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Spider-Man: No Way Home *spoilers*

Dire Bare

The spell he did was something he said he had done before so he probably didn't think it would be such a big deal. But the target wasn't a bunch of party goers in Kathmandu. It was Peter Parker, a person that exists across many universes. Perhaps someone who exists more often than most people and whose identity is regularly a big deal. Had the same spell been attempted on the Hulk or Captain Marvel I don't think it would have been as difficult to control.
Other than the fact they are both super-heroes, Strange doesn't know how "important" Peter Parker is, that's an audience thing. Also, Strange states quite clearly that he doesn't really understand the multiverse very well, he pretty much knows it exists, and that's about it. He knew the spell was dangerous, but he's arrogant and figured he could handle it.

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As "No Way Home" was opening, the future of the MCU Spiderman was in doubt, but Tom Holland did recently sign up for another 3 films.
@pukunui @Dire Bare Thanks, I had not heard that news. Very interesting going forward.

Other than the fact they are both super-heroes, Strange doesn't know how "important" Peter Parker is, that's an audience thing. Also, Strange states quite clearly that he doesn't really understand the multiverse very well, he pretty much knows it exists, and that's about it. He knew the spell was dangerous, but he's arrogant and figured he could handle it.
Agreed. He doesn't understand it enough and his only experience with it before No Way Home was a success so he thought he could pull it off. I was just thinking that setting wise if something like this were tried again the results would vary based on the person. Peter Parker spiderman just happens to be one of the worst choices for comic book reasons.


A suffusion of yellow
so got to see it as my Christmas treat and liked it, it was a fun movie which gave a nice range of fun, action and emotional moments and lots of fan service as the 3 Peters interacted.

One thought that struck me though is Uncle Bens axiom "With Great Power must come great responsibility?" a fixed nexus point across all realities? Do all Spideys need to hear it...


One thought that struck me though is Uncle Bens axiom "With Great Power must come great responsibility?" a fixed nexus point across all realities? Do all Spideys need to hear it...

Yes. Yes they do. Not that Peter doesn't have a good moral compass, he does. But some things need to be said on screen.


I'm not sure I need any more Tom Holland Spider-Man movies. It's not so much that I haven't enjoyed them or don't want to see more....but it's kind of like ice cream. Yeah, I want another bowl with some hot fudge on it. But will I feel the same after I eat another bowl? While the last movie ended on a downbeat, I can live with that ending. I'd rather not see the series go downhill.


OH! regards the actual movie.

Saw it Christmas Eve and loved it. Spidey is my all time favourite spandex wearin' fool so getting three of him in the one movie was gold for me.

I thought the premise was a bit forced. I don't see how Peter or Strange could possibly have thought that mucking around with the minds of everyone in the world is any way ethical. I feel that that writing did a disservice to the characters.

But once I accepted the premise and settled in to enjoy the ride it was all great.

Aside: There's some talk in another thread about spoilers and how to avoid them. I must be doing something right vis-a-vis spoilers because I had no idea there would be three Spidermans. Spidermen? Spidersman?


I thought the premise was a bit forced. I don't see how Peter or Strange could possibly have thought that mucking around with the minds of everyone in the world is any way ethical. I feel that that writing did a disservice to the characters.
Peter is a teenager. His impulse control is still developing, as is his ability to consider the consequences / ethics of his choices.

Dr Strange is an adult and theoretically should know better, but he is also arrogant and made some assumptions on Peter's part (i.e. He clearly assumed that Peter had exhausted all of his options and that this was his last desperate attempt to set things right rather than his initial impulse.)

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