D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


Old Zef watches the interplay between Barrington and Katerina through hooded eyes, not missing a nuance. He shakes his head several times. As Katerina gets up to leave so too does the old dwarf.

"Jimmy boy. I don't know what got your nose out of joint. But I followed this woman's father fer 30 years and her for a few more after that. I don't know you from any other swab. So unless you gots proof of any thing you just said, your words are worthless. Actions my boy, action speak. What actions do you have ey? I would not trade away shares on the back end for up front money, bad business. And I don't know what tubs you been sailin' on but Kat here did ask us before she went outside what we wanted and she seems to have negotiated what we all agreed to here. So she stood by her word, and she has always dealt square and straight with crew. So I am following her. I would advise you to do so too if you want to find that ship.

But let this old salt leave you with two bit o' advice. Think twice before speaking once, and pride goes before a fall. Hubris my lad. It may yet be your downfall. I have been sailing since before your grandfather's father was born. I have seen more men destroyed by greed, scurvy and pride. It ain't worth it. You came in here attacking Kat and gave no proof nor cause. And why I asks? What you want boy? You want to find that ship? Follow her. You want to go your own way, go ahead. We all met to get the same thing, no we can have a differ' opinions on how to a get there. But you accused her o' saying things, calling you a liar in anger. Is that any better than you calling her a liar with out it? Or at least not showing it?

I know Kat, I trust Kat. I also would prefer to follow someone who ain't a going to give away 10,000 doubloons to get 1,500 up front. Am I right Badoiun? You seem like a decent enough fellow, even if your priorities is a bit screwed up. But I am following Kat. Swallow the damnable pride of youth and join."

Olf Zef then continues to limp out into the common room.

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First Post
"We bargained from no position of strength, to be sure, and more's the pity for it," says Teague, to no one in particular. His eyes have begun to glaze slightly. "We began with the girl's excessive fame, cast off of her infamous father, may he rest, and precious else, not even a ship t'call our own. I care not a whit for who nestles in the stateroom, nor for insipid detail of what haggling occurred with the French. Whosoever weighs anchor first shall have me pledge."

Another abandoned glass, half a cup of sherry, seems to have materialized near at hand, and Teague wraps his fingers around it. And who's to say we mightn't....renegotiate once the Gloriosa's bounty was dredged? he thinks, and smiles murkily to himself.
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First Post
Nia watches Kat leave, then looks at Barrington; eyes him up and down.

"You need her," she says simply. "To get what you want. You don't have to like it, but de sooner you admit it to yourself...even if never to her...de better off you'll be. If it helps, she will need you too, I tink. De question is will it happen on terms you choose, or on terms you are forced to choose."

She smiles a little.

"I will be seeing you, Monsieur Barrington."

With that, she headed back out into the tavern.


Badouin is uncertain of what to make of the current schism and purses his lips, large expressive brown eyes going back and forth between the arguing Katarina and Barrington. The Spanish lady captain certainly is fiery! And the Englishman certainly is unafraid of ruffling feathers! Having just been appointed to the group and passing muster, Badouin is clearly uncomfortable picking sides prematurely. "Well, nanpari, I feel it is my duty to keep Messiuer du Tourbillon informed of any developments to your enterprise. If you'll excuse me, I too shall turn in for the night. I will look for you here in the morning to see what assistance I may provide. Meneer Van Haan. Everyone." He gathers his cap, rises, fits it on his head and nods politely.

*          *          *​

The Courlandians are deep in their drinks, speaking their native Latvian language amidst gruff laughter and cries of fake indignation. Several of them nurse sore muscles from a recent bout of arm wrestling. Upon Katarina's approach, the one nearest to her, an unshaven rogue with a gold earring and two missing teeth, slicks back his hair and is about to speak, "Aye, th--Oww!"

One of his fellows, a bald rippling mound of muscle with an anchor tattoo on his bulging neck, claps the man upside the head, sparking a fit of uproarious laughter from the others. "I am in charge, miss. Gvido Berzins. And this lot are my Fighting Brāli!" He takes a moment to give Katarina a long looking over, his roaming eyes lingering at her bosom without a hint of civility. "I take it you're not here to drink or arm wrestle, so what can me and my Brāli do for you?"

OOC: Old Zef - Inspiration: Gain Inspiration for handling the captaincy dispute according to his ideal of People, and doing it with panache.

Gunner Teague - Inspiration: Gain Inspiration for handling the captaincy dispute according to his ideal of Fairness (with a touch of a Might).

Nia Steeleyes - Inspiration: Gain Inspiration for handling the captaincy dispute with advice according to her Ideal of "what goes around comes around."

