing effects that had never been described in the poem-songs learned from the priestesses before her.

It wasn't long before she ended up setting out on her own as an adventurer, searching for more knowledge as to the Draconic Prophecy she had once been told of.[/sblock]

[sblock=Sheet]Myel, Sea Kin Cloistered Cleric 3
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Ability Scores

Str 12 (+1) [4]
Dex 12 (+1) [4]
Con 12 (+2) [4]
Int 14 (+2) [6]
Wis 16 (+3) [10]
Cha 10 (+0) [4]


Hit points: 17 (3d6+3)
Speed: 30 ft, swim 30 ft
Init: +1

Armor class: 15 (+3 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
AC, touch: 11 (+1 Dex)
AC, flat-foot: 14 (+3 armor, +1 shield)

Base attack: +1
Grapple: +1

Trident, melee: +2 to hit, 1d8+1 damage
Trident, ranged: +3 to hit, 1d8+1 damage
Net: +3 to hit
Short sword: +2 to hit, 1d6+1 damage
Shortbow: +2 to hit, 1d6 damage

Fort save: +4 (+3 base, +1 Con)
Ref save: +2 (+1 base, +1 Dex)
Will save: +6 (+3 base, +3 Wis)


Concentration: +7 (6 ranks, +1 Con)
Decipher Script: +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy: +2 (2 ranks, +0 Cha)
Knowledge (arcana): +8 (6 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (architecture and engineering): +3 (1 rank, +2 Int)
Knowledge (geography): +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (history): +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (local): +3 (1 rank, +2 Int)
Knowledge (nature): +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (religion): +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (the planes): +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Profession (astronomer): +6 (3 ranks, +3 Wis)
Speak Language: Celestial, Draconic (2 ranks)
Spellcraft: +10 (6 ranks, +2 Int, +2 synergy)
Survival: +6, +8 aboveground/other planes (3 ranks, +3 Wis)

Languages: Common, Aquan, Celestial, Draconic, Elven


Racial: Weapon Group (Spears and Lances)
Cleric: Weapon Group (Basic), Weapon Group (Light Blades), Weapon Group (Bows)
HD 1: Dragon Prophesier [6 rounds, 4/day]
HD 3: Prophecy's Hero

Racial Abilities

Humanoid (human)
Low-light vision
Extra skill points as human
+2 racial bonus on Escape Artist
Hold Breath (Ex) (8 x Con rounds = 96 rounds)
Weapon Familiarity (tridents, nets)
Water Dependency

Class Abilities

Lore (Ex) (+7 on check)
Knowledge (Knowledge skills as class skills, +1 caster level for divinations)
Weather (vision unobstructed by nonmagical weather, Survival as class skill, +2 on weather-related Survival)
Destiny (1/day, allow someone within 60 ft to reroll attack, save, ability, or skill)​
Turn Undead (3/day, +2 check, 2d6+3 damage)​


Leafweave studded leather (765 gp, +3 armor, +6 max Dex, 0 ACP, 15 lb)
Masterwork buckler (165 gp, +1 shield, 5 lb)

Masterwork trident (315 gp, +1 to attack, 1d8/20/x2, 10 ft., 4 lb) with continual flame (110 gp, normally covered)
Masterwork net (320 gp, +1 to attack, entangling, 10 ft., 6 lb)
Shortbow (30 gp, 1d6, 1d6/20/x3, 60 ft. range, 2 lb)
Shortsword (10 gp, 1d6/19-20/x2, 2 lb)

Arrows, 20 (1 gp, 3 lb)

Explorer's outfit
Holy symbol, wooden (5 gp)
Spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb)

Pearl of power, 1st-level (1000 gp)

Scroll of augury (175 gp)
Potion of cure light wounds (50 gp)
Potion of shield of faith +2 (50 gp)

9 Dragons (PP), 19 Galifers (GP)

Total load 40 lbs
Light load 43 lbs, medium 44-76 lbs, heavy 77-110 lbs.

Magic and Psionics

0th (4/day, save DC 13): create water, detect magic, read magic, resistance
1st (2+1+d/day, save DC 14): omen of peril*(RoDe), command, doom, unseen servant
2nd (1+1+d/day, save DC 15): fog cloud*, deific vengeance(CDiv), local tremor(RoDr)

* domain spell​

EDIT: Whups, accidentally left that Disguise rank in. Switched those two skill points into Know (architecture) and Know (local), 1 rank each (what I thought I had posted). (Incidentally, this means at least 1 rank in every Knowledge but Dungeoneering and Royalty/Nobility, and that's because she hasn't actually dealt with or researched either yet.)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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