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D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[/color] Unable to contain herself, the tavern wench asks, "Are you Polly's beau then?"

Barrington scratches his thumb against his chin, in two quick movements, once he catches Polly's eye. He's smiling, and barely looking at the woman he's speaking with, truth be told.

He hands her a shilling, though, and takes the key to the Captain's quarters, with a curt thank you and a promise to be done in time. He does hear the question about Polly, and that does attract his attention. He turns to her, and looks at her straight. "You should be asking her that question, not me." He wants to boast and say that he is, but he restrains himself, and orders two bowls of chowder.

When Kid's conversation is done, they make their way to the back room. The silver disk glides through the room, and Barrington realizes that the effect he has hoped to have (eventually) on the crew of the Winchelsea might also frighten Prydwen. Nothing to be done about that, but he does feel embarrassed as he makes his way through the tavern.

Once locked away, the disk dissolves, and the contents it carried slowly descend to the floor. While they eat, Barrington realizes how hungry he has been, and tears at the piece of bread he's been given with his teeth, and sops up the soup with bread rather than use a spoon. He sleeks between mouthfuls.

"We have done well so far, Kid. Your performance outside was commendable. I should explain. I'm due to take a position on the Winchelsea this evening, but it may be that there are better opportunities. It would be easier for me if the crew's suspicions of me caused the Captain to release me from that obligation rather than me having to break it myself.

As perhaps you have heard, there are certain expeditions that seek La Gloriosa del Mar. At least two of them are in need of greater firepower, and we have now, with your great help, tied that up for the short term. Both expeditions are also hurried, and will want immediate departures. This puts us in a strong bargaining position, I feel, and one that could turn a profit for myself, and you too if you would like to join me.

I expect to be on one of those expeditions, either the Winchelsea or the Coral Curse. I hope that at some time this afternoon, it will be possible to speak with Captain de la Corazon of the Coral Curse and come to terms with her. If not, then the Winchelsea will be available this evening.

Our possessions should be safe here. However much this may mean to us, it is a small portion of the business of this establishment, and they'd have too much to lose if they could not secure this room against intruders when it has been paid for."

He finishes his chowder. "My only goal now is to speak to Captain de la Corazon and her crew. Then, all being well, we might even have time to introduce you this evening to Blackbeard himself."

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First Post
Etienne go to his warehouse, left there most of his most precious wares and packaged some goods for the Indian family. Some fur, some alcohol and his pine draughtproofing resin and pitch. And the dreaded white skin. He then puts his canoe in the water and paddles on cruise speed to forbid over exhausting himself as the seasoned voyageur he is. He prays God he will not cross 2 legs or flippered critters on the road... and check his weapons in case he'll get trouble.

And he paddles.. and paddles.... longing for his destination...

OOC: What are my weapons ? A rifle, a knife and a rapier ? A battle axe may be more related to my character background ... but usually not granted to a bard
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OOC: A bit of musical inspiration for all the montage sequences we've got going on...

Katerina & Nia at the Colonial Hotel with du Tourbillon for now
Old Zef & Caillou at the safe house questioning D'avard
Barrington & Kid in the captain's room at Blackreef's
Etienne paddling out to the northwest side to trade with the Verguenzas


One mute caramel-skinned boy, no older than seven, with wide eyes runs over and, exchanging a meaningful look with Kid, swipes his hand under the disk. Seeing his hand has passed thru unscathed, the boy breaks into a giggle.
Kid's stance atop the disk becomes territorial. He permits the youngster to pass a hand beneath the disk, but resorts to a scowl to keep at bay other would-be gawkers.

Kid scans the bulletin board, taking note of the advert for crewmen for the 'Chelsea. The comment from the Old Salt attracts the boy's attention. He joins the wizened old man by his rocking chair. "S'ether, Old Salt! Some fancy pants ol' coots from 'cross the sea are wizardin' it up. Didja see me ride up on the disk?! Strong as a bull, it'were. An' cap'n'll teach me how to make 'is ether. If'n ye like, I'll come back an' learn you some, too. Old dogs can learn new tricks, cain't they?" Kid smiles amiably at the old man. His chest puffs as he enjoys a moment of self-importance. Kid sticks out a hand in greeting. "Who're you?"

Soon enough, Barrington whistles for Kid, who takes his leave of the old man. Kid joins Barrington in the back room, and hungrily tears into his bowl of chowder. The boy has no manners at all; he picks up his bowl and noisily drinks down the contents, not bothering to chew. Wiping off his chops on his forearm, Kid attacks his bread. The entire thing, both chowder and boule, are gone in forty seconds.

"Told ya, cap'n, cors I'm wit' you. Ye're fun. You got 'ether.' Plus, you pay." Kid grimaces and doubles over, holding onto his stomach. Even from across the table, the sound of the boy's stomach rumbling quickfire through its contents is audible. "Double damn! Ate too fast." Kid smiles sheepishly at Barrington.

All the color from the youth's face drains, however, when Barrington mentions Blackbeard. A beat later, heat colors the lad's cheeks. Though his eyes darken, the boy says nothing. He merely nods his head, internal gears churning.

