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Spheres of Influence: Rhiannon in jepardy OOC


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Thanks for the info. It isn't so much that I will be DMing anytime soon, just bored and have had a lot of ideas running through my head I thought I should get down.

As for the size I was thinking of starting small, and if ever played, let the group explore the land expanding the map. I would of course have an initial starting map with key areas for the major races but leave most of the world undeveloped and see where the group wanted to go. I played once using a D&D world map and was overwhelmed. It was much to big for the adventure we were on and I felt like I should know where everything was on the map but didn't.

I think ideally I would have wanted to get together a little more frequently than once a month. However, Sara and I don't have any kids. One thing that did happen was that I would think a lot about what we had done so far before each session and that would get me pumped for when we met again to play.

DK what do you want me to do with the Halfling non-Saint?

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I've been thinking about what DK said, about stuff happening in the world while the group is off doing there own thing, and was surprised at the fact I never really thought of it before. I guess I always figured that the world was going about its business but that it wouldn't really effect me unless the DM wanted it to. I think the best way to let the group know what is happening in the world is to let them overhear things, say at a bar, or when they meet with someone discuss any news that might be of interest. My 2 cents.


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I second what DK said about NPC's knowing more than you.
Specifically, Wrinkle may say things, but this may not be fact, and certainly is not meant to lead.

If I lead (as DM) for plot reasons, I just make the action happen.



Make him a halfling hero, perhaps the halfling crowd believes he should be saint but can't get the church to accept this, so very few halflings actually serve as clerics.

We are playing on Thursday the 29th at Dan H's house. If you are in town, you are free to join us.


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I wish I could be there. Unfortunately, we will be here in Rochester celebrating with the inlaws.
Which is to bad because I would really like to get playing again. I guess I'll just keep playing Baldur's Gate 2.


Baldurs Gate II rocks, I'm thinking about firing up again too. What Character Class are you playing. I've beaten it as a mage.

Lately I've been playing Diablo II


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I really liked Diablo and Diablo II when they came out. I also liked Dungeon Seige but am unwilling to spend 40-50 on Dungeon Seige 2.

With BGII I have been using a lot of different groups to see what I like using best. Originally I started with Inquisitor(Paladin), but lately have wondered if I shouldn't just go with a fighter dualed to a cleric. That way I could max out katana and have good hit points and have spells that can really buff up everyone.

The single player groups seem to have a lot of characters I like but they all seem to lack good stats.

For a real kick butt group I would suggest making my own in the multi-player and going with
For the main charater either
Human Paladin(Undead Hunter) or Half-Orc Barbarian or some type of Fighter for max weapon proficiencies.

For the rest of the party
Human Paladin(Cavalier)
Human Paladin(Inquisitor)
Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric
Half-Elf Cleric/Mage
Gnome Theif/Illus

I like the Undead Hunter because no level drain but the extra hit points the Barbarian gets are really nice. Either way max out katana and long sword and two weapon fighting.

The Cavalier I had weilding axes, Inquisitor 2-handed swords, Ranger flail or mace, Cleric sling and the Theif crossbow and short bow.

If you want help with any of the game stuff I suggest going to gamefaqs.com. The dsimpson quide is, and I quote, "The bible to the Baldur's Gate game".
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Sorry guys, I have been unbelieveably busy with a product launch.
The next stage in the PbP game requires some attention I do not have at this moment - but soon!

KH is home again - classes over until January, when she goes to Costa Rica for a month.

Hey Kat, What's this I hear about being nominated for a prestigious national academic award? Mom told none of the details... ??? do tell, oh modest one ???


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Don't worrry I have been entertaining myself. My latest post for example.

DK I just restarted BGII again for the, well I have done this many times. I am going with Single Player mode for the character quests, with a human fighter dualing to cleric. I figure I will go with


Keldorn rocks! I've tried playing and evil party and its so much harder without Keldorn.
I've never had any use for Jahiera though...

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