@Queenie I think there's enough rumors of ships floating around among various PCs, and I also don't want to undercut Nia Steeleyes' entrance which is based on her knowing more about a ship than the rest of the PCs. Of course, that's not to stop you from digging for information in-game!


Hugo Van Haan

"I'll join you momentarily," Hugo said as Katerina left the room. His repreive from politics was short-lived. The time he desired to dedicate to his thoughts would wait. He took a puff of his pipe and smiled up at the man introduced as Barrington.

"Captains aren't kings until they've a ship. I for one do my damnedest to supplicate myself as little as possible, and still every lass or lad that's ever commanded a canoe thinks themselves high potentate of all they observe.

"Kat's an unabashed thief, pirate, ne'r-do-well, killer... All the things that make a good captain under a black flag, but all that means I put nothing past her. Mistrust is good for the humors. Obviously you're not shrinking from fights either, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell me, what really happened out there?"
he asked, nodding toward the gazebo.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

"Kat's an unabashed thief, pirate, ne'r-do-well, killer... All the things that make a good captain under a black flag, but all that means I put nothing past her. Mistrust is good for the humors. Obviously you're not shrinking from fights either, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell me, what really happened out there?"
he asked, nodding toward the gazebo.

"Heh," begins Barrington, looking at Hugo, and standing up from the chair. "I'll admit I'm surprised as well. We were negotiating with du Tourbillon [he still vocalizes the double ells], and apparently I overstepped the mark. I guess she saw it as a challenge to her, but it was her instinct to turn on me, weakening her position in front of him, that has me worried."

He shrugs, as if thinking for a moment. "Even if my council was not sound, she chose to attack rather than ignore or overrule. She seems unrepentant about it too, but that may be her bravado. I shall still pursue La Gloriosa, and I'd want to do so in your company. But a Captain unable to listen to other ideas is not a recipe for success."

"I appreciate you asking my view, but I suggest you return to the others, so as not to stain your own reputation. I shall be around, should a need for my participation in your venture be desired. If not, I am sure our paths will cross along the way."


Queen of Everything
OOC: @Queenie I think there's enough rumors of ships floating around among various PCs, and I also don't want to undercut Nia Steeleyes' entrance which is based on her knowing more about a ship than the rest of the PCs. Of course, that's not to stop you from digging for information in-game!

OOC: No problem, I just wasn't sure if she was going to show up :)

From across the room, Katerina watches as some of the crew straggle out and back to the table. This puts another smile on her face.

"Señor Berzins," she says slowly in her heavy Spanish accent, "Quite a pleasure to meet you." Her eyes meet his as she offers him her hand. "I am wondering if you and your mighty group are perhaps, by chance, looking for work."


First Post
"Reputation?" Teague stirs, and arises from his chair. His one eye darts, unfocused, and eventually finds its mark in Gentleman Jim.

"Yours be a reputation in need of some tarnish, methinks, young Sterling Jim," the gunner opines. He is slurring, just a little. "In tact ye do not lack, but yet there may be the crux of it. Too much of forgiveness and not enough damnation be your problem, sir-- a fair mind and a good head on yer shoulders, where a fire in yer belly might better serve."


The Latvian, Gvido Berzins, points at Katarina's polite introduction, grinning to his men as if saying get a load of this. Several chuckles go round the table. "Gvido's the name, love. I'm no señor, nor a mister, or monsieur. So you're looking to hire a band of mercenaries, are you? My seven brāli here," at this he nods to the men seated, "understandably would like to know the mettle of the men we'd be working with and fighting alongside. So, here's what I propose. You field a man to arm wrestle me--"

One of the men, the one nursing his arm, speak up in a slurred baritone, "Insult arm wrestle, boss." The other men nod and murmur in agreement.

Flexing his jaw, Gvido irritatedly concedes the point. "Fine. Fine. Look, who's the boss here? So, you field a man to insult arm wrestle with me, and if he wins we'll hear your offer. If he loses you buy me and my brāli a round of drinks for our trouble. Unless you want a go with old Gvido yourself, love?" He asks cockily, presenting his bulging muscular arm on the table in arm wrestling stance.

OOC: Hugo Van Haan - Inspiration: Gain Inspiration for handling the captaincy dispute diplomatically and according to his ideal of Independence.

Anyone interacting with Gvido might gauge his physical abilities with Wisdom (Perception) or his mental abilities with Wisdom (Insight).

[SBLOCK=Nia Steeleyes]Nia Steeleyes - Passive Perception 21: Nia catches a hardened sailor with a thick navy blue cap and a square jaw talking to some of the drunks across the room. She gets the sense they're talking about the party judging by the occasional glance or gesture over their way by the drunks. Also, while she was watching the other PCs quietly, she recalls that same sailor in navy blue cap having been in the tavern for about the same amount of time as her.[/SBLOCK]
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