OOC: What does Kid know about Katerina? He's met her before, but I think her reputation has "increased" since Kid's last interlude with her and her crew.
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Queen of Everything
OOC: OOC: Apologies for lack of posting, I am quite confused what just happened with Etienne - I thought Nia was doing some business with him for us and that he would accompany us to Zef. It'll work itself out somehow I'm sure.

du Tourbillon arches his brow at the white buffalo skin Etienne displays, then he nods to Katerina and raises his coffee cup to her. "Oui, we are finished. I don't want to keep you from your many other businesses. Monsieur Etienne, if you can find me a thumbnail sized pearl I can conduct an inquiry into the exact nature of the skin you acquired from the shaman. And if you have further need of me or my man Badouin, madame du Corazon, you shall find me hear at the Colonial Hotel."

And just like that the peddler was gone. Strange man, she thinks to herself. No doubt our paths will cross again soon.

Kat takes one last chug of her fine coffee. It is much better than the swill they are used to. "Very well, Senor. Thank you for your warning, we shall keep an eye out for this Captain you've told us about. If you do not mind then, we'll take our leave of you and keep you informed of our successes."

She makes a cluck with her teeth and Bella comes swinging back to her, landing with a soft thud on her shoulder. She nods to Nia then walks out of the hotel courtyard, but not before a careful glance in both directions.

The two ladies walk a little distance and Katerina speaks as she strides along, her long legs carrying her swiftly. "I do not know where the peddler ran off to. On your word I would have bought the damn pelt from him if he just stayed put long enough. But I imagine he will try to find Zef so once we get back into town we may bump into him yet. Is the pelt that important? It can help Calliou?" She stops walking suddenly and turns to look Nia in the eyes.

"It's very odd, I do not normally trust anyone, it is even difficult to trust those I have known my whole life. But you... what little trust I dole out, well, there is something about you that makes me want to trust you." There is another pause. "You are not magicking me, are you?" Katerina stares critically at dark skinned woman before her. She truly could not understand her feelings about this woman and it concerned and frightened her at the same time, though she would never let on about that. "Please answer me now."

OOC: Upon further reflection, who did Kid recognize at the Blackreef Tavern common room (if anyone)? Any notable figures with whom Kid might be familiar, either directly or by reputation? Let me know if you want a die roll of some species, [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION].


OOC: No worries [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION]! Hope you and Fenris are doing well.

So [MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] Etienne is going to have a safe paddle out, about 1 hour by canoe, so I'll jump back to what's happening for him in a jiffy.

Looking about Blackreef's, Kid spots a spartan kitchen and serving staff, and a few of the more diehard regulars who're the sorts to be at a tavern in the morning.

There's Ulsta Van Djik, a buxom reddish blonde Dutch dwarven matron who manages the tavern. Daughter of a famous Dutch pirate captain who once captained The Coral Curse, though Ulsta is tight-lipped about her family affairs.

Two pirates - pot-bellied Rounder and Skinny Steve - whisper to each other about getting back into Blackbeard's good graces. Whatever they did to have a falling out with the so-called "Governor of Nassau", those pirates seem to be shunned by others as if they'd been stricken with the black spot.

Surly, a dark-eyed Irish son of a bitch, sits in one corner nursing a bottle in honor of his dead brother. While most folks give Surly a wide berth, in Kid's book he's not too bad, and usually up for a game of cards or darts.

Moray, an eccentric Scottish dwarven provisioner, is delivering several crates of ale and is negotiating a fair price with Ulsta. The topic of his missing Gilboan rum and the goblins that stoled it comes up, and Moray's face goes livid.

There's also an assortment of layabouts that Kid doesn't know by name but has seen about Nassau. Lots of whispers about sightings of a ship off the bay in last night's storm, flying no colors and having no lights aboard.

[section]In the back room, Kid surreptitiously tried to steer the subject of his conversation with Barrington away from Blackheart. "If ye're lookin' fer Katerina de la Corazon, I seen Ol' Surly in the taproom. He might know where she's stayin'. 'Less you think she's comin' 'ere later on?" Kid watched Barrington for his response.[/section]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Barrington smiles as Kid chokes down his chowder, and pours him a small glass of water to aid his digestion. I'm fun, repeats barring ton in his head, excessively pleased with the impression he's made on the young man. He takes a quick look at his pocket watch to check the time.

"I think if you could find where Captain de la Corazon were, that would be very helpful, Kid. If she..." -- Barrington considers adding "...or her quartermaster...", but he restrains himself; he will need a level head for this discussion -- "...if she is interested in improving the firepower of the Coral Curse, I will be able to speak with her any time for the next three-and-a-quarter hours."

Barrington quickly stacks the empty bowls, and begins positioning chairs. This might work.

[section]Kid stood up from the table, his eyes lingering on the stack of empty bowls. He nodded at Barrington, then darted from the room, grateful to be spared from having to make a rejoinder about Blackheart. "I'll nip out, then, cap'n. You wait 'ere. 'Alf a moment." The lad's attempt to emulate Barrington's proper English was laughable.

When Kid gained the taproom's common area, he zeroed in on Surly. He angled his body toward Surly's table, then paused a beat and instead rounded on the bar, where he called for two small mugs of rum. He went to pay, pulling out then putting away the gold coin given him by Barrington. He patted the pocket where he stowed his treasure of a gold piece, telling himself he was keeping it for luck and not out of sentimentality. Instead, Kid fingered a few silver pieces in a different pocket and paid with those coins. He waited for the grog, then made for Surly's table.
The boy was careful not to make too much loud noise when he sat down and pushed the grog across the wooden-planked table within Surly's reach. "'Aven't seen the likes of you round port fer a few days. You seen bet'er days." Kid tested the waters, and waited for Surly to accept the drink.[/section]

Voidrunner's Codex